FundsforWriters - June 28, 2019 - 7 Nudges to Work Into Your Query Letters

Published: Fri, 06/28/19

FundsForWriters: Tips and Tools for serious writers to advance their careers!
  Volume 19, Issue 26 | JUNE 28, 2019  

Message from the Editor

The manuscript is at the publisher! Hallelujah. And I've taken this past week off from writing. I start back July 2 with my 1,000 words per day. It's been difficult NOT reporting to the computer each day to keep that momentum I'd worked up. Guess you can create a new habit.

The word count came in at 85,300 words, actually my shortest book of the ten, but I like it. Folks have been asking what the title is, and it turned out the publisher was thrilled at my choice of title and saw no need to change it. Drum roll.......


Expect to see it late summer or early fall, and the story is set in December at Edisto Beach where Police Chief Callie Jean Morgan turns tradition on its ear. And there might be a couple of new characters!

I'll work on a personal project for a month, then it's on to a Slade book. And with Dying on Edisto being so entertaining with Callie and Slade meeting to solve a crime, it looks like I might have Callie stumble into Slade's world for a change. Another crossover!

Keep writing, people. Summer isn't an excuse to go slack!

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
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Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
FFW has proudly been on the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers list every year since 2001


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From a long-time FFW reader:

Hi Hope,

I can't tell you how much I enjoy the FFW newsletter. But right now, I'm going to take you for a trip to the "Wayback" machine.

Every so often we writers run into that proverbial brick wall known as writer's block.  When that occurs with me, I look at an idea file I created many years ago, which has but a paragraph or two with a simple outline for short stories or memoirs which might interest me now. In another file about writing materials, I keep clips from other writers who have provided encouraging words to motivate me.

After reading the May 24th edition of FFW about lull time because of the heat, being away on vacations, etc., it reminded me of some words you provided, let's say a "few years ago," when I was receiving FFW Junior. I copied and pasted those words and have it in my writing thoughts file. It was titled "Are you a Writer or a Piddler?"

I've kept that piece as a motivator and, from time to time, have re-read it.  You told writers to write even a few words instead of playing computer games or wasting time. You constantly write about keeping the writer inside us from becoming slackers.  I want to tell you that your words, though written many years ago, are just as meaningful today as they were yesterday and will be tomorrow.

Best to you,

Al Caron


Hope - here is the piece titled "Are you a Writer or a Piddler?" 

Since I finished my novel and now enter the painful stage of editors and agents, I find it hard to get back into the groove. Is piddling writer's block you ask? No, I don't really believe in writer's block.  I call it writer's procrastination. Some days are harder than others to make the words flow, but you can write every day, almost anyway.

So when you are refreshing your email every ten minutes or checking out the stock market or playing Hearts and Solitaire on the computer instead of writing, stop it.  Write a few words or sketch an outline. Do a writing exercise. For goodness sake, just describe the desk at which you sit and get the words down. Anything you do needs a ritual - housecleaning, getting to work, mowing the yard...yes, and writing. To quote an ad that is pretty cliché now...JUST DO IT!

C. Hope Clark, FFW Junior, March 18, 2001



Come check us out at BookGoodies! BookGoodies has been helping authors find readers since 2004. To introduce you to our range of book promotions we are giving FundsforWriters newsletter subscribers a special deal on listing your book on our site. 

1. List your book for free on our site for 6 months. 

2. Get a special 50% discount to try out our Home Page ad with coupon code FUNDSFORWRITERS

BookGoodies has a wide reach on social media including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and we are re-booting our YouTube channel to feature our BookGoodies Podcasts. We look forward to featuring your book to our readers!




  • July 1 - Night Harbor Book Club, Chapin, SC
  • August 5 - Night Harbor Book Club, Chapin, SC
  • August 10 - 3PM - Edisto Bookstore, Edisto Beach, SC
  • August 24 - 9-4:30 PM - Sylva, NC - North Carolina Writers' Network West conference
  • September 7 - 2:30 PM - Newberry Book Club, Newberry, SC
  • October 7 - 6PM - Greenwood Book Club, Montague's Restaurant, Greenwood, SC
  • October 25 - 3PM - Edisto Bookstore, Edisto Beach, SC


NEXT CONFERENCE! As always, when I'm asked to present at a conference, I promote it graciously in the newsletter. Here's the next one, in Sylva, NC. A one-day fun time that I hope you'll attend. 


You must not ever stop being whimsical. And you must not, ever, give anyone else the responsibility for your life.

~Mary Oliver, Poet


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7 Nudges to Work Into Your Query Letters

By Dan Brotzel

Nudges are psychological levers that can be used to help influence and persuade people because they work with the way our minds are wired. Here are some common nudges you can work into your query letters and project submissions... 

