FundsforWriters - May 24, 2019 - Could Content Writing Help You Make Ends Meet as a Writer?

Published: Fri, 05/24/19

FundsForWriters: Tips and Tools for serious writers to advance their careers!
  Volume 19, Issue 21 | MAY 24, 2019  

Message from the Editor

Lull time. It's summer, and in South Carolina, it's friggin' hot. But I've learned from doing FundsforWriters for 20 years (yep, this is the 20th year), that writers slack off when it gets hot.

Less advertising, fewer books released, less social media noise, fewer emails asking for assistance. You name it, but writers seem to associate the slow hot season with less need to push. 

We all need respites from hammering out writing material, whether magazine articles, blogs, shorts, poetry, or books. If you'll notice, there are fewer contests in the summer. And some markets don't accept submissions at that time. 

But if it were me (well, it sort of is), I'd be writing even more (I am). So I hope that means you are writing, too, people. Head down, fingers bent, black ink going on the page. Because if you think things speed up in the fall, if that's your mindset, then that means you need material completed to jump back in the fray.

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
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Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
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Our subscriber list is NOT made available to others. Use information listed at your own risk. FundsforWriters gives no warranty to completeness, accuracy, or fitness of the markets, contests and grants although research is done to the best of our ability.



















I was chatting with a reader not long ago, and she brought up the age-old complaint about entities asking writers (or any sort of artist) to present for free...for the exposure. 

Her words were these: "...our culture places little or no value on volunteer work, despite the lip-service given it. So, the covert message is that if you - the performer, artist, service provider, etc. - do not value your services enough to put a price on them, the client won't either. The lesser the value you place on yourself, the greater the disrespect you receive from your client."

I've written entire editorials on that subject, but she hit the nail on the head. 

People not only get what they pay for, but earn what they ask for. 

A few people will get their feathers ruffled. "Not me" or "I know a lot of exceptions to that," but the grand majority of people see free as something of lesser value; otherwise, it wouldn't be cheap. And if something costs more, there usually has to be a reason. 

I've turned down conferences and appearances for not compensating well enough. The initial gut reaction is to worry that you've declined an opportunity. We tend to be a group of creators that jumps at the chance to be read/seen anywhere, but that small feeling of panic about bypassing opportunity will pass. And what replaces it is a sense of self-esteem. 

In the long run, you deem what you are worth, and the more you give it away, the lower your stock value.

AND A NOTE: I hope to see you in St. Louis! The time is creeping close! I'll be teaching a 50-minute class on Grabbing the Gold Ring, and a Master Class for two hours on Funding Streams for Writers which comes with a free book from me! 



"As a self-diagnosed introvert, I know the fears of many writers who are literally afraid to follow their passion and be successful. C. Hope Clark shares how to overcome that fear while navigating interviews, pitches, queries, and more. If you're a shy writer, this is the book that will help you find and cultivate an audience for your writing."

~Robert Lee Brewer, Senior Content Editor, Writer's Market

"Hope Clark has done an incredible service for authors by writing The Shy Writer Reborn. She guides you through the steps to overcome fears and finally get a book out of your head and on to paper. This book will help a lot of would-be authors realize their dreams. Highly recommended!"

~Stephanie Chandler, founder Nonfiction Authors Association and Author of the Nonfiction Book Publishing Plan








"There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed." 

~Ray Goforth


SUccess Story

Hope - 

I always eagerly await the FundsforWriters newsletter. I've received good writing tips from it as well as market news. Thanks to your information, I've had several stories published in Purpose, some in Upper Room, and my fourth Chicken Soup story will be out soon. 

Wanted you to know I appreciate the effort made to bring up-to-date advice. And by the way, regarding your recent post, I agree that anyone who has the ability to write, whether published or not, should feel blessed and happy for the gift. We just need to keep on submitting and enjoy the journey.

Diana Walters

- - - 
If FundsforWriters has enabled your writing career in any way, let us know so we can share. Email 

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Could Content Writing Help You Make Ends Meet as a Writer? 

By Dan Brotzel

Content could be your best chance of making up the extra income you need to keep your writing ambitions on track. So what is it and how does it work? 

