Retreat for Writers Over 40, October 20-26, 2019
Retreat for Women Writers Only, October 27 to November 2, 2019
Yoga & Mindfulness Writing Retreat, November 3-9, 2019
Did you know?
• You can bring your spouse, partner, or whole family along to this spectacular location … or enjoy the time on your own or with other writers.
• The price of each retreat is low for something of this quality, and you can choose from a variety of accommodations that meet your desired budget.
• Your host has been a professional editor and writer for more than 20 years and a yoga and mindfulness teacher for half that time.
Plus, FundsforWriters newsletter recipients get a special gift when they register to attend. Just remember to enter the FFW gift code FFW1950 in the space provided when requesting your retreat information packet.
Learn more at https://retreats.sarahauber.com/2019-retreats-ffw.html
Clint Eastwood and squinting. JK Rowling and YA. Clean billionaire romance stories and $80K in sales.
Last week a blog poster bashed Clint Eastwood and his squinty eyes, saying he had only one look. Whether you feel he is or isn't limited in his screen personalities, Mr. Eastwood became quite successful acting, writing, producing, and directing stories. He's highly respected and made a lot of money being so. . . limited.
In JK Rowling's early years of Potter, she was accused of promoting evil, demonism, and anti-Christianity. Today she's revered and most people don't recall what those earlier days were all about.
A handful of authors jumped on "clean billionaire romance" stories of 40,000-50,000 words, capitalizing on 50 Shades of Grey only wanting to make them G-rated and quick reads. A friend of mine made $80,000 with those books one year, and her cohorts in the sub-genre made six figures.
I love Clint Eastwood, have never read Potter, and do not enjoy reading cozy romance. However, I will indeed admire the business acumen of anyone who figures out a niche, a marketing gimmick, a subgenre, or a voice, and becomes successful at it. I can respect the skills while not enjoying the product.
AND A NOTE: I am not doing many big appearances this year, but I will be at this one in June and hope to see you there!
If your publishing success is just as important to you as your writing success, then instead of going to yet another writing conference, don't you think it's time you attend a publishing conference?
If the business you build with your book to create multiple streams of income is just as important to you as book sales and royalties, then instead of going to another one of those "fun" conferences designed to give readers an experience with authors, don't you think it's time you attend a conference that can teach you how to make money as a writer and author outside of book sales and royalties?
Are you ready to learn how to operate your literary business in thriving excellence and not mediocre struggle and lack? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then we'll see you in Vegas at the "Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business" 2019 Conference at Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino.
Visit www.pathtopublishing.com/conference to register.
- March 26 - 6 PM, Friends of the Library, Florence, SC
- April 1 - 6 PM, Batesburg, SC Library Book Club
- April 2 - 6 PM, Saluda, SC Library Book Club
- April 6 - 12 PM, The Coffee Shelf, Chapin, SC
- April 13 - 3PM, Pelion, SC Library Book Club
- April 18 - 9 AM - WKDK AM, Newberry, SC
- April 18 - Noon - Books on Main, Newberry, SC
- April 19 - 3 PM - Edisto Bookstore, Edisto Island, SC
- April 27 - 11 AM - Main Street Read Bookstore, Summerville, SC
- June 14-16 - GatewayCon, St Louis, MO
- August 24 - 9-4:30 PM - Sylva, NC - North Carolina Writers Conference
"Writing is utter solitude, the descent into the cold abyss of oneself."
~Frank Kafka
SUccess Story
Hope -
Religiously I read your newsletter every Friday. I search for freelance markets. Again, 3/15, I hit the jackpot with your posting of The Old Schoolhouse, a magazine for homeschooling. I used to teach school; I've raised my own four kids; I write constantly with the goal of publication. Last Friday night I penned a piece on motivating students to write. Voila, it was accepted! Thanks, Hope, for continuing to publish this resource for writers.
Erika Hoffman
P.S. May I give a "Shout Out?" My mystery, Why Mama, was released March 1, 2019 by Library Partners Press of Wake Forest University.
- - -
NOTE: If you've won a contest, found an agent, landed a contract, been published, even found a great critique group....thanks to FundsforWriters....let us know! We want to shout your success to the world, and let our fellow FundsforWriters readers pat you on the back and feel empowered!
Email hope@fundsforwriters.com with your success story.
