
An amazing opportunity for writers
A two-week online
retreat that guides and inspires through daily discussions,
meditations, and exercises to help you heal and let go of what doesn't nurture you, embrace your writer-self, find your voice, and be the writer you were meant to be.
Do something good for your writer's soul! Invest 30
minutes a day for an experience participants call "illuminating," "nurturing," and "life-changing."
"Retreat for the Writer's Soul" starts October 25th.
Scholarships are available. Sign up now
Recently I was advising a political Facebook group, and one key factor I could not get some of the candidates to understand was "define the voter's need then fill it." The candidates only wanted to say how good they are. That's like saying a new drink product is good, when the best ads for drink products show them slaking a thirst by someone exhausted and dripping with sweat, or curled up on a sofa in front of a fire with a warm cup in their

It doesn't matter how good a product is if the consumer doesn't feel the need for it.
So when you are selling your writing, you have to prove that it fills a need. To the magazine or blog editor, you have to demonstrate their need for the topic you want to write about. . . while strategically showing they need your style and quality. When selling your novel, you prove the story is one that is strong, worthy, and worth the investment of the reader. When selling your nonfiction, demonstrate how the reader will walk away stronger and more endowed to face the world after
It isn't about you. It's about the consumer.
You provide a product that will make the consumer's life better.
It isn't about how long it took you to write it.
It isn't about how much the book is.
It isn't about who published it.
When an author makes writing all about them and their investment into it, they risk the public wondering what is wrong with that writing that they don't lead with its quality.


Skyrocket Press is searching for our next favorite book...and it might be yours!
One winner will receive a $250 cash prize and publication. We are open to all fiction genres except romance and erotica (we publish clean fiction). Romance may be an element within another genre, though not the main focus.
In addition to our annual novel contest, we also accept full-length non-fiction and speculative short story submissions year round. Skyrocket Press also offers affordable author services, such as editing & design. For details, please visit our website: www.SkyrocketPress.com.

Email: hope@chopeclark.com to schedule events, online or otherwise. There's starting to be life out there!
- March 21, 2021 - Keynote - St. Andrews Women's Club, Chapin, SC - 6 PM
"What we are made of will make something else."
~Lucretius, Roman poet and Epicurean philosopher
SUccess Story
If you have a success story you believe was prompted by FundsforWriters, please share with us! Send to hope@chopeclark.com
Featured article
Earn Money Writing Book Reviews
By Jessica McCann
A popular Stephen King quote is: “If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write.” While I wholeheartedly agree, I also recognize the difficulty in sitting down to read when you need funds for food and rent. Reading improves your writing, yet, too often, feels like a luxury.
But you can earn money by reading books and writing reviews.
You won’t get rich publishing book reviews, though. Payment is typically modest (expect $15 to $75 per review, unless you break into top-tier publications). That being said, this market pays you to read while serving as an excellent opportunity to break in to freelancing writing while building a portfolio.

