Extra Message from Hope
I stand behind what I post in FundsforWriters and do my due diligence best I can. This past week, however, we posted a contest that merits explanation and correction.
NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 18, 2021. Ten Authors will get to showcase their personal works in a “Poetry Masters Anthology.” Enter with only one poem. The Top Three Winners receive a Crystal Trophy, featured position on Oprelle’s Site, and $1,500, $1,000, or $500.
I have learned from readers that indeed, the site shows no entry fee in the rules or on their Submittable page, which we all know is the gatekeeper page for most writing contests. It is supposed to show the entry fee, deadline, prize money, etc. It isn't until you enter information, right to the last step of the process, that they ask for $40.
We posted NO ENTRY FEE, which is erroneous. But by me not going through the entrance process, I never saw that fee. Thanks to my readers for enlightening me.
I have contacted the contest, let them know about this situation, and warned them that I was contacting all of you with an apology for the misrepresentation.
So. . . if you are still interested in entering the contest, during the last step of entry, you will find the method to pay the $40 to enter. Just know there IS a fee.
Thanks and sorry for interrupting your weekend.
C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
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