Featured article
By C. Hope Clark
A while back, I created a post titled How to Further Your Writing Name. The feedback was pretty positive, but one reader replied, "Good article! A similar article from you is to write the same for nonfiction freelancers. It would be very helpful." So if you are a freelance writer, here is a list of how you can promote yourself and your brand.
To start with, it's simple. Each and every single day you promote yourself. For instance:
1) Write a guest blog post and pitch it. Any nonfiction article you've written makes you a semi-expert on the topic. The byline will say something like: Author of fill-in-the-blank of title and where the article appeared.
2) Leave deep, well-written, intelligent replies on other blogs demonstrating who you are and how personable you are. This works for any sort of writer.
3) Post on social media something related to your brand or writing.
Make your social media page as good or better than your website, where people come to get a taste of your expertise and personality.
4) Find mentors on social media and connect with a post.
5) Create a small book with a collection of the articles you've written as a sort of resume.
6) Connect with a local bookstore with above-said book and speak.
7) Connect with a library and speak about being a freelancer, or a topic on which you've written.
8) Attend a library event then introduce yourself to the speaker while gathering intel for new articles.
9) Join the Chamber of Commerce and send them an ad.
10) Attend a Chamber event and give out your card or above-mentioned book. Chambers have many members who need freelance material and prefer to remain in the fold of membership to do business.
11) Start a biweekly or monthly newsletter about the niche in which you write.
12) Create an email signature block about your writing.
13) Write a feature for the local paper.
14) Speak at the area service organization breakfasts and lunches (Rotary Club, Lion's Club, Civitan Club, etc.)
15) Write a feature and pitch it to a local magazine.
16) Attend all sorts of events in your area to see if they can joggle ideas for stories, but most of all, meet the people there. Ask questions of the speakers or experts present, introducing yourself.
17) Send letters to your politicians, telling them what you admire about their platform or recent stance, and let them know you'd be happy to write for them or about them.
18) Start a podcast about being a freelance writer. Clearly note your brand whether it be sassy, uplifting, educational, or investigative.
19) Write reviews for nonfiction authors, emailing them with a copy of the review, your card, and a thank-you for writing the book.
20) Become familiar with the other freelancers in your area. They will refer material to you.
21) Never leave home without your business cards. Give one out per day.
22) Ask a school if you can make a presentation.
Don't forget colleges.
23) Contact your local community center and ask about making a presentation.
24) Send postcards to your community - make them simple and professional. Few freelancers think of this, which means they are putting themselves into everyone's head as the only freelancer they know...which means recommendations.
25) Send a press release to your local television station to the specific journalist who does human interest pieces about the most amazing story you've ever covered. The go-to story you love to tell.
26) Be seen writing.
27) Write "Freelance author" in any place that asks for your profession.
28) Tell someone you are a freelance writer and have snappy and colorful answers for those standard questions of "What do you write?", "Where can I read your work?", and "How can I do what you do, too?" Do not waffle. Own being an expert.
29) Focus on becoming known as the writer who sees all, or promotes the positive, or loves his hometown/state, or some other brand/niche so that you are easily memorable.
30) Create striking cards. Never go with a standard Vistaprint template. Spend the extra money on something memorable.
31) Never meet anyone without letting them know who you are and what you do...with a card.
Keep a calendar. Each day you promote yourself in any way, cross it off with a big red X. Be honest. And when you don't, leave it blatantly blank. Develop the habit of self-promotion. The point is to become that person everyone recognizes as "that writer," not just someone who sometimes writes.
BIO - C. Hope Clark is the founder of FundsforWriters.com and author of nine mysteries and three nonfiction books. Her FFW website has been chosen by Writer's Digest for its 101 Best Websites for Writers, and her South Carolina novels have gained an eager fan base, ever waiting for the next release. www.fundsforwriters.com / www.chopeclark.com
$22 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 1, 2019. For writers 40 and over. Limit 5,000 words. First prize $1,000 and publication. All submissions considered for publication.
$25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 14, 2019. Granted to a book of short or long fiction published in 2018. The award includes all forms of fiction, both literary and genre (mystery, fantasy, science fiction, thriller, etc.). The award carries a $1,000 honorarium in exchange for appearing at the January residency (the first week of January) of the MFA in Creative and Professional Writing at Western Connecticut State University to give a public reading and a one-day, three-hour workshop with MFA
students. The award also includes a $500 travel stipend and hotel stay during the residency.
