FundsforWriters - September 3, 2021 - How to Assess Your Freelance Writing Career

Published: Fri, 09/03/21




Message from Hope

Okay, this is funny. For some reason, this week the "stars" have aligned and decided I must be famous . . . or at least somewhat famous.

First, I follow a Facebook group called Lake Murray Life, and of course, it's about life on Lake Murray, where I live in SC. Gorgeous pictures, requests for recommendations for dock repairs, opening hours for restaurants, and so on. Someone asked if there were any famous people with houses on the lake and if anyone in the group had seen them. 

Names were thrown out like Tom Selleck, Madonna, Will Ferrell, and so on, but then someone said there were two authors . . . one of them C. Hope Clark. So there . . . officially famous. I made copies of that post. LOL

On another note, my grandsons, almost 6 and 8, were making an Amazon wish list for me, enlightening me on what items were cool for young boys these days. Quite entertaining the conversation that ensued.

YOUNGER: Ooh, Grandma, order that water slide.
ME: Um, that's rather expensive, Sweetie. It's $800.
OLDER: We will be able to order that when Grandma makes more "famous" money.
ME: That's right. (Holding back a laugh.)

and the next day . . . 

OLDER: Grandma, how famous are you?
ME: Not sure how to answer that, Sweetie.
OLDER: Are you 1/4, 2/4, or 3/4 famous?
ME: Let's go with 2/4.
OLDER: Oh, okay. 

So there, I am famous. 

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
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Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
FFW has proudly been on the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers list every year since 2001

Our subscriber list is NOT made available to others. Use information listed at your own risk. FundsforWriters gives no warranty to completeness, accuracy, or fitness of the markets, contests and grants although research is done to the best of our ability.
















You’re working hard for success. 

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Most people learn the business side of their passion by failing—a lot. It can cost you time, money, stress, and lead to total burnout. Learning how to run your business isn't complicated. You just need to know where to start.

Our team of professional freelancers created a guide to teach you the ins and outs of managing your freelance business. Our free mini course on Freelance Management will help you analyze your finances, reach new clients, plan for growth, and more. 

Running your business doesn’t have to mean running yourself ragged. Try our free course today, and start running your business like a pro.

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Went to the community recreation center to walk the track, and I noticed a new children's book on the counter where we check in. The rec center has allowed authors to put children's books up there before, since so many kids are involved in the programs. I flipped through it, to see if it was self-published or traditional (it was self-pubbed). I asked about it, and the director said a retired teacher wrote it. The illustrations were nice. A pretty book.

"I just published my book recently," I said.

"Oh, what kind?"

"Mystery. The setting is in the Lowcountry, on Edisto," I said.

"Do you have one with you? I LOVE mysteries. So does my mother," she said. (That's a laugh with an explanation for another time....everyone tells me their mother loves my work.)

There I stood in workout clothes, no make-up and straight hair, and I caught myself selling my book. I promised her one the next day. (Which meant I had to return to work out, you know.)

So I gave her the book the next day and went to the track (love that air-conditioned track, nine laps equal a mile). When I came down, she handed me the money. Her co-worker piped up.

"You wouldn't by chance have another copy?" And I had to promise her I'd bring another copy the next day (and workout - LOL).

On another day, I went to get my hair cut. I carried the book this time, and my hairdresser bought it. And wouldn't you know it . . . the shop owner wanted a copy too, and I'd only brought one. I returned that afternoon with eight, and they put them on sale to customers in exchange for giving the owner one free.

What's cool is that these people will tell other people about the author THEY KNOW, who writes this great mystery set in their HOME state. It's all about connections . . . and having a book available.

From that point on, I decided to keep books in the proverbial trunk of my car, only mine are in a dry cooler in the back of an SUV, so the sun doesn't cook them.

One thing you learn once you publish a book is it needs to be with you at all times or at least have a postcard or rack card that has blurb-age unlike a business card. You're talking it up to everyone, so why shouldn't the book or its information be handy?

When budgeting for your promotional efforts, whether traditionally or self-published, be prepared to sell or give away a good number of books at inopportune moments. Don't get caught empty-handed, because those precious moments of opportunity might not come back around.

If you're an author, you write books, and the public takes it for granted you always have one in your back pocket.


