FundsforWriters - July 12, 2019 - When They Don't Pay

Published: Fri, 07/12/19

FundsForWriters: Tips and Tools for serious writers to advance their careers!
  Volume 19, Issue 28 | JULY 12, 2019  

Message from the Editor

Edisto Tidings will be out the end of October, y'all. Isn't that great? This is Callie Morgan's sixth novel, and my overall 10th. Time flies when you're having fun. 

But are you having fun? If there's nothing else you get out of writing, it has to be enjoyment, satisfaction, and fun. Because this is not a business where the average person makes a decent income. 

Why the wet blanket? Because I tend to bring realism and tough love to the table. Because I believe you have to be driven to want to write due to all the obstacles and problems in the industry. The joy is doing what you love first, making money second. Here are FundsforWriters, we try to bring the two together. 

Do I mind if someone makes money writing? Absolutely not! I sincerely hope you do. I sincerely hope I do as well. But don't sell your soul in the process.

A lady left FundsforWriters this week stating all I did was try to sell. It amazes me that in providing a free newsletter that some people believe I should not be allowed to market. They are missing the point. After all, I want to show that I practice what I preach. 

Keep writing! (But only if it's still fun, y'all.) 

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
Email Hope | Visit Website | Sign up for Newsletter
Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
FFW has proudly been on the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers list every year since 2001


Our subscriber list is NOT made available to others. Use information listed at your own risk. FundsforWriters gives no warranty to completeness, accuracy, or fitness of the markets, contests and grants although research is done to the best of our ability.
















It takes at least two people to make a great book: the writer to think it up, and the editor to keep the writer from making face-palming mistakes that will live forever in print. 

Fireweed Editorial wants to help you put your best words forward.  We deliver personalized writing support with a budget-conscious approach to your project. Contact us to discuss how we can help with your wordsmithing needs. 

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A couple of weeks ago, a long-time fan wrote to me, saying how she had not been paid for a poem that was published on The Relationship Blogger ( The writer did all the right things. Even once she was not paid, she sent nice notices, always being patient when the answers asked for more time. Ultimately, she wrote me and asked for help. I wrote the editor in June and asked that she be paid. Otherwise, I had to mention his website/publication to my readers as one not to trust in terms of payment. 

The website did post on March 4, 2019 ( that they were only taking reprints (for no compensation), but my friend had already been published in February. Y'all...we're only talking $15 for a poem. 

His response to me (verbatim):

"We are no longer a publication anymore, and I am no longer accepting any paid submissions of any kind.

We ran into funding problems due to the recent decline in our income streams in December last year. Sadly, we were unable to fulfil the writers payments, and as soon as that happened we stopped taking submissions that we paid for.

I do plan to pay the writers for that month, but until I can build myself back out of the hole I've found myself in, I can't. If I pay one, then I have to pay them all -- if that makes sense.

I am absolutely willing to take her poem down, though. I have kept most of the work the writers have done over the last year in the archives out of respect to them because we have semi-high DA (Domain Authority), and linkbacks are always good.

Hope that is ok,
Kind regards,
Raymond Baxter"

Sadly, this writer didn't get her $15. While that doesn't sound like much, when you have bills to pay, it helps. So, as a reminder on the basics of freelancing, do the following:

1) Screen-print the submission guidelines for future reference (for when they disappear later).
2) Keep a file of emails accepting your work along with any mention of conditions for acceptance. I have a spreadsheet of my submissions to include the emails used, rights purchased, expected payment date, etc.
3) When they do not pay, be professional and remind them. Then remind them again every few weeks.

The next suggestions you may not agree with, but they are from my experience and general outlook:

4) Determine based upon the payment due to you whether your time is worth investing in pursuing compensation. Look at the hours you lose writing for another market and decide how you'd like to best use that time. While I might not have pursued the $15, someone else might need it desperately. 

5) If you wish to contact someone like me with a site that mentions non-paying markets, don't expect to also collect your ounce-of-flesh (retaliatory satisfaction). While I often do collect compensation for writers with a single letter, sometimes I don't. I'll write once but won't take up the torch, so to speak. 

