FundsforWriters - February 21, 2020 - Hiring an Editor

Published: Fri, 02/21/20

FundsForWriters: Tips and Tools for serious writers to advance their careers!
  Volume 20, Issue 8 | FEBRUARY 21, 2020  

Message from the Editor

I couldn't decide on which story idea to start writing on for the next novel, and the feedback last week was mostly between two ideas. . . 1 and 3. As a reminder, here are the ideas again, because a lot of people were on vacation, or watching the snow, or something last week, because the open rate was way down. 

Here are the three books I have in mind for the next project, and I wouldn't mind your feedback:

1) The first in a new series about a wealthy, red-headed private eye in the Carolina Lowcountry, who's heiress to a pecan dynasty

2) Another Edisto book - titled Edisto Reunion based upon a murder at the beach during Callie's high school reunion, where cheerleaders are blaming each other, Callie's high school heart throb comes to light, and past collides with present as secrets come out.

3) Another Edisto - about a mystery author who comes to Edisto to write a book then disappears, and they don't know if it's to help with the story or if the crime is real.

However, my hubby came up with an idea. Why not combine 2 and 3? Why can't the author in 3 be the yearbook editor from high school in 2, and she came to the reunion to research a murder that happened to a class member a few years ago, hoping to get folks to talk. . . and hoping the news is juicy enough for a future bestseller. Only she disappears.  

So. . . what do you think? 

The publisher said they are interested in all three ideas, but they want me to pick the one that "jazzes" me the most. Big sigh....not sure which that is.

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
Email Hope | Visit Website | Sign up for Newsletter
Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
FFW has proudly been on the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers list every year since 2001

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Editors are critical, but there is such a love/hate feeling about hiring one for your work. First, it's one person's impression. If you hired three editors, you are hiring three opinions. Then add on top of that the fact you have three types of edits, and you see why a lot of writers aren't sure how to utilize their hard-earned dollars to get the biggest bang for their buck in terms of editors. 

Traditional publishers have their own editors. Some contract out the editing, and others have them in-house. Some do both. When it comes to my publisher, the publisher herself reviews my work for developmental edits. The big-picture edits. The does-this-story-work edits. If a secondary character needs to go, it goes. If a chapter doesn't add pace to the story, it goes. It the climax needs more oomph, it gets it. If tension is missing in chapters 4, 11 and 25, I'm told to add it. However, I also know they have editors-for-hire. Most publishers cannot afford to staff a stable of editors on salary, so they contract with them if the editor on staff hasn't the time to handle it all.

This is the editing that most indie authors skip. They feel they don't need that sort of advice, or they choose beta readers instead. Skipping this level of editing shows itself in the majority of indie books. 

The next level is also often skipped by indies, though an extremely savvy beta reader (heavy on the word extremely) could catch many of these edits. Flow, word choices, syntax, voice, turns of phrase, meaning. . . in other words, quality writing.

There isn't a writer putting pen to paper out there that cannot improve at the hand of a good editor, but what's key is finding a good one. The trouble is, in the editing world, you often get what you pay for. A truly solid editor is in demand and charges accordingly. A writer recently contacted me worried about a quote, $500 for under 60,000 words, worried about that being expensive. I would be wondering more about what type of edit, the experience of the editor, and what manuscripts they've done before. When it comes to editing, you step into the business side of writing. 

There isn't one place to find these editors. Many hang their own shingle and tackle manuscripts on a limited basis. They have no need to advertise if they are keeping a steady stream of good authors by way of word-of-mouth, and good authors love to brag about who helped them get to where they are. But editing is time consuming. It's not like a book-length manuscript can be done in a few hours. You're talking weeks of scheduling. An editor has to charge for their experience, their time, and the energy of the back and forth with an author. Some authors are easy to work with. Others are nightmares. If I were an editor, I'd interview an author and charge accordingly. 

But where to find them? There isn't one list, but you can start with places like:

and read this piece from Jane Friedman.