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What humor writer wouldn’t want to attend the wildly popular Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop and spend two additional all-expenses-paid weeks at a hotel to write? Free room service. A housekeeping staff. An omelette bar. A TV remote of your own. The sun rising over the Great Miami River (aka, the Dayton Riviera). 

And, most importantly, a “Do Not Disturb” sign.

Applications for A Hotel Room of One’s Own: The Erma Bombeck | Anna Lefler Humorist-in-Residence Program will be accepted Sept. 7-28.

Nancy Cartwright, the voice of Bart Simpson, and Mike Reiss, writer for The Simpsons for three decades, will choose the two grand prize winners. Preference will be given to emerging humor writers. The package is worth approximately $5,000, but the experience is priceless. Cash prizes for finalists and honorable mentions.

Read the announcement and FAQs. Then apply here for what Forbes says “may be the best writer’s residency in the country.”

Deadline: Sept. 28
Fee: $25




  • September 14, 2021 - Abbeville, SC Book Club, Abbeville Chamber of Commerce - 3PM
  • October (first week - date TBD) - Edisto Bookstore, Edisto Island, SC - 3-5PM
  • November 6, 2021 - Dorchester County Library, St George, SC - "Turning Your Ideas Into Story"
  • Email: to schedule  events, online or otherwise. There's starting to be life out there!     



“It’s none of their business that you have to learn to write. Let them think you were born that way.”

— Ernest Hemingway


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A Year in the Life Of: How to Assess Your Freelance Writing Career

By Alex J. Coyne

I can finally say that I've been a full-time writer for decades. Writing has paid the bills, and has managed to do so one year after another. If you're in it for the long haul, you too can attest to the fact that every year is different for a career writer. Each calendar turn, you find changing markets, stronger competition, evolving readers, and obstacles.

Like any business, I take time to assess what a year-in-business looks like. This way, I'm more prepared (and less scrambled) for the 365-days ahead. Here's how you can do the same.

What's the Best Time of Year for Assessment? 

A corporation might choose the strict beginning of the financial year for assessment time, but I say assess when you personally feel the need. Freelancers will know which time(s) of year their “slowdown” is likely, and the best assessment time is before it hits. 

If your Junes are quieter, assess during April/May to be more prepared for it. If your Decembers peak each year, assess them and find out why business flows better.

See Pitch Successes Versus Failures

I've learned to study my pitch success and failure rates. For the first few years, I would pitch madly into 200 inboxes and hope for success. Today I know to plan, select the right markets, and define a clearer pitch to get there. 

Article sales versus pitches is provide useful insight. Whenever mine drops, I know to change my pitching style or angle on markets for a while. Sometimes pitching to entirely new markets can up your success rate, too.

Examine Article Topics

Don't just watch how many articles you're selling; pay attention to what they're about. 

If you've written 40 tech articles but only 12 on healthcare, it's easy to become known as a technology writer by people and search engines alike. If you don't watch your article topics, you might even change your niche without noticing.

I didn't notice I had turned into a financial writer until another writer pointed to it. I didn't notice I switched to bridge and card writing until, years in, a client asked if I was only writing about cards now.

Check Your Search Engine's Image

How search engines see your name is inevitably how you are viewed by anyone who types it to search. A search engine presence is powerful and can swing your entire business from one point to another.

Type in your name. What comes up for the first two pages of your name? 

If you aren't happy with the results, change your bio, create profiles on authoritative sites (such as LinkedIn, MuckRack, or WordPress), or get published on higher-ranking appropriate markets. Another reason to pitch new markets.

Click Your Website's Hits

Once a year, click your website's hit counter. Visit your website's admin panel to find it. A detailed hit counter from your website's back-end tells you who visited the site, which links they shared or clicked, where they're from, and even how long they stayed on which pages. Other information, like search engine terms leading to your site, is also part of some visitor counters.

I only noticed I was getting hits from Europe somewhere in 2017, and then realized I have an entirely new readership to accommodate. Always click your hits!

Raise Your Writing Rates

Assess your writing rates per year, or else you lose out against your competition that is charging updated rates. I've had to raise rates more than once in a decade's time. 

