FundsforWriters - August 7, 2020 - What If You Were the First?

Published: Fri, 08/07/20

FundsForWriters: Tips and Tools for serious writers to advance their careers!

VOLUME 20, ISSUE 32 | AUGUST 7, 2020


Message from Hope

Even with it still being ninety-plus degrees, we made a book signing work at the Edisto Bookstore this week. Everyone came masked up, we kept it outside, and people respectfully social distanced without the first prompt to do so. People know what to do when you give them the chance. 

The day was such a tonic for me. 

I don't go out. Having had brochitis for two months, with a COVID test that was negative, I hadn't seen fans, bookstores, anything, in ages. I still won't go to a grocery store. But oh my goodness.....I didn't realize how much I missed being around book people! I heart was so full when I left. 

I ordered a customized mask so people would recognize me. Occasionally I took my mask off for a picture, with proper distancing, then slipped it back on (see picture). This one in particular meant a lot to me. Mrs. Harriet Edwards was my high school teacher who came and brought me a gift and a sweet card congratulating me for using my talents. She advised me as copy-editor and then editor for the yearbook. Said she pulled up in the parking lot and recognized my laugh. Again, my heart was so full.

Then a high school friend showed with his wife. Hadn't seen him since we graduated, and I'm not saying when. I could've talked to him for hours! 

Many said they were first-time readers, and they started with Murder on Edisto. Some started with whatever book happened to be set near a place they knew well, like Newberry Sin. One couple just bought them all so they could get them autographed while I was there. 

But wow, I was so thrilled at the end of the day. I must've said thank you a thousand times. Book people are the best. The absolute best. Made me want to go home and write twice as fast! 

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
Email Hope | Visit Website | Sign up for Newsletter
Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
FFW has proudly been on the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers list every year since 2001

Our subscriber list is NOT made available to others. Use information listed at your own risk. FundsforWriters gives no warranty to completeness, accuracy, or fitness of the markets, contests and grants although research is done to the best of our ability.
















3 Shifts Women Writers Need to Make: How to Finish Your Nonfiction Book!

Ensure you have the right foundation to support accomplishing this huge goal. 

During this live masterclass you will learn:  

• The importance of identifying your WHY—the vision you have for yourself and the big reason behind writing your book

• How to set manageable, realistic, achievable writing goals for yourself.

• Why you need to protect your schedule and probably don't need as much time to write as you think.

• My philosophy for establishing a holistic approach to getting a book done (hint: it doesn't include hours-long writing sessions or plowing through to get pages written).

Click here to register.





Black authors' work is surging, which is a great, great thing. Long overdue. Not long ago, LGBTQ authors made a comeback, and their work came into its own. Harry Potter taught the world that Young Adult was important for all, not just kids. All the books labeled with GIRL or WOMAN over the last three or four years have shown us that women can be incredible protagonists as well as remarkably deep antagonists. FIFTY SHADES brought erotica out from behind plain covers. 

In the publishing industry, each publisher or agent wants to discover the next best fill-in-the-blank, and usually it involves a cause or an underrepresented group. Then typically a myriad of up-and-coming writers shadow that great discovery because they want to be part of something bigger as well. Not just a story, but a piece of a cause.

Why can't we just write a story that gives a reader a chance to escape?

I'm trying to say:

1) Not all black writers have to write about racism.
2) Not all LGBTQ authors have to write about their physical/sexual affiliation.
3) Not all YA authors have to write fantasy.
4) Not all female books have to have GIRL or WOMAN in their title or address feminism. 
5) Not all erotica has to be about billionaires and lucky/unlucky girls.

In other words, why can't you write the story you wish, about the topic you wish, that doesn't represent your racial/ethnic/sexual/social/religious standing? Why can't it just be a good idea?
Who wants to be the next JK Rowling or The Girl on the Train or Roxane Gay? Wouldn't it be better to be the best you. . . writing the story that you need to tell?