From there, however, just ask good authors who they hired to edit their work. They might even tell you how much the editor charges. Authors are often good to each other. 

Due to popular request, you'll find autographed versions of The Edisto Island Mysteries at my website, or through the online store.



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Mentioned in Jan. issue of
The Writer Magazine




  • March 23, 2020 - 7:15 PM - St. Andrews Women's Club, Irmo, SC
  • April 25, 2020 - 2-5 PM - Palmetto Scribe Event - Irmo Library, Irmo, SC     



"Don’t romanticise your ‘vocation.’ You can either write good sentences or you can’t. There is no ‘writer’s lifestyle.’ All that matters is what you leave on the page."   ~Zadie Smith, author


SUccess Story

Dear Hope,

Thank you for always inspiring writers and giving them that little nudge in every single issue! Your FundsforWriters is not only an invaluable resource, but it is sometimes just the thing a writer needs to encourage them to try one more time.

Last year I entered my self-published memoir, Please Don't Piss on the Petunias: Stories About Raising Kids, Crops, and Critters in the City, in the North Street Book Prize contest. Last week I learned it made Finalist (one out of 22 books recognized from 1,657 submissions!). I almost didn't enter. There are always reasons to talk ourselves out these things: the cost, the time, the odds! But the notice came at just the right time ,and I was receptive to your continuing, encouraging message of "Never give up." 

Thank you for cheering us on, Hope! I know I speak for thousands when I write: It means the world to us.

Sandra Knauf
NEW IN 2020!: Greenwoman Market
Greenwoman Publishing, LLC
Author of Zera and the Green Man and Please Don't Piss on the Petunias
Greenwoman's Blog: Flora's Forum 
Greenwoman Facebook Page

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Send us your success story, telling us how FundsforWriters made a difference, opened a door, helped you get someplace you wanted to be. 



Featured article


How to Organise Your Own Book Launch 

By Dan Brotzel

You’re publishing your own book, now you need to organise your own launch event! Here’s a handy checklist… 

Draw up numbers

Your event will mark the moment that your book will be launched to the world, but you’re footing the bill, so be clear about why you’re doing it and how to maximise the event’s impact. To help you budget, make a quick list of who you’d like to invite, and who’s likely to come. Better to invite too many than too few – no one wants to read their book to three people! 

As a publisher once advised me: ‘Invite people who will make you look clever and cool.’ As well as family and friends, you want a crowd that will create a buzz that people feel flattered to be a part of. In my case, that means editors of litmags, arts journalists, publishing people, book bloggers, fiction types prominent in my social networks. Invite your co-workers, your boss, your favourite authors, your old neighbour, any famous people you vaguely know. Be shameless! 

Find a venue

To host, say, 50-60 people, you don’t need a massive space, but it does need to be big enough for people to gather comfortably, hear you speak, and absorb any latecomers. 

Depending on where you live, you will need to choose between local and central. With the former, you can push the ‘local author’ angle, especially if your book has a local angle. But if like me you live in the suburbs of a city and are inviting people from other areas of the country, it makes sense to choose a more central venue that makes it easy for the widest number of people to get to. 

Choose somewhere affordable and memorable (quirky is good) without breaking the bank. Many bars and cafes will host a reading for a small or no fee, in exchange for a certain amount spent on food and drink. They will often offer better rates earlier in the week when they’re quieter. Other common choices include bookstores, libraries, galleries, or somewhere that links to your book. 

Sort invitations, stock and merchandise

Design your invite around the book cover and send it out personally to the people you really want to come. Create a Facebook Event. Ask people to share with relevant contacts. Make sure you have enough books for the night – you can use the stock later, and you absolutely don’t want to run out of books. You might also want to organise some merch that you can give away with sales on the night, such as bookmarks, tote bags, and mugs.  