6) Don't attach your name to anything public that depicts you as a disgruntled soul who wants to get even. That means anywhere. . . Facebook, newsletter, Instagram, etc. You want the public to remember you in a positive light, regardless of how deeply you feel burnt. You don't want your wrath to appear in someone's Google search of your name. Writers have eroded entire careers duking it out with a market or publisher, with their writing long forgotten in the fight.

7) Finally, get over it. Not only will you serve yourself better by directing your energies into your writing, but you'll live longer. Don't let someone else's negligence dig under your own skin and rob you of the wonderful experience of writing.

A listing to correct some of the details of the
$12-15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline September 1, 2019. Category One: Veterans compete for first place $200, second $100, third $50. Three honorable mentions. Line limit 60 lines (counting epigraph, section numbers and blank lines between stanzas, if any). Miniature poem 12 lines. The Veterans category is open to anyone, not just those who served in the military. The theme is veterans, so any veteran or non-veteran writing a poem about veterans may enter. The contest is a national contest, and not just for Chicago residents. 



Come check us out at BookGoodies! BookGoodies has been helping authors find readers since 2004. To introduce you to our range of book promotions we are giving FundsforWriters newsletter subscribers a special deal on listing your book on our site. 

1. List your book for free on our site for 6 months. 

2. Get a special 50% discount to try out our Home Page ad with coupon code FUNDSFORWRITERS

BookGoodies has a wide reach on social media including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and we are re-booting our YouTube channel to feature our BookGoodies Podcasts. We look forward to featuring your book to our readers!




  • July 15 - 7PM - Henderson Writers Group, Henderson, NV
  • August 5 - 7 PM - Night Harbor Book Club, Chapin, SC
  • August 10 - 3PM - Edisto Bookstore, Edisto Beach, SC
  • August 24 - 9-4:30 PM - Sylva, NC - North Carolina Writers' Network West conference
  • September 3 - 7PM - Night Harbor Book Club, Chapin, SC
  • September 7 - 2:30 PM - Newberry Book Club, Newberry, SC
  • October 7 - 6PM - Greenwood Book Club, Montague's Restaurant, Greenwood, SC
  • October 25 - 3PM - Edisto Bookstore, Edisto Beach, SC
  • March 23, 2020 - 7:15 PM - St. Andrews Women's Club, Irmo, SC


NEXT CONFERENCE! As always, when I'm asked to present at a conference, I promote it graciously in the newsletter. Here's the next one, in Sylva, NC. A one-day fun time that I hope you'll attend. 


Always be yourself and have faith in yourself. Do not go out and look for a successful personality and try to duplicate it. 

~Bruce Lee


SUccess Story

If FundsforWriters has enabled your writing career in any way, let us know so we can share. Email 

Featured article


Improve Your Writing Income with These Five Golden Options

By Derick Omondi

If you dabble in anything writing, you know it shares a similarity to any ordinary business - seasons. Businesses experience boom or recession; writers experience feast or famine. To escape this cycle, writers capitalize in two ways: finding retainer clients and collecting a plethora of clients. But do you know there are other options that can help beat the challenges of seasons? 

Here are six alternative revenue sources to engage in as a writer.

1. Social media management

Social media management may involve writing social media teasers to jazz up social content. It is also about managing/moderating social media groups or pages through writing or sharing social posts, commenting, and interacting with the audience for clients with a large social following. 

Have an idea/expertise on how to run a social media page successfully or how to deal with influencers? Share your credentials on Social Media Manager Pro DirectoryAngelListIndeed, or LinkedIn to find assignments suitable with this skill set.

2. Content pruning/editing/author website manager

Content pruning seeks to eliminate or update non-performing content and duplicated pieces that have lost meaning or weigh down a site. The aim is to improve a site's health, search, and SEO ranking. 

Website managers write the metadata for webpages and blog entries: writing subject lines/ headlines, uploading pieces to CMS, providing quality, licensed images and videos, and engaging blog readers by sharing articles or access to some resources. 

They also edit ebooks, webinar, courses, novels, manuscripts, and articles submitted by other writers. 

