FundsforWriters - June 25, 2021 - Who's on Your Team?

Published: Fri, 06/25/21


VOLUME 21, ISSUE 26 | JUNE 25, 2021


Message from Hope

Some industry gurus say never read your book reviews

Maybe if you are selling tens of thousands of copies and the reviews come in too fast to read, sure. Put your assistant on the task to pick out those snippets you want to use in blurbs, in ads, and on covers.

But for those without assistants, those still climbing hard in this business, and those still seeking sure footing, you may want to measure the pulse of things. I, for one, believe in reading reviews.

Do I awaken each morning and rush to Amazon to see if there's another review since I went to bed? No. But once or twice a week, I might slip in and read them, and this is why. 

1) Out of respect for my readers. If they took the time to read my book, then took the time to post a review, I can darn well take the time to read their words in return.

2) To learn what DID NOT work. One has to learn to accept the scorching, stinging barbs of criticism in this business, and nothing tells you what didn't work better than a person scorned because they bought your book and did not like it. Sometimes these opinions are anomalies. Other times, they make a point.

3) To learn what DID work. Are the characters still carrying their weight by book four? Are the plots still intriguing? Is the momentum of a series still there? Is the writing still flowing well?

Do I crash and burn when I read a one-star? No. As a matter of fact, I release my breath when one finally occurs, to get it out of my system. 

Reviews are tools. Reviews are lessons. Reviews are rights of passage. Learn to appreciate them. Learn from them, period.

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
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Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
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Genuine tragedies in the world are not conflicts between right and wrong. They are conflicts between two rights.  ~Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, 19th century German philosopher

While we like to think that the world is comprised of clear lines between good and evil, right and wrong, it is not. My opinion may differ from yours, with neither being totally right. The world just isn't that clear and interpretive. 

This issue must clearly be considered in your writing. Any sort of writing. Whether fiction or nonfiction, memoir or magazine feature, you will find yourself having to depict something as the "right" way, either through the writer's eye or the character's. 

In fiction, or memoir since it's written in a similar vein, the characters think they are right. The protagonist, the sidekick, the antagonist, or the guy who wanders on and off the screen, doesn't matter who. . . think that what they say, do, or think is anchored in some sort of truth. Of course we cannot begin to know all sides of issues in our own lives, so our characters most assuredly do not have all the facts. . . or options. That is how conflict happens. That is how good stories are told. 

In nonfiction or magazine feature, the words are expressed with the writer feeling informed about the message when in reality, they are not. Instead they are depicting their take, their research, and their experience, with the goal of establishing it as fact.

People love feeling confident. And when you instill that confidence in your writing, the reader latches on. And when you make your character cling to what they believe, right or wrong, good or evil, the character becomes incredibly human. 

After all, all of us, friends, relatives, peers, and yes, our characters, love the feeling of being right. 

(Graphic courtesy of 3767973 © Chrystie Hile | )





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  • Email: to schedule  events, online or otherwise. There's starting to be life out there!     



“I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose.”

— Stephen King


SUccess Story

Dear Hope,

I had a success story based on Sharon Holbrook's March 19 article, 13 Tips Your Editor Wants You to Know (But Is Too Busy to Tell You) that I would like to share.

Because I've spent the past few years as my mom's caregiver, I had to set aside much my work as a writer. So when I decided to "relaunch" myself in 2020, I was less than confident. I've never been great at pitching. Until I have a relationship with an editor, I struggle to find the right blend of casual and professional. With the added stress of being out of the habit of pitching, it was a difficult time. When I read Holbrook's 13 Tips, i was encouraged to focus on my own voice and to be natural. At the same time this article came out, I had been shopping a story on eco-novels for teen readers. Seeing that Holbrook edited Your Teen magazine, I decided to send her my pitch using her own advice. It worked, and my story came out in May. 

Sharon was everything she appeared to be in her article: positive, professional, and easy to communicate with. Many thanks to you and FundsforWriters and to Sharon and Your Teen Magazine. You both gave me the help I needed when I needed it.