Email: to schedule  events, online or otherwise. There's starting to be life out there!

  • March 21, 2021 - Keynote - St. Andrews Women's Club, Chapin, SC - 6 PM




"“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” 

— Henry David Thoreau


SUccess Story

Hi Hope.

I’ve been reading your newsletter for more years than I can count and have a success story to share, but it’s not my success story exactly.

About six years back, I started Skyrocket Press offering services to help writers self-publish their books. I’ve been honored to work with many wonderful writers and have produced about two dozen books.

But last year I decided to try something different. I remember how challenging it was as a new writer to get my first book published and how exciting it was when I held that brand new copy in my hands. With Skyrocket Press, I wanted to give that same experience to some worthy authors.

So, in 2019 my team and I launched the first annual Skyrocket Press Novel Writing Contest, and we advertised with FundsforWriters.

It was our first attempt, but among those few submissions, we found a gem: THE FERGUS by Tori Grant Welhouse.

THE FERGUS is a young adult mystical quest story set in Scotland. It’s about a boy named Rork who misses his gran who has died. When he’s recruited by a banshee-in-training to enter Shuftie, an otherworldly dimension filled with life-threatening peril, Rork agrees, hoping it may give him a chance to see his gran again.

Welhouse’s story is one of those diamonds that every publisher dreams of finding. Skyrocket Press is thrilled to be the one to have found it. Thank you, Hope, for bringing us together.

THE FERGUS will be our first traditionally published title and will be released on July 30th. And I’m happy to say we are currently open to submissions for our second annual Novel Writing Contest. Looking forward to finding our next diamond.

Laurisa Reyes

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Send us your success story, telling us how FundsforWriters made a difference, opened a door, helped you get someplace you wanted to be. 



Featured article


Becoming A Writer for A Digital Marketing Agency 

By Rafal Reyzer

I've been working as a content manager, freelance writer, and editor for the Barcelona-based digital marketing agency Vime Digital for over four years. In fact, there are dozens of agencies out there and they're all eager to recruit new writers. Read on and learn how to make your bones in the agency world. 

Let's quickly define what a digital marketing agency is, so we're all on the same page. A digital agency is a business entity that provides online marketing services for external clients (they're called "accounts" in the agency lingo). These services include blog and news-related content writing and publishing, with a major focus on search engine optimization (SEO).

What do clients expect from an agency like this? They want higher levels of traffic on their websites and top positions for specific keywords in search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. How is this achieved with your help? You'll need to write articles for a variety of blogs and news outlets, and link them up to your employing agency account's website using a specific anchor text. This is called a "link building campaign" or "sponsored posts campaign," and to be successful at it, you need to have a solid understanding of SEO, in addition to sharp writing skills. 

Let's take a look at an example, so it's all clear. Let's say the agency's client is an e-commerce site in the audio equipment industry. The agency's outreach team contacts website owners in the audio niche and asks them if they're interested in publishing sponsored posts. Once this agreement is reached, it's time to get the article ready, and that's exactly where you step in.

As a writer, you might get tasked with ghostwriting a 600-1,200-word blog post according to specific guidelines (number of links, images, anchor text, etc.) The post you write also needs to nail a particular keyword so it can rank in search engines and send referral traffic to the client's website.

As you can imagine, you'd need to write content that follows the style guide of a particular publisher's website. Plus, the agency might deal with clients in various markets, so one day, you become a temporary expert in online gaming, and the next you’re all about the most luxurious hotels in Costa Rica. To become a successful writer in this environment, you need a lot of mental flexibility and a general understanding of a wide array of topics. And as with any freelance client, you must honor deadlines, often set at around 48 hours from the moment you receive your assignment.

The pay depends on the requirements of each client. But on average, you can count on $50-$100 per blog post. Once submitted, it lands in an editor's inbox, and if you know what you're doing, reworks are quite rare, and the editor takes care of the rest.

