FundsforWriters - July 16, 2021 - Posting Your Book on Amazon

Published: Fri, 07/16/21


VOLUME 21, ISSUE 29 | JULY 16, 2021


Message from Hope

For those of you asking, my next signing on Edisto Beach is July 29, from 3 to 5 PM, at the Edisto Bookstore on Highway 174.

I'll be arriving earlier, though, to take some photos, run some roads, and maybe talk to the rental agencies there. Apparently one of them has been bought out, and the new entity has jacked up the rentals, which is beginning to price many average families out of the market. I go to Edisto at least twice a year, to work, and I need to know I can find a place to hide out and do so.

Apparently, people have found Edisto. 

Just like they have found Lake Murray, where I live. Maybe it has something to do with water. Maybe we have a gentler way of life in SC. Maybe our taxes are less. Maybe people are sick of big cities, or snow, or whatever politics they do not like.

For some reason, COVID, the economy, and who knows what, have caused people to want to move, travel, relocate, and buy real estate, and two of my favorite places have made it into the crosshairs of this madness. 

It saddens the heck out of me that folks move to a new place and start asking for change and demanding amenities that are not there. . . . forgetting why they chose to come to those places to begin with. 

When in Rome . . . comes to mind. 

Change. Development. The eagerness to buy a new house or start a new job or create a new business . . . it all happens, and it impacts us all. Guess I'll have to write this into a future story since Slade is on Lake Murray, and Callie is on Edisto Beach. Both are experiencing the good and bad of this craziness. 

One good thing about this, though . . . they are selling my books like crazy on Edisto Beach.

Are things this wild where you are?

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
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This course was exactly what I needed to begin my HTML/CSS/zombie fighting journey. Instruction was clear, and the zombie themed examples kept me engaged.” -Daniel M.

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More specifically, I'm talking about how your book should present to the public on any venue. I recently spoke to a writer who spoke of only doing their book in ebook format. Another only wanted their book in print. 

I responded, "No, no, no."

The credibility of your book is reflected in its presentation, delivery, and availability. The same standards also help dictate that book's sales. What I'm talking about is the variety of book formats. 

1) Ebook
2) Paperback
3) Hardback
4) Audio

We won't get into the types of paperbacks (trade, mass, etc.), but the truth is, people are so diverse in how they read that they can easily judge your work by its format availability. But you are also judged by the gatekeeping algorithms out there on both search engines and Amazon. 

Ricardo Fayet of recently made a comment that resounded with me. 

"Think about it from Amazon's perspective. If a customer searches for 'romantic suspense,' they might want to buy an ebook for their Kindle, or a paperback, or a hardback, or an audiobook... Amazon doesn't necessarily know which format they're looking for. So to increase the chances that the search will result in a sale, Amazon is more inclined to prominently feature books that are available in all formats." 

Just saying. . . it's something to think about so you won't look cheap or less committed. To a reader it shows you are want to reach them any way they choose to read. 

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You’re working hard for success. 

We’ll help you be ready for when you find it. 

Most people learn the business side of their passion by failing—a lot. It can cost you time, money, stress, and lead to total burnout. Learning how to run your business isn't complicated. You just need to know where to start.

Our team of professional freelancers created a guide to teach you the ins and outs of managing your freelance business. Our free mini course on Freelance Management will help you analyze your finances, reach new clients, plan for growth, and more. 

Running your business doesn’t have to mean running yourself ragged. Try our free course today, and start running your business like a pro.

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  • July 22, 2021 - Paradise Cove Book Club, Chapin, SC -6:30-8:30PM
  • July 29, 2021 - Edisto Island, SC Bookstore - 3-5PM
  • August 2, 2021 - Night Harbor Book Club, Chapin, SC - 7-9PM
  • October (first week - date TBD) - Edisto Bookstore, Edisto Island, SC - 3-5PM
  • November 6, 2021 - Dorchester County Library, St George, SC - "Turning Your Ideas Into Story"
  • Email: to schedule  events, online or otherwise. There's starting to be life out there!     