Best regards,
Shawna Bethell

(NOTE: writing guidelines for Your Teen Magazine )

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If you have a success story you believe was prompted by FundsforWriters, please share with us! Send to 

Featured article


Who's on Your Team?

By Nicole Watt

While researching for an article, I came across a quote from Proverbs 31:15: "She gives portions to her servant girls." The context was a wise woman looking after her household and business. Two questions came to mind.

Who's on my writing team?

How are they rewarded?     
As I considered the answers, I knew it was time to break away from the "solitary writer" mindset and get the help necessary to succeed. I made a list of my needs and what compensation I could offer. This resulted in identifying four key roles that have enhanced my writing and increased my income.


I asked a former college professor if she'd read some of my work. She had the skills and knew me on a personal level. Opening myself to her feedback helped hone my voice, made my writing more succinct, and brought clarity to my message. I went from publishing op-eds in local outlets to writing in the Belfast Telegraph, one of the UK's top newspapers. This helped open the way to a recent job writing memoir pieces for a leading marriage ministry. 

Though she did not expect payment, I sent a handmade thank you card with money for lunch and a special note to let her know how much I appreciate her.  


I'm a prolific writer but a poor organizer. Years of rough drafts stuff my drawers, folders, and notebooks. My eldest daughter offered her help.

By the end of the day, all (well, almost all) of my manuscripts were neatly tucked away in the right files. I found ten memoir pieces I loved, had them edited and formatted, and self-published the collection. One of the stories has made it to the quarterfinals in the Cinematic Short Story Contest - ScreenCraft. As the dust settled, I also unearthed a children's massage book manuscript. Feeling on a roll, I created a cover and birthed another book. I'm now teaching online classes on the subject.

We enjoyed some mother/daughter bonding and are planning a little get away over summer break.

Is your valuable work lost in disorganization? If so, this article has some great tips: 19 Office Organization Ideas In 2021 For Best Productivity 

Editors and Proof-readers

A friend announced she offered proofreading and editing services. Although nervous about spending the extra money, I felt it time to make the investment in professional support. Her insights and corrections took my work to a higher level. Two articles were accepted in major publications, one paying the highest amount I've ever received. The other led to a ghost-writing job in a leading faith-based magazine.

If the cost has you feeling hesitant, consider starting with just one article or a few chapters. Sometimes we spend so much time looking for new markets, when our success lies in developing the work we already have. Benefits of Hiring a Professional Editor and Proofreader - Papers Unlimited lists a few of the reasons hiring an editor was one of the best investments I've made.


Many online platforms prefer you have an online presence before they accept your work. Finding the right photograph to complement a blog post or article can make a big difference in looking professional and attracting readers which equates to more connections and more book sales. Beautiful Free Images & Pictures | Unsplash is my go-to for free projects like my blog. I often buy from Canva where I make my book covers. 

Dreamstime has a free and paid service as well for professional photography. My niece, an amateur photographer, took the photo for my memoir collection. Although she refused monetary compensation, I enjoyed sending her a few articles of hand-picked clothing.

Team members are more than skill sets. Whether professional or personal relationships, they are a safe place to face weaknesses and grow. I've become more intentional about giving them their portion, even as I pursue mine. Your list might be different, but if you are feeling stuck in the "lone writer syndrome," I encourage you to evaluate who could be – or who is – on your team for greater success. 

BIO: Nicole Watt has written for Christianity Today, Dayspring's (in)courage. Her latest books include Somebody's Grandfather: True Stories of Identity and HopeThe Children's Healthy Touch Book: Massage Stories and Techniques for Toddlers to Teens eBook. She blogs at Walking Out of Night on Facebook.



PAGE ONE PRIZE for novelists
$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 7, 2021. Submit the opening page of your unpublished novel-in-progress. 1st prize $1,000; 2nd prize $500; 3rd prize $250. Submission are open internationally to any writer writing in English. Winners and honorable mentions will be announced Aug 2, 2021.

$5 CAD. Deadline September 30, 2021. Our judge, Michelle Barker, will be asking herself one question: how likely am I to turn this page and keep reading? First place: $700 CAD. Second place: $200 CAD. Third place: $100 CAD. All three finalists win publication on the Chopping Blog and receive complimentary access to one of our self-paced courses. One page: double-spaced, 12-point font. 

