FundsforWriters - October 15, 2021 - 5 Ways to Make Your Self-Published Book Professional

Published: Fri, 10/15/21


VOLUME 21, ISSUE 42 | october 15, 2021


Message from Hope

Back to the grindstone this week after vacation at Edisto Beach, and I've cranked out some chapters. We've worked on book covers, logged in several thousand words, and snared ideas for the next two books. 

Snared is the working verb here. 

When we go on vacation, we work our cameras to death, attempting to snare snippets of those moments, to take them home with us. We revisit those to remind us of that joy. 

Admittedly, there were times I strolled the beach without the camera, wanting just to experience nature without the urgency of preserving it, but for the most part, someone's camera was nearby. A lot depends on your goal. 

It was one of the best vacations I've had in ages. Chalk it up to rebounding after COVID or just that the planets aligned right, but it worked for me. 

I snared a lot of those moments. It's also what you do as a writer, snare ideas for future use. At the hairdresser this morning, I had a sudden rush of ideas, some old and some new, but they sort of collided as I sat there still, waiting for my turn. So I sent an email to myself on my phone, and I'm eager to get started on a new story now. 

Don't ever think you cannot record ideas. There's always a way. Whether via photo, social media, email, or pen and paper, there's always a way. Anyone who tells me they keep forgetting to record ideas just isn't trying very hard. 

Happy writing!

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
Email Hope | Visit Website | Sign up for Newsletter
Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
FFW has proudly been on the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers list every year since 2001

Our subscriber list is NOT made available to others. Use information listed at your own risk. FundsforWriters gives no warranty to completeness, accuracy, or fitness of the markets, contests and grants although research is done to the best of our ability.

















The Next 9000 Copies Club is the place where smart, practical authors go to learn what works in book marketing, set goals, take action, build an audience and sell more books.

It's an online membership community led by book marketing coach Sue Campbell for authors who want to actually make an impact and sell books.

Joining the Next 9000 Copies Club Gets You This and More...

  • Direct access to Sue Campbell, book marketing coach and the Pages & Platforms team at a fraction of the cost to hire us privately.

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  • Help with goal setting and attainment.

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  • A flexible way to get marketing help with no long-term commitment. 

Build the author career you've been dreaming about without sacrificing your morals -- or your writing time!

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There's a lady here in South Carolina who is a fan of my books. She's bought and read them all. She's attended book clubs to hear me and even sponsored one at a restaurant. She is a beautiful person, and she not long ago suddenly lost her husband.

After a length of time, she started coming back to life and sent me a sweet message, asking how she could start writing. She was re-analyzing her life, and she felt a certain creative spirit rearing its head in the process. While she craved to write, she wasn't sure how or what to write.

This is very common in today's world. We yearn for a creative outlet. Some of us use our hands and paint, create jewelry, sew, or build. Others prefer storytelling. Why not, since storytelling is an ancient human desire? 

I asked if she meant creative fiction, commercial nonfiction, or something else entirely. She wanted to blog, she thought. 

If you desire to release creativity through the energy of writing, I strongly suggest you find a platform like Not only can you find any sort of writing you wish to read (and maybe emulate), but you can find peers. You can read the successful posts and learn what works while learning from what is posted. You can learn whether you prefer to write how-to, personal development, or inner soul searching pieces. And if you stick to it, you might just earn a few dollars.

If you wish to start writing commercially, go to LinkedIn Jobs, preferably the paid version. Sign up for HARO notices. And I love a site called Write Jobs PLUS+ (and no, I'm not an affiliate). PLUS+ is Write Jobs' exclusive job board that rounds up the latest freelance/remote writing opportunities and calls for pitches with clear pay rates. The job board is updated Mondays through Fridays.

So if you are uncertain where to start when you "just want to write," consider these options. And if you want to write fiction, start with short stories, taking your time doing it. No point thinking about writing a book when you aren't sure which path drives you quite yet. 

Good luck!


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How to Nail Your Novel Vision With One Good Idea

There are so many steps in writing a novel:
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  • November 6, 2021 - Dorchester County Library, St George, SC - "Turning Your Ideas Into Story"
  • Email: to schedule  events, online or otherwise. There's starting to be life out there!     



A person who publishes a book willfully appears before the populace with his pants down. 

— Edna St. Vincent Millay


SUccess Story

Hi Hope!