Promote the event 

Share the invite in all the usual places – your social media, blog, website – and ask all your invitees and social contacts to help spread the word too. Start promoting a good time before the event – say two months – and then just keep drip-feeding reminders, with a greater cadence of messages in the last couple of weeks. 

Think sales 

Have a trusted friend handle sales on the night (unless it’s a bookshop doing this), so you’re free to mingle. Offer cash and electronic payments if you can. Have a cash float ready for making change. 

Prepare a few words 

The classic book launch format is a gathering of two to three hours interspersed with a few words from the author. Get someone to introduce you – a good speaker who can build some excitement, ideally someone with a connection to your work. Typically, you might say a few words about the genesis of the book, say your thank yous, and do a short reading. Choose a section that’s upbeat, dramatic or humorous – this is a party after all! 

Working the room 

In all the excitement, keep your professional head on and rub shoulders with people who can help promote our book or your career. Make a point of introducing yourself to unfamiliar faces and gather contacts that you can follow up on afterward. 

BIO: Dan Brotzel (@brotzel_fiction) is author of a collection of short stories, Hotel du Jack, and co-author of a new comic novel about an eccentric writers’ group, Kitten on a Fatberg (Unbound). For 10% off your order, quote KITTEN10



$99 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 31, 2020. We are looking for a new owner who will be a perfect fit for this unique property on Swan Island off the coast of Maine. Your essay of no more than 350 words should tell us why you think you are that person. Win the inn and $25,000. 

$30 ENTRY FEE. Deadline February 29, 2020. The Hurston/Wright Crossover Award, sponsored by ESPN’s The Undefeated, honors probing, provocative, and original new voices in literary nonfiction. Pays $2,000 to one recipient, tuition-free attendance at a Hurston/Wright summer writer’s workshop, and complimentary ticket to the 19th Annual Legacy Awards Ceremony in October 2020. No more than 20 pages double-spaced. Opened to unpublished, black writers who are 18 years and older. Writers who have published books, including poetry books or fiction narratives, through any publishing platform, are not eligible. 

$35 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 30, 2020. One AWC Grandmaster Award: $1,000. Two AWC Finalist Awards: $500. Consideration by Braveship Books for publishing and/or marketing. The AWC is open to anyone submitting a "new" novel. The term "new" means any published or unpublished novel, regardless of date of authorship; alternatively, the term means any novel published by any source, but only so long as the total number of copies sold or given away, in eBook, audio, paperback, subscription, loan, pages, or the equivalent of a book, or hard copy formats, does not exceed 10,000. The competition is open to all writers over the age of 18. For the purposes of this competition, an adventure novel is defined as an original, invented (fictional) prose narrative between 50,000 and 200,000 words dealing with a series of human experiences through a connected sequence of events that are action-adventure in nature. 

£20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 31, 2020. The Award is open to unrepresented and unpublished authors for a novel in any adult fiction genre. Winner receives £1,000 and agent introduction. Runner-up receives manuscript review and agent introduction. Highly commended receives agent introduction. This year we are offering up to ten free entries for UK based writers on low incomes. Submit opening chapter or chapters up to 5,000 words plus a 300-word synopsis and a cover letter.

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 21, 2020. Length 500 words. First prize £500, second prize £100, third prize £50. Additional prizes of £50 for the best student submission (18-25 years) and £50 for the best < 18-year submission. Open to all, as long as it has not been published elsewhere. All submissions must be in English and conform to the green stories criteria of showing a positive vision of what a sustainable society might look like or in some way smuggling in green solutions/policies/characters in the context of an otherwise mainstream story.  


NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 31, 2020. Open to all new writers who are from, or whose work celebrates, the north of England and who have not previously had a crime or thriller story published in any form. Entrants must submit a short story of no more than 10,000 words or the first two chapters and a synopsis of their work in progress to be considered. The winning entry will be awarded a prize of £2,500 to support the completion of their work, as well as free editorial and mentoring services from a local independent publisher and funding towards a year’s membership of industry associations. They must not have had any of their crime or thriller work published before, traditionally or independently (including self-published).