To land assignments of these types, check out ReedsyScribophileScribendiServicescape, and

Other places to find editorial appointments are on professional editorial directories like Society for Editors and Proofreaders (SfEP) and Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA).

3. Email writing and marketing campaign

Email writing is yet another avenue you can explore, separate from article writing. With its low barrier to entry, email marketing/writing generates a higher ROI compared to article writing while remaining as the best method to promote solutions to an audience. 

Places to find email writing assignments are ReedsyIndeedLinkedIn, and ZipRecruiter.

4. Writing contests, personal essays and poetry

Many freelance writers never think of adding writing contest or poems to their portfolios. 

To find yearly writing contest and poems, visit Sapiens Plurum, The Smart Set32poems, The Poetry Foundation, RattleAmerican Poetry ReviewThe New Yorker, and The Paris Review.

For short stories, you can view guidelines at StoryMagazine.orgThe AtlanticThe New Yorker, and The Threepenny Review.

5. Writing a biography or memoir

I know you have read biographies of great people like Barack Obama or Richard Branson. But do you know you can get paid writing journals? 

Story Terrace is a website that wants every person to have a journal. If you've got a knack for interviews and profiling, enjoy writing stories of other people. 

6. Book designer/illustrator/composer

Your love for self-published works need not end with writing or editing, but can include illustrations! Remember those childhood illustrations from your own beloved early books and how they connected well with the stories?
Reedsy is an excellent platform to enjoy being a book illustrator. Other places are The Bookcover Designer where you can sell your custom-made book covers,, and Servicescape.

As a writer, sometimes it is best to throw stones at different birds. Other times it is best to use a single stone to chase after two birds. Whichever way, the opportunities above, when used well, can enhance your writing income and portfolios.

Bio: Derick Omondi loves digital content, knowledge, imagination, freelancing, and the Python programming language. He writes on anything SEO, customer success, retail, and social media. Reach him at or (LinkedIn handle:



NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 31, 2019. Awards a chapbook (limited print run of 125 copies, rights revert to author upon publication); event planning and marketing help for your book launch; one registration of your choosing (a conference, workshop, class, retreat – up to $500); and $500 to spend however, no strings attached. Eligibility: you have not yet had a book published, you have won no major awards/prizes, you aren’t currently in an MFA/PhD program, you write your ass off, and you battle daily the barriers of luck, society, fate, a curse, the cosmos, some major setback, or all of the above. 

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 31, 2019. The contest is open to writers worldwide, but all entries must be written in English. Writers are asked to submit the first chapter or chapters (up to 6,000 words) of an unpublished novel or novella. The novel/novella can be completed or in progress. The winner will be decided by Naomi Huffman from MCD, a new division of publishing company Farrar, Straus & Giroux. Winner receives $2,000 award and a manuscript critique of the novel or novella, up to 100K words, by The Artful Editor. Runners-up: $500 and $300 award, respectively, for the second and third place finalists. Agent review of the top three entries by Samantha Fingerhut of Compass Talent. Samantha will offer feedback on the first 25 pages of the project and accompanying query letters. 

The Kindle Storyteller Award 2019 is a £20,000 literary prize recognizing outstanding writing. It is open to writers publishing in English in any genre, who publish their work through Kindle Direct Publishing. Readers play a significant role in selecting the winner, helped by a panel of judges including various book industry experts. In order to be eligible, books must be published between May 1 and August 31, 2019.

£20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 14, 2019. The prize is for a thriller in which no woman is beaten, stalked, sexually exploited, rape,d or murdered. Thriller genres include crime, mystery, historical, sci-fi, cyber, comedy, psychological, spy, suspense, political, satirical, and disaster. We are not looking for horror or fantasy novels. For the purposes of this Prize, murder does not include incidents where people in general or specific groups of people are the targets or victims, e.g., war, terrorist attacks, hostage situations, sabotage. The competition is open to authors of any nationality who are over the age of 18 on the closing date. Submissions may be traditionally published, or provably FIRST self-published (print or ebook) within 18 months of the closing date, or not yet published. They must be in English. Translations are welcome. Entries may be submitted by authors, agents or publishers. The first 5,000 words of each entry, double spaced, 12pt, plus a one-page synopsis, single-spaced, twelve-point font, should be submitted AS ONE DOCUMENT. The winner will receive a prize of £1,000.