Over the years, I screened dozens of applications from freelance writers who wanted to sign up with an agency. The ones who got the job weren't the ones with the best resumes and cover letters. Rather, they had a solid website and a decent portfolio that served as proof of their skills. 

Digital agencies often advertise on job boards, but if you want to get hired, it's much better if you connect with relevant players on LinkedIn or through cold email outreach. Look for a "content manager," "content director," or an "editorial manager" and show them your writing chops. You just might catch them at the moment when they desperately need a great writer for their new account.  

BIO - Rafal Reyzer is a full-time blogger, freelance writer, digital marketer, editor, and content manager. He started his blog to provide readers with tools and strategies they can use to work remotely and achieve success through online creativity. His site is an oasis for writers, bloggers, publishers, content enthusiasts, and freelancers who want to be independent, earn more money, and create beautiful things. 



NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline October 1, 2020. The giveaway is open to both traditionally- and independently-published authors, fiction or nonfiction. You must have a targeted publication date between May–December 2021. The winning submission will receive a personalized, full-service publicity campaign, specifically designed to fit the author’s message, platform and genre. A customized press package including a news release, author Q&A and interview talking points. Personalized pitching and promotional outreach to a targeted list of national media, regional media, reviewers and online influencers. $1,000-worth of digital advertising and/or review submission to industry publications, positioning you directly in front of consumers and industry influencers. One-on-one consultation with Books Forward’s social media specialist, with customized guidance for maximizing online exposure and engagement. Creative promotion to indie booksellers and librarians to get your book into the hands of the tastemakers who will make a difference. We are looking for an author who has a meaningful message that contributes to a timely, relevant conversation within our culture. No matter your focus–women’s perspectives, racial equality/representation, climate change, the nature of grief, the future of technology, little-known histories–tell us how your work (fiction or nonfiction) engages and advances a socially-significant issue.

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 16, 2020. Voyage wants to see those first chapters of your Young Adult novels! One of the most difficult challenges in writing a book is getting that first chapter just right — and we’re aiming to challenge you. Can you write a first chapter that captivates your audience enough to make them want to keep reading? If the answer is yes, then send it to us. The first place winner will receive $3,000 and an hour-long consultation with literary agent, Eric Smith of P.S Literary Agency. Second place will receive $300 and publication, and third place $200 and publication. All finalists will also receive written feedback from one of our partner Literary Agents, either Leah Pierre or Thao Le. International submissions are allowed. The chapter doesn’t have to be standalone. 5,000-word count maximum.

$27 ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 17, 2020. The winner of each of Omnidawn's poetry book and chapbook contests wins an immediate cash prize ($3,000 for the First/Second Book and Open Contest, $1,000 for the Chapbook Contest), publication of the book by Omnidawn with a full color cover (unless the author prefers black and white), 100 free copies of the winning book, and extensive display advertising and publicity. Omnidawn poetry editors seek a wide range of styles, approaches, forms, diversities, and aesthetics to send to the judge (for example: lyric, prose poems, experimental, etc.). There are no citizenship requirements or limitations.

$10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline October 31, 2020. The winners will receive the following prizes: first $500, second $50, third $50, and fourth and fifth will receive a copy of the book Tiny Love: The Complete Stories by Larry Brown. Each prize winner will be published in the January 2021 issue of Pithead Chapel. The submitted story must be less than 4,000 words.

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline November 1, 2020. Aesthetically, we are open to most styles and approaches, including experimental and literary. All works should be stand-alone short stories, not chapters of a longer work. Please limit prose submissions to 5,000 words. $1,000 for the winning story.

$30 ENTRY FEE. Deadline October 1, 2020. First prize: $1,000. Second prize: $500. Third prize: $250. The three prizewinners and seven honorable mentions will be considered for representation by William Morris Endeavor; ICM; the Wylie Agency; Aragi, Inc.; Regal Literary; Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency; Markson Thoma Literary Agency; Inkwell Management; Sterling Lord Literistic; Aitken Alexander Associates; Barer Literary; the Gernert Company; Janklow & Nesbit Associates; and The Georges Borchardt Literary Agency. We accept all genres of literary fiction. Entries must be: unpublished; strictly 5,000 words or fewer. 

