FundsforWriters - October 25, 2019 - Squeezing the Most Out of a Writer's Training Course

Published: Fri, 10/25/19

FundsForWriters: Tips and Tools for serious writers to advance their careers!
  Volume 19, Issue 43 | OCTOBER 25, 2019  

Message from the Editor

This is birthday week for Edisto Tidings! People seem to like it. Most feel it is a little cozier than my norm, but tell do you incorporate Christmas and it not be cozier than the rest? It's a fun story, though. Let me know what you think if you pick it up, and if you are feeling the book, by all means note your feelings on Amazon, Goodreads, and wherever your heart compels you to post a review. 

AND. . . I'm headed to Edisto Beach for an entire week. Not only am I grabbing some relaxation, but I'm researching another book, signing Edisto Tidings at the Edisto Bookstore on Friday, Oct 25 at 3 p.m., taking the Plantation Tour on Saturday, going to a Chamber of Commerce meet-and-greet on Tuesday evening, and taking a Botany Bay Eco-tour out to Monkey Island on Wednesday. 

Also, the tradition is to put at least one, if not two, 1,000-word-piece puzzles together, too. My sister-in-law and I also veg outside, catch up on talk, do puzzles, and walk the sand. In between it all, I attempt to keep writing 1,000 words per day. 

So a relaxing yet busy week. . . only it doesn't feel busy since I'm getting to do so many things that I want to do. Try to come by the bookstore, and if you miss the signing and are in the Edisto area, message me and I'll try to come sign your book and say hi. 

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
Email Hope | Visit Website | Sign up for Newsletter
Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
FFW has proudly been on the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers list every year since 2001

Our subscriber list is NOT made available to others. Use information listed at your own risk. FundsforWriters gives no warranty to completeness, accuracy, or fitness of the markets, contests and grants although research is done to the best of our ability.




















An associate editor of a well-known children's publisher recently inserted her "hate for President Trump" (her words, not mine) into her lesson while presenting a class to an auditorium full of children's writers. She had no clue as to the political composition of the audience, but she had to have known one thing. . . they were there learning how to become published, she was a gatekeeper to a major children's publisher, and the odds were nobody would get up and leave the room.

That's called holding an audience hostage. 

Of course she's an editor, not a writer. She's not seeking a readership like an author. She is a salaried worker. If I were her employer, I'd pull her aside and give her a good talking to, because to express her own beliefs, she ran the risk of:

1) alienating members of the crowd
2) marring the good name of the publisher (I left out the name of the publisher, because they are reputable)
3) tarnishing the reputation of the conference

But unless you intend to make a living off of your opinions through op-ed, humor, or journalistic commentary, you likewise run a high risk of alienating readers if you expect readers who love you to also love your political stance. 

You earn readers by the virtues of your good writing and storytelling. But once you've earned their respect, you have an obligation to preserve it by giving them what they expect. . . more good writing and storytelling. If they love you and your work, and you suddenly throw out a hot-button opinion that WILL, not MAY, conflict with some of them, you sully their opinion of you. They may not hate you, but they won't give you the unconditional loyalty and awe they once did. And the next time they seek something to read, and there are so many author options on the shelf, that hint of hesitancy rears its head. 

But, you argue, some of those readers will agree with your stance. Yes, but aren't they already reading you? 

Some will also argue that taking a political stance will make them and their books attractive to others of like mind. To that, I want to say this: 

Wouldn't you like to be known more as a good author, open for all to read, than someone using politics to find readers?

We have partnered with the Nonfiction Authors Association to bring you a special discount off the fall Nonfiction Writers Conference, happening November 7-8, 2019. This event is completely virtual—all sessions conducted via webinar—no travel is required!

Attendees can also register for the popular Ask-a-Pro sessions, free 15-minute consultations with literary agents, marketing and publishing pros, and other industry experts. A private Facebook group is also available for attendees to gather and exchange ideas.

If you’re ready to accelerate your author career, this is a must-attend event!



The Dream Quest One Poetry & Writing Contest is open to anyone who loves expressing innermost thoughts and feelings into the beautiful literary art of poetry and/or writing a story that's worth telling everyone! And welcome to all, having the ability to dream... Write a poem or short story for a chance to win cash prizes totaling $1275.00. All works must be original.