£37 or $60 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 31, 2020. We accept fiction (all genres), young adult, children’s, biographies, nonfiction, self-help, cookery, poetry, photography, etc. There are no limits on the type. The Rubery Prize is a prestigious international book award seeking the best books by indie writers, self-published authors, and books published by independent presses. Book of the Year £1,500 (approximately $2,000). Category winners £150 (approximately $200). Every winner receives a glass plaque and all winners and shortlisted authors receive a writeup.​

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 2, 2020. The award is open to writers of any nationality writing in English. The Best Published Novel award is designed to celebrate the best adventure stories of the last year with novels being submitted by publishers, literary agents, or writers themselves. Prize £15,000. 

£20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 2, 2020. The competition is open to writers of any nationality writing in English. Submissions must exceed 50,000 words in length. 75,000+ is ideal. The author must not already have a novel published by a recognised trade publisher. Self-published books are eligible. The author must not be represented by a literary agent. Unpublished and self-published writers submit their manuscripts to be in with a chance of winning a publishing deal with Bonnier Books UK. Up to six writers will be shortlisted, and each will be offered one-to-one manuscript development with literary consultant David Llewelyn, intended to help each writer reach the standard necessary for submission to agents and publishers.

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 5, 2020. Prizes will be awarded in three categories: 
11 and Under - submit up to 500 words. Prize: £100 plus £150 book tokens for your school.
12-15 years - submit 1,500-5,000 words. Prize: £100 plus £150 book tokens for your school.
16-21 years - submit 1,500-5,000 words. Prize: £1,000. 
Each shortlisted author will also have their work digitally published by our partners at global literacy charity, Worldreader. 



KENDALL VALLEY WRITERS RETREAT, June 19-21, Cora, WY – Join writer Kate Meadows for 3 days in the Rocky Mountains of southwest Wyoming to work on writing projects, attend craft workshops and explore nature! Free transportation from Jackson Hole, WY, airport. More info & to register:

Deadline April 15, 2020. Recognizes outstanding literary and performing artists living in Nevada who demonstrate excellence in their work. Creative prose: literary work in all varieties and genres, such as excerpts from fiction novels, short stories, and writing for young adults. Dramatic writing: includes original stage plays, screenplays, radio plays, and audio dramas. Poetry: includes original work in all forms and genres of poetry. Must be a current Nevada resident and have been in residence for at least one year prior to the date of the application. Must be a U.S. citizen or have legal resident status. Must be at least 21 years old. Must not be enrolled as degree-seeking student. Amount is $5,000.

Deadline March 8, 2020. Murphy Writing of Stockton University is offering a $1,000 scholarship to first-time participants of Get Away to Write - Spain, July 7-14, 2020, in Catalonia, Spain. Are you a writer who loves to travel? Join us this summer in beautiful northern Spain to immerse yourself in a supportive week-long writing experience that will energize and inspire you. Enjoy encouraging workshops, plentiful writing time, panoramic clifftop views, and excursions to Barcelona and the ancient town of Vic.

Deadline May 4, 2020. Artist Development Grants support artists at all stages of their careers. Grants can fund activities that enhance mastery of an artist’s craft or skills or activities that increase the viability of an artist's business. Funding may also support aspects of the creation of new work when the activity allows the grantee to accept a rare and important opportunity. Examples of eligible activities include advanced study of technique or practice with a mentor, attending a professional conference to build business or artistic skills or knowledge, contracting professional services including photographic documentation of work, contract preparation or business incorporation, creation of accounting systems, developing e-commerce on a website, creation of marketing materials, etc., and marketing, planning, purchasing some materials, or renting space for new exhibitions or performances, as well as travel within the United States.

