FundsforWriters - October 30, 2020 - When You've Lost Your Way

Published: Fri, 10/30/20

FundsForWriters: Tips and Tools for serious writers to advance their careers!

VOLUME 20, ISSUE 44 | OCTOBER 30, 2020


Message from Hope

Another Edisto book is off to the publisher! Next comes edits from them, which won't be for another couple weeks, but it will likely be two books. 

We are expecting three books released in 2021. Part because of covid in 2020 and part because I started a new series. And because the publisher is usually smarter than I am about promotion, they want to release the new series with two books at the same time. So one Edisto book and two new series books.

That's one sign of 2021 being better than 2020, and fingers crossed it's better in so many other ways, too. 

But my publisher said she hears from authors that so many of them are struggling to write during these times. I'm not sure why, but mine is not to wonder why. . . mine is just to do or die. In other words, if I did not write, my world would be bleaker. So. . . I write.

Enjoy the message today, but also think about writing as part of your personal health regimen. I know I'd be lost without mine!

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
Email Hope | Visit Website | Sign up for Newsletter
Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
FFW has proudly been on the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers list every year since 2001

Our subscriber list is NOT made available to others. Use information listed at your own risk. FundsforWriters gives no warranty to completeness, accuracy, or fitness of the markets, contests and grants although research is done to the best of our ability.




















Recently I did a consult with a long-time FundsforWriters fan. A half-hour turned into 75 minutes, but she needed the help and I love talking writing. We had a great conversation. 

She'd been working on this book she deeply believed in and had a concept I felt had promise. But she'd been writing on it for three years. She queried dozens of agents, had two full manuscript requests, a partial or two, some rejections, but mostly silence. 

Three years. . . I could hear the frustration in her voice.

Three years of Writer's Digest classes, beta readers, hired editors, and feedback from one agent. Every one of them telling her to change something. She'd make the changes to no avail. She now had a love/hate relationship with this manuscript and had no idea what to do or where to turn next. "At what point do I stop going to all these people for feedback?" she asked. My answer was, "Now."

Absolutely everybody will tell you to change your book. You have to develop the talent of sifting feedback for what is valuable and, trust me, not everyone's feedback is worthy. Or at least worthy for you. Listening to others too much can make you lose your way. The point comes where you have to define your value for yourself.

My suggestion was not about how to change her writing. Instead, I told her this, and I stand strongly by it.

1) Define what you want to write. Be very precise. She wanted to write novels with a musical bent, her first one being set in the 70s. She might write magazine features or blog posts in between but her goal has to be clear. Without a goal, we get sidetracked and time eats us alive.

2) Define your genre. Sure, you have a story, but where does it fit into the vast sea of literature? Whether you go traditional, land an agent, or self publish. . . advertising, pitches, placement, contracts, and sales are dependent on what world your book belongs. Genre begets readers, remember. Like souls and all that.

3) Define the writers in your genre that you love to read. Then devour them. Not just read them, but mark up the pages and take notes. What phrasing catches your eye? What are the dialogue tricks that make a character leap off the page? How do they describe fear, thrill, love, failure, and loss? Well-published authors Robert Dugoni and Hugh Howey literally took months to dissect successful authors before publishing their first book. Become intimate with what works in the most minutiae of ways.

4) Avoid listening to generalizations. It's tempting to listen to others say don't write this or that because it won't sell. Yet you are told be original. Write what thrills you, because to settle for less takes the life out of the journey.

In other words, take charge of your writing journey.

Listen to others selectively, but don't lose sight of your own needs, wishes, and goals. You live with the end result. . . not them.









Email: to schedule  events, online or otherwise. There's starting to be life out there!

  • March 21, 2021 - Keynote - St. Andrews Women's Club, Chapin, SC - 6 PM





“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

~Thomas Edison


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Featured article


Writing the Wave

By Alex J. Coyne

Niche markets perform like waves. Freelance writers benefit from plunging into the right market at the best time, even when the niche is far removed from their usual work.