Nudge Theory is a branch of economics designed to help us all make better decisions by appealing to the way our minds are wired. Instead of expecting people to make rational, considered decisions about everything, or trying to boss people into doing what's good for them, nudges appeal to the mental shortcuts we all make when faced with choices.    

Nudges are widely used in social policy and the corporate world now, to help people make better choices in everything from pensions to well-being. Richard Thaler, one of the developers of nudge theory, won the Nobel Prize for Economics last year. 

For example, we tend to take the path of least resistance when it comes to decision-making and will, as a rule, opt for the default option. For this reason, it's suggested that state pension schemes and organ donation policies should be opt-out rather than opt-in. 

Marketers have long used many a wide range of nudges and are finding new ways to nudge people towards sales all the time. Fear of missing out (FOMO), social proof, upselling and product placement are all examples of marketing nudges in action. Here are some nudges that you can work into your query letters when trying to sell your work to editors, agents, and publishers... 

Authority. We have a natural tendency to defer to people who position themselves as experts. If you have written a book about a particular country or historical period, the amount of research or subject-matter knowledge or traveling that you can bring to bear will add authority to your submission. Mentioning other titles that you have published, or writers who have recommended you, or competitions you have placed are all badges of authority too. 

Ease. The easier something looks to read, the more likely it will get read. Your recipient is a busy person, so get to the point in clear, direct sentences, and don't bombard them with unnecessary information. Set out your letter in a scannable, user-friendly style, with short paragraphs and bullets and bold to highlight key points. Less is more! 

Social proof. We have a natural tendency to follow the herd, which is why businesses love testimonials and case studies. Any evidence you have of the popularity of your work is worth mentioning here – perhaps you have a story that is very popular with your writers' group, or you had successfully published pieces on a similar topic before, or achieved rankings in an Amazon category, or have grown a strong social media following. Mention anything that shows you have the makings of a tribe, and you will be that bit harder to ignore. 

Reciprocity. Giving to get is another powerful lever. In exchange for having your work considered, you might offer a free report or access to other useful material you have published. Or you could offer to provide some sample work for free. The content agency I work for often does this – it's a move that shows confidence and gives a prospect something for nothing, while also giving us an opportunity to showcase what we can do. 

Affinity. It's hard to say no to people we like. An engaging letter that's respectful of your recipient's time, with courtesy, a touch of humor and some personality can often go a long way to getting that first foot in the door. 

Objection-handling. A subtle but often very effective nudge is to call out some of the objections that people might have to your idea and explaining why they're wrong. Idea been done before? Yes, but not from this angle. Not a normal way to approach the theme? Well, no, but then again it worked for book x or film y. This kind of thinking inspires confidence because it shows that you have thought hard about the market context. 

Priming/topicality. Look for topics related to your work that are in the news. Making connections with what's happening currently will add a sense of urgency and relevance to your work. If your work has some thematic similarities with other works coming out around the same time, make the most of that too: editors sometimes like the reassurance/excitement of feeling that they are part of a burgeoning trend...   

Final thought: Don't overdo it and stay yourself

Nudges are an interesting and often a very effective way to pitch work more impactfully. But as with any persuasive technique, if the effect feels too forced or too overdone, it can easily backfire. No one wants to feel manipulated, after all. It's probably best to focus on one or two areas that work best for you and your work. 

If you'd link to find out more about nudges, this is a good place to start ( 

BIO: Dan Brotzel (@brotzel_fiction) is co-author of a new comic novel, Kitten on a Fatberg (Unbound). As a reader of this newsletter, you can pre-order Kitten on a Fatberg for a 10% discount – simply quote promo code KITTEN10


NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline October 25, 2019. We will be giving out a $500 reward for the best 50-word horror story. Must be unpublished. Winner will be published in both the digital and print issue. 

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 1, 2019. This is for already published pieces, that were published between January 1 and July 1, 2019. ASA membership is not required. ASA will award up to six Angling Awareness Awards including up to three endemic awards for pieces published in platforms that speak directly to anglers as well as outdoor lifestyle outlets; and up to three non-endemic awards, for pieces published in platforms not specifically geared to fishing or outdoor activities. The awards recognize writers who write the most effective consumer-facing content that focuses on: 1) recruitment of new anglers into the sport; 2) retention of current anglers; or 3) the reactivation, or re-engagement, of lapsed anglers into the sport. These three efforts are known within the recreational fishing industry as “R3.” Up to six prizes will be given, with five category writers each receiving $300 cash awards, plaques and a customized St. Croix rod. The Grand Prize winner will receive a $1,000 cash prize, a recognition plaque, a customized St. Croix rod and an invitation to attend ASA’s 2019 Sportfishing Summit being held October 8-11, at Skamania Lodge in Stevenson, WA, where the award will be presented. 