ENTRY FEE $25. Deadline July 5, 2021. Awarded annually to a poet writing in English who has not yet published a full-length poetry book. Submit 48-90 pages. The winning poet will receive $1,500 and 30 author copies. 

$12 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 15, 2021. Poetry only. Prose poetry, experimental poetry, and poetry with a visual component (color images accepted) are all welcome. Submit 15-40 pages of poetry (this does not include title, section break, or acknowledgment pages). The winner will receive $500 dollars and 20 copies of their chapbook. A print run of the winning chapbook will be sold on the website through affiliate bookstores and will be nationally and internationally distributed by IngramSpark. 

$25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 15, 2021. Winner receives $1,000 and book publication by Regal House Publishing. Minimum of 100 pages, maximum of 350 pages. 

$25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline September 30, 2021. Winner receives book publication by Fitzroy Books and Regal House Publishing in 2023 and a $750 honorarium. Minimum of 120 pages, maximum of 375 pages. Genre young adult fiction. 

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 31, 2021. A prize of $1,200 and publication in Mudfish is given annually for a single poem. Submit up to three poems of any length. All entries are considered for publication.



The Justin Pepper Foundation is a nonprofit organization established in 2007, and named after a young volunteer, Justin Pepper, who by the age of eleven had clocked many volunteer hours with a local nonprofit in his community and had given his birthday gifts to a Children’s Home for five years before his untimely death.

The foundation encourages youth to give back to their communities, using Justin’s story of never being too young to make a difference.  We host a scholarship program that awards youth who excel in volunteer work and philanthropy.

We are seeking a writer who can help us relay Justin’s story of a kind-hearted, giving child who was taken from us too young, to an audience that would help us support our scholarship program through donations and sponsorships of our annual 5K, an established event that kicks-off the Chapin Labor Day Weekend Festival in Chapin, South Carolina. 

Our request would include writing advertising copy for our two websites, and, as well as a quarterly newsletter for the foundation and a quarterly blog post for both. 

If interested please email with your wage request and a copy of your contract and payment terms.

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Deadline July 7, 2021. The Passion Fund is a $250,000(USD) global grant program designed to support creators, activists and entrepreneurs in taking their passion to the next level. To apply, tell us everything about your passion project in a 60 second video or audio pitch. The People's Choice finalists will be shortlisted by the judges and shared with the public for voting - the most votes wins! Available cash grants: 
People’s Choice: one at $20k
Gold: nine at $20k
Silver: ten at $4k
Bronze: ten at $1k

Deadline July 19, 2021. Artists 360 is designed to elevate and energize greater Northwest Arkansas artists by providing them with $7,500 grants to support creative projects, learning opportunities to develop entrepreneurship skills and build sustainable creative practices, and connections to a dynamic regional artist network. Must be a resident of the State of Arkansas and have established residency in one of the following counties: Benton, Carroll, Crawford, Sebastian, or Washington. (Artists 360 prefers applicants with at least one year of residency in the counties.)

Deadline July 6, 2021. The Poetry Coalition, a network of over 25 poetry organizations coordinated by the Academy of American Poets, is pleased to announce the 2021–2022 Poetry Coalition Fellowships, which are paid fellowship positions for five individuals who will each assist a different Poetry Coalition organization for 20y hours per week over the course of a 40-week period. 

Deadlines July 20, 2021 and August 10, 2021. City Artist Corps Grants, funded by the $25 million New York City Artist Corps recovery initiative will distribute one-time $5,000 grants to more than 3,000 artists who will engage the public with arts activities across New York City's five boroughs beginning this July. The grants, which will be awarded over three award cycles, are intended to support NYC-based working artists who have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. Applicants must be current residents of New York City (5 boroughs) and have maintained residency since January 2020. Applicants must be artists with a demonstrated sustained, ongoing creative practice in any creative discipline. 