Here's how to take advantage when the wave is high – and how to find your way back after.

Wait for the Boom

A 'hot' niche is indicated by its increased appearance in mainstream news, busier message boards, and higher search-engine rankings. When people start talking, chase the market. Seek out popular markets for this specific niche. When Bitcoin-values boomed, I pitched Crooks & Crypto – and it hit the mark for multi-market syndication thanks to the right timing.

Selecting Niche Samples

A niche portfolio takes a while to build, so choose your most relevant samples when pitching. When first writing about cryptocurrency, I only had general financial writing samples to show, but they were close enough to get a cryptocurrency gig for a few months.

Use Strong Sources

A popular niche doesn't have to be within your scope of writing experience for you to take advantage of the topic. If you aren't familiar with the niche topic (like yoga or cryptocurrencies), use authoritative interview sources instead, who know it well. Writing Crooks & Crypto meant interviewing industry experts about the current cryptocurrency market.

A Quick Education

Gain a quick education in your chosen market by absorbing the right sources fast. Look for: Glossaries and encyclopedias of. . .  Cheatsheets. Forums and message boards. Expert sources and any groups, alliances, federations or leagues that represent your market. Sometimes short courses help.

Confusing Regular Markets

When I lost out on a legal writing opportunity and asked why, I realized a snag: “Your website looks like you mostly cover financials, so we passed.” Keep niche samples separate from your everyday work, and if you have to, set up a separate page for these unique samples.

Free Samples?

Struggling to enter a market? Target smaller publications and blogs, offering them discounted writing rates or a free post. Writing for “exposure” is rarely worth it, but when trying to enter a niche in a hurry, the compromise can be worth its weight.

Getting Too Comfortable

It's easy to become “absorbed” into a burning hot niche – and forget about the markets you're going to need when fuel runs out. When niche writing, remember to keep balance with your regular writing markets.

Financial Preparation

While it's raining copywriting, prepare for the next drought. Niche money is never spending money – and when you save for downtimes during up ones, your career will thank you. Always put away a percentage of “niche money.” 

Ghostwriting: A Powerful Ally

I've written a lot about cryptocurrency other than Crooks & Crypto, but I didn't want to be known as a cryptocurrency content writer. This means I chose ghostwriting – and for any niche, this alternative can help you to write about varietal topics without any confusion about your brand and what you normally write about.

When to Stop (or Go Again) 

Niche markets can boom, but also flicker. Publications going on hiatus, declining pay rates, lesser availability of niche job post, and lower online reading views are all potential signs of a dwindling niche market. Consider taking a break from a specific niche when signs occur, and the initial “boom” fades. 

What goes down will come up again, though. Save your niche samples and learn to watch your previous niche markets for when the next “boom” happens. Then, pitch away. 

BIO - Alex J Coyne is a copywriter, journalist, and card player with a variety of published work including a daily bridge column for Bridge Base Online.




$5 ENTRY FEE. Deadline December 31, 2020. This year, Sunspot Lit is launching Culmination: $500 for a Prose, Poem, or Art Ending. No restrictions on theme, category, or the length of the piece from which the beginning is excerpted. Word limit is 250 for prose, 25 words for poetry. 

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 4, 2021. This year’s contest theme is Home. You are encouraged to interpret this theme as literally or figuratively as you desire. Fiction, nonfiction, and poetry are welcome. Entries should not exceed ten pages. Adult Prizes: first place $400, second place $200, third place $100. Teen Prizes: first $150, second place $100, third place $50. 

$7 ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 15, 2021. We’re looking for your best love and romance poetry! Whether happy and upbeat, or reminiscent of past love, we’re looking for your best poetry about love! Submit your original poetry for judging and publishing. First Place – $250 Cash Prize, Collection Publishing Contract, 100 Author Copies (of your collection). Second Place – $100 Cash Prize. Third Place – $50 Cash Prize. All entrants whose work is published in the collection will receive a free copy of the finalized product and a publishing agreement with royalty payment!

