The Worst Freelance Writing Mistakes [free video]
Published: Mon, 08/24/20
FundsforWriters is all about helping writers earn a living. You might be a novelist, a poet, or a technical writers, but have you ever considered freelance writing? I'm a firm believer that any writer can supplement their writing income with freelance writing. . . or simply take it on full-time.
In either case, I wanted to make sure you saw this opportunity to grab a useful free training from one of the top coaches in that space, Carol Tice of the Make a Living Writing blog. All the details are below --
Stay safe. . .

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Hey freelance writer. . .
Are you worried about screwing up, as you try to build your freelance-writing biz?
Maybe you worry about falling for one of the many online scams that target writers.
--Or you’ll make a mistake with a client and feeling embarrassed.
--Or you’ll get stuck with cheapskate clients and not earn enough.
--Or you’ll waste too much time trying to figure out how to launch -- and end up broke.
These fears can really hold you back from claiming the writing career you want. I’ve seen it too many times.
If you’re struggling with any of these issues, I’ve got a massive shortcut for you.
Make a Living Writing blog author Carol Tice recently created a training about the biggest mistakes new freelance writers often make -- and how to avoid them.
Follow this link to watch Avoid The Top 7 Mistakes of New Freelance Writers.
In this video, you’ll find out:
- The secret to moving forward — even if you’re scared
- The big change to make, to find clients more easily
- Job-hunting timewasters to avoid (these never pay off)
- ‘Bad neighborhoods’ online to stay away from
- The key step that quickly sets you apart from the pack
I know, things are crazy right now. That’s why Carol put this up for a few days, nonstop. Watch it where it fits in your schedule -- you don’t have to show up live at a particular time.
Let Carol know you want to watch Avoid The Top 7 Mistakes of New Freelance Writers. It’ll be instantly delivered.
If you’ve got questions while you watch that training, write them down. Your registration also gets you a free ticket to a followup, live Zoom Q&A that Carol’s doing on Sept. 1. She’s happy to take your questions then.
You’ll get the details on that Q&A delivered right when you sign up.
Hope this video helps you get launched as a freelance writer!