Write a poem, 30 lines or fewer on any subject, style, or form, typed or neatly hand printed. And/or write a short story, 5 pages maximum length, on any subject or theme; fiction, nonfiction or creative nonfiction (including essay compositions, diary, journal entries, and screenwriting). Also, all entries must be either typed or neatly hand printed.

Multiple and simultaneous poetry and short story entries are accepted.

Postmark deadline: December 28, 2019. All contest winners will be published on February 29, 2020


Writing First Prize is $500. Second Prize: $250. Third Prize: $100.
Poetry First Prize is $250. Second Prize: $125. Third Prize: $50.

Entry fees: $10 per story, $5 per poem.

To send entries: Include title(s) with your story(ies) or poem(s), along with your name, address, phone#, email, brief biographical info. (Tell us a little about yourself), on the cover sheet. Add a self-addressed stamped envelope for entry confirmation. Fees payable to: "DREAMQUESTONE.COM"

Mail to:

Dream Quest One
Poetry & Writing Contest
P.O. Box 3141
Chicago, IL 60654

Visit for details on how to enter!




  • October 25 - 3 PM - Edisto Bookstore, Edisto Beach, SC
  • November 4 - 7 PM - Night Harbor Book Club, Chapin, SC
  • November 9 - Noon - The Coffee Shelf, Chapin, SC
  • November 16 - Noon - Main Street Reads, Summerville, SC
  • December 18 - 3 PM - Pelion Library, Pine Street, Pelion, SC
  • March 23, 2020 - 7:15 PM - St. Andrews Women's Club, Irmo, SC
  • April 25, 2020 - 2-5 PM - Palmetto Scribe Event - Irmo Library, Irmo, SC     



"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great." John D. Rockefeller


SUccess Story


As a longtime fan of FundsforWriters, I seek your newsletter for updates on writing contests and helpful information. Liguorian Magazine was listed in the section of Freelance Markets, and I sent two submissions for consideration. They selected both articles: a short story to be published in November 2019; and a memoir for February 2020. Because of your helpful advice I continue to create, submit and get published in various venues. You are an inspiration that prompts me to WRITE, WRITE, WRITE!

Thank you once again,

Lucy Cortese
Jacksonville Beach, Florida


Featured article


Squeezing the Most Out of a Writer's Training Course 

By Dan Brotzel

Whether it’s a masterclass on finding a literary agent, a seminar on improving your social media skills, or a workshop on self-publishing, investing in some training can give your writing career a massive boost – so long as it’s the right training. 

I’ve been running training courses in copywriting for 20 years and have attended many courses for my own development, too. There are lots of things you can do to make sure that the course you’re considering is right for your needs, assuring that you receive the maximum bang for your buck.

You can address a lot of my points by contacting the provider with a few questions beforehand. The way they respond will tell you a lot about whether they’re a good fit for you.   

Look hard at the track record of the trainer

Is your trainer being an admirable practitioner of what they teach? If they’re teaching creative writing, what have they actually published themselves? If they’re offering a marketing course, what do their own promotional materials look like? Check their Amazon rankings and read reviews of their work. 

Talk to others who’ve done the training 

Personal recommendations help you understand if the course is really right for people in your situation. Look hard at case studies and testimonials. Do they seem credible and recent, or does the same worn quote get used time and again? Are the names only initials, or are testimonials signed by names like “a previous student”?

Find out if you can discuss requirements before the course 

This isn’t always possible, depending on the group size, but it’s a great sign if a trainer shows interest beforehand in what you hope to get out of the course. Some will send out a pre-questionnaire and even ask you to do a bit of pre-work. Always complete these, so they can be aware of your requirements and even customize the course content.  

Find out if the training and materials are up to date

Trainers are sometimes guilty of using the same materials and syllabus for years on end. It’s worth asking the training provider if the course is kept up to date – check for instance, if a new development or recent topic will be covered. This is especially important in any training related to digital and even publishing, where the landscapes are constantly evolving. 

Ask if the trainer welcomes feedback

Good trainers always provide a simple mechanism for attendees to give feedback, which shows an interest in wanting to improve and update what they do. 

Check who will actually be doing the training

Training companies sometimes lure people in on the promise of teaching time with a very Big Name in their field – and price their courses accordingly. In some cases, however, the Big Name may turn out to make only a very limited appearance. This isn’t always an issue, as other trainers may be very good too, but it’s worth checking so you can set your expectations and weigh the expense. 