I couldn't avoid writing to you after reading your praise of Stephen King's book On Writing last week.
I'm attaching a photo of the loose cover over the hardback edition, which you may notice has damp stains on it... I see I've probably owned it since the year 2000, and it's been put away in a small cupboard because I don't have enough shelves since moving to a smaller house some years back.

Friends have sent me books on writing over the years, but this is the only book which I ever found useful - because of its many practical tips and the joy in just reading it. The part on editing and cutting down on the word count is superb, I've still got a marker there.

I am presuming my friend Linda in the U.S.A. sent it to me, and I'm very grateful to her because although she's probably egging me on from on high, we had a great time conjuring up stories out loud as we walked a beach in Southern California - they haven't been written but I'm assuming she's still whispering in my ear.

I just wanted to let you know that as a newbie to novel writing - I'm only on my first one even though I'm Stephen's same age - I'm also a fan of this book.  

Thank you too for all your practical tips and tools in your newsletter, and all the information - I really enjoy it every Friday and have sent pieces off to different contests, like First Pages and even poetry. If I ever have anything accepted, I'll write again!

My best wishes and thanks again 🌹💜🌟

Catherine Kirby
Writer - Translator / Escritora - Traductora
Counselor / Consultora Psicológica
Cel & Whatsapp: +54 911 3217 1010/Cellular local: 15 3217 1010
Skype: catekirby - De Vicenzo Grande

P.S. Want to write my 1,000 words so must get back to my book!

 - - - 

If you have a success story you believe was prompted by FundsforWriters, please share with us! Send to 


Featured article


5 Ways to Make Your Self-Published Book as Professional as It Should Be

by Kim Catanzarite

Why is it that some self-published books sell quite well and others don't? Marketing experts have studied this question for years, and many of them say the same thing: the professional quality of your book makes a difference, one that definitely affects sales. In other words, if you want your book to sell well, you must put together a quality product. Not only the story and the writing itself, but the package it's wrapped in and the words used to market it. Yes, you're going to have to spend money to make money. (Here's advice from Hope.) 

I'm going through the process of self-publishing now, and I've also worked as an editor for the past three decades. Traditional publishers have been in this business for a much longer time than most self-published authors have. They know well the tricks of the trade, so it makes sense to follow in their footsteps. Here are five things traditional publishers do that you can too. 

1)    Hire professional editors. A developmental editor is like a beta reader times ten. Don't get me wrong, you need beta readers to help you through the first part of the revision process, but don't stop there. Why? Because your beta readers won't likely tell you the truth. If your book is lacking in some way, they may not have the heart to tell you. Further, they may know something is wrong but not how to fix it. On the other hand, a developmental editor possesses a depth of knowledge regular readers simply don't have. They are paid to tell you the truth and to suggest ways to fix whatever isn't working. (More details here.)

2)    Self-edit as best you can before handing the manuscript to a copyeditor. A copyeditor will fix your awkward sentences, catch your typos, and correct faulty grammar, but the voice and the artistry are up to you. Produce your very best work before hiring the copyeditor.

3)    Put together a team of amateur proofreaders and send them each a proof copy, even if you used a professional proofreader for the manuscript. Sound like overkill? After the interior pages are designed, you'll need this team to read through your book not only in search of typos but mishandled design elements: think extra spaces, errant indents, and folios gone awry.

4)    Splurge for a cover designer. Unless graphic design is your day job, don't create the cover yourself. The cover makes the first impression—you need it to dress for success! You wouldn't sew yourself an interview suit, would you? Hire a pro to create an eye-catching cover that's appropriate for your genre. You can find designers who charge from $300 up. (More details here.)

5)    Write a sales description that creates intrigue. These are the paragraphs posted on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Shop Indie Bookstores websites, your opportunity to convince readers to click the Buy button. If you're not confident in your copywriting ability, hire someone who is. It can make the difference between a few sales and thousands. (More details here.) 

You may have written an awesome book, but if you haven't treated it with professionalism—if it contains distracting typos, an inappropriate cover that doesn't draw interest, or a sales description that fails to pique reader interest—your work is going to suffer. Traditional publishers know how to do it right: take cues from them, and your book sales will benefit. 

BIO - Kim Catanzarite has been a freelance writer and editor for almost three decades, and she teaches copyediting for Writer's Digest University. Her thriller, They Will Be Coming for Us, published June 1, 2021. You can subscribe to her self-publishing blog at




The Missouri Review has extended the deadline for entries to the 31st annual Jeffrey E. Smith Editors' Prize in fiction, poetry, and nonfiction.