“In my later years, I have looked in the mirror each day and found a happy person staring back. Occasionally I wonder why I can be so happy. The answer is that every day of my life I’ve worked only for myself and for the joy that comes from writing and creating. The image in my mirror is not optimistic, but the result of optimal behavior.”

— Ray Bradbury


SUccess Story

Hi Hope,

I needed to tell someone who'd understand. One of my workbooks from my Daily Living Skills series with TPT (Community Resources) just won an honorable mention in the 2021 Purple Dragonfly Book Awards in the special education division, and my novel, The Edge of Brilliance, just tied for second place in the YA fiction division! I'm very jazzed.

Thanks for "listening."

Susan Traugh

The Edge of Brilliance
Community Resources

 - - - 
If you have a success story you believe was prompted by FundsforWriters, please share with us! Send to 


Featured article


Success as a Disability Writer

By Kerry Martin Millan

Successful authors seem born to write. Masked by the ability to put words on paper, (or on screen) it seems these authors have never struggled at all. But in fact, many writers have a disability. Sometimes it's even the reason they write. According to online blog Mental Up, people like George Bernard Shaw and Jules Verne, are said to have had ADHD. I have been formally diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. I struggle with concentration, readability of text and sticking to one theme. Others have written about disability equipment that aids the writing process. 

Similarly, I use various avenues for my own more neuro-oriented disabilities.

Places and mediums for writing

When I started to write, I even had to grapple with the concept of where to write. Writers are often told that certain environments are conducive to creativity. Forget that. "22 Places to Write When You're Tired of Working at Home" outlines how to diversify workspaces, especially where they become stale.

For those with disabilities, unusual environments are even necessary to creativity. As I need stimulating, dynamic environments to maintain my attention, I work productively amidst the bustling cacophony of cafes or outside amidst the trees. The throb of life seems to resonate with me. I find working off a tiny screen on a mobile phone, by feeble light, in the dark, one of the best mediums to work in. This is because the dark conveys a mysterious ambiance to me, spurring creativity. Scientific research even validates adapted environments as beneficial. According to The British Dyslexic Associationdyslexics absorb content better by reading in slight contrasts, such as light blue on a pastel orange background.

Your favourite genre...or not

I always thought you had to be the master of everything as a writer. That's not true. While I've not had much success with journalistic articles, I have had many personal or first-person essays and opinion style pieces published to date. This is so for me, as the first-person essay is like writing a cathartic letter, in simple format, without getting bogged down by a more objective, journalistic genre. The first person essay is a genre that's in demand so there are a wealth of opportunities. I've had two personal essays published in You and Me Magazine, a consumer-focused medical publication. I have written for a host of other disability and lifestyle magazines about my emotional healing journey and its vagaries. This includes, Yoppvoice, a social justice magazine, that pays $75 for essays, and The Phoenix Spirit
centering on emotional growth and addiction recovery. They pay $25 to $35 for first person accounts. 

The content you write

I don't just limit my content to disability niches. I have written about freelance writing and its impacts on disability or vice versa. I have written about pets with disabilities, famous authors with disabilities, and celebrities with disabilities, yet all with different target audiences in mind. Sometimes disability topics are not directly called for at all. It's just a matter of thinking laterally.

I even wrote a poem about how gardening alleviates moodiness and sent it to a gardening magazine. Therefore, there is broad scope for writing about disability or work as a disability writer. This is despite perhaps thinking your ability to write is limited.

Kerry Martin Millan is a freelance journalist from Australia, who writes on health and disability topics. She can be reached at

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NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline September 15, 2021. How has your identity as a woman affected your career, jobs, or relationship with money? Submit your personal essay of 500–2,000 words on the theme of "Work and Womanhood" to share your stories, experience and perspective. Open to all trans and cis women writers, regardless of previous experience or publication. One first-place, one second-place, and up to ten finalists will be published, receive a mentor session, and achieve a lifetime membership in our community of contributors. First place cash prize: $250. Second place: $75. All entrants get a free one-year subscription ($70 value) to Field Notes, a newsletter for freelance writers. 

