FundsforWriters - August 16, 2019 - Ashamed

Published: Fri, 08/16/19

FundsForWriters: Tips and Tools for serious writers to advance their careers!
  Volume 19, Issue 33 | AUGUST 16, 2019  

Message from the Editor

Manuscript of Edisto Tidings is at the publisher...been through one round of edits....back copy almost finalized (see what you think). 

When the discovery of a body on a vacant lot puts an end to Police Chief Callie Morgan’s surprise birthday party, Christmas week loses some of its charm. Not only does she know the dead man, he’s a relation…of sorts.

Soon she’s juggling a murder investigation and a rash of burglaries that may have been committed by the mythical and traditional Edisto Santa—a holiday secret Santa, who may have taken a page from Robin Hood’s book and begun robbing from the tourist rich and giving to the poor.

Since the suspects for both crimes are Edisto residents, no matter how delicately Callie treads, this holiday season will pit Callie against her beloved Edisto and leave her feeling like Grinch, Scrooge, and Old Man Potter rolled into one. But she has no choice. Murder trumps Santa.  This year Callie is making a list and checking it twice.

Release is scheduled the end of October. Looking for reviewers who are able to accept an e-copy of an arc and willing to have a review up on release date. Those interested can email me at

Now, I'll leave you with one of my favorite summer pictures this year. I enrolled the grands in swim class at the YMCA, and of course there were selfies involved. 

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
Email Hope | Visit Website | Sign up for Newsletter
Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
FFW has proudly been on the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers list every year since 2001


Our subscriber list is NOT made available to others. Use information listed at your own risk. FundsforWriters gives no warranty to completeness, accuracy, or fitness of the markets, contests and grants although research is done to the best of our ability.




















I've had some people disappoint me of late, and we cannot help but take it personally when that happens. Is it because of something I did, said. . . or didn't? Am I not presenting myself properly? If there was a misunderstanding, what did I do to cause it? What am I doing to not earn people's respect? Why don't people get back in touch?

This self-doubt is painful and often debilitating, and in the writing world, it can handicap our progress. . . especially when we blame ourselves. 

The truth is, people will disappoint you or surprise you, and believe it or not, you are in control of this frame of mind. Let's look at some examples.

1. You expect an editor or agent to get back to you about your query, and they don't. Then don't expect them to contact you. Instead, do something you have more control over. Test yourself as to how many queries you can send out, then move on to another project. Set goals for how many per week for a period of time. Make it about what you are doing instead of what they are not.

2. You request reviews, even sending out dozens of copies, but all you get is silence. You wonder if people are taking advantage of your generosity. . . or wonder if your writing is so bad they don't make the time. Instead, be proactive. Send out review copies to those you know, or those you've connected with. Strike up a relationship with those who receive review copies such that you are comfortable enough to ask later on how they loved the book. It could be that they just forgot.

3. You post on social media or blog, striving for those increased follower numbers, and you seem stuck. And you have a couple of trolls who find the negative in every post you present. Ignore the trolls and come up with even more engaging posts. Show up, post, and respond only to the positive. Prove you are only interested in looking up. . . not down. 

This may sound ugly at first, but the key is to have low expectations of people, especially those you do not know. However, you be the one with the positive, proactive, moving-forward attitude, such that if people do not respond as you'd hoped, you are not disappointed, because you seek your own progress, not theirs. Don't get mired down in the negativity of others. . . or expect people to react as you'd like them to. Instead, do your best. . . keep improving. . . keep reaching for goals. And then be pleasantly surprised when people DO follow-through. Those are the keepers in your life. 



Let Weeping Willow Books Publisher Marcia Meier help you polish your fiction (literary and women’s) and/or nonfiction (memoir, biography, self-help, business) manuscript so when you send it out, it sings.

for details.  Go to to see our books. Mention this ad to get 10 percent off a manuscript review.




