Mid-Week Message from FundsforWriters - Need more writing jobs? Free live webinar.
Published: Tue, 06/30/20
Hey, everybody. Take a moment to check out this free webinar from freelance guru Carol Tice. Discover how to find high-paying writing jobs now. YES — even during isolation, COVID, and recession.
Love, Hope
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Presented by: Carol Tice

Longtime freelance writer Carol Tice created the award-winning Make a Living Writing blog in 2008, and founded the Freelance Writers Den community in 2011. She's been a freelance writer for 20 years, with clients including Forbes, Entrepreneur, American Express, Dun & Bradstreet, and many more. She's connected with many clients on LinkedIn, including three Fortune 500 companies: Alaska Airlines, Costco, and TrueBlue (formerly LaborReady). Carol has coached hundreds of
writers to higher earnings over the past decade, and has presented more than 25 online training courses.
And she's friends with Hope!

Laid off or furloughed? Established freelance writer whose clients vanished?
If you feel scared right now, Carol Tice totally gets it. This isn't her first recession rodeo. It's nuts out there, scams are everywhere, and things seem so uncertain.
That's why she put together this FREE training! Let her walk you through what works - and doesn't - right now for finding writing clients!
Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 11 a.m. Pacific / 2 p.m. Eastern
Yes, that's Wednesday, July 1!
What you'll learn at this free, live event:
- Where the opportunity is in freelance writing today
- How you can quickly get first jobs, as a newbie
- The single most effective type of marketing for freelancers now
- A step-by-step road map for how to use this method successfully
- And more!
Yes, freelance writing is still a viable career, in 2020! Get tips from The Recession-Proof Freelancer author on how to thrive in a downturn.