$12 ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 15, 2019. Previously unpublished fiction of 850 words or less is eligible for this contest.  We are especially interested in stories that demonstrate a strong voice and a sense of place, but we consider all quality writing. We will select one winner to receive a cash prize of $500, and four runners up will be recognized but receive no prize. Winners will be named in October. All winning entries will be published in the Fall / Winter issue of South 85 Journal, which will be released December 15.

$10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 15, 2019. Submit up to three poems per entry. No restrictions on content or form. First prize is $1,000 and publication. 

$7 ENTRY FEE. Deadline September 30, 2019. Award is $500 for the best metrical poem. The winner will be the featured poet in The Orchards Poetry Journal's January 2020 issue. Poems must be 30 lines or less. Poems must be unpublished. 

$12 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 15, 2019. First place winner receives $500 and publication in New Limestone Review. Second place winner receives $250 and publication. Third place winner receives publication. Maximum 7,000 words. All submissions will be considered for publication.

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 27, 2019. Three winners will receive $250 each, plus publication. Six finalists will receive $75 each, plus publication. Submit up to two poems. 

$35 CAN or $40 USD ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 15, 2019. Pays $1,500 grand prize, $600 runner-up, $400 second runner-up. Limit 6,000 words. Offers free entries for self-identifying Indigenous writers. 

$18 ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 15, 2019. Open to all poets over the age of 18 who write in English. Length: 55-85 pages (front matter is not included in page count). We will consider translations, and we welcome collaborations. Winners will receive $500, 20 author copies, and select poems from the book will appear in Diode Poetry Journal. If the winners attend AWP 2020, they’ll have the opportunity to participate in author signings and an off-site reading.

$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 15, 2019. Open to poets over the age of 18 who write in English. Length: 22-46 pages (front matter is not included in page count). We will consider translations, and we welcome collaborations. Winners will receive $250, 20 author copies, and select poems from the book will appear in Diode Poetry Journal. If the winners attend AWP 2020, they’ll have the opportunity to participate in author signings and an off-site reading.

$30 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 31, 2019. Award includes publication by Press 53 of the winning poetry collection as a Tom Lombardo Poetry Selection, $1,000 advance and 50 copies. The Press 53 Award for Poetry is awarded annually to an outstanding, unpublished collection of poems. This contest is open to any writer, regardless of his or her publication history, who is 18 years of age or older, provided the manuscript is written in English, and the author lives in the United States or one of its territories.

$25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 8, 2019. A first book of poems will be selected for publication from an open competition of manuscripts, in English, by a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or person who has DACA/TPS status are eligible who has neither published, nor committed to publish, a volume of poetry 48 pages or more in length. The winner will receive a publication contract with Southern Illinois University Press and will be awarded a $1,000 prize. The winner will also receive $1500 as an honorarium for a reading at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Manuscripts are recommended to be a minimum of 50 pages to a recommended maximum of 100 pages of original poetry. 



Deadline September 15, 2019. The Jan Michalski Foundation is inviting applications for its fourth annual writers’ residency program. The residencies take place at the foot of Switzerland’s Jura Mountains, and the selected writers each live and work in modern treehouses. Writers from around the world are invited to apply. In 2020, a percentage of the residences will be dedicated to nature writing; fiction or creative nonfiction that raises awareness of nature, prepares for a sustainable way of living, and helps to better understand socio-environmental interconnections and the impact of human actions on nature. Residencies can run from between two weeks and six months, and the length of stay should match the scope of the project. As well as receiving accommodation in their own treehouse, residents will be paid a monthly allowance of 1,200 Swiss Francs (approximately US$1200). Travel expenses will also be covered by the foundation, and daily breakfasts and lunches are provided. Residents can also participate in cultural activities organized by the Foundation.

Deadline September 23, 2019. The American Academy in Berlin seeks to enrich transatlantic dialogue in the arts, humanities, and public policy through the development and communication of projects of the highest scholarly merit. Past recipients have included anthropologists, art historians, literary scholars, philosophers, historians, musicologists, journalists, writers, filmmakers, sociologists, legal scholars, economists, and public policy experts, among others. For 2020/21, the Academy will also award three specially designated fellowships: two Andrew W. Mellon Fellowships in the Humanities, for work that demonstrates an interest in the topics of migration and social integration, race in comparative perspective, or exile and return. In addition, in memory of its founder, the Academy will name a Richard C. Holbrooke Fellow for a project that looks at diplomatic approaches to resolving major global issues, from armed conflicts to environmental challenges to the impact of new technologies.