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 15, 2020. The winner of this annual competition will be awarded the David Charles Horn Prize of $10,000, publication of their manuscript by Yale University Press, and a staged reading at Lincoln Center’s Claire Tow Theater. The prize and publication are contingent on the playwright's agreeing to the terms of the publishing agreement. This contest is restricted to plays written in the English language. Worldwide submissions are accepted. Submissions must be original, unpublished full-length plays, with a minimum of 65 pages. Plays with less than 65 pages will not be considered. Translations, musicals, and children's plays are not accepted.

NO MENTION OF ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 28, 2020. The Award is for a single, previously unpublished short story of up to 4,000 words written in English. The competition is open to any writer, published or unpublished, aged 18 years or over and resident in the UK or Ireland who submit their stories anonymously via this website. It's up to the public to read the top three stories shortlisted by the judges and vote for their favourite, with the winner and two runners-up being announced at the Costa Book Awards ceremony in January. The author of the Costa Book of the Year receives a cheque for £30,000, presented at an awards ceremony at the end of January.

NO MENTIONED ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 31, 2020. The New Voices Award is given annually by children's book publisher Lee & Low Books for a children’s picture book manuscript by a writer of color or Native/Indigenous writer. The contest is open to writers of color and Native nations who are residents of the United States and at least 18 years old at the time of entry, and who have not previously had a children’s picture book traditionally published. Participants remain eligible if they have published work in other venues and genres, including children’s magazines, middle-grade and young adult fiction or nonfiction, and adult fiction or nonfiction. Authors of self-published books are also eligible, but they should submit a new manuscript, not a project that has been previously self-published. Writers cannot have had a picture book traditionally published if they’re applying for the New Voices Award. Only unagented manuscripts will be considered. Manuscripts should be no more than 1,500 words. Submissions may be FICTION, NONFICTION, or POETRY for children ages 5 to 12. Only stories with human protagonists will be considered. The Award winner receives a cash prize of $2,000 and our standard publication contract, including our basic advance and royalties for a first-time author. An Honor Award winner will receive a cash prize of $1,000.

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 31, 2020. Twice each year an author of a work of creative nonfiction will be selected for the Diana Woods Memorial Award by a special guest judge. One author will be chosen for the Summer/Fall issue of Lunch Ticket and one in the Winter/Spring issue. The winning submissions will be published in Lunch Ticket and the recipient will receive $250. The reading period for the award is the month of February for the issue that publishes in June, and the month of August for the issue that publishes in December. Creative nonfiction authors are invited to submit an essay of up to 5,000 words on the subject of their choice. 

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 31, 2020. Three winners will receive $200 each, plus publication. Six finalists will receive $50 each, plus publication. You may submit up to two, previously unpublished poems. If it has appeared in any book, magazine or edited website, including Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, then it is published.

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 19, 2020. The prestigious competition, now in its fifth year, offers €500 as first prize and attracts entries from all over the world. The 2020 anthology of shortlisted stories will be called 'Creation, Cosmos, & Caboodle', although there is no restriction on theme or style for entries, writers are invited to respond to this title if they wish. The competition is free to enter and open to all writers aged 16 or over. The overall winner will receive a cash prize of €500, with two runners up receiving €250 and €150 respectively.



Deadlines August 7, 2020; November 6, 2020; February 5, 2021. Artist Entrepreneurial Grants recognize the importance of the creative workforce to New Hampshire’s economy. Artist Entrepreneurial Grants support opportunities that will benefit artists’ careers, including the development of business skills, participation in programs to raise the level and quality of their art, and participation in programs that will bring their art to the widest possible markets. Funding requests may be made for $250 - $1,000. Grants must be matched on a one-to-one basis.