$10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline December 30, 2020. Stories of Inspiration – Has your main character overcome a great loss? A great trial? Is there inspiration to be found in their journey? We’re going through difficult times as a society right now. We’re looking to publish a collection of short stories focused on inspiration and overcoming adversity. First Place – $200 Cash Prize. Second Place – $100 Cash Prize. Third Place – $50 Cash Prize. All entrants whose work is published in the collection will receive a free copy of the finalized product! Original work of fiction under 5,000 words.

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 1, 2021. City Limits Publishing is hosting a Romance Novel Contest featuring multiple cash prizes and publishing contracts! We’re looking for people with already completed works to join our authors. First Place – $500 Cash Prize, Publishing Contract, 100 Author Copies. Second Place – $250 Cash Prize, Contract, 50 Author Copies. Third Place – $100 Cash Prize, Publishing Contract. 

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 1, 2021. City Limits Publishing is hosting a Suspense/Thriller Novel Contest featuring multiple cash prizes and publishing contracts! We’re looking for people with already completed works to join our authors. First Place – $500 Cash Prize, Publishing Contract, 100 Author Copies. Second Place – $250 Cash Prize, Contract, 50 Author Copies. Third Place – $100 Cash Prize, Publishing Contract. Word count per chapter should not exceed 3,000 words. Submit 30,000 words minimum. 



These funds will be distributed as special, one-time grants to Idaho artists and nonprofit arts organizations experiencing arts-related income loss due to the Coronavirus pandemic. These applications will become available on November 2 and will be received on a first-come, first-served basis until November 16 or funds are expended, whichever comes first. New users are strongly encouraged to register for an account by October 30, 5 p.m. MST to ensure access to the application portal when it opens. Limit $750. 



Submissions received from September 1 to December 31 will be read for the Summer issue. Arc accepts unsolicited submissions of previously unpublished poetry in English, or translations of poetry into English, on any subject, and in any form. Submissions must not exceed three poems or 360 lines. Arc pays for poetry at the rate of $50 per page. Payment is issued upon publication along with one free copy of the issue in which the work appears. 

Through local stories and informative features, Chicago Health provides the latest public health and medical news so readers can make informed decisions about the health issues that matter to them. Pays professional rates. Submit to editor Eve Becker.

Chicago Health: Caregiving is a resource for seniors and the loved ones who care for them. Caregiving magazine helps you navigate everyday life, find necessary services and locate professional assistance. We give you the information you need to make the best choices during this complex phase of life. Pays professional rates. Submit to editor Eve Becker.

To publish in Common Ground, please email a query first, describing the proposed article. Generally we accept articles on health, wellness, the environment, transformational travel and personal growth. We prefer articles by Canadian authors; very rarely, we accept fiction and poetry. After we respond to your query, articles of 600 to 1,500 words will be accepted. We will consider longer articles, up to 2,500 words, but may ask you to edit them to a shorter length. Articles can be enhanced with a compelling photo or graphic. We pay ten cents per word, but some of our articles are donated.

We aim to fundamentally change what you think of when you hear the phrase “men’s publication,” and to do so through and for the worldview of Black and Brown men. LEVEL is organized into three primary categories: Culture, Life, and Race/Identity/Politics. The majority of our stories will fall in the 1,000- to 1,500-word range; once you get past 2,000 words, that’s feature territory. 

Experience Life is a progressive health/fitness/quality-of-life magazine (we call it “a healthy-way-of-life magazine”). It’s also the membership magazine of Life Time — a large and rapidly growing health and fitness organization with dozens of industry-leading facilities located throughout the country. Each issue of Experience Life includes three in-depth features (2,500 to 3,500 words), plus four departmental neighborhoods of shorter pieces. We also publish several digital-only articles each month on our website, Pays professional rates. 

Natural Awakenings is comprised of 50+ magazines across the U.S. and Puerto Rico, each independently owned and operated. To contact the magazine in your area, visit our local magazines page for a complete listing of all Natural Awakenings publishers across the country. Please contact your local publisher directly. Visit the local magazines page for a complete listing of all Natural Awakenings publishers across the country. Pays 20 cents/word. 