Content is the material produced by businesses to market themselves and covers all of these and more: social media messages, website collateral, print brochures, brand videos, infographics, email newsletters, white papers, ebooks, and sponsored articles.  

Is content the same as advertising?

It's more a cross between advertising and journalism. The idea is that people are tired of constant promotional messages – buy this now! – and are becoming increasingly savvy shoppers: before they buy anything, they do loads of research online, for instance, in online forums and on social media. So to reach them, businesses now need to be part of that research process. And that means offering useful information and inspiration to support their decision-making: content.  

So what does content look like?

It's the difference between a mortgage website that just says, "check out our deals," and one that also says 'First-time mortgages: a handy guide for new homebuyers'. Since the company is an expert in mortgages, it can tell people some useful things that will help them make a choice. In exchange, the potential customer will consent to hearing a few marketing messages and hopefully feel better disposed towards this provider.

What's the opportunity for writers?

The rise of internet search as the dominant way in which consumers interact with businesses has led to a content marketing boom. Video and visual content are increasingly popular, especially in social, but written copy is still needed in huge volumes. Pretty much every business of any size needs content, and that means they need writers.

For example, an airline might commission a series of destination guides. A supermarket site might want to develop a library of recipes. A business bank might offer funding tips for startups. A recruitment company might offer CV and interview advice. And so on.

With all these examples, there's a strong commercial reason for doing the content: the airline wants people to buy tickets to the destinations they write about, for example. But the content still has to be editorial in flavour: if the material is too salesy it will lose its credibility.  

How can you get started with content work?

Businesses employ a multitude of individual freelancers, freelance platforms and marketing agencies to create content on their behalf. Start by looking through LinkedIn and contacting local businesses and agencies with an obvious content requirement – a company site that publishes a lot of blog content, for example.  

What skills and experience do you need? 

A background in journalism or copywriting is a great help, but many writers in the content world have no special training and have simply picked up skills and experience along the way. Any specialised knowledge or experience is a plus: a degree in biochemistry, for example, may be attractive to a pharma client, while experience in finance and tech are always invaluable. Commercial experience of any kind is always useful too.

To do well as a content writer, you need to be flexible and versatile, prepared to hustle a little, and ready to have a go at writing about all sorts of topics. You need to hit deadlines, be comfortable working with clients, and prepared to make changes to your work in response to feedback. But with the right mindset and skills, you can open up a significant new revenue stream for your writing career.

Dan Brotzel (@brotzel_fiction) is director of UK content agency Sticky Content and co-author of a new comic novel, Kitten on a Fatberg (Unbound). As a reader of this newsletter, you can pre-order Kitten on a Fatberg for a 10% discount – quote KITTEN10



$10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 31, 2019. The winner will receive $350 and ten copies of the issue in which the story appears. The winner will also have the opportunity to be interviewed about their work; the interview will be published alongside the story. If a runner-up is chosen, their work will be offered publication, an accompanying interview, $100, and five copies of the issue in which their work appears. Fiction only. Limit 1,000 to 6,000 words.

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 25, 2019. An award is made each year for a first published volume of poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction. Each award winner receives invitations to visit several of our colleges, where they give readings of their work, meet students and faculty, and participate in discussions or classes. All writers must live in the U.S. or Canada. Each writer receives an honorarium of at least $500 from each college visited, as well as travel expenses, hotel accommodations, and hospitality. Submit four copies of the book. 

$7 ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 30, 2019. First Prize: $353 (a prime number) and publication. Second Prize: $151 (a prime number) and publication. Third Prize: $53 (a prime number dear to us) and publication. Submit one unpublished story that is no more than 751 words, double-spaced in 12-pt. type with numbered pages. 