Winners receive $5,000, publication, and promotion. Each entrant at the $25 level will receive a one-year digital subscription and a free digital copy of the latest anthology from Missouri Review Books, Private Lives. 

In addition, those entrants at the $30 level will additionally receive access to the last decade of digital issues, including audio recordings of the features from those issues.

Extended deadline: October 18. All entries considered for publication. Learn more at the TMR website.

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ENTRY FEE: See categories and deadline for various entry fees. Deadline November 15 and December 31, 2021. Must identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community. Must be 18 years or older. Must be a current resident of one of 15 Southern States inclusive of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. Open to screenwriters or playwrights who have had previous features, full-length plays or short film produced by non-independent means are ineligible. Limit 80-130 pages for screenplay. Playwriting - must be full length, single or multiple acts, no musicals. 75+ minutes or 60-130 pages. Short film/web series limited to 8-25 pages. Cash Awards will be given to a single winner in each category: Short Film/Web Series – $1,000; Screenwriting – $3,000; Playwriting – $3,000. Grants will be made available associated with each category to promote the development of each winner. Short Film/Web Series – a grant of $2,000 to the production budget of the winner if produced within one year of winning the award. Screenwriting – travel and accommodations provided to the winner for a three-day trip to Los Angeles to meet with production companies. Playwriting – a $10,000 grant to the production budget of the first professional theatre company to produce the winning play.

$10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline November 30, 2021. Seeking short fiction of any genre between 250 - 750 words. The mission of this contest is to inspire creativity, communication, and well-rewarded recognition to contestants. Reprints are okay; simultaneous submissions okay. Open internationally. Limit 300 entries. Top 10 stories are published in the WOW! Women On Writing e-zine, and contestants are interviewed on WOW's blog, The Muffin.

First Place: $400, publication, interview, and $25 Amazon Gift Certificate
Second Place: $300, publication, interview, and $25 Amazon Gift Certificate
Third Place: $200, publication, interview and $25 Amazon Gift Certificate
Seven Runners Up receive $25 Amazon Gift Cards, publication and interview
Ten Honorable mentions receive $20 Amazon Gift Card

$12 ENTRY FEE. Deadline October 31, 2021. Seeking creative nonfiction essays on any topic (200-1,000 words) and in any style, from personal essay and memoir to lyric essay and hybrid, and more! The mission of this contest is to reward bravery in real-life storytelling and create an understanding of our world through thoughtful, engaging narratives. eprints are okay; simultaneous submissions okay. Open internationally. Limit 300 entries.

First Place: $500, publication, interview, and gift code good for one item from CreateWriteNow's Store
Second Place: $300, publication, interview, and gift code good for one item from CreateWriteNow's Store
Third Place: $200, publication, interview, and gift code good for one item from CreateWriteNow's Store
Seven Runners Up receive $25 Amazon Gift Cards, publication, interview, and gift code good for one item from CreateWriteNow's Store
Ten Honorable mentions receive a gift code good for one item from CreateWriteNow's Store

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline October 19, 2021. Please submit fiction, nonfiction, or prose-poem pieces of 100 words or less as a .docx or .doc file. We are particularly looking for pieces related to the theme of "Home," but we will consider other pieces. One micro piece will be selected by the editors to be awarded a prize of $100.

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline October 30, 2021. Open to women of all nationalities. Send us your farce, satire, screwball, or any other subgenre that qualifies as comedy. We welcome stories between 1,000 and 2,500 words. Entries must be written in English and can be on any theme. Please submit only original, unpublished work. The winner will receive an Amazon gift card to the value of £300; two runners-up will each receive Amazon gift cards to the value of £100. The gift cards will be delivered via email. All winning entries will be posted on (Thanks 

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline November 1, 2021. The American Jewish Historical Society is hosting a National Poetry contest that asks students: “If you could write a poem for the Statue of Liberty today, what would it say?” For this contest, we are accepting poems from emerging poets of all ages. Submissions will be divided into three groups: Middle School, High School and Collegiate / Adult Emerging Poet. Submissions are open nationally, to any poet writing in English—other languages are okay to include, as long as the meat of the poem is in English. Winners in each category will receive a cash prize of $1,000 and be featured in an upcoming AJHS Film and publication. All submission will be preserved in the AJHS Archive alongside the collection of Emma Lazarus.