Inflation hits harder every year, and your rates have to keep up. Examine standard industry rates (through writing guilds and organizations) for a gauge of what others are doing with their rate right now, then adapt. Writer’s Market posts an annual table of rates in its publication. A friendly e-mail to clients and prospects weeks before the raise usually does the trick.

About the Author: Alex J. Coyne is a full-time writer, proofreader, and card player. His features have been published internationally in markets that include FundsforWriters, Bridge Base Online (BBO) Prime, Great Bridge Links, and People Magazine. He can be reached at his website, or by an intricate summoning ritual – though email is easier at 


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Ready to make writing easier? Join the Perfectionist's Half-Assed Writing Challenge! In this free 5-day event , you'll get live trainings on freelance writing, permission to work less, and you'll finish your first (or next) story in less than a week.

With daily trainings on ways to quickly brainstorm ideas, exercises to calm down the "this isn't good enough" voice in your brain, and 30 minute co-working sessions, you'll write more with much less worry.

Challenge starts September 13th. Sign up for free!

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$10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline October 5, 2021. Could you tell a complete story in just 100 words? Submit your best work in any genre, fiction OR nonfiction, in less than 100 words for your chance to win $1,000. Our second-place winner will receive $500 and publication on our website,; our third-place winner will receive $250 and publication on as well.

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline December 31, 2021. Must identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community. Must be 18 years or older. Must be a current resident of one of 15 Southern States inclusive of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. Screenwriters or playwrights who have had previous features, full-length plays or short films produced by non-independent means are ineligible. Screenwriting category – 80-130 pages. Playwriting – Must be full length, single or multiple acts, no musicals. 75+ minutes or 60-130 pages. Short Film/Web Series – 8-25 pages. Web series may submit multiple episodes within the page count. Cash Awards will be given to a single winner in each category: Short Film/Web Series – $1,000, Screenwriting – $3,000, Playwriting – $3,000. If a Del Shores Foundation Writing Festival is presented in 2022, the winning script in each category may receive a staged, public reading at the festival. Grants will be made available associated with each category to promote the development of each winner. Short Film/Web Series – a grant of $2,000 to the production budget of the winner if produced within one year of winning the award. Screenwriting – travel and accommodations provided to the winner for a three-day trip to Los Angeles to meet with production companies. Playwriting – a $10,000 grant to the production budget of the first professional theatre company to produce the winning play.

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline September 14, 2021. We hold flash fiction and flash nonfiction competitions annually. We strongly believe in removing barriers to submission so, as with everything we do, there will be no entry fee. The first-place winners will be awarded $500 (writers who reside outside the United States must be able to receive payment via PayPal) and publication. Submissions open with the free submission window closing on September 14 or when we receive 300 entries per category. Send one piece up to 1,000 words. 

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline September 15, 2021. Dedicated to the discovery of exceptional chapbook-length manuscripts by Black poets. Winner receives $1,000, publication by Jai-Alai Books in spring 2022, 10 copies of the chapbook, a residency at The Writer’s Room at The Betsy Hotel in Miami, and a featured virtual reading at the O, Miami Poetry Festival.

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline September 21, 2021. The contest is open to Black authors who at the time of entry are at least 18 years of age and residing in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, or Wisconsin. Eligible entries will include original fiction or nonfiction manuscripts for ages 0–4 (50–125 words) or ages 4–8 (300–800 words) featuring contemporary African American characters and culture and focusing on one or more of the following topics: character development, self-esteem, diversity, getting along with others, engaging with family and community, or other topics related to positive childhood development. First Place: $1,000, a T-shirt from Strive, a tote bag from Free Spirit, and a meeting with Mary Taris, founder of Strive, and an editor from Free Spirit to discuss the winner’s project. The winning submission will be seriously considered for publication by Free Spirit, cobranded with Strive; however, publication is not guaranteed. Second Place: $500, a T-shirt from Strive, and a tote bag from Free Spirit. Third Place: $250, a T-shirt from Strive, and a tote bag from Free Spirit. 

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline September 25, 2021. Theme "Perspective." You can submit your writing in the form of fiction, nonfiction or poetry. First place £200 and a year's supply of Beechmore Journals (12 Books). Second place £100 and six months' supply of Beechmore Journals (six books). Open to writers worldwide. 