$6 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 15, 2019. Authors will retain all rights and copyright to their works. New Flash Fiction Review requests one-time, non-exclusive rights to publish your work. The winner will receive $300, publication in New Flash Fiction Review. Stories must be 800 words or less.

$30 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 15, 2019. The grand prize is $1,500; two runners-up will receive $500 each. Authors retain all rights to their work. Winners will be offered a competitive book contract for full market, frontlist release. There’s no obligation to sign this contract. There is no minimum or maximum page limit.

£6 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 15, 2019. The theme reflecting Ambit’s 60th birthday will be Wild. The first place prize will be £500, second place £250 and £100 for third. All three winning poems will be published in issue 238 of Ambit Magazine, and the poets will be invited to read with Ambit in London and Aldeburgh. 

$8-$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 31, 2019. Our first prizes are $1,000 for Short Stories and $300 for Poetry and Flash Fiction. Five finalists will be considered for subsequent F(r)iction publications. Submit one short story (between 1,000 and 7,500 words), one flash (under 750 words), or one poem. Your entry fee is discounted if you submit a three-pack of poetry or flash fiction. At F(r)iction, we pride ourselves on publishing the best writing regardless of genre, style, or origin. This means that we accept work of all kinds, including genre writing and experimental literature. Our editorial staff favors stories that celebrate the weird, take risks, and are driven by a strong, unique voice.

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline October 1, 2019. Award: $1,000 and publication in an issue of Big Muddy: A Journal of the Mississippi River Valley. Submit a maximum of 30 pages. 

$20 ENTRY FEE, Deadline October 31, 2019. The eighth annual Tucson Festival of Books Literary Awards is now accepting fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for the 2020 competitions. First-place winners in each category will receive $1,000. Second-place winners receive $500, and third-place winners $250. All winners will be awarded scholarships to the 2020 Tucson Festival of Books Masters Workshop in March, on the University of Arizona campus, following the Tucson Festival of Books ( Submit five poems of any length, a short story or novel chapter, or a nonfiction piece or book chapter per submission. Maximum length for prose is 5,000 words per submission.

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 30, 2019. This contest is open to any U.S. resident provided the writer is over the age of 18 years at the time of the closing date. Your short story must be original, in English, not published, self-published, or broadcasted on any media.  The story must be no longer than 5,000 words, typed and double-spaced. There is no minimum word count. Fifteen winners selected for publication. One grand prize winner receives $1,000. 

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 31, 2019. The Broken River Prize is an annual poetry chapbook contest from Platypus Press. Each year a different poet will judge the contest—2019’s judge is poet and teacher Airea D. Matthews. Winner receives publication and $250/£200 prize money. Submit books between 20 and 40 pages in length. The contest is open internationally. Finalists will be considered for publication.

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 31, 2019. Each summer we hold two contests, which are open to Canadian residents and citizens of all ages. As well as the opportunity to win cash prizes, there will be ten honorable mentions in each contest and the top group (approx. 33%) of all entries received will be published in a keepsake, soft-cover collection to be released in early December. All participants will receive a bookmark gift. First prize: $500. Second prize: $250. Third prize: $100. And ten honorable mentions for each contest!



Deadline August 11, 2019. We are now accepting applications for our 2020 Artist Awards, including our Artist in Residence (AiR) program and the Eliza Moore Fellowship for Artistic Excellence. All applicants will be considered for the Eliza Moore Fellowship for Artistic Excellence (a $10,000 grant and a two-week residency for one awardee in 2020). Applicants can optionally elect to be considered for one or both six-week AiR periods: Summer (May 31st - July 10th, 2020), and Fall (September 20th - October 30th, 2020). Our support to artists–in both our residencies and fellowships–prioritizes emerging artists who show significant potential but are under-recognized. We define an “emerging artist” as an artist who is early career, self-directed, and pre-professional. An emerging artist can be of any age and any technical background. Location Upperville, VA. 