  • August 24 - 9-4:30 PM - Sylva, NC - North Carolina Writers' Network West conference
  • September 3 - 7PM - Night Harbor Book Club, Chapin, SC
  • September 7 - 2:30 PM - Newberry Book Club, Newberry, SC
  • October 7 - 6PM - Greenwood Book Club, Montague's Restaurant, Greenwood, SC
  • October 25 - 3PM - Edisto Bookstore, Edisto Beach, SC
  • March 23, 2020 - 7:15 PM - St. Andrews Women's Club, Irmo, SC


NEXT CONFERENCE IS NEXT WEEKEND! Sylva, NC. A one-day fun time that I hope you'll attend. 


"The most regretful people on earth, are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising, and gave to it neither power nor time."   --Mary Oliver


SUccess Story

Hi Hope,

I was very inspired by the article in your newsletter titled: Your Personal Writing Vision Statement: What, Why, and How by Dan Brotzel. I spent twenty years in the educational world (teacher, Principal, University Professor) assisting people and organizations to write mission statements. I've spent the last five years of my early retirement fiddle-futzing around with my writing. Only within the last couple of years have I narrowed down my focus. 

So, when I read Dan's article I was like "well, no duh, Lynn, what were you waiting for?" So, thanks for having Dan's article to get me even more focused. I loved it!

My Writing Mission Statement:

To be a Christian writer who is family first, writing nonfiction short stories, novels and weekly BLOG posts that are funny, engaging and inspire readers personal and spiritual growth.  

Dr. Lynn M. Jorgenson
Twitter:  @jorgenson_lynn

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If FundsforWriters has helped your writing efforts, please, let us know and we'll share with others! Email 

Featured article



By Michanne Reese

A while back I approached C Hope and asked, “If you could special order your next article for FFW, what would it be about and when would you need it by?”

She replied, “I cannot begin to tell you the perfect article unless it was by someone who self-published and listed what worked and didn't work. Or an article about the good marketing avenues and the ideas to avoid. Or how to structure a freelance career. Or how to make big bucks ghostwriting. People willing to spill the beans. And I have no deadlines. I look at articles when they arrive and place them as needed.”

I’ve been reading the FundsforWriters newsletter and absorbing C Hope’s advice for nearly 20 years. I should have known better before sending the first email. I was brazen, albeit dumb, enough to send yet another. “You answered exactly what I asked, but what I really wanted to know is what kind of article could I write for you? I'm basically asking for an assignment. I realize you don't typically do that, so I'm kind of asking you to push the boundaries a bit because I'm special and you love me?”

I said those words! 

She responded (I suspect she rolled her eyes while doing so), “I can't begin to tell you what to write for FFW. I depend on writers relying upon their strengths to pitch the right pieces.” 

I know the types of articles that comprise the FFW newsletter. I have developed a relationship with C Hope over the years. I hold her in the highest regard and respect her implicitly. She pours her entire heart and soul into helping her readers succeed. It is because I know this, I am ashamed of my actions. It is why I decided to write this, even though it isn’t the “perfect” article she described. 

I learned three vital lessons.


Whether you have been reading FFW for a week, or a decade, you are reading it because your goal is writing for money given the title of the newsletter is “FundsforWriters.” Writing for money, means you are running your own business. Unless your niche is business writing, it can be easy to slip into a conversational tone when sending queries and emails. When it concerns your writing business, keep correspondence professional.


One of the golden rules in business … in life, is to network. It is equally as important not to abuse your network. It is acceptable to ask questions or for guidance in their area of expertise. It is okay to ask for a special favor occasionally. It is never okay to say, “I’m asking you to push the boundaries a bit because I’m special/new/learning/don’t know what to do/know you.”


The internet is inundated with ezines, newsletters, blogs, coaches, consultants, and advisors. Glean knowledge from these sources to build your writing business. FFW has printed numerous articles on the importance of queries, pitches and writers’ guidelines. Had I been taking myself seriously, I would never have sent the email. I would have gone to the website and searched the archives and the writers’ guidelines. Be willing to research. Be willing to put in the elbow grease.