$30 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 31, 2021. The Press 53 Award for Poetry is awarded annually to an outstanding, unpublished collection of poems. This competition is open to any writer, regardless of their publication history, who is 18 years of age or older, provided the manuscript is written in English and the author lives in the United States or one of its territories. The author of the winning manuscript will receive a cash advance of $1,000, publication of the manuscript in April 2022 as a Tom Lombardo Poetry Selection under a standard Press 53 book contract, and 50 copies of the completed book with an option to purchase unlimited copies at a discount for as long as the book is in print. Advance awarded upon publication. 

€18 ENTRY FEE> Deadline July 31, 2021. The competition is open to original, unpublished and unbroadcast short stories in the English language of 3,000 words or fewer. The story can be on any subject, in any style, by a writer of any nationality, living anywhere in the world. Translated work is not in the scope of this competition. First prize €2,000, residency (one week) at Anam Cara Retreat, featured reading at the Cork International Short Story Festival, and publication in Southword. Second prize €500 and publication in Southword. Four runners-up of €250 and publication in Southword. 

Deadline July 31, 2021. Submit a short story or creative nonfiction essay of up to 10,000 words, or a selection of one to six poems. Winners in each genre receive $1,000 and publication in the Winter 2022 issue.

$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 31, 2021. Three prizes of $1,000, $500, and $250. Winners and finalists published in Red Wheelbarrow. One entry fee for up to three poems. One page per poem. 

$27 ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 1, 2021. Cross-genre and hybrid work, verse forms, text and image, connected or related pieces, and "beyond category" projects are all within the ambit of the contest. Please submit an original manuscript of 48-120 pages. Along with publication the author will receive a $2000 prize and a reading with HWS Colleges. 

$25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 8, 2021. Author will receive $1,000.00 and the winning story will be published on the Gival Press website. In addition, Gival Press hopes to publish an anthology of the winners of this award along with the best short stories submitted to the contest over a period of several years in a future anthology of short stories. Submissions of a previously unpublished original (not a translation) stand-alone short story in English must be approximately 5,000 to 15,000 words of high literary quality, typed, double-spaced on one side of the paper only, with word count in the upper left hand side of the first page, along with the title. Please note that the story should be a standalone story, not a chapter from a novel.



Deadline August 2, 2021. New England States Touring (NEST) funds performances, readings, and screenings of work by regional, national, and international artists presented by New England-based nonprofit organizations. Must be based in New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont). Email

Deadline August 20, 2021. Available to organizations that want to expand access to, redesign, or introduce humanities programming based on opportunities that arose or lessons that were learned during the pandemic. Grant awards will be for up to $20,000.

Opportunity grants award up to $1,000 and do not require matching funds. Applications can be submitted any time, but at least four weeks prior to the supported project. We encourage proposals that engage Montanans in meaningful discussion about the human condition, strengthen cooperative relationships among communities and cultural organizations (museums, libraries, schools, tribal organizations, etc.), and enrich civic discourse among the state’s diverse cultures and across its geographical distances. Humanities Montana only awards opportunity grants to organizations, not individuals.

These grants support professional artists in any discipline and at any stage in their careers to pursue projects that further their artistic and professional development. Types of fundable projects include: Creation of new work, purchase of equipment and materials, professional development workshops, travel support for expenses associated with a professional opportunity such as participating in an exhibition or a conference, and development or upgrading of promotional materials such as brochures, DVDs, CDs, and websites. Artist fees are also allowable expenses under the new program. Grant amounts vary from region to region. Statewide, they range from $300 to $5,000, though most grants are between $500 and $2,000. Projects must be completed by December 31, 2022. A list of participating counties, deadlines for each region, and a primary contact for each consortium appears on the webpage. Regions are listed from west to east.

For dramatists (playwrights, composers, lyricists, librettists) to apply for emergency financial assistance from the Dramatists Guild Foundation due to Covid-19 related circumstances. 