The fellowship offers writers and researchers an opportunity to pursue a creative project in Paris for a month or longer while participating actively in the life of the American Library. Applicants should be working on a book project, fiction or nonfiction, or a feature-length documentary film, that contributes to cross-cultural discourse. We are not accepting poetry projects at this time. There are two one-month fellowship periods a year in fall and spring, with dates to be specified later. Fellowship award: a $5,000 stipend paid one month before start of fellowship period. The award, to be spent at the discretion of the Fellow, is designed to cover travel to Paris, accommodation, and expenses associated with the month in Paris. The Library will begin accepting applications on November 15, 2019 and will close on February 15, 2020 for the next round of fellowships (for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 candidates).

The LaSalle Storyteller Award is an unrestricted grant of $10,000 given to a Washington State artist engaged in storytelling through their artistic discipline. The 2018 Award will recognize an outstanding literary artist working in fiction and living in Washington state. Application open August 5, 2019, and deadline is September 9, 2019. 

The Brown International Writers Project is currently seeking nominations and applications for its one-year fellowship with residency. The Fellowship is designed to provide sanctuary and support for established creative writers - fiction writers, playwrights, and poets - who are persecuted in their home countries or are actively prevented from pursuing free expression in their literary art. The Fellow will be a member of a supportive community that includes faculty members and graduate students in Brown's Department of Literary Arts and the Watson Institute for International Studies, co-sponsors of the Project. The fellowship will include a stipend, relocation funds, and health benefits. Brown will aid the writer in the visa and relocation process and provide administrative support, equipment, and office space on the Brown campus in Providence, Rhode Island. 

Each year an international call is launched through which 18 fellows (nine artists and nine scholars/thinkers) are selected. The Camargo Core Program offers time and space in a contemplative environment to think, create, and connect. By supporting groundbreaking research and experimentation, it contributes to the visionary work of artists, scholars, and thinkers in the Arts and Humanities. 

Deadline November 1, 2019. Howard Fellowships are intended primarily to provide artists, scholars, and writers with time to complete their work. They are not intended for publication subsidies, for equipment purchase, for preparation of exhibits, or to support institutional programs. A total of eight fellowships will be awarded for 2020-2021 in the fields Fiction, Poetry, and Playwriting and Theatre Studies. The fellowship has no provision for a residency, other than that stated as one of the requirements of the fellowship, i.e., that the applicant must be living and working in the United States.

Hedgebrook is on Whidbey Island, about 35 miles northwest of Seattle. Situated on 48-acres of forest and meadow facing Puget Sound, with a view of Mount Rainier, the retreat hosts writers from all over the world for residencies of two to six weeks, at no cost to the writer. Six writers are in residence at a time, each housed in a handcrafted cottage. They spend their days in solitude – writing, reading, taking walks in the woods on the property or nearby Double Bluff beach. In the evenings, they gather in the farmhouse kitchen to share a home-cooked gourmet meal, their work, their process, and their stories. The Writers in Residence Program is Hedgebrook’s core program, supporting the fully-funded residencies of approximately 40 writers at the retreat each year. The Application for 2020 residencies will open in mid-June 2019. 

Deadline July 15, 2019. SDF currently is accepting applications for nonfiction documentary projects from residents of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Through the SDF Production Grant program, the fund will grant awards of $10,000 in support of original projects with potential to generate public discourse in the pre-production, production, or post-production stage. Through the SDF Research and Development Grant, the fund will grant awards of $5,000 in support of projects in the research and development stage. New, emerging, and established documentary filmmakers are encouraged to apply. 



What Kinds of Stories Do We Print? Entertaining reading. Relaxing armchair reading. People-based stories that describe why life in Wisconsin is truly great. News on events or destinations is generally not printed. Such material is often included secondarily within feature stories, in photo captions, or on “sidelines” that appear in our page margins. Present-day stories are our primary thrust, but fond recollections of “the good old days” in Wisconsin are also welcome. We don’t print fiction, poetry, or book reviews. 

Original speculative fiction. Short fiction 1,000–7,000 words, flash fiction 500–1,000 words. Pay Rate: $100 for short fiction, $30 for flash fiction; plus one print annual. 

The editors at Firehouse are interested in reviewing articles related to a variety of topics—fire attack, leadership, wildland fire operations, hazmat response, apparatus, health and fitness, and more. Articles should be between 750 and 2,500 words. Accompanying photos are appreciated but not required. Articles should be written in a tone that is formal but not academic. Articles should not focus on any particular company or products. Articles should ideally be authored or co-authored by a member of the fire service community.