Take responsibility. Own your process. Don’t end up ashamed.

BIO: Michanne Reese owns a portfolio which includes copywriting, proofreading, ten years at Penguin Random House, an award for creative nonfiction, and an upcoming venture – Reese Revisions and Reviews. Michanne loves a good gab session.



$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline September 2, 2019. A prize of $500 plus publication for the first-place winner will be awarded in each genre. Finalists in each genre will also receive publication and a small monetary prize. Categories are poetry, nonfiction, and fiction. All submissions are considered for publication. Prose is limited to 5,000 words. Submit three to five poems or one long poem not to exceed five pages. 

Deadline August 16, 2019. The Brighthorse Book Prize is an annual awards series honoring unpublished novels, collections of short fiction, and poetry collections. Authors writing in English—regardless of nationality, residence, or publication history—may submit their work. Winning manuscripts will be published by Brighthorse Books. A $1,000 prize and publication will be offered to one winning writer in each category. Beyond the single winner in each category, Brighthorse’s editors reserve the right to offer to publish any manuscripts submitted to the competition.

$12 ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 31, 2019. There are no limitations in form or content; we are interested in everything from traditional forms to free verse to lyric essay to flash fiction. The winner will receive $750 and the runner-up will receive $500. Submit up to three poems/pieces (five pages maximum) per entry. All work submitted to this contest will be considered for publication in the Winter Solstice issue, which will be published on December 21.

$9.95 ENTRY FEE. Deadline November 29, 2019. One grand prize winner will receive $1,500, and exposure on the website, which receives millions of readers per month. Two runners-up will receive $150. The short stories can be of any topic. Contest judge is author Ann Everett.

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 25, 2019. The Bernhardt Prize is an award of $500 given to an article that furthers the understanding of the history of working people. Articles focused on historical events AND articles about current issues (work, housing, organizing, health, education) that include historical context are both welcome.  The work should be published, in print or online, between August 1, 2018 and August 25, 2019.  



Deadline September 12, 2019. The purpose of the Fulton County Poet Laureate is to broaden the awareness of poetry, increase literacy, develop access to literature and to promote the literary arts throughout the County. The term of office is up to five years. The Poet Laureate will be expected to develop a proposal that reflects and achieves the goals of the program. Activities and special projects can include but are not limited to readings, workshops, composing original works, public art projects, and partnerships with the library, local schools, and other innovative partnerships. Eligible applicants must be a full-time resident three years prior to the application deadline date, maintain Fulton County residency during the term of the appointment and share a connection with Fulton County. Applicants must be a writer of any of the recognized poetic forms and have a substantial body of work published with active projects in the last five years.

From May through September, we employ a seasonal resident gardener and offer a number of residencies for artists, scholars, writers, and performers. Applications are submitted online; the application cycle opens December 1st and closes March 1st the following year. Applications are free for Maine Farmland Trust members whose membership is current. Applications are $15 for non-members. As for literary arts residencies, we offer one-month-long writing residencies in either July, August or September, depending on the applicant’s availability. For 2019, our residency will be focused on poetry.

Numerous fellowships available for this low-res masters program. 
The Francis L. Toner Fellowship for Veterans
The Dennis Lehane Fellowship for Fiction
The Michael Steinberg Fellowship for Creative Nonfiction
The Martin B. Bernstein Fellowship for Poetry
The Jacqueline Woodson Fellowship for a Young People’s Writer of African or Caribbean Descent
The Kurt Brown Fellowship for Diverse Voices
Writers Helping Writers/Need-Based Scholarships

Residencies are available to established and emerging visual and literary artists 18 years of age and older without regard for race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion. There are no deadlines. Artcroft is located in scenic Millersburg, Kentucky overlooking the historic city square and park, just 10 minutes East of Paris HWY 68. We can accommodate five artists at a time. Residencies at Artcroft cost $125 per week, which helps offset the maintenance and utilities expenses. Individuals must cover the cost of food, transportation, and materials related to their projects.