Don’t forget that reading and critiquing books also improves your writing and revision skills. By sharpening your ability to identify good (or bad) writing, you become a better writer.
Review Writing Basics
Editors expect three key elements in a book review, regardless of word count.
Summary: Lead with a brief description of the plot, main characters, and theme. If the author is prolific or well-known, reference to previous works may be appropriate. Note if the book is a debut.
Analysis: How is the story constructed? Aspects like flow, pacing, originality, voice, and writing style apply to all books. For fiction, you’ll also consider plot arc and structure, as well as character appeal and development. For nonfiction, address the author’s subject matter, research and expertise. You don’t have to include everything. Highlight an area of particular strength; or examine an aspect that didn’t quite work. Cite specific examples
and quotes or excerpts from the book to support your points.
Opinion: State whether or not you enjoyed the book and if you recommend it. Share a unique perspective in your distinctive writing voice which is what leads to happy editors and future assignments. Bear in mind that every author deserves fair and respectful treatment. Regardless of your opinion, present a balanced case about the merits of the book for its target audience.
Some publications also seek articles that encompass multiple books. Highlight a series, like Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall historical fiction trilogy. Explore one writer’s body of work, such as the biographies of David McCollough. Write a round-up of multiple books with similar themes and different authors, for example, “Five Frightening Thrillers about Climate Change.” The more compelling and unique the angle, the better your odds of catching an editor’s eye with
your query.
Publications that Pay
Always read samples and study submission guidelines before querying.
• Booklist is the American Library Association’s pre-publication review journal for librarians. Approximately 8,000 reviews are published annually, either in print or as online exclusives. https://www.booklistonline.com/writing-for-booklist
• Kirkus Reviews hires experienced writers to review self-published books in English and Spanish for publication in the magazine’s “Kirkus Indie” section. https://www.kirkusreviews.com/about/careers/
• Copperfield Review is an online journal for readers and writers of historical fiction and accepts queries for reviews of novels and nonfiction books about history and writing. https://copperfieldreview.com/
• Women’s Review of Books is a print publication that reviews feminist scholarship, fiction, graphic novels, poetry, and memoir. It includes books in many fields, genres, and styles each issue. www.womensreviewofbooks.org
• Naval History magazine is published by the U.S. Naval Institute and accepts book review queries. https://www.usni.org/naval-history-magazine/submission-guidelines
BIO – Jessica McCann has earned a living as a freelance writer and editor for 30 years. She’s an award-winning historical novelist and creative nonfiction author, and has worked as a judge for the Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Contest. Visit her website and check out helpful “Stuff for Writers.” www.JessicaMcCann.com
$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline October 31, 2020. Twice each year Black Lawrence Press will run the Black River Chapbook Competition for an unpublished chapbook of poems or prose between 16-36 pages in length. The contest is open to new, emerging, and established writers. The winner will receive book publication, a $500 cash award, and ten copies of the book. Prizes are awarded on publication.
NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 18, 2021. Theme: What does it mean to be young in an ageing world? The Nine Dots Prize encourages innovative thinking and engaging new writing that confronts some of the most significant issues of our time. Entrants must respond to the set question in 3,000 words and provide an outline showing how they would expand their response into a short book of between 25,000-40,000 words, backed up with relevant research and evidence. The winner will receive editorial
support from Cambridge University Press as well as the opportunity to spend a term at the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), at Cambridge University, to help develop their ideas and focus on their writing. The Nine Dots Prize is open to anyone worldwide aged 18 years in English.
NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline October 30, 2020. A short piece of fiction with a minimum of 1,400 words, taking into consideration the theme: Ghost Writer. One of the finalists will be selected from Island writers. The winners will be published in the Victoria Review in the summer of 2021. First prize will receive $350 CDN with four runners up receiving $50 CDN each.
Deadline October 30, 2020. Criteria: A short piece of fiction with a minimum of 1,400 words, taking into consideration the theme: Hats Off. One of the finalists will be selected from Island writers. The winners will be published in the Victoria Review in the summer of 2021. First prize will receive $350 CDN, with four runners up receiving $50 CDN each.
Deadline November 16, 2020. Open to authors in fiction / creative nonfiction, poetry and playwriting. Writers applying must be a current resident of New York City and have lived there for a minimum of one year prior to applying. Amounts up to $10,000.
Deadline November 1, 2020. MSAC relies on a diverse array of experts from across the state of Maryland to do the important work of evaluating applications. MSAC selects County Arts Development (CAD) panelists with a focus on diversity of experiences, diversity of location, and expertise in arts agencies of all disciplines in all of Maryland’s diverse communities. Panelists must be Maryland residents. Selected CAD panelists serve a six-month term, which may be renewed in the future.
Panelists receive compensation of $450-500 for their services, based on the number of assignments. Contact Dana Parsons (dana.parsons@maryland.gov) for assistance.
Deadline November 2, 2020. Funding is available in three categories. The California Documentary Project (CDP) is a competitive grant program that supports the research and development and production stages of film, audio, and digital media projects that seek to document California in all its complexity. Projects should use the humanities to provide context, depth and perspective and reach and engage broad audiences through multiple means, including but not limited to radio and television
broadcasts, podcasts, online distribution and interactive media, community screenings and discussions, in classrooms and libraries, at cultural centers, film festivals, and beyond.