CERF+ is launching the COVID-19 Relief Grant program to provide financial assistance to professional artists working in craft disciplines who are facing dire circumstances from the COVID-19 crisis. As part of CERF+’s broader COVID-19 crisis response strategies, this special program will provide one-time $1,000 grants to meet urgent food, housing and health insecurities. The grants will be awarded in two cycles: the application opens July 8 and the deadline for the first round will be July 29; the second round will open August 19 and the deadline will be September 9. The program will focus on those facing the most severe financial pressures. Priority will be given to eligible artists who have traditionally been underserved by the grantmaking community including people of color and folk and traditional artists.

On Wednesday 22 July, we re-opened Arts Council National Lottery Project Grants, our fund for all individual artists, community and cultural organisations. Project Grants is open to anyone who needs funding for an arts, museums or libraries project that shows public benefit. Most importantly, we've updated our guidance so we can support more individuals and creative practitioners during the Covid-19. Key changes we've made for the time being include: removing the need for applicants to source match-funding, giving individuals time and space to think and plan with their funding, and making more museums and libraries projects eligible for funding.

Deadline August 31, 2020. The $500 Diverse Writers grant is intended to support writers from underrepresented and underprivileged groups, such as writers of color, women, queer writers, disabled writers, working-class writers, etc. — those whose marginalized identities may present additional obstacles in the writing/publishing process. The $500 Diverse Worlds grant is intended for work that best presents a diverse world, regardless of the writer’s background. Writers may apply for either or both grants. 

The StARTS Program provides support of up to $4,500 to eligible Illinois not-for-profit organizations, schools, and school districts for short term residencies focused on hands-on learning experiences conducted by Illinois artists, companies, or ensembles. Grant requests for fiscal year 2021 are for activities occurring by August 31, 2021. This is an open deadline program.  Applications must be received no less than eight weeks before the project start date as identified in the application. Applications are reviewed in the order in which they are received and will be accepted until the funds are fully committed or by May 15, 2021.

The Individual Artist Support (IAS) program assists Illinois artists in realizing a career goal, take advantage of a professional opportunity, or to produce and present an artistic project. Artist Project Track (IAS/AP) supports individual artists in the production and presentation of an artistic project. Applicants may request a maximum of 75 percent of the total cash expenses of the project up to $4,000. The minimum request is $500. Applicants must secure a cash match to cover the remaining costs. Professional Development Track (IAC/PD) supports professional development opportunities related to an individual artist's career.  Applicants can request grant amounts between $500 and $1,500 with no cash match required.  Applicants must secure funds to cover any remaining costs exceeding $1,500. This program has an open deadline and will support activities that occur by August 31, 2021. Applications must be received eight weeks prior to the start date as identified in the application. Applications are reviewed in the order in which they are received and will be accepted until funds are fully committed or by May 15, 2021.



Fireside holds a submissions period for each upcoming issue of Fireside Quarterly. We accept short stories up to 3,000 words. Our budget allows us to pay for up to 7,000 words per month, which means we are always going to buy more shorter fiction than longer stories. Stories in English or Spanish. Any genre. Internationally open to submissions. Payment of 12.5 cents per word. In 2020, Fireside will be open to submissions for short stories during the following periods:

August 24, 2020 to August 28, 2020
Submissions period for the Summer 2021 Issue

November 30, 2020 to December 4, 2020
Submissions period for the Autumn 2021 Issue

Pays $200 and ten copies of the book for first person articles of 1,200 words. Topics and deadlines open now are:

Angels - deadline December 15, 2020
Cats - deadline November 30, 2020
Count Your Blessings - deadline February 28, 2021
Eldercare - deadline January 30, 2021
Make Me Time and Taking Care of Yourself - deadline September 30, 2020
Miracles, Amazing Coincidences and the Unexplainable - deadline August 31, 2020
Tough Times - deadline October 31, 2020. 