Legal content writer needed for law office blog for two posts a month. At least 450 words per post required, and topics will be provided. Must have legal experience as a writer and/or paralegal. Payment is a set rate of $90 per post. This is a remote job, and no contract is required. All content will be edited, and blog writer must agree to participate in editing if required. Payment will be made via Paypal upon finalization of edits. Please send letter of interest and sample of a previous blog post to   

AnyStories, a mobile app for novels, is seeking freelance writers for, daily updated long stories produced in-house. It’s like Wattpad — except ALL accepted writers get paid. This is a freelance, project-based position with long-term potential. Writers will be matched with a genre fiction project and be responsible for writing a minimum of ten chapters (each 1,500 words) per week based on a detailed outline. Compensation will be $40 per chapter— $400 Per Week.

Being Patient is the leading online community for Alzheimer's and dementia patients and caregivers. We’re looking for stories for the Being Patient Voices series. If you have experience dealing with Alzheimer’s disease, as a caregiver or someone with a diagnosis, share your experience and advice for others going through the same thing. Being Patient is looking for freelance writers with health/science experience to cover the latest news in brain health and Alzheimer's research. Able to turn around 600 words in a week? Query: Pays 20 cents/word and up. 

EatingWell is the only national food magazine that focuses exclusively on eating healthfully (our motto: "Ingredients for the Good Life"). Our readers are interested not only in cooking and nutrition science, but also in the origins of food and social issues related to food networks. They appreciate eating culture and traditions. Send your pitches to Please include "EatingWell Magazine Pitch" and appropriate department in the subject line. Pays up to $1/word and purchases all rights. Length depends on department being pitched. 

MedicGuild is a community of creators and curators, which build conversations with medical students and doctors to demystify the medical journey. Do you have a story idea? Or have an experience or perspective you’d like to share? Or a topic you’d like us to cover? Rates are between $200-$500 depending on the story length and complexity.

Bustle is a site for and by women who are moving forward as fast as you are. Our team of writers and editors are from diverse backgrounds with an endless range of interests. What we all have in common with each other is that we are insatiably curious about the world. You care about what’s working and what isn’t, about fashion, politics, technology, celebrities, health, beauty, work, sex, friendship, food, and more. What we care about is providing these stories in a way that’s smart, informative, fun, and supportive — of your relationships, your choices, your goals, and you. Particularly seeking Health and Wellness pieces. Please send full pitches (with a working header, source list, and a takeaway/"so what" in mind; not just shower thoughts, please) to Pay starts at $250. Climate-themed pieces are also of particular interest at the moment.

Outdoors means lots of things: Rock climbing, gardening, hiking, fishing, horseback riding, etc. Don't have to be an expert in all things but should have curiosity and ability to report and write on a wide range. Pay is $175-300 per piece, with potential to go up for large-scale pieces. Email

Pays $500 for a story of at least 1,500 words, and $100 for a full photographer’s assignment. We’re calling for ideas in underreported states, counties and areas, and paying market rates for shoe-leather journalism. In our age of quick-to-post content, newsletter overload, digital over-aggregation and Substack “journalism,” we at Parachute believe that only carefully-produced (and delivered) writing and art will rescue our industry from absolute ruin.



Martin Literary Management, founded in 2003, is a full service literary and media management agency. They focus on representing authors of adult nonfiction, fiction, and books for children and young adults. Many of their clients’ works have been optioned and developed for film and television projects and have helped promote speaking engagements.

They are a full-service independent literary agency, based in New York. They represent literary and commercial fiction and a wide range of nonfiction, including biography, history, memoir and narrative, business and popular science. Their authors include creative writers, established journalists, and academics. They are selective in who they represent, with the emphasis on the quality of the writing.

The Frances Goldin Literary Agency is committed to books that matter, books that engage, enlighten, entertain, and change the cultural conversation. With that aim, we partner with our clients at every stage of the publishing process, from concept development, proposal preparation, and manuscript editing to contract negotiation, publicity, and marketing, while never losing sight of overall career goals.







Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2021, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

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