Ask about follow-up materials 

Good trainers usually provide follow-up resources and materials that trainees can access afterward. This can add a lot of value to the experience and help extend the learning from the course into your day-to-day activity. 

Check out the venue

Many training companies hire out space from another company or use generic meeting rooms. Spend a bit of time studying the joining instructions and researching the route to the venue, either physical or online. You don’t want to waste the first 15 minutes wandering around a labyrinthine office block or hunting for links!  

BIO - Dan Brotzel (@brotzel_fiction) is co-author of a new comic novel, Kitten on a Fatberg (Unbound). As a reader of this newsletter, you can pre-order Kitten on a Fatberg for a ten percent discount – quote KITTEN10



£10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline October 31, 2019. Have you started, or completed, a novel with strong, credible characters and a page-turning plot? Have you honed the first chapter? Can you put together a compelling one-page synopsis of the balance of the story? Yes? Then why not enter our Novel Opening Chapter competition and have your work judged by the senior editors at Accent Press? We welcome published, self-published and unpublished novelists. The only stipulation is that the entry must be unpublished. We are looking for an opening chapter up to 3,000 words, plus a one-page synopsis outlining the balance of the story. First: £500. Runner up: £200. 

$27 ENTRY FEE. Deadline November 15, 2019. For a first or second book of poetry by a woman. The winner of the Perugia Press Prize receives publication of her book, $1,000, ten author copies of her book, an ongoing discount of 50 percent off of the cover price of her book. The press provides and sends review copies to a variety of writers and review venues. The press provides entry copies to a range of post-publication contest opportunities.

$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline November 1, 2019. The winning poem will receive $500 and be published in an upcoming issue of The Midnight Oil. Up to two additional pieces will be awarded "Honorable Mention" status and $50. All submissions will be considered for publication. Each submission should consist of between one and five poems, and each individual poem should be three pages in length or less. 

€15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline December 31, 2019. The winner receives €10,000. The Moth Poetry Prize is for a single, original poem that has not been published in any form (including being self-published or published online). The prize is open to all poets, both established and emerging, and there are no restrictions on nationality or citizenship. 

ENTRY FEE CA$6 (US$4.50). Deadline January 31, 2020. First prize $500 and publication. Second prize $100 and publication. Third prize $50 and publication. Poems must be a maximum of 60 lines, including line breaks. Poems must be unpublished in all formats, including personal websites and blogs. This contest is open to writers based anywhere in the world.



 Entry fees: $5 per poem/$10 per story. 
 Postmark deadline: DECEMBER 28, 2019.

Open to anyone who loves expressing innermost thoughts and feelings into the beautiful literary art of poetry and/or writing a story that is worth telling everyone. 

Guidelines: (1) Write a poem, thirty lines or fewer on any subject, form or style. And/or (2) Write a short story, five pages maximum length, single or double line spacing, on any subject or theme, fiction, nonfiction or creative nonfiction. Multiple and simultaneous poetry and short story entries are accepted. 

Prizes: Writing First Prize is $500; Second $250; Third $100. Poetry First Prize $250; Second $125; Third $50.   

How to enter, visit: 



Deadline November 17, 2019. Joya: AiR is a not for profit arts residency developed by artists for artists of every conceivable discipline. It is located in the heart of the Parque Natural Sierra María - Los Vélez, in the north of the province of Almería, Andalucía. Joya: AiR offers abundant time and space for residents to make, think, explore and learn from their surroundings. Joya: AiR supports a range of disciplines including, but not limited to, visual art, writing, music, dance, curatorial, and film. 

Deadline November 30, 2019. The Tarabya Cultural Academy is a residency programme for creative artists in architecture, visual art, performing art, design, literature, music, film, journalism, and cultural theory who live and work in Germany. The goal of the programme is to make a contribution to German-Turkish cultural exchange. The stay at the Cultural Academy should serve as an inspiration for and an opportunity for development of the fellowship holders’ work. Seven artists’ apartments, a meeting room, and two studios offer fellows optimum living and working conditions. Four months or eight months, option to extend by application for another two months at a later date.

Deadline November 30, 2019 and January 30, 2020. A creative residency at Dreamfarm is a chance to spend focused time in an inspiring natural setting in order to develop meaningful creative projects. Each participant rents a private studio, as both a residence and a creative workspace, for stays of two or four weeks. Residencies at Dreamfarm are entirely self-directed, and self-catered, allowing the flexibility to work autonomously and follow your own creative process. Location Australia.