Scalawag is a magazine and website focused on the American South, dedicated to thoughtful reporting, original thinking, and stories in many forms. Our contributors include both new voices and folks who’ve written for The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The New Republic, and more. We pay every contributor. We’re interested in untold stories, fresh perspectives, and original thought covering the nuances of life, politics, and culture in the American South. We publish nonfiction, poetry, and fiction, as well as state politics coverage and photo essays.



Between our four agents, WordServe Literary offers more than 50 years of experience in all aspects of helping authors get published with traditional publishers. All queries should include the following three elements: 
1. A pitch for the book.
2. Nonfiction: Information about you and your platform (very important). Fiction: Information about your publishing background, if you have one. If you don’t, no worries; often the quality of the writing will win the day. A sentence or two about you will suffice.
3. The first five (or so) pages of the manuscript pasted into the email.

Seeks the following: 
Nonfiction: Narrative nonfiction (music, film, television, sports, pop culture, biography, politics, current affairs, medical, journalism, history, legal history, and travel); Business books (business biography, history, business technology, economics); Cookbooks, Food and Wine, Parenting; Philosophy; Photography; Psychology; Science and Technology; Social Sciences; Self-help; True Crime. Fiction: Literary fiction; Historical fiction; Legal thrillers; Picture books. In addition to his agency services, Joseph is an attorney who performs legal work for authors, publishers, editors, and other publishing industry professionals. 

Children's picture books, middle-grade books, YA books. Not a huge fan of issue books, preachy stories, gay lit, or sexual content. Supernatural books, with angels, demons, or any mix thereof, will probably not catch my fancy. I’m not salivating for werewolves, vampires, ghosts, fairies, or zombies. (Orcs, hobbits, and dragons are what I love.) I’m not into dark and angsty books, and I really like endings that, if not completely happy, are at least full of hope. For young boys, I’m OK with some scatological humor, but I like characters older than ten to be a little more mature and a little less enamored with their own bodily functions than the real-life boys they are patterned after.

We represent commercial fiction that is well-crafted. Metamorphosis Literary Agency works with authors to ensure their book is in the best presentable form. See each agent to determine who suits your genre.

For nonfiction, we are currently accepting submissions in the areas of current affairs, cultural criticism, and narrative journalism, as well as some memoirs. For fiction submissions, we are looking for literary fiction, upmarket fiction, and young adult fiction that is off the beaten track.

Actively seeking authors of commercial fiction in the following categories: young adult, mainstream, women’s fiction, romance, suspense, thrillers, mystery, historical fiction, and select nonfiction. 

Peters Fraser + Dunlop is one of the longest-established literary and talent agencies in London. We develop industry-leading work in the fields of literature, film, television, radio, audio, public speaking, digital platforms, and journalism. We work closely with our clients to connect them with the right partners, across the media, while protecting their rights every step of the way. We read every submission we receive and aim to get back to you within eight weeks. Please send us the first three chapters of your novel or nonfiction project, as well as a full synopsis. In the body of the email, please write a covering letter, including brief details about your writing career.

Greene & Heaton Ltd is a literary and media agency with a diverse range of clients. These include novelists, travel writers, scientists, biographers, historians, ghostwriters and children’s writers and illustrators, each of them prominent in their field, also TV presenters, production companies, and food/restaurant and other brands. We handle all manner of activities for our clients from straightforward book representation and contract negotiation, to film and TV adaptations, journalism, personal appearances, corporate speaking engagements, and television presenter agreements; in short, we help with whatever our client is called upon or wants to do. 

We represent a range of people internationally, from debut and established writers to broader talent across business, politics, sport, and lifestyle. Our range of work spans publishing, digital, dramatic rights and film production. We are currently focused on commercial and reading group fiction, including thrillers, crime, mysteries, historical, women’s, accessible literary, children’s and YA fiction, and nonfiction with an original message or platform. We do not currently represent scripts or screenplays. We are not currently open to short stories or poetry.

Northbank Talent Management is a talent and literary agency based in central London representing thought leaders, broadcasters, and writers across all media throughout the world. We are actively seeking new clients and welcome all submissions, whether from debut or established talent. Please send a cover letter, synopsis and the first three chapters of your submission as Word or Open Document attachments to one of the below email addresses: For adult fiction, For adult non-fiction, For children’s, young adult or science fiction/fantasy,




If you could identify the inciting incident that’s causing your blockage 
would you rewrite the script?

Bri Zackery                                                                                         

One on one coaching writers to success                                                                     





Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2019, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

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