Health & Wellness works to meet the health care needs of Colorado communities by providing a local voice, warm design, engaging content and a complete health resource. Health & Wellness writers are some of Colorado’s top health care journalists. As baby boomers and parents themselves, they are passionate and enthusiastic when it comes to writing about aging, wellness, pregnancy, parenting, nutrition, medicine, technology and health care options. Pays professional rates. 

VICE Media Group is the world’s largest independent youth media company. VICE News is looking for a part-time senior editor to join our ambitious, growing digital news offering out of the United States. This position requires an experienced digital editor and manager with excellent judgment, comfort editing and publishing in a fast-paced, digital setting, a deep understanding of the VICE News brand, and a drive to find and publish the best stories across the entire region. Minimum of five years of journalism experience as a writer or story editor. Minimum of two years of management experience. A proven track record of news judgment and editing skills, and execution at the highest levels. 

VICE News is looking for a senior editor to join our ambitious, growing international digital news offering out of the APAC region. This editor would be based out of New Delhi, and will oversee news content around South Asia. This position requires an experienced digital editor and manager with excellent judgment, comfort editing and publishing in a fast-paced, digital setting, a deep understanding of the VICE News brand, and a drive to find and publish the best global stories across the region. 



We publish over 600 books annually in both fiction and nonfiction. Kensington has sweeping and diverse imprints, including Kensington, Zebra Books, Pinnacle Books, Lyrical Press, Dafina Books, and Citadel Press. These imprints are well-known for popular commercial fiction, mysteries and thrillers, African American titles, multicultural fiction, nonfiction, as well as true crime and Westerns. Kensington continues to be the foremost American publisher of romance novels.

Please note that we are not accepting submissions for new poetry, fiction, or self-help books at this time and will not review, respond to, or return submissions of this type. Please also note that our publishing mission is currently general trade; some of our publications are trade books with an additional scholarly market, but we are not currently accepting submissions for purely academic projects. If you believe your work would be a good fit for our list, please email a 250-word query describing your proposal to If we are interested in receiving a full proposal, we will email you within three weeks.

We accept proposals from Australian writers only, for general and commercial nonfiction – including history, current affairs, sports, and biography – and for literary and commercial fiction.We also accept proposals from corporate organisations for custom publishing projects. We are not currently accepting submissions for the following genres: fantasy, science-fiction, travelogues, crime/mystery, erotica, poetry or picture books.

Only accepting nonfiction at present. With nonfiction, it is important that you tell us what makes you particularly qualified to write this book. Not all of our writers are academics, but they are all experts in their chosen field. If you have had books published previously, please give as much information about these as possible; if not, please give details of your other writing experience. We do publish books by writers who have not been published before, but please bear in mind that writing a full-length book, particularly if it is intended for the general reader, is a long and difficult process, and that we will require evidence that you will be able to write in the appropriate style, meet deadlines etc. One of the most important considerations for any publisher considering a new project is the target market. If we are to consider your proposal seriously we will need clear and precise information about the audience for whom you are writing.

We are currently accepting completed manuscripts of 10,000 up to 100,000 words in all sub-genres of romance and erotic romance.

Regular Submissions 16,000 words up to 100,000 words
Romance on the Go 10,000 to 16,000 words
Naughty Fairy Tales 16,000 to 40,000 words
Planet Alpha 25,000 to 40,000
Anthologies 10,000 to 15,000 words

Albert Whitman & Company currently has an open submissions policy. We will read and review un-agented manuscripts and proposals for picture books, middle-grade fiction, and young adult novels. 

Eerdmans Books for Young Readers publishes picture books, middle reader and young adult fiction and nonfiction. We seek manuscripts that are honest, wise, and hopeful; but we also publish stories that simply delight us with their storyline, characters, or good humor. Stories that celebrate diversity, stories of historical significance, and stories that relate to contemporary social issues are of special interest to us at this time. We currently publish 12 to 18 books a year.





Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2020, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

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