Writers in Paradise offers a limited number of fellowships on a competitive basis. All fellowships are awarded based on the strength of the writing sample and statement of intent and with some consideration of published work in nationally-recognized magazines and journals. The Sterling Watson MFA Fellowships are awarded to applicants who are currently enrolled in or have recently (within the past five years) graduated from an MFA program. The McCartt, Carlson, and Standiford Fellowships are open to all applicants. The Larry and Marcia McCartt Fellowship is awarded annually to a woman who has overcome personal hardships and shows talent and a strong commitment to the craft of writing and its ability to heal the human spirit. This fellowship covers the entire cost of the non-credit workshop tuition ($875) and a travel stipend ($200). Writers in Paradise also offers a limited number of scholarships on a competitive basis. Scholarships are awarded to applicants who show great promise in the genre they apply.



Pays 10 cents per word. Legal experience is helpful but can be substituted with strong research skills. At least 300 words per post required. This is a remote job, and no contract is required. Must be willing to submit at least two blog posts per month. All content will be edited, and blog writer must agree to participate in editing if required. Payment will be made via Paypal upon finalization of edits. Please send letter of interest and sample of a previous blog post to   

New Mexico Magazine is about the power of place — in particular, this place: more than 120,000 square miles of mountains, desert, grasslands, and forest inhabited by a culturally rich mix of individuals. The magazine is an enterprise of the New Mexico Tourism Department, who strives to make potential visitors aware of our state's multicultural heritage, climate, environment, and uniqueness. Pay is up to 35 cents per word.

A good This Magazine article offers background and context to ongoing national issues, a challenge to the mainstream media perspective, or an important story that hasn’t been told elsewhere. Subject matter includes politics, culture, the arts, social issues, labor, feminism, indigenous issues, and sexuality, with a focus on quality writing and in-depth reportage. Our readership is Canada-wide, so local issues are only covered when they have national interest or implications. International stories must have a strong Canadian angle.

DeSoto Magazine, produced by DeSoto Media, is an upscale lifestyles publication focused on stories about life in Mississippi, Memphis, and the Southeast. Features – 900 to 1,000 words. Essays – 500 to 600 words. Departments – 600 to 800 words. DeSoto Magazine pays $.15/word.

AMC Outdoors inspires readers to get outside and get involved by providing high-quality coverage of outdoor recreation, education, and conservation topics throughout the Northern Appalachian region, from Maine to Virginia. We generally pay $500-$700 for features and $150-$400 for department columns.

Okanagan Life is a regional character magazine serving Okanagan residents Valleywide from Salmon Arm in the north to Osoyoos in the south. We want to see a passionate sense of Okanagan pride as you explore the Valley’s most fascinating and diverse people, places and activities. Combine the pastoral allure of the region with smart, entertaining dabs of urban sizzle and small-town seductiveness. Pay ranges from 20 cents to 25 cents per published word, depending on experience (paid within 30 days of publication). Location Kelowna, BC Canada.

Our goal is to provide high-quality articles and photographs about the art and craft of rug hooking, and how-to articles on techniques and projects. Rug Hooking readers are passionate about rug hooking, and they value informative articles about the craft and the people involved in the field. They also enjoy the high-quality projects that they find in our magazine.

We publish flash fiction in the genres of speculative fiction, specifically science fiction, fantasy, supernatural, superhero, or any combination of these. We accept stories up to 1,500 words.  However, due to the way we plan our budget, stories 1,000 words or less are more likely to be accepted. Fiction is paid at a rate of ten cents per word 




Tangled Tree Publishing is an exciting addition to our publishing house and offers the same professional, quality, and creative works as Hot Tree Publishing since it opened its doors in 2015. With its initial focus on romance and a wide spread of romance sub-genres, Hot Tree Publishing is happy to now offer mystery and thrill genres under the Tangled Tree imprint. Tangled Tree Publishing, the darker, twisted side of Hot Tree Publishing, is currently OPEN for submissions. Submissions must be no less than 60,000 words. Serials of 40,000 – 60,000 words will be considered if all serials have been completed prior to submission.  We are currently seeking Crime, Thriller, Suspense, and Mystery novels.