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline September 30, 2021. Writers over 14 years old from anywhere in the world may participate. An overall first prize of 20,000 dollars is awarded for the best story in any of the languages authorized in the contest. Three prizes of $2,000 each will be awarded for the best stories in each of the other remaining languages admitted in the contest, which are not winners of the main prize. The stories cannot exceed 100 words. 



Deadline September 10, 2021. Stipend $2,000. Offering four residencies in this national park. Offers housing, events, publicity, and tours of the park. Park includes two legendary volcanoes, rainforests, and lava flows. A dramatic environment for artistic endeavors. Open to singles, couples, groups, or families. 

Deadline September 30, 2021. Solo artists and couples. Must be a US Veteran. Located in Mora County near Watrous, New Mexico. A fort close to the high plains and grasslands of eastern New Mexico, a volcano, a historic Victorian town, and a Santa Fe Trail outpost. No studios. Must have own transportation. There is no Wi-Fi at this location. Residency takes place during April 2022. 

Deadline September 30, 2021. Solo artists and couples. Located in Mora County near Watrous, New Mexico. A fort close to the high plains and grasslands of eastern New Mexico, a volcano, a historic Victorian town, and a Santa Fe Trail outpost. No studios. Must have own transportation. There is no Wi-Fi at this location. Residency takes place during October 2022. 

Deadline September 30, 2021. Storyknife will offer writing residencies for two- and four-week periods. Each accepted woman writer will have her own cabin where she can write and reflect, sleep and dream. Each day she will fix her own breakfast from ingredients in the main house’s kitchen. Our chef manager will bring a nutritious lunch to each cabin, and in the evening, the writers will gather at the main house for a shared meal. Each woman will establish her own writing schedule and projects, and together, they will be able to form the kind of supportive writing friendships that last a lifetime. Located in Homer, Alaska.

Deadline September 30, 2021. Ox-Bow seeks artists working in all media and disciplines, including sound, video, puppetry, practical effects and special effects to apply for a mini-residency in preparation for “Ox-Bow Goes to Hell 2021.” Artists will be provided a fee of $500, a $300 budget for materials, and receive room and board. Location Saugatuck, MI. 

Deadline September 17, 2021. Oregon Literary Fellowships are intended to help Oregon writers at all stages of their career initiate, develop, or complete literary projects in poetry, fiction, literary nonfiction, drama, and young readers’ literature. Fellowships are also awarded to support Oregon’s independent publishers and small presses that demonstrate a commitment to literary publishing. Fellowships range from $3,500 to $10,000. 

Deadline September 24, 2021. The Cullman Center’s Selection Committee awards 15 Fellowships a year to outstanding scholars and writers—academics, independent scholars, journalists, creative writers (novelists, playwrights, poets), translators, and visual artists. The Cullman Center looks for top-quality writing. It aims to promote dynamic communication about literature and scholarship at the very highest level—within the Center, in public forums throughout the Library, and in the Fellows’ published work. A Cullman Center Fellow receives a stipend of up to $75,000, the use of an office with a computer, and full access to the Library’s physical and electronic resources. Fellows work at the Center for the duration of the Fellowship term, which runs from September through May.



Payment varies but rates start at $300 and average 50 cents per word. The majority of commissioned articles are 800 to 1,500 words. Submit to The Google doc gives all the details on pitching properly. Atlas Obscura covers places and stories from around the globe, aiding travelers and tourists and the curious.

GAMESINDUSTRY.BIZ covers every facet of the games industry, from design, development, publishing, marketing, distribution or retail, all the way through to media, freelance and studying. is looking to expand its freelance roster and is encouraging writers from diverse backgrounds to get in touch. If your pitch is accepted, the rate will be discussed between you and the editor depending on the type of article. £150 (or local equivalent) is the standard rate, but do keep in mind it can vary in both directions based on the amount of work involved in the commission.

We're looking for amazing freelance writers to bring ideas to life in YouTube scripts by writing scripts that will be presented on camera and animated by our editing team, then distributed to the world. Must be a storyteller with a strong understanding of narrative technique and the three-act structure. Must have the ability to research and understand technical concepts, then explain them in simple terms to the everyday viewer. Pays $100 per script. 