This Fund offers regular payments to a small number of Society of Authors members who find themselves in financial hardship. Awards are given by a committee to long-term SoA members who are either aged 60 or over or are completely incapacitated for work. The fund currently distributes £2,200 per annum to each recipient. If you have any queries, contact Sarah Baxter on

The Black Mountain Press is pleased to announce its new writer/artist in residence program. The residence takes place in our previous location, which was a converted childcare center. There is plenty of room to stretch out in this house with large fenced yard, minutes away from hiking trails, trout streams, biking trails, and more on the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains, and about 10-15 minutes from downtown Asheville. One and a half bathrooms, working office space with wi-fi, exhibition or reading space, kitchen, and bedroom provided. The selected writers/artists will spend up to six weeks this Asheville location and be expected to provide one reading or exhibit at the end of the residency. Writers please submit up to three published poems, short stories, or one novel excerpt for considerations.

Interested in working with some of the best journalists around? We offer ten weeks of intensive, hands-on experience in a region where big stories are the norm. We place interns throughout the Los Angeles Times: Metro/Local, Arts and Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Business, Features (Fashion, Food, Travel, Home Design, Mind & Body), Foreign/National, Editorial Pages, Photography/Video, Data and Graphics, Design, Digital/Engagement and in the Washington, D.C., bureau. These are paid internships and placements usually run from June to August. We do not have fall or spring internships. The deadline to apply for the reporting positions and visual journalism is Nov. 1; applications for the Digital/Engagement internship are due Dec. 1, and the page design and Data and Graphics deadline is Dec. 15. 



Alaska Parent magazine is looking for freelance writers who demonstrate a fresh, engaging writing style and a keen sense of the topics that matter to local parents. As Alaska’s exclusive, all-in-one parenting resource, our readers include parents with children ages newborn through teens, as well as expectant moms. Features are 800 to 1,200 words. Original articles can command $40 to $200. Authors willing to localize their reprints with interviews with local parents and experts can expect more.

We're looking for writers who are deeply invested in and committed to the theatre field. You could be a current student or a seasoned professional, but if you're actively involved in theatre or performance, we'll be thrilled to hear from you. We do not publish personal attacks, promotional material, or material that has been previously published. We pay an honorarium to each author based on the length of the published piece. Knowing that many people do not have enough free time to volunteer their perspectives and experience to benefit the overall theatre community, we fundraise to compensate you for the time it entails to make this essay contribution to the commons.750-1000 words: $50 USD1000-1500 words: $100 USD1500-2000 words: $150 USD

Futures is a venue for very short stories or ‘vignettes’ of between 850 and 950 words. The subject is typically near-future, hard SF, although this can be interpreted liberally. If accepted, you will receive a (non-negotiable) fee of £85 or US$130.

The Partially Examined Life will pay exceptional writers for essays related to philosophy, culture, and ideas. We’d love to see queries from writers who can contribute:
=> Philosophy-related essays, personal essays, and interviews. See The Stone for great examples of this sort of content:
=> Book reviews of philosophical texts.
=> Review essays about any genre and medium, including thoughtful takes on literature and film. These need not explicitly be about philosophy and philosophers.
=> Thoughtful pieces related to politics and culture, especially pieces that analyze current issues by way of political philosophy, social thought, moral philosophy, moral psychology, and psychoanalysis.
=> Pieces related to the intersection of philosophy and popular culture (as in the Popular Culture and Philosophy series).
=> Anything else you think you can persuade us is suitable to our site - pitch way.

SMITHSONIAN.COM accepts unsolicited proposals from established freelance writers. This form has been developed to give you the most direct and timely access to our editors. It also allows you to provide all of the basic information we need to make an initial determination about your proposal. Due to the volume of submissions, we cannot guarantee a response to all inquiries, but if we are interested in pursuing a story, we will contact you. The travel section consists of inspiration, journey guides, news, how-to’s, and essays.

World Hum is dedicated to publishing travel stories, videos, and slideshows of the highest quality. We post several types of features:
=> Travel Stories are first-person travel narratives.
=> Speaker’s Corner essays feature rants or raves about any travel-related subject.
=> Travel Interviews are interviews with travelers, writers, artists—anyone with something interesting to say about travel.
=> Lists explore a wide range of travel-related topics.
=> Audio slideshows explore travel through photographs, sound, and narration.

