FundsforWriters is seeking submissions
Published: Tue, 01/05/21
Hey FundsforWriters fan (or potential fan, if someone forwarded this message to you),
Our newsletter reaches writers. Some are quite serious about their writing while others are testing the waters.
But if you think it's time to get serious about a writing career, come spent some time with us.
For those of you who HAVE been serious about your career, this is a plea for your expertise.
FundsforWriters is seeking feature pieces for its newsletter and website.

If you are up to it, we’d like to hear about your success, thought and/or advice about some aspect of how you earned funds through writing. Make it applicable to others. We especially appreciate how-to-be successful stories. Links are much desired. Try to avoid writing an infomercial about one particular entity. If you are touting some way/method/aspect of being successful as a writer, you must be able to walk the walk as well as talk the talk. How did this work for you (or someone else you interviewed).
We greatly dislike general theory without experience or first-hand knowledge.
We do NOT want stories about...
- how to write
- how to develop plot, characters or settings
- topics that cannot relate in some manner to making more money as a writer
- general or theoretical anything without solid examples and resources
We DO want...
- ideas on breaking into a particular writing market (but try to avoid one vendor/publication)
- pointers on winning writing contests
- unique ways to develop an income with words
- success stories about being a writer with ideas for others
- profitable business practices related to writing
- seasonal material affiliated with particular markets
- grant success stories
- nonprofit partnerships for writers
- unique markets for writers
- unusual writing income ideas
- anything to help a writer make a dollar penning words
- a dash of humor, if possible; a positive note and a happy ending
- if you suggest an idea, make sure you have proof it works through your own experience or interviews with others
- List markets with links, not just by name.
- Our readers like to walk away with tools to use.
- Do not query in smartphone text-ese.
- Use correct grammar in your query/pitch.
- Don't ask if you can write in any language other than English.
- If your English is weak or grammar poor in the query, bio, article, or website, you are rejected.
- Your bio/introduction is as important as your submission.
- We prefer writers who have an online presence.
- Exceeding word count is the easiest way to get rejected.
- Do not tell us you are a writer and ask for ideas. Half the reason we hire a writer is for their originality.
- WE CHECK FOR PLAGIARISM. Do not even try to copy someone else's work or you will be banned from the newsletter and never considered for other work with FFW.
Query or Manuscript:
We accept either one, but on spec is preferred!
- Via PayPal - $60 for unpublished original articles; $15 for reprints.
Payment is made when article is accepted, usually within a week of submission. Please do not email and ask when we will get to your piece.
FFW purchases one time electronic rights and archival rights in the newsletters’ archives. After publication in the newsletter, you may resell your article after 30 days. FFW purchases articles for use often three to six months downstream, so pretty please do not ask when it will be published as the editor retains the right to move articles around due to unforeseen circumstances.
Final Manuscript:
When you submit the manuscript, include:
- word count
- title
- piece
- a brief bio at the end to include your website/blog
- your PayPal address
- no checks or wires to foreign countries
- omitting any of the above can result in rejection.
We prefer all submission by email and WITHOUT attachments unless you are given the nod to send an attachment. Submit your manuscript to
Thanks so very much for considering FundsforWriters as a market for your freelance writing.