Deadline July 9, 2021. MSAC relies on a diverse array of experts from across the state of Maryland to do the important work of evaluating applications. We invite participation through program-specific public calls for panelists, and we select panelists with a focus on diversity of experiences, diversity of location, and expertise in varying artistic disciplines. Panelists must be Maryland residents. Seeking panelists for three programs: Arts in Education Grant, Touring Grant, and Public Art. These programs are part of MSAC’s new Independent Artist Network (IAN), an artist employment initiative. You will attend a required virtual panelist orientation in July 2021. Panelists are paid $50 for the training. Attending panelist check-ins as needed and number of applications per review period. Panelists are paid $50 for each check-in. Reviewing applications monthly; panelists rotate so that approximately half of the selected panelists in each program will review applications in any given month. Application reviews are completed on a panelist’s own time during the review period. The time to complete reviews varies by program and number of applications. Panelists are paid $200 per monthly review. In addition to monthly review, public art panelists will also review New Artworks $20,000 public art project grants and Conservation Grant applications in the fall and spring. Panelists will be given four weeks to complete Round 1 reviews online before the Round 2 panel review meetings, scheduled Sept. 24, 2021, and March 18, 2022, and running approximately three to four hours. Panelists are paid $300 for the fall and $300 for the spring reviews and meetings.

Deadline July 15, 2021. Fellowships are awarded to practicing New Jersey artists through an anonymous, competitive application process to help them pursue their artistic goals. Categories: Digital/Electronic, Film/Video, Painting, Printmaking/Drawing/Book Arts, Prose. Fellowship awards have ranged in the past from $4,000 - $17,500. The amount of the award is determined annually by the State Arts Council based on funding provided through the New Jersey Hotel/Motel tax. Fellowships are awarded to applicants who demonstrate the highest artistic talent, with no cap or quota per artistic discipline. Awards are issued pending the availability of funds.

Deadline July 1, 2021. Epiphany is thrilled to announce the Fresh Voices Fellowship, a year-long fellowship supporting one emerging Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, or other writer of color who does not have an MFA and is not currently enrolled in a degree-granting creative writing program.



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Youth Today seeks freelance journalists for stories related to child and youth welfare. Especially keen on New Mexico-based writers and photographers for special project. $1/word. Email Feel free to email for details. They have specific story needs but are also trying to expand their network of freelancers for future projects. Youth Today is published by the Center for Sustainable Journalism at Kennesaw State University.

The GUMBO is a hub that showcases the multi-dimensional experience of Hip-Hop and its consumers on a global scale, and aims to reframe, re-energize and reimagine its role as a purveyor of womanism, activism, musical innovation, fashion and politics. Pays $175 for 750 to 1,000 words.

This publication is in the Reader's Digest family. Email Reflects the health concerns and journeys of Canadian women and gender-diverse people. Looking to add stories ranging from expert-backed listicles to in-depth features and fresh first-person essays. Open to writers outside of Canada as long as the story focuses on Canadian voices and issues. Rates are the same for digital and print and start at $0.50 per word. Rates increase based on the story/reporting involved.

We developed our company around a team of medical doctors, food scientists and sexual health experts to push the envelope with new technologies for the development of our plant-based wellness products. “We realized that there was a need for naturally sourced botanical blends explicitly designed for conditions affecting women." Dani Pepper is dedicated to the sexual health and general wellbeing of women and their partners. Send a CV to and clips of interest. Rates will start at $200 (US writers encouraged).

The War Horse is an award-winning nonprofit newsroom and the most trusted source for bulletproof reporting on the human impact of military service. Our team holds power to account, strengthens our democracy, and improves understanding of the true cost of military service. Is there something you see happening in the military or US defense institutions, or is there something that has happened to you that you would like us to report on? We welcome ideas about what we should be covering, new sources, documents to review or any other tip you’d like to provide. Submit to 

Submit a brief summary of your idea to with the phrase [DIGITAL PITCH] or [PRINT PITCH] in the subject line. If you have not written for the publication before, include links to relevant clips. It’s not necessary for you to be an underwater photographer to have a successful digital pitch, but you must be aware of quality imagery on your subject and able and willing to help us connect to it. Scuba diving categories in the digital publication are What's It Like, News, Animal Encounters, Travel, Training, Gear, Conservation. In print, we seek Travel Features, Travel Roundup, Discovery, Science/Policy, Featurette, Front of the Book, and Special Issues. Pays 25 cents/word. 