$30 ENTRY FEE. Open to writers of all kinds to write a new story based on our contest theme, workshop it in our writing community, and submit it for publication in Short Fiction Break literary magazine. All writers who participate may be published if they choose. Maximum length: 1,500 words. Contest theme: One room. The theme of this story is a constraint. The action of the story must be limited to one room (flashbacks outside of that room are permitted). Don’t leave the room or you’ll be leaving the contest! Enrollment deadline: To participate, you must enroll for the contest by Tuesday, May 28. Your story will be due for workshopping on Monday, June 3. Your final submission is due Monday, June 10. The grand prize winning story will be featured on the front page of Short Fiction Break. The winner will be invited to become a monthly contributor to the literary magazine. They’ll receive one year of free premium membership to The Write Practice Pro, normally $360, as well as a cash prize of $300. This prize is valued at $660. Two runners-up will have their stories featured on the front page of Short Fiction Break. They will also receive a cash prize of $100 each, and one year of free membership to The Write Practice Pro, normally $180. Every writer who submits a story to this contest will be published by Short Fiction Break. Winners will be announced in late July. NOTE: This is a virgin contest with no track record, so as with all new contests, FFW cannot vouch for its validity.

$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 1, 2019. A prize of $1,000 and publication in Southern Humanities Review is given annually for a poem of witness in honor of the late poet Jake Adam York. The winner also receives travel expenses to give a reading at a poetry event at Auburn University in Alabama in October with the contest judge. Every entrant will receive a copy of SHR featuring the prize-winning poems.

$25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 15, 2019. The winning poet receives $1,500 and publication of his, her, or their book. The final selection will be made by a nationally prominent poet. Other manuscripts may also be considered for publication in the series. Manuscripts must be a total length of at least 48 pages and no longer than 90 pages. 

$25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 31, 2019. The competition is open to all writers in English, whether published or unpublished. Author of the winning manuscript receives a cash award of $1,000, which serves as an advance, with book subsequently published by Howling Bird Press under a standard book contract. Manuscripts should be between 20,000 and 50,000 words long. The book should be a single work of long-form nonfiction, or, if a collection of essays, unified in theme.

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 1, 2019. We are looking for young, old, novice and veteran writers to send us stories that possess a powerful sense of place. Stories can be fiction, nonfiction, poetry or essay, but please indicate which genre at the top of your manuscript. Entries should be between 800 and 5,000 words (poetry may be any length) and must not have been previously chosen as a winner in another contest. The winner will receive $1,000, with publication in Nowhere granted under First North American Serial Rights (FNASR). Up to ten finalists also will be published. 

Deadline June 1, 2019. In the interest of encouraging the next generation, we are delighted to award the Honey & Wax Book Collecting Prize, an annual prize of $1,000 for an outstanding book collection conceived and built by a young woman. The contest is open to women book collectors in the United States, aged 30 or younger. Contestants do not need to be enrolled in a degree program, nor do they require a sponsor. The winning collection must have been started by the contestant, and all items in the collection must be owned by her. A collection may include books, manuscripts, and ephemera; it may be organized by theme, author, illustrator, printing technique, binding style, or another clearly articulated principle. Collections will not be judged on their size or their market value, but on their originality and their success in illuminating their chosen subjects. The prize rewards creativity, coherence, and bibliographic rigor.

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 31, 2019. The Inverted Syntax Sublingua Prize for Poetry awards a cash prize of $1,000 and publication in our print issue for a group of exceptionally crafted, previously unpublished pieces by a writer who has not yet published a full-length manuscript nor a chapbook exceeding 44 pages. Please send no more than five poems, not exceeding six pages.

ENTRY FEE $10. Extended Deadline June 15, 2019. Since its inception in 2016, the ETC 10-Minute Fest has been gaining momentum across the U.S. In 2017, our inaugural program was picked up by the Chandler Center for the Arts in Randolph, Vermont, and all authors earned royalties. Another one of the 10-minute plays that debuted at this fest was later filmed in Los Angeles and is now in postproduction.  Our only aim is to bring new works to life by a nationally acclaimed LBGT theatre company, entertain our local and visiting audience, and ensure the playwrights are not only recognized but also keep their intellectual property rights. Theme: "The Gift of Pride." Eight to ten plays will be produced in black box style. A wrapped gift box must be presented to a character as part of the story. One to three characters maximum. Ten pages maximum. No kid's shows or musicals. No previously published or produced scripts. First prize $300, second prize $200, third prize $100. Submit two copies of script with no identifying information, plus a cover sheet with: Title, Playwright's name, address and contact info. Mail to: H. Harmon, ETC, 1402 Linden Ave., Memphis TN 38104. Checks should be made out to: E.T.C.