Deadline March 15, 2020. Once accepted, residents are asked to pay a residency fee of $125 per person. This is separate from the application fee and will be put toward meals and general facility maintenance during the residency session. Any additional expenses for room and board will be covered by the residency. A $50 deposit is due upon acceptance. The remainder of the residency fee will not be due until three weeks before the session commences. Please note select scholarships are available to residents of limited means. This is a remote, rustic wilderness, with facilities to accommodate a select group of residents who sometimes share their work after dinner but are otherwise there to work uninterrupted. The environment is beautiful, extreme, and unadorned. Each resident is required to work with their fellow residents to conserve water and electricity—and to help clean up after dinner. Norton Island is an outdoorsy experience that may come as a shock at first to those visitors who have spent time at other residencies.

Deadline April 5, 2020. Dedicated to supporting a Native American writer's book project with a month-long residency during 2020 in Missoula, MT. Fellowship will include lodging in Missoula, along with a $1,000 stipend for food and travel. Fellows will stay in a private house on the Clark Fork river trail, just blocks from downtown, grocery shopping, farmers' markets, parks, restaurants, coffee shops, and more. Requirements as follows. You must have a novel, collection of stories or poems, a memoir, or other prose work (fiction, nonfiction, or hybrid) in progress (30 pages minimum). You are a Native American writer. You are available for a residency from July 18, 2020 – August 14, 2020. 

Deadline May 21, 2019. The Adirondack Center for Writing offers a two-week residency annually in October to poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers at a lodge on Twitchell Lake in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains. Six writers are selected to take part in this intimate community of writers, half of the spaces are reserved for regional authors, and the other spaces are open to writers from all over the world. Quality of written submissions will be our primary consideration when accepting applications. We’re more interested in your writing than your MFA or publications. The residency will be open to six writers every year, with three spaces for writers from the region, and three from elsewhere. We accept writers in any genre. 

Guests may select a residency of one week to two months; about ten writers at a time gather to live and work in a rural setting overlooking the Catskill Mountains. Daytime is reserved for writing and quiet activities, while evenings are more communal. A program of weekly visits brings guests from the New York publishing community. All residencies are fully funded with accommodations, food, local transport, and public programming provided. However, please note that Art Omi: Writers does not provide travel funds. Applications are expected to close in July.

The National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowships program offers $25,000 grants in prose (fiction and creative nonfiction) and poetry to published creative writers that enable the recipients to set aside time for writing, research, travel, and general career advancement. The National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowships program operates on a two-year cycle with fellowships in prose and poetry available in alternating years. These guidelines are for fellowships in poetry. You may apply only once each year.

Deadline March 16, 2020. The Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham provides opportunities and resources to residents of Blount, Jefferson, St. Clair, Shelby, and Walker counties in Alabama, with the goal of inspiring and encouraging them to reach their full potential. To that end, the foundation is inviting applications for the Cromwell Trust Scholarship. Through the program, grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded to individuals engaged in the creative arts sector, broadly defined. Previous awardees have included poets, musicians, art therapists, visual artists, dancers, and numerous other creative individuals. Scholarship funds can be used for training, education, and additional career development activities.

Ireland Writing Retreat is giving away one participation package for their Travel Writing Retreat on May 4-10, 2020, in Donegal, Ireland. One lucky winner will be able to participate in all workshops, excursions, and activities associated with the upcoming ‘Travel Writing Retreat’ on May 4-10 in Donegal, Ireland, at no charge. (Prize value: 990 euro) All travel arrangements, hotel stay, transfers, meals, and other costs outside of the program described above would be the responsibility of the winner. Drawing March 31, 2020. 



Publishers Weekly, the international news platform of the book publishing industry, is looking for freelance book reviewers with experience. If you are interested in reviewing for PW, please send a resume and a sample review (approximately 200 words) of a recently published book to (Thanks

Deadline April 30, 2020. **This title was changed from Stories about Christmas, to Christmas Is in the Air. If you previously submitted your story or poem for Stories about Christmas, we have it in our system and it will be considered for the revised title. No need to resubmit.** Everyone loves holiday stories and our contributors write great ones. They are so good that we create a new edition for the holiday season every year. We are now collecting stories for our HOLIDAY 2020 book and we are looking for stories about the entire December holiday season, including Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, and New Year's festivities too. You will receive a check for $200 and ten free copies of your book. 

