If you're struggling to write a book, you need this! (A Trusted FundsforWriters Sponsor)

Published: Mon, 04/29/19

Hey Fabulous FundsforWriters Reader,

Do you have a story to tell but you can't quite get it on the page? Are you ready to see your name in print, but you don't know how to get there? Are you dying to get an MFA, but you don't have the time, money, or other resources to dedicate yourself to going back to school?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, I have some very good news for you.

My friend and colleague, Gabriela Pereira, the creator of DIY MFA, is releasing an amazing FREE video series called Stop Dreaming, Start Doing, designed just for people like you.

In this series, you'll learn...


These videos can teach you what you need to know, without the hassle, cost, or inconvenience of a traditional MFA program. Click here and you'll get instant access to the first video, with further lessons coming later this week.

Join Stop Dreaming, Start Doing today, because this is a limited time offer (and the best time to start is always now).

Thanks so much for reading this important opportunity.

Your dear friend, 