£1.50 or £2.00 ENTRY FEE. Deadline October 23, 2021. Pays £100 and publication on the FFF web site for one winner. Two shortlisted and two highly commended stories will be published on the FFF web site. Word limit 100 to 300 words. 

£5 ENTRY FEE. Deadline November 15, 2021. Prizes: £150, £50 and £25 plus a Gold, Silver or Bronze Wenlock Olympian Society (WOS) medal. Maximum 2,500 words. The judges are looking for originality, flair and creativity on a theme of the writer’s choice. All genres of stories are welcome (excluding Children’s and Young Adult Fiction). 

$17 ENTRY FEE. Deadline November 15, 2021. Prizes: $1,000 each for one winner in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Limit 10,000 maximum word count for fiction and nonfiction; 2,000 maximum for poetry. No genre works (romance, horror, sci-fi, etc.); literary prose and poetry only.

$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline October 30, 2021. Any topic or style is acceptable. Published or unpublished poems. Even though this anthology will be called Matter, all that is expected is that your poetry reflects emotions and thoughts coming from the depths of you. First prize $300. Second prize $200. Third prize $100. Winners receive prime locations in the anthology. Submit three to forty lines in any style. The contest is open to anyone age fourteen and up who writes poetry. 

$25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline November 30, 2021. The winner will receive a $250 prize (via Paypal) and publication. Honorable mentions may also be offered a publishing contract. Round One: Submit the first ten pages of your novel or non-fiction book and a one= to three-page synopsis. Those selected as finalists will advance to Round Two. Round Two: Finalists will be asked to submit their complete manuscripts. Full-length manuscripts written for adults or young adults (teens)will be accepted. Nonfiction: Memoirs & narrative nonfiction. Skyrocket Press accepts submissions for all other types of nonfiction (except cookbooks) year round (see Submissions). Fiction: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Contemporary, Thriller/Suspense, Mystery, Horror, Historical, Romance, and  Literary. No erotica or books about same sex romantic relationships will be accepted. We will not consider works containing excessive profanity, violence, or sex. Also, we are not accepting middle grade or children's fiction for this contest. If your book is accepted for publication, it will be made available as an e-book. If sales reach 500+, we will consider offering a print edition. Authors will receive 50 percent royalties on net sales for ebooks and 15 percent royalties on print editions. 




Deadline November 1, 2021. Cal Humanities invites proposals for its California Documentary Project (CDP) grant program, through which it will support compelling film, audio, and digital media projects that document California in all its complexity. Funding is available in two categories: research and development grants of up to $10,000; and production grants of up to $50,000.

Deadline November 29, 2021. This fellowship invites writers to explore the African American experience. The work may be in any literary genre: fiction or nonfiction, poetry or prose, or a combination. It may take place now or in the past. It may draw upon the life of the author or probe other lives. There is no expectation of a certain attitude or type of experience. Rather, the successful application will demonstrate insight, honesty, literary merit, and the likelihood of publication. Two fellowship winners will each receive a two-week residency at the Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow to allow the recipients to focus completely on their work. Location Eureka Springs, Arkansas.

This program provides one-time grants of up to $5,000 for recent unexpected medical, dental, and mental health emergencies to artists in financial need who are practicing in the visual arts, film/video/electronic/digital arts, and choreography. Cycle 10 will open on November 1, with a deadline of November 30, for emergencies occurring April 1, 2021 and later.

Deadline October 20, 2021. Mass Cultural Council is offering STARS Residencies grants of $700-$5,500 for the 2021-2022 school year. STARS Residencies supports K-12 schools to provide residencies of three days or more that bring students and teachers together with practicing artists, scientists, and scholars to learn through rich, creative experiences. These residencies help youth build confidence, discover hidden talents, explore the natural world, understand their place in history, and rise as leaders in their community. Any K-12 school recognized by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education with a 2021-2022 ESE School ID is eligible to apply.

Deadline November 1, 2021. The Creative Armenia-AGBU Fellowships, now in its third year, is a program for artists across all disciplines, and from anywhere in the world. Providing a full package of support that includes funding, mentorship, industry connections, and promotion for innovative artists of Armenian origin (or who have a demonstrated interest in Armenian culture), the program seeks to cultivate creators on the front lines of Armenia’s cultural future. You do not have to be Armenian. 