Deadline June 1, 2019. New York Writers Workshop leads a seven-day immersion in Sardinia, blending Sardinian culture with NYWW workshops led by poet/writers Ravi Shankar (The Many Uses of Mint) and Tim Tomlinson (This Is Not Happening to You). Open to writers of all levels, the trip will include all meals, accommodations on the island, transportation, event excursions and tuition for writing and translation workshops. Dates: January 13 – 20, 2020. One full scholarship and two partial scholarships are available. To be considered for a scholarship, please send a brief statement of need and no more than 10 pages of your best work in any genre by June 1st to:

Deadline June 6, 2019. This paid, one- to two-year immersion program is designed to offer the tools, experience, and exposure necessary to pursue a career in book publishing. Intended to provide an alternative route to success in an industry where the prerequisite to an entry-level position is typically an unpaid internship, this learning-oriented position seeks to provide entry to those historically underrepresented among workers in book publishing — Indigenous, people of color, LGBTQIA+, and those with disabilities — so they may advance, discover, and champion transformative literature for years to come. This position is based on-site in our Minneapolis offices and is full time (non-exempt, 40 hours per week, for 12 to 24 months), beginning in September 2019. Compensation includes a salary of $30,000 per year, generous paid time off, and health and dental benefits.

Deadline June 1, 2019. Poets & Writers presents the Amy Award each year to recognize promising women poets, age 30 and under, living in the New York City metropolitan area or on Long Island. Winners receive a modest honorarium and give a reading in New York City. (Thanks 

Deadline May 31, 2019. Writers on the Verge is a program focused on polishing writers and readying them for a staff writer position on a television series. We are looking for writers who are “almost there” but need that final bit of preparation with their writing and personal presentation skills. The program will consist of weekly evening classes at NBCUniversal in Universal City, CA. Once accepted, students must attend all classes and turn in all written assignments. Classes concentrate on creating exceptional material to enhance their portfolio and understanding the dynamics of pitching oneself in the television industry. Writers are given the chance to interact with industry players ranging from network executives to showrunners to agents and receive valuable feedback on their work and pitch style. Writing assignments on a NBCUniversal television show may be available after successful completion of the program but are not a guarantee.

Deadline June 3, 2019. Interchange grants will be awarded to sixteen artists with an active socially-engaged creative practice in the Mid-America Arts Alliance region through $20,000 in direct project support, professional development retreats with Interchange grantees, and mentoring. You are eligible to apply if you are an artist with an active socially-engaged creative practice; are a resident in the Mid-America Arts Alliance region (Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas); are a  U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or have non-resident status; are at least 18 years old at the time of application; are part of an artist collaborative as long as you are the principal artist who applies for and receives the grant funds; and can confirm you are able to attend two grantee retreats in Kansas City, MO on August 9-11, 2019 and August 7-9, 2020.

Deadline June 19, 2019. The City of Boise Department of Arts and History is accepting applications for its annual grant program. The Grant program funds those in established and emerging creative and cultural fields with proposals designed to directly benefit Boise residents. Applicants can apply for grant amounts between $1,000 and $5,000 and are invited to attend informal workshops at either City Hall or the Main Library.

The program provides subsidies to presenters for the presentation of out-of-state touring performing and literary artists. TourWest standard performance grants are available in amounts of up to $2,500 or 50% of the artistic fees, whichever is less. The grants are only available to organizations that sponsor performances within the 13-state WESTAF region. For the 2019-2020 cycle, projects must take place between September 1, 2019, and August 31, 2020, and must feature one public performance and one educational outreach activity. Applicants must be incorporated in and currently conducting business in one or more of the following states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawai’i, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, or Wyoming.