War Cry looks to bring people to Christ, help believers grow in faith and character, and promotes redemptive cultural practices from the perspective of Salvation Army programs, ministries and doctrines. Has a theme list for the year. Payment made at time of acceptance is $0.35 per word for first rights, one-time use articles and $0.15 per word for reprints. Submit articles for a particular theme 60 days prior to the issue date. Please limit these submissions to 800–1,250 words.

An anthology of speculative fiction, with all proceeds going to the Black Lives Matter movement. For this latest chiral dance, the focus is diversity. If you are not part of an underrepresented demographic (POC, LGBTQIA+, female), please do not submit at this time. Fiction (5,000 words or fewer recommended, payment capped at 5K), only one submission at a time. If you receive a rejection, feel free to submit again, immediately. No reprints. Poetry (50 lines or fewer, payment capped at 50 lines), up to five poems at a time. If you receive a rejection, feel free to submit up to five more, immediately. No reprints. Fiction - $0.06 per word, US, capped at 5,000 words. Poetry - $1 per line, US, capped at 50 lines. 

Deadline February 28, 2021. We pay upon $0.08/word for the stories we publish. All of our books are limited editions of between 100 and 125 copies and we prefer to print physical books over creating ebooks.

Theme: Fairy Tales - choose two of your favorite fairy tales, and a genre of your choice, and mash them up to make something new. Stories may be of any genre as long as they incorporate two fairy tales. We are open to Grimdark, New Weird, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Dying Earth and genre bending/breaking. All stories are requested to be between 1,000 and 3,000 words in length. 

Theme: The Wild Hunt - New stories of the Wild Hunt incorporating its diverse mythology and drama. Stories may be of any genre as long as they fit within the idea of the Wild Hunt. We are open to Grimdark, New Weird, Science Fiction, Fantasy and genre bending/breaking. All stories are requested to be between 1,000 and 3,000 words in length. 



Claret Press books are entertaining, intelligent and distinctive, introducing readers to new ideas, unexplored places and pivotal events. Our fiction and creative nonfiction explore the human spirit and our shared world through deeply interesting and engaging narratives, often with a political edge. If you're interested in submitting to Claret Press, send us a cover letter and a 25-page writing sample. Seeks 20th century historical: untold moments and stories from pivotal points in modern history; biographies and turbulent memoirs set in fraught locations; issue-led romances and narratives. Also action: political thrillers, suspense, mysteries and adventures. And comedy: escapist fun with a political edge. We don't publish the following: poetry, self-help or spiritual, erotica, kiddie books, picture books, art books, cookbooks, academic, educational, textbooks or screeds. We also don't republish self-published books. 

For fiction, nonfiction, and hybrid works, open to anything in terms of subject and form and driving force (whether that force be character, plot, structure, humor, concept, or some combination of these). Looking for books that exude energy and command—that persuade and even transport me with the world or worlds, the characters and consciousnesses, they present. Seeking innovation and am usually more drawn to imperfect work that takes risks. We do not consider chapbooks, novellas, or children’s books, and currently we are not accepting poetry submissions. 

JOFFE BOOKS is one of the UK’s leading independent publishers of excellent commercial fiction, especially crime and mystery fiction. We are renowned for working closely with authors from across the world to create fantastic books and turning them into best-sellers.

All titles under NCM Publishing will be listed in Books in Print, and will be available through Ingram Book Group and Baker & Taylor distributors. All titles are available in the United States, as well as in the United Kingdom. Unlike most publishing companies, we do not require you to be affiliated with a literary agent. Our editors are seeking tasteful provocative, intelligent fiction manuscripts in the areas of sexuality and erotica, romance, urban and street, science fiction, Christian fiction, and general interest, as well as nonfiction, and lively stories of all genres of fiction for the general population between the ages of 18 and older (as well as Young Adult fiction).  A novel must be well written and professionally edited, in order to find a place on the list. The editors prefer to see completed manuscripts. Query letters are accepted. 





Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2020, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

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