Deadline October 22, 2021. Poetry Out Loud Judges - By reviewing and scoring poetry recitation videos, judges determine the regional and state finalists for the Maryland State Poetry Out Loud competition. Poetry Out Loud is a national arts education program that encourages the study of great poetry. Seeking Maryland residents who are theater artists, educators, writers, actors, librarians, slam poets, arts journalists, professors and general poetry lovers. Receive compensation of a minimum of $350, assuming the completion of all scheduled assignments.

Deadline October 22, 2021. Poetry Out Loud Coaches - By facilitating recitation practice sessions and materials, coaches assist high school students in preparing poems from the POL Anthology for the Maryland State Poetry Out Loud competition. Coaches will offer competitors guidance on physical presence, voice and articulation, dramatic appropriateness, evidence of understanding, and overall performance. Seeking Maryland residents with experience performing poetry, especially recitations, and working with performers of all levels on analysis, memorization, and presentation. Receive compensation of a minimum of $350, assuming the completion of all scheduled assignments. 

The Creative Entrepreneur Accelerator connects entrepreneurs and small business owners with business consultants ("referral partners") that will provide free guidance and business plan feedback. Partners will then pass applicants on to grant consideration for grants of up to $2,000. This grant program is for creative entrepreneurs starting a business or currently operating a micro-business with gross revenue less than $200,000 in Allegheny, Beaver, Greene, or Washington counties. Eligible applicants must participate in creative fields such as marketing, architecture, visual arts, crafts, design, film and media, digital games, music, entertainment, publishing, or a similar creative field. 

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Hello FundsforWriters Community!

My startup company and children's book project CATERPILLAR BUTTERFLY LLC and "The Orange and Ginger Soapy Shampoo, A Bubble's Journey" is live on KICKSTARTER.  

KICKSTARTER is a crowdfunding platform focused on bringing creative projects to life. A home for film, music, art, theater, games, comics, design, photography and more!

Our campaign ends in 16 days, on October 31st.  Please donate $25 and you'll receive the audiobook (written by me and narrated by Teri Clark Linden) and fully illustrated PDF version of "The Orange and Ginger Soapy Shampoo, A Bubble's Journey." 

Back the project now by clicking here.

Donate now and you'll receive a bonus song and lyric sheet of "The Orange and Ginger Soapy Shampoo Song", (written by me and sung by Ashleigh Watson.) Listen to 30 seconds here. 

What would it take for you to donate just $25?  A good story? A child's laughter? Your laughter? Years of entertainment?  Because that is what you'll receive by giving this small amount.  Plus, you'll be all smiles knowing you had a direct hand in making this project a success!   Show your support by becoming a backer and contributing just $25 to help bring this project to life.  Click here to back the project:

"...A Bubble's Journey" is about two magical bubbles made from a unique orange and ginger soapy shampoo passed down generations.  Determined not to pop, these bubbles set out on a gentle wind to discover the world. Along the way they encounter colorful characters on their dream quest to meet the two "big bubbles" in the sky--The Sun and the Moon, while unbeknownst to them pursued by something just as determined to pop them.

Pamela James, Author, Songwriter, Creator



Deadline December 20, 2021. Pieces must have been published, online or in print, by an American or Canadian publication in 2021. They must be about science, nature, or the environment. There are no length restrictions or requirements. Essays are eligible, poetry is not, nor are excerpts from books. $500 honorarium for inclusion in this anthology (to the rights-holder of the piece). Contact Jamie Green, Series Editor at with questions.

Do you want to make the world a more thoughtful and caring place? American Greetings is seeking new freelance writers interested in using the power of their perspectives to foster connection, inclusion, and expression. Pays $200 per card.  

Deadline December 20, 2021. We are collecting stories for TWO books — one for preteens (ages 9-12) and one for teenagers (ages 13-19). Please choose the right one when you submit your story. Both books are slated to come out in late spring 2022. We're looking for your uplifting true stories and poems about how you used the power of gratitude to change your own life while you navigated the preteen and teenage years. You'll help readers through your examples and your personal tips on how to use thankfulness and appreciation. Pays $200 and ten copies. Limit 1,200 words. 

Deadline October 31, 2021. We are looking for true stories about acts of kindness that have happened to you or that you have witnessed firsthand. Stories can be serious or funny or both but they should definitely inspire our readers to look for ways in which they can perform their own kind acts. Pays $200 and ten copies. Limit 1,200 words. 

Submit to Brooke Jackson-Glidden, Editor at Seeks stories involving dining maps, guides, and food crawls. Reported features on local restaurants, chefs, food trends, etc. Op-eds, open letters, and editorials regarding the Portland food and drink industry. Stories that cover the intersection of food and technology, politics, or cultural identity. Particularly interested in opinion pieces and editorials by members of the Portland restaurant industry. Rates are $100-$600, depending on the length and scope of the piece. 