We are a great home for writers who can tell deeply reported, gripping tales about issues in the public interest while plumbing the intellectual, theoretical, and empirical context that surrounds them. Every story we tell has a strong connection to one of our four core subject areas: economic, educational, environmental, and social justice. Our writers should want to make readers think about how society works—and about how it could be working better.

Yankee Magazine covers the six New England states of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Our Feature articles, as well as the departments of Home, Food, and Travel, reflect what is happening currently in the region. Yankee welcomes freelance submissions in the areas of home, travel, food, and nonfiction editorial. We are not currently accepting poetry, fiction, or cartoons.

OUR stories are 1,200, 2,000, and 3,000 words long, although stories of 4,000 words are welcome for our specials. And don’t forget our famous 10,000-word crime thrillers, featured in every second special! Our readers like reading about people of any age. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking we only use stories about grans and grandads, widows and widowers. Our readers also enjoy stories with up-to-date, young themes. And remember, romance isn’t only for the young! There’s always a place for the lighthearted and humorous, too.

Asia Times welcomes unsolicited news articles, analysis pieces and op-eds. For paid content, we are seeking original reporting and analysis, but will also consider commentary from time to time. We will also consider packages or series of stories addressing a common theme or topic. If you seek compensation, please indicate this clearly in your pitch, and whether the article has been published elsewhere, and if so, in what language and in which publication. Any payment must be agreed by the newsroom in advance. With a clean aesthetic and unique functionality, Asia Times stands apart as the only all-digital, pan-Asian site aimed specifically at English-speaking users. It is widely read not only in Asia but also in Europe and in North America, where nearly half of its readership is based, regarding it as the must-read on Asian politics and finance.

The Fall Nonfiction Writers Conference returns November 7-8, 2019, featuring Barbara Winter, author of “Making a Living without a Job” – Grab your seat! A completely virtual conference from the comfort of your home. 





Blink Publishing is the adult nonfiction imprint of Bonnier Books UK. Blink Publishing brings you closer to the stars, the cars, the mars bars, and sometimes even the Mardi Gras. But most of the time, we’re busy publishing books by the coolest people to walk the earth! With a brilliant team focused on superb quality and digitally-enhanced books, we’re here to engage, entertain, and excite. It’s where the great and the good come to share their stories, their knowledge, and their worlds.

What we publish: commercial women’s fiction (e.g. chick-lit, saga, romance), general fiction, including historical, commercial literary and contemporary, crime and psychological thrillers, Young Adult / New Adult fiction, celebrity memoirs, sports books (with a particular focus on the UK and Ireland), lifestyle, humour, gift and activity books, food and drink titles. We do not publish poetry, short stories, drama, work written in languages other than English. 

We are actively acquiring agented and unagented Romance fiction for our Casablanca imprint, including Own Voices, marginalized voices, inclusive and diverse romances. We look for strong writers of all ethnicities, races, sexualities, gender identities, abilities and ages, who are excited about marketing their books and building their community of readers, and whose stories have something fresh to offer in the genre of Romance. Requires a completed manuscript at 85,000 to 100,000 words. 

Agents and authors are invited to send projects to Erewhon Books according to these submission guidelines. We are primarily considering novel-length works in any speculative fiction genre, including science fiction, fantasy, horror, and other subgenres, but we're also open to other works of interest to the community of SF&F readers. Most of our list will be new novel-length fiction (40,000+ words), adult or upper YA (young adult with adult crossover potential). We will also look at translated works, comic books/graphic novels, drama with speculative elements, and nonfiction and anthologies of interest to the community.






Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2019, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

**Note that places paid advertising in this newsletter, ALL ads being related to writers and the business of writing, screened by FundsforWriters to make sure the information is suitable for writers and their endeavors to improve their careers. But the mailing list is not sold to third parties. You will not receive this newsletter without your permission. It's physically impossible since recipients must opt-in, giving us permission to send the newsletter. If at any time you no longer with to receive the newsletter, click the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of each newsletter. We want you to enjoy this newsletter at your pleasure, not be forced to read anything you do not wish to receive. The website is not advertised using unsolicited messages by Aweber, affiliates or other third parties. Direct any complaints, suggestions, and accolades to Hope Clark at We are an anti-spam site.