Deadline August 15, 2019. For residencies in April, May, and June 2020. For artists – provide samples of your work: three pages of poetry, ten pages of prose, photographs, photographs of works of art, or some other example of your art form via jpg/pdf/digital audio files OR links to internet with samples of your work (no CDs or DVDs, please). While in residence at Hypatia-in-the-Woods, we offer residents the opportunity to give a public reading, a book signing, showing of works, or appropriate venue for a performance.  Residents are responsible for the cost of transport to Holly House, food, and other expenses of the trip. Location Shelton, WA. 

Deadline September 15, 2019. Each resident receives a $400 stipend distributed in weekly increments to help defray living and meal preparation expenses during the program. Jentel is especially attractive to those who wish to take responsibility for themselves and their daily routine, while they focus on their work and creative development. Any visual artist or writer over 25 currently residing in the United States or any U.S. citizen living abroad is eligible. Individuals currently enrolled in an academic institution are ineligible to apply until after they complete their program. The Jentel Artist Residency Program is located on a 1,000-acre plus working cattle ranch 20 miles southeast of Sheridan, Wyoming. 

Each year one full fellowship and one partial fellowship are awarded to women interested in attending Poets on the Coast: A Weekend Writing Retreat for Women. To be considered, email three poems and two paragraphs (maximum) responding to the following questions: Why Poets on the Coast and Why Now? and How Will You Contribute to the Community of Writers? (assisting with receptions, teaching yoga, dance, etc.) The Fellowship covers registration costs (and art workshop) but not accommodation. Send your two paragraphs and three poems to Poets on the Coast from September 6-8, 2019 will be held in La Conner, Washington. 

Deadline August 1, 2019. The foundation currently is inviting applications for its Art and Change Grant program. Through the program, grants of up to $2,500 will be awarded to women and trans artists in the greater Philadelphia who are in support of art-for-social-change projects.

Deadline July 15, 2019. In 2014, a generous ongoing grant from the Granbury Wine Walk helped us establish a new Langdon Review Writer-in-Residence Program Endowment. Applicants will need to submit a 1,000-1,500-word proposal that explains how such an experience will benefit them and the Granbury community; a curriculum vitae; a portfolio of unpublished material: For poets – a minimum of ten poems and for prose writers – a minimum of 3,500 words. The time frame for this Writer-in-Residence Program will be two weeks. The following benefits will accompany the Program: $500 cash prize, two weeks free lodging, free registration to Langdon Review Weekend, and publication in the journal, Langdon Review of the Arts in Texas.

Deadline July 31, 2019. Two diversity-centered grants: Diverse Writers and Diverse Worlds, both intended to foster the creation of speculative fiction work rich in diversity. The $500 Diverse Writers grant is intended to support new and emerging writers from underrepresented and underprivileged groups, such as writers of color, women, queer writers, disabled writers, working-class writers, etc. — those whose marginalized identities may present additional obstacles in the writing / publishing process. The $500 Diverse Worlds grant is intended for work that best presents a diverse world, regardless of the writer’s background. The grants are designed to foster new, in-progress work (rather than recognizing already published work). We intend that grant funds will facilitate completing the work.



Craft accepts unsolicited submissions of new and republished fiction, critical essays, interviews, book annotations, and much more. Craft pays $100 for original flash fiction and $200 for original short fiction. Submissions are open year round, and there are no submission fees.

Deadline August 1, 2019. We are looking for speculative stories - science fiction, fantasy, horror - with Christian themes, characters, or cosmology, and artwork for this site. Stories can be up to 9,000 words. Pays eight cents/word for original stories (or original translations of stories that have not previously appeared in English), and four cents/word for reprints. 