Condé Nast Traveler aims to inspire travel and inform readers about the world around us. We cover travel in a way that helps people travel better, smarter, and more safely. Pitch stories and angles, not destinations (i.e., please avoid the "I'm going to [TK place], need anything?" route). Check if we've covered the story and/or destination previously. If so, why are you revisiting it? Is there a new angle? Have other publications written about this angle? If so, how will your story be different? Your pitch should be no longer than a paragraph or two, and include a suggested headline, your angle, your sources and/or characters, and why this story should be covered now. While we are a travel publication, we also publish stories that intersect with other fields: food, environment, art, history, architecture, design, tech, shopping, nightlife, and more. Rates start at $300 for 500 to 600 words. We do not accept pre-written stories on spec—even if you have already written the story, please send only the pitch. Check out the list of editors on the Contact Us page and pitch via email (format is

Pitch Rebecca Kelley, Content Director at Quickly reported news story: ~$300-400. Rates for shorter bits can be lower; for longer pieces they range from $750-$1,000+. Leafly is the world’s most trusted destination to discover cannabis products and order them from legal, licensed retailers. With more than 5,000 strains in the Leafly database and 11,000+ cannabis articles and resources, Leafly’s independent journalism provides more than 125 million cannabis consumers worldwide the information and resources needed to unlock the power of the cannabis plant. 

Pitch Michael Thrasher, Editor at Institutional Investor and RIA Intel pay $1 per word for features on finance ideas.

Toward Freedom publishes journalism and analysis which offers a progressive perspective on world events. We publish stories that tackle the ins and outs of capitalism and global politics, woven through with coverage of protest movements and popular uprisings. TF is different from other news outlets in the United States because we don’t demand a U.S. angle on the stories we cover. Rather, we’re interested in those hard-to-tell stories that provide insight on how U.S. imperialism works throughout the world. We also have a small budget to pay for reviews of books and podcasts, as well as translations of articles from around the globe to English. We welcome articles, interviews, book reviews, and op-eds from seasoned journalists and first-time authors. Pays $75 for reviews of books, films and music; $150 for 1,000-word articles; and $500 for 2,000- to 3,000-word investigative pieces.

Pitch ideas to Tim Herera, Creator of Freelancing with Tim at Needs service stories that help journalists navigate the industry, to be published as FWT newsletters that go out to 8,000+ subscribers. Generally around 600 words, give or take (though I'm open to longer if the idea warrants!) Flat rate of $200 per story. 

Deadline October 31, 2021. Seeks 20 short crime or mystery stories to fit the Death of a Bad Neighbour theme, 2,000 to 5,000 words (you're the best judge of the sweet spot length of the story you tell), paying U.S. 10 cents a word for first English language text (eBook and print) and audio publication rights (exclusivity of these rights reverts to the author 12 months after publication or 18 months after the submission deadline, whichever is sooner). Must be fiction. 



Deadline October 31, 2021. Our focus is on children’s picture books that empower children through meaningful stories for readers, age 4-11. Cardinal Rule Press considers unsolicited manuscripts. We accept agented submissions. We do not require exclusive submissions. Children’s realistic fiction picture books (word count up to 1,000). Realistic Fiction is a genre made up of stories that could happen in our world and society.

Our imprint is primarily focused on developing books by authors and illustrators from underrepresented communities. We are actively seeking #OwnVoices contributors. We have an open submissions policy and are interested in looking at the following materials for children ages 5–12: Picture Books and Early Readers, and 
Chapter Books. (Please note, we are NOT accepting YA submissions at this time.)







Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2021, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

**Note that places paid advertising in this newsletter, ALL ads being related to writers and the business of writing, screened by FundsforWriters to make sure the information is suitable for writers and their endeavors to improve their careers. But the mailing list is not sold to third parties. You will not receive this newsletter without your permission. It's physically impossible since recipients must opt-in, giving us permission to send the newsletter. If at any time you no longer with to receive the newsletter, click the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of each newsletter. We want you to enjoy this newsletter at your pleasure, not be forced to read anything you do not wish to receive. The website is not advertised using unsolicited messages by Aweber, affiliates or other third parties. Direct any complaints, suggestions, and accolades to Hope Clark at We are an anti-spam site.