We are interested in books that will establish a unique standard in their subject area. We look for books with a well-defined, strong target market. Our list includes most nonfiction categories, including memoir, history, college reference, and study aids, entertainment, general self-help/psychology, business, parenting, and special needs parenting, health and beauty, reference, education, biography, love and relationships, gift books and women's issues.

We are actively acquiring agented and unagented Romance fiction for our Casablanca imprint including Own Voices, marginalized voices, inclusive and diverse romances. We look for strong writers of all ethnicities, races, sexualities, gender identities, abilities and ages, who are excited about marketing their books and building their community of readers, and whose stories have something fresh to offer in the genre of Romance. Seeking manuscripts of 85,000 to 100,000 words. 

Ylva Publishing is the home of quality books about women loving women. Diversity among our authors is extremely important to us, and we are constantly working on making sure that you will find lesbian, bisexual, and queer authors of all skin colors, cultures, and nationalities. Lesbian fiction books shattering boundaries! Browse our ever-growing catalogue of award-winning books to find love stories, steamy distractions, old-school detectives, and tales that span from the Civil War to today. Follow our strong female characters into space, join them in sword fights, or fly with our queer superheroes. From lesbian romance and lesbian erotica to queer dystopian tales and mysteries that make your blood run cold – we have it all.

Canterbury House Publishing, Ltd. (CHP), publishes wholesome quality fiction and memoir of an inspirational nature and the romantic suspense and mystery genres with an emphasis on colorful Southern U.S. regional settings. We publish authors who are passionate about their stories and their craft, as well as active and collaborative in the marketing and promotion of their books.

Camel Press publishes genre fiction: romance, mystery/suspense, science fiction, fantasy and horror. Camel Press is the genre imprint of Coffeetown Press. (Coffeetown Press publishes memoir, nonfiction, some literary mysteries, and literary fiction). Camel Press is a feisty little publisher with a mission: to be your trusted purveyor of popular literature—the stuff that makes you lie in the sun too long and read in bed until the cock crows, the urban chickens start clucking, or your neighbor leaves for her 6 am shift.  We snap up the good stuff that slips by the big guys, the publishers who are too worried about photogenic authors and the bottom line to care what’s between the pages.


SELF-EDITING FOR WRITERS is an online master class presented by award-winning novelist and writing teacher, Joan Dempsey.

Simple lessons with robust content and engaging assignments are designed to help you master the skill of editing your own writing.


Take this course if ...

  • You've completed a draft of your manuscript and don't know where to begin to edit it;
  • You feel daunted by the magnitude of work it will take to finish your manuscript;
  • You feel like editing won't be nearly as much fun as writing your first draft;
  • You worry you don't have what it takes to bring this project to completion;
  • You can't imagine making order out of your shitty first draft;
  • You can't wait to revise and want to learn everything you need to know to do it well;
  • You're excited about enhancing the good work you've already done.

Begin any time you wish after Aug 12 (even a month later if that's better for you!) — nothing's on a set schedule, you can work at your own pace, and class never closes, so you'll always have access.






Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2019, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

**Note that places paid advertising in this newsletter, ALL ads being related to writers and the business of writing, screened by FundsforWriters to make sure the information is suitable for writers and their endeavors to improve their careers. But the mailing list is not sold to third parties. You will not receive this newsletter without your permission. It's physically impossible since recipients must opt-in, giving us permission to send the newsletter. If at any time you no longer with to receive the newsletter, click the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of each newsletter. We want you to enjoy this newsletter at your pleasure, not be forced to read anything you do not wish to receive. The website is not advertised using unsolicited messages by Aweber, affiliates or other third parties. Direct any complaints, suggestions, and accolades to Hope Clark at We are an anti-spam site.