Are you an exceptional storyteller capable of inspiring others to action through your wordsmithing abilities? If so, we would like to hear from you—specifically with a resume and at least three recent clips showcasing your best published pieces (preferably feature length) as we expand our freelance pool of writers for a few custom publications. Email:

Today is the largest online destination for parents interested in exploring natural and eco-conscious living — including birth and medical choice, breastfeeding, attachment parenting, gentle discipline, educational alternatives, healthy eating, and green products. Our site also discusses topics that are important to women and mothers, covering the latest news and studies that impact our families.



A full-service boutique agency, GO Literary aims to give voice to a broad range of perspectives across the literary spectrum. GO Literary is actively seeking both fiction and nonfiction works that wed compelling writing with a strong narrative and tackle big issues in engaging, accessible, and even surprising ways. 

The Rita Rosenkranz Literary Agency is a well-established boutique agency representing almost exclusively adult nonfiction titles in a wide-ranging list of categories. Representing both first-time and seasoned authors, Rita looks for projects that present familiar subjects freshly or lesser-known subjects commercially. Rita works with major publishing houses, as well as regional publishers that handle a variety of niche markets. The agency does not accept submissions for screenplays, poetry, fiction, children's or YA books. You should receive a response within two weeks. (NOTE: Great outline for how to query them.)

We are a strategic agency offering representation and management for new and established writers. Our expertise covers book publishing (traditional and ebooks) and subsidiary rights (foreign translation, audio, TV, and film). We DO NOT handle the representation of screenplays, stage plays, or TV scripts. Read each agent's bio and see which one represents the types of book closest to the one you are submitting. 

We specialize in general fiction, historical fiction, and narrative nonfiction projects including memoir, history, science, and religion. We work with co-agents in every territory, from the UK and Australia to Germany, Spain, France, Italy, eastern Europe, and Asia, and make dozens of foreign rights sales (as well as audio and first serial sales) for our clients every year.






Here at Funds for Writers, I see so many writers struggle to keep up their momentum and take their books to the finish line. As we all know, if you don’t write the book, you can’t get it published.

Here’s a secret no one tells you about writing—survival (and also success) has nothing to do with talent or technique. It’s all about mindset and attitude. This is true whether you are just starting out or have been writing for decades. This is why I am so excited to share this FREE master class from Gabriela Pereira, founder of DIY MFA.

Join her on Tuesday, February 25th at 1pm ET for How to Survive and Succeed as a Writer (without Breaking Your Heart or Losing Your Mind).

As the founder of DIY MFA, Gabriela is passionate about helping writers get their words on the page and their stories out into the world, and she knows exactly how to do just that. You’ll leave this session feeling energized and inspired, with all the tools to write more, write better, and write smarter.

How to Survive and Succeed as a Writer

(without Breaking Your Heart or Losing Your Mind)

Online Master Class: Tuesday, February 25, 1pm ET





Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2020, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

**Note that places paid advertising in this newsletter, ALL ads being related to writers and the business of writing, screened by FundsforWriters to make sure the information is suitable for writers and their endeavors to improve their careers. But the mailing list is not sold to third parties. You will not receive this newsletter without your permission. It's physically impossible since recipients must opt-in, giving us permission to send the newsletter. If at any time you no longer with to receive the newsletter, click the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of each newsletter. We want you to enjoy this newsletter at your pleasure, not be forced to read anything you do not wish to receive. The website is not advertised using unsolicited messages by Aweber, affiliates or other third parties. Direct any complaints, suggestions, and accolades to Hope Clark at We are an anti-spam site.