The Artist Relief Grant (ARG) from the Nevada Arts Council (NAC) provides financial assistance for artists in Nevada who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Applicants will be asked to describe their financial needs and are requested only to apply if facing immediate and significant financial strain. Amount $1,000.
Maximum word length is a firm 7,500 words. Anything more will be auto-rejected. Payment for original fiction is eight cents per word up to 7,500 words. Minimum of $50. If we podcast your story, additional payment is one cent per word up to 7,500 words. Apex Magazine is a genre zine that focuses on dark and spectacular science fiction, fantasy, and horror. New issues are released every two months.
We want you to frighten us and mess with our heads, so we, in turn, can terrify our listeners. The two options are short fiction (stories between 1,200 and 2,500 words) and regular fiction (stories of 2,500 words and upwards). We pay $100 for short fiction stories. We pay $125 for regular stories.
The Dark is an online horror and dark fantasy magazine published monthly. We are seeking fiction 2,000 – 6,000 words. We pay six cents/word for original fiction up to 6,000 words on publication for first world rights, and one cent/word for reprint fiction up to 6,000 words on publication for nonexclusive reprint rights.
Deadline December 26, 2020. We’re looking for 500-1,000-word horror flash fiction for a “pocket-sized” anthology. Paying eight cents/word for original stories, no reprints. Please choose a theme to write and submit a story for: Cemetery Chillers, Spook Houses, Supernatural Slashers, Witchcraft, Within the Woods. You’re free to submit one story per theme, so up to five stories. The ‘themes’ are open to interpretation, but we are looking for sinister
Deadline November 1, 2020. Please submit your original, never-before-published fantasy, horror or science fiction short story of up to 1,000 words for flash fiction. If your story is accepted for publication, the payment rate is eight cents a word.
We seek stories that explore the masks we wear, the mysteries they conceal, and the price we pay when they’re stripped away. Unmasking, whether literal or figurative, must be integral to the story. Funny or grim, unsettling or cozy, we expect the unexpected. Pull back the mask and reveal your insights, your character-driven tales, and stories that will make us think. Considering original short stories of unmasking, to include a mix of science fiction, fantasy, horror, alien, magical,
witchcraft, AI, and romance elements. Must be appropriate for a “PG-13” audience. Please, no copyrighted characters. Length up to 5,000 words. Pays six cents per word on acceptance.
NO ENTRY FEE, Deadline November 16, 2020. Poems in Singlish, Konglish, Spanglish, AAVE, and other English-associated linguistic forms will be considered for publication. Poets may be asked to contribute supplementary linguistic information to facilitate publication. A maximum of three poems may be submitted. Accepted pieces will be awarded $150 for publication. For inquiries, email editor@pinchjournal.com.
We currently pay three to six cents USD per word for successful submissions. We are interested in fantasy with a dark theme. We accept both works set in our Athuruin Shared Universe as well as original work in an original setting. Submissions must be 500-10,000 words in length. The tone of our setting is dark, and therefore we value submissions that hold true to this sense of foreboding mystery, danger, gore, and cruel truth.
We are looking for original alien horror stories with a The Thing/Alien/The Blob/Critters/Night of the Creeps kind of vibe. Open window for receiving submissions is April 1 - April 30, 2021. Length 2,500 - 6,000 words. Professional rate of six cents per word.
The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency is a New York City-based full-service literary agency founded in 2001 and named one of the top 25 literary agencies in the country by Writer’s Digest. The agency represents children’s literature for all ages – picture books and middle-grade and young adult novels – but also represents high-quality adult fiction and non-fiction in a wide range of genres. JDLA is proud to represent illustrators, as well as screenwriters for both
television and film, including Emmy and Peabody Award-winning writers and illustrators.
Peters Fraser + Dunlop is one of the longest-established literary and talent agencies in London. We develop industry-leading work in the fields of literature, film, television, radio, audio, public speaking, digital platforms and journalism. Please send us the first three chapters of your novel or nonfiction project, as well as a full synopsis. In the body of the email, please write a cover letter, including brief details about your writing career.
We represent a select group of authors who bring diverse voices and perspectives into their writing from picture books through middle grade, young adult, and often beyond, in both fiction and nonfiction. We work closely with each other and with sub-agents to build our clients’ careers in a collaborative and mutually respectful environment.
We are seeking unagented submissions for romances with mature heroes and heroines. We are looking for characters over the age of 45, preferably older, as we want to celebrate second chances at love (or even firsts in later years!). These are first and foremost romances. Secondary genres such as suspense and inspirational will be considered. All submissions must adhere to family-friendly policy. To submit, make sure your word count is between 35,000 and 95,000 and submit a detailed query to
We are open to submissions and are constantly looking for new authors. We read and respond to every submission whether it is from a debut, established, or self-published author.
Juliet is looking for adult fiction and YA only. She is looking for crime, thriller, YA, reading group fiction, ghost stories, historical fiction, SFF, romcoms, and high concept novels. Juliet does not accept the following: nonfiction of any kind, illustrated books, children’s fiction younger than YA, poetry, short stories/short story collections, poetry, novellas, erotica.
Silé is looking for books that inform our understanding of the world, society and the ways we live. She is interested in a range of Nonfiction from emotive life writing to topical essay-like writing to projects on cookery and food. Silé does not accept the following: graphic novels, picture books, erotica or novellas.
We are looking for all types of fiction and narrative nonfiction. Please note we do not represent academic writing, poetry, self-help, picture books or screenplays.

Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact hope@fundsforwriters.com for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.
C. Hope Clark
E-mail: hope@fundsforwriters.com
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036
Copyright 2000-2020, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326
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