FREE Webinar: The rules of creative nonfiction (+ when to break them)!
Published: Mon, 03/11/24
Join award-winning story rebel, Nicole Breit on March 13… Do you have autobiographical stories you long to write… but can’t seem to get past blocks or…
Free newsletter for writers seeking grants, markets, contests, publishers and careers.
Published: Mon, 03/11/24
Join award-winning story rebel, Nicole Breit on March 13… Do you have autobiographical stories you long to write… but can’t seem to get past blocks or…
Published: Fri, 03/08/24
VOLUME 24, ISSUE 11 | MARCH 8, 2024 WRITING CRITIQUE GROUPS I no longer belong to a writer's critique group. I used to belong to two at the same time.
Published: Wed, 03/06/24
Sponsored by Winning Writers You've got until April 1 to enter this year's Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest, sponsored by Winning Writers. We'll…
Published: Mon, 03/04/24
Every Writer Needs a Newsletter: Launch & Grow a Newsletter to Boost Your Writing Career is part of a new style of writing workshop through Write or…
Published: Fri, 03/01/24
VOLUME 24, ISSUE 10 | MARCH 1, 2024 ANOTHER CONTEST PURPOSE In having coffee with a local writer, we started talking contests. She has a goal of…
Published: Tue, 02/27/24
Last call, writers! Only three days left to submit to the The Gutsy Great Novelist Chapter One Prize. This international prize is awarded for an…
Published: Fri, 02/23/24
VOLUME 24, ISSUE 9 | February 23, 2024 REWRITES Back in December, I turned in the manuscript of my latest Edisto book. Like any creative who has done…
Published: Fri, 02/16/24
VOLUME 24, ISSUE 8 | February 16, 2024 USING REAL PLACES AND PEOPLE No, I'm not an attorney, but this is my two cents of advice when it comes to using…
Published: Fri, 02/09/24
VOLUME 24, ISSUE 6 | February 9, 2024 PICKING YOUR FIGHT Recently, someone in the gym realized I was an author. Others in the gym began touting my…
Published: Mon, 02/05/24
Wanna know the easiest way to get writing freedom with no gatekeepers? Start a newsletter! Sure, it's not a 6-figure dream like a lot of people…