Fees are subject to change, but currently our rates start at $300 for a story with minimal to no reporting, and increase from there. Reported service stories start at $400; features start at $800. As a general rule, we may pay more based on the amount of reporting expected for the piece, turnaround time, and special expertise. SELF magazine is a mission-driven health and wellness brand. Our goal is to help people take good care of themselves, their loved ones, and their communities. Sometimes we do that by reporting on individual actions that can make a difference; sometimes we do it by highlighting efforts to make systemic or institutional change. Sometimes it’s a bit of both. (Excellent guidelines.)

Systempunkt is recruiting experienced guest writers to write 400-800 word articles for our News and Opinion sections. Contributors will be expected to write at least one article per month for our website, and will be compensated between $125-175 depending on word count and performance. Articles may address any topics of interest, including but not limited to domestic policy, political theory, foreign relations, and more. We may additionally choose to adopt select articles into informational videos. Marginalized writers are especially encouraged to apply! Submit to 

KCM was founded in 2017 by award-winning journalist Katie Couric and her husband, John Molner, formerly a general partner at a New York-based investment firm. Together, they identified a white space in the media landscape and set out to help brands amplify their values and cultivate an engaged and diverse audience through authentic storytelling. Katie Couric Media creates content that sparks curiosity, elevates conversation, inspires action, and moves the world forward. Needs pitches for (funny, frank, inspiring, surprising) personal essays, ideally 500-1,000 words. Email The rate is 50 cents/word.

Sandboxx is a media and technology company based out of Arlington, Virginia. Our Mission & Purpose is to connect the military community. Our mobile app, Sandboxx enables efficient and secure comms throughout your entire military journey. The app leverages the DOD organizational structure to let those in uniform and their families stay connected like never before possible. Our Letters platform continues the mission by giving loved ones the ability to send physical mail to those in basic training or on deployment. Categorizes pitches as either features or standard stories. Standard story pay rates start at $100 for 400+ words, with feature rates going a lot higher depending on the story and what it'll take to get it across the finish line. Features are preferred. Email 

Daye aims to raise the standards of womxn's health by creating effective products and services that fit conveniently into womxn's life. Daye's blog, Vitals, covers all things health, culture, and innovation. Submit to Fee is £200 for 800 words.

Increment is a quarterly print and digital magazine published by Stripe that explores the culture, theory, and practice of building and operating software systems at scale. Each issue focuses on a new theme (such as Open Source, Programming Languages, or Cloud) and illuminates best practices, expert insights, and compelling perspectives. Pays $1/word. 

The Ethel's Club Digital Journal is an online space dedicated to amplifying the knowledge, creativity, thoughts, and experiences of people of color. We are looking for pitches that center the joy, creativity, and wellness of us as individuals and as a collective. No fiction. Writers get paid 50 cents per word for all article formats.

Elizabeth Kiefer, Features Editor of Cosmopolitan, seeks juicy travel feature ideas. Wants narrative stories with twists and turns, interesting characters and locales, not pieces that function as PR/service/reviews. Rates are contingent on the piece but they pay very well. NOTE: Cosmo is known for paying $1 per word and up.




We represent authors from around the world in the fields of literary and commercial fiction and general nonfiction, as well as children’s authors. We are proud also to represent leading UK and US agent and publisher clients for the sale of translation rights via our offices in the UK and overseas. We do not represent children’s picture books or scripts for film, TV, radio or theatre.

I am an editor with over fifteen years’ experience working for three major houses across a broad spectrum of commercial titles within fiction, nonfiction and children’s. This also included three years spent working in the Australian publishing industry. For nine years, I headed up the UK arm of one of the largest global brands of science fiction and fantasy, Tor. I’ve worked on bestselling and award-winning authors. As an agent I am actively looking to build my list and am looking for historical fiction, crime/thrillers, bookclub fiction and science fiction and fantasy.







Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2021, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

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