Seeks people who can write sharp, timely op-eds on US politics for Teen Vogue, especially as the midterms get closer. Pays $250 and up. Pitch stories to Allegra Kirkland, Senior Politics Editor, at Teen Vogue is the young person’s guide to conquering (and saving) the world. Teen Vogue covers the latest in celebrity news, politics, fashion, beauty, wellness, lifestyle, and entertainment.

Send pitches to Wordplay is the Games editorial section of The New York Times, including the daily Crossword column and Spelling Bee forums. We also publish lively, well-written freelance articles that cover a gamut of subjects: puzzles, gaming and tournaments, wordplay and language. We are also interested in historical and cultural surveys of the gaming and language worlds. Pays $1.50 per word for an accepted, edited piece. Limit the pitch to 500 words.

Seeks stories on climate and enviro justice, features on climate migration, pollution, sanitation, and more. Suggest stories that show the climate crisis. Pays 50 cents per word. Send submissions/pitches to 

We publish pieces that provide concrete suggestions or novel arguments for how the climate left can advance its goals. Our readers consist of those generally familiar with left perspectives on climate change and broader ecological crises. Therefore, the articles we publish aim to advance conversation between peers, rather than educate the general public about the basics of environmental problems. Pays $150 to $300. 

Deadline September 30, 2021. We are looking for true stories about acts of kindness that have happened to you or that you have witnessed firsthand. Stories can be serious or funny or both but they should definitely inspire our readers to look for ways in which they can perform their own kind acts. Pays $200 and ten copies of the book. Limited to 1,200 words. 

Pitch Layla Schlack, Associate Managing Editor, Needs front-of-book, 350-650-word pieces, for early 2022 issues. Focus on how/where wine is made or consumed and do not focus on an individual or single business. Pays $1 per word.

Seeks those who can write about personal finance, mental health and/or career. Rates start at $350. Email Kate Bratskeir at We strive to improve educational outcomes by putting the student first. We support students on their journey from high school to college and into their careers with tools designed to help them learn their course materials, succeed in their classes, save money on required materials, and learn the most in-demand skills. Our services are available online, anytime and anywhere.

Our digital stories are typically between 800 and 1,500 words and pay anywhere between $100 and $200 depending on length, interview access, and writer's experience. Unearth Women is always searching for that next great Feminist City Guide to add to our website. Our Feminist City Guides spotlight female and minority-owned businesses, organizations helping local women, or historical monuments celebrating female figures. Please send your pitches to with the subject line PITCH: [ENTER HEADLINE].

Whether you’re a journalist, researcher, academic, service member, veteran or military family member with an idea and a dream, we want to hear from you. If you’re interested in pitching us, send an email to Task & Purpose is a military news and culture publication that covers what service members and veterans are — or should be — talking about. And we aim to tell stories that help the rank-and-file and civilians they serve to understand the world and the military’s role in it. Pays around $500 per piece. 

We want stories that are well written, intelligent, and enjoyable to read. We are looking for stories with metaphors and emotional ambiance and imaginative descriptive writing. Most importantly, we want original ideas. Pays 25 cents per word for the first 1,000 words, then a penny per word over 1,000. Limit 10,000 words. Genre: Quantum Fiction, Cyberpunk, Alternative Histories and Steampunk.

We want stories that are well written, intelligent, and enjoyable to read. We are looking for stories with metaphors and emotional ambiance and imaginative descriptive writing. Most importantly, we want original ideas. Pays 25 cents per word for the first 1,000 words, then a penny per word over 1,000. Limit 10,000 words. Genre: Fantasy, magic realism, and experimental fiction. 



Our mission is to provide children and teens with the tools they need to overcome challenges and make a difference in the world. We publish high-quality nonfiction books and learning materials for children and teens, parents, educators, counselors, and others who live and work with young people. We also are looking for picture books that support our mission.  

Welcome to 55 Fathoms Publishing, the book publishing partner to Orca, A Literary Journal. We are open for queries for both fiction and nonfiction works. We are looking for submissions of booklength works (40,000 to 120,000 words). Novels, story collections, and nonfiction works only. Sorry, no poetry. We are only interested in those books written in the literary style.







Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2021, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

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