Write Anyway! Summit (a Trusted FundsforWriters Friend)
Published: Mon, 10/02/23
Got obstacles? Write Anyway!A free summit JUST for writers struggling with obstacles and procrastination is happening October 16-19!Join us for the…
Free newsletter for writers seeking grants, markets, contests, publishers and careers.
Published: Mon, 10/02/23
Got obstacles? Write Anyway!A free summit JUST for writers struggling with obstacles and procrastination is happening October 16-19!Join us for the…
Published: Fri, 09/29/23
VOLUME 23, ISSUE 38 | september 29, 2023 Someone asked me why I don't have more audio books. To be honest, I lost my producer. He retired. Yes, I…
Published: Fri, 09/22/23
VOLUME 23, ISSUE 37 | september 22, 2023 Someone asked me if my characters were real to me. They are so real. I often catch myself thinking Callie…
Published: Fri, 09/15/23
VOLUME 23, ISSUE 36 | september 15, 2023 I spoke to a library group this week, and one man stood out in the audience. I wish I'd gotten his name and…
Published: Tue, 09/12/23
Free Workshop: Write Your Magazine Pitch in 30 Minutes with Amber Petty. Go from "I don't know what to pitch" to "I just sent an idea to my favorite…
Published: Mon, 09/11/23
FundsforWriters.com, 140A Amicks Ferry Road #4, Chapin, SC 29036, USAUnsubscribe | Change Subscriber Options
Published: Fri, 09/08/23
VOLUME 23, ISSUE 35 | september 8, 2023 In a recent discussion online, I saw a writer complain about how much she hated writing. Some days she didn't…
Published: Fri, 09/08/23
Sponsored by Winning Writers FINAL MONTH Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest The deadline to enter our 21st annual Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry…
Published: Fri, 09/01/23
VOLUME 23, ISSUE 34 | september 1, 2023 Lots of highs and lows this week. Working on the developmental edit of Edisto Bullet (can't wait for you to…
Published: Fri, 08/25/23
VOLUME 23, ISSUE 33 | AUGUST 25, 2023 Message from Hope I gave my piano setting of family photos a new face. This picture doesn't cover them all, but…