Deadline Extended! There's Still Time to Win a $4,000 Writing Payday from SoCreate

Published: Tue, 09/22/20


Emerge from 2020 one screenplay and $4,000 richer!


Hey writers! Ready to turn the page to something positive?

Enter to Win SoCreate's Screenwriter Stimulus!

If you’re finding it hard to be productive during this global pandemic, we want to help stimulate your creativity. We’re offering one writer the chance at a luxury few creatives get: paid time to write! The catch? We want to see you turn your story into a screenplay.


If you’ve ever wanted to turn your novel, short story, or biography into a movie, now is your chance. One deserving writer will get $4,000 to write a 90-120-page screenplay in 30 days.


The winner will also do bi-weekly vlog check-ins with the writing community to tell us how the screenplay writing process is going, what you’ve learned, and how you’re progressing. The winner owns the finished script outright.


It’s free to throw your name in the hat, and all it takes is one sentence telling us why you deserve to win!

  So, Enter Now!   Enter Now!  

All entrants will be added to an Exclusive Private Beta Group to gain early access to our new SoCreate Screenwriting software trials. To learn more about SoCreate and our vision to revolutionize screenwriting, visit