Stories and photographs are submitted by freelance contributors. We welcome nonfiction manuscripts on West Virginia folklife, traditional farming practices, industry and commerce, holiday and community celebrations, immigrants, music, crafts, herbs, architecture, religion, politics, medicine, sports, railroading, women’s history, and similar topics. We prefer stories about living West Virginians, based on recent, direct interviews. We generally do not publish manuscripts that focus on the pre-20th-century era (including the Civil War), out-of-state activities, genealogy, or fiction. We pay ten cents a word for a one-time use of original manuscripts. 

Longreads is currently accepting pitches for original work. Please note that we’re not accepting any fiction at this time. Blog posts / Reading lists / Short interviews. These posts go beyond curation to engage with longform essays and journalism published online. The idea here is to either take an item or discussion in the news — or a recently published piece of longform journalism that is being discussed online — and thread together a post that may lead the reader to other great longreads they may not have known about. Reading lists are a simple way to do this, but we’re more interested in posts that do this with a strong voice.  This could also involve an annotation or argument that walks the reader through an essay or long feature. These posts start at $250 for 800 to 1,000 words. We would also be interested in ideas for recurring or weekly posts. Critical essays are 2,000-3,000 words but could be longer. We are also happy to consider illustrated essays and pitches for column series. The base rate is $500. 

Boulevard strives to publish only the finest in fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. While we frequently publish writers with previous credits, we are very interested in less experienced or unpublished writers with exceptional promise. We accept works up to 8,000 words of prose. We do not accept science fiction, erotica, westerns, horror, romance, or children's stories. We accept up to 200 lines of poetry. Pays up to $300 for prose and $250 for poetry.

Payment is upon publication: $45/printed page, $90 minimum per title, $450 maximum per author. Two contributor copies of the issue. A one-year subscription. Ploughshares is a literary magazine published by Emerson College in Boston. Published four times per year, the journal features fiction, nonfiction, and poetry as well as a Look2 essay, an essay series that seeks to publish pieces about underappreciated or overlooked writers.  Two out of four issues per year are guest-edited by a prominent writer who explores different literary circles; the other two issues are staff-edited. 



We are particularly seeking upmarket women's fiction, YA, suspense, fantasy, crime novels, MG, Narrative Nonfiction, and thrillers of all types, but we are always looking for great stories in the genres we represent.

Aevitas Creative Management is a full-service literary agency, home to more than 20 agents in six cities (New York, Boston, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Seattle), representing scores of award-winning authors, thinkers, and public figures.

InkWell is one of the world’s leading literary agencies, proudly representing major literary prize winners as well as many of the world’s bestselling and best-loved authors. We enjoy a considerable international reputation as a significant and innovative player in the industry. In addition to its full-time agents and their assistants, the InkWell team includes a tireless foreign rights department and a meticulous contracts manager. We also join forces with leading literary agencies in every foreign market and have agents based in Australia, Boston, and Dallas. 

We are currently open for submissions for full-length memoirs. Any topic is fine, although we love memoirs about travel, art, and music. Erotic memoirs are welcome. Graphic memoirs are welcome. We love experimental narratives. If you would like to submit your work, please send a cover letter, one-page summary and the first 5,000 words of your manuscript. Also, please let us know your country of residence. UK writers are preferred, although we accept submissions from any country. 

We accept submissions of literary fiction, women’s fiction, historical fiction, crime and thriller, horror, YA, middle grade, memoir, narrative nonfiction including popular science and history, other quality nonfiction. We are very selective in taking on new authors, so don’t be disappointed if your work isn’t for us. Please don’t send us poetry, plays/screenplays/scripts, or very young children’s/picture books. We are interested in international fiction, but US authors may be better served by an agent in the US in the first instance unless there is a compelling reason to have a UK agent.

We handle all manner of activities for our clients from straightforward book representation and contract negotiation, to film and TV adaptations, journalism, personal appearances, corporate speaking engagements, and television presenter agreements. All genres represented. 

Rachel Mills Literary is a modern London-based literary agency representing a community of prize-winning and internationally bestselling authors. We specialise in books that effect positive change; books that can improve our individual lives or that campaign for a better future. 







Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2019, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

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