Deadline August 17, 2019. Gay is a new publication partnership between Roxane Gay and Medium. Gay will offer some of the most interesting and thoughtful cultural criticism to be found on the Web. We are interested in deep explorations, timelessness, and challenging conventional thinking without being cheap and lazy. What we love and want: cultural criticism; thoughtful, clever and beautiful personal essays; short fiction; original artwork and photography. We pay $1 a word for work up to 3,500 words in length. We seek your best work, and we cannot wait to read it. Please note that we will publish many more short essays (in the 1,200-word range) than we will longer (3,500 words) ones. Theme: Pain. What hurts you? How do you deal with hurt and suffering? How have you hurt others or yourself? How do you negotiate the suffering of others?

Deadline July 31, 2019. Genres: science fiction, fantasy, horror (everything must have a speculative element, even horror). Word count: 3,500 words or less. This is a firm limit. Pay rate: 10 cents per word. A total of TWO submissions per author during this submission window. 

Deadline September 30, 2019. We are looking for stories about something that happened to you in your life - in your relationship with a partner or spouse, a parent or child, a family member or friend, at work or at home – that made you and the people around you laugh out loud. Did you mean for it to be funny? Did the other person mean to make you laugh? Did a situation just get out of control? Did a misunderstanding turn into a comedy of errors? We can’t wait to hear your true stories. Limit 1,200 words. Payment $200 and ten copies. 

PodCastle is looking for quality fantasy fiction. If you’re a writer with a speculative short story that you’d like to hear narrated by one of our performers, we’d like to see it. Word count: up to 6,000 words. We pay six cents/word USD for original fiction 6,000 words or less, $100 flat rate for reprints over 1,500 words, and $20 flat rate for flash fiction reprints (stories below 1,500 words).

Tenderly is a vegan lifestyle publication that launched on Medium on July 8, 2019. Tenderly will publish every day and we hope to be a vital resource and a source of inspiration and delight for vegans, vegetarians, future vegans, and the vegan curious. We’ll talk about making and eating delicious food, living well, saving the earth, and loving animals. Pieces can vary in length from 500–5,000 words, but most will fall between 1,000–2,000 words. If you know an approximate word count for your pitch, feel free to include it in your email. If not, we’ll suggest one! We pay a variable rate starting at $200 for most standard paid posts and going up from there depending on additional research, reporting, and writing time. 



We're not too bothered if the books have been published before, or if you have an agent, or if you're an established author, or if you're an absolute beginner. All we need is for the stories to be great and the subject matter to be commercial. We publish CRIME & THRILLERS. We can only publish your book if you own the rights to it. We're called Fahrenheit Press - if you can't spell Fahrenheit don't submit, you're wasting your time. Fahrenheit is NOT A PLAY TO PAY PUBLISHER - you will never be asked to contribute to the cost of publishing your novel with us. We offer a royalty rate of 50% on both eBooks and paperback editions for a five-year contract.

Email queries will be deleted. We do not publish nonfiction or poetry collections or chapbooks. We publish six to ten books per year. We pay a small advance and standard royalties. Our ebook royalty rate is 40 percent of net receipts. We accept fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and black and white art. The fiction we publish most of tends toward but is not limited to the speculative. This does not mean only quietly desperate stories. We will consider items that fall out with regular categories. We do not publish gore, sword and sorcery, or pornography. 

Currently, we represent authors in the categories of General Nonfiction, Commercial Fiction, Religion, Science Fiction and Fantasy, Biography and Memoir, Pop Culture, Business and Leadership, Spiritual Growth, Christian Spirituality, and more. We are especially relentless when it comes to finding the right publishing home for our authors. 








Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2019, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

**Note that places paid advertising in this newsletter, ALL ads being related to writers and the business of writing, screened by FundsforWriters to make sure the information is suitable for writers and their endeavors to improve their careers. But the mailing list is not sold to third parties. You will not receive this newsletter without your permission. It's physically impossible since recipients must opt-in, giving us permission to send the newsletter. If at any time you no longer with to receive the newsletter, click the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of each newsletter. We want you to enjoy this newsletter at your pleasure, not be forced to read anything you do not wish to receive. The website is not advertised using unsolicited messages by Aweber, affiliates or other third parties. Direct any complaints, suggestions, and accolades to Hope Clark at We are an anti-spam site.