$35 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 15, 2019. The submitted book must be the author’s first published novel for adult readers, published in the United States between January 1, 2018 and May 15, 2019. Regardless of the author’s residence, the book must be set predominantly in the American South, which includes the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia,
and the District of Columbia. Self-published okay if has an ISBN. Self-published books must be available through one of the major distributors, Baker & Taylor or Ingram, under regular reseller terms.
$15 ENTRY/SUBSCRIPTION FEE. Deadline April 1, 2019. First prize $1,000 and publication in the North Carolina Literary Review. Finalists considered for publication. Open to any writer who fits the NCLR definition of a North Carolina writer: anyone who currently lives in North Carolina, has lived in North Carolina, or uses North Carolina as subject matter. The topic is open. Writers may submit (previously unpublished material only), creative nonfiction (including memoir, personal essays,
travel writing, and other forms of cnf) of up to 7,500 words. In lieu of a submission fee, writers must be NCLR subscribers to submit to this competition (one year/$15 or two years/$25). The subscription requirement is waived for members of the North Carolina Literary and Historical Association.
$10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 22, 2019. The winner of the Omnidawn Single Poem Broadside Poetry Contest wins an immediate cash prize of $1,000, letterpress publication of the Broadside by Omnidawn, 50 free copies of the Broadside, and publication of the winning poem in the Omniverse online journal. There are no citizenship requirements or limitations. We recommend that poems be between 8 and 24 lines in length.
$25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 1, 2019. Two prizes of $1,000 each and publication by Noemi Press are given annually for one book-length poetry collection and one book-length work of prose. Poets and prose writers at any stage in their career may submit a manuscript. Limit 90 pages of poetry. No length limit on prose.
$10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 1, 2019. The winning story will be published in the January/February 2020 edition ofThe Saturday Evening Post, and the author will receive $500. Five runners-up will each receive $100 and will also have their stories featured online. Stories must be between 1,500 and 5,000 words long. All stories must be previously unpublished (excluding personal website and/or blog publication). No extreme profanity or graphic sex scenes. Entries should be character- or
plot-driven pieces in any genre of fiction.
The Rising Writer Contest is for a first full-length book of poetry by an author 33 years old or younger. In addition to publication, the winner also receives $1,000 ($500 advance against royalties and a $500 travel/publicity grant to promote the book). The submission period opens November 1 and closes January 31 of the following year (Eastern Time).
$10 ENTRY FEE. Dealdine April 1, 2019. In celebration of our tenth year, we have increased first prize from $1,000 to $5,000. Second place: $250. Three honorable mentions: $50 each. We are open to any subject, style, genre or length. Simply send your best, most powerful, unpublished work by email or snail mail. All five finalists will be published online in the June/July 2019 issue of Gemini. Both new and experienced writers have won our contests. All entries are read blind so
everyone gets an equal chance. Last year’s winner, “Bedlam” by George Harrar, featured a psych ward nurse dealing with traumatic issues of her own. Other winners have addressed such topics as prostitution, a sex-less future society, and the Troubles of Northern Ireland.
$30 ENTRY FEE. The Autumn House Chapbook Contest (formerly the Coal Hill Review Chapbook Contest) is for a poetry manuscripts 12-20 pages in length. The winner receives publication and $1,000 advance against royalties. The submission period opens August 1 and closes November 1.
$25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 30, 2019. Winner receives book publication by Regal House Publishing in 2020/2021 and $500 honorarium. The Kraken Book Prize will be issued to a work of compelling fiction for the Middle-Grade market. The editors at Fitzroy Books will announce their top five longlist finalists on May 30, 2019 and select a winner on June 30, 2019. Minimum of 120 pages, maximum of 350 pages.
$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 30, 2019. Poems may be previously published or unpublished, and simultaneous submissions are accepted. Winner receives $1,000, a bronze medallion, and publication in The Lascaux Review. The winner and all finalists will be published in The Lascaux Prize Anthology Vol 7. Poets may enter more than once, and as many as five poems may be submitted per entry. There are no length restrictions. All genres and styles are welcome.
Deadline April 15, 2019. A MacDowell Fellowship, or residency, consists of exclusive use of a studio, accommodations, and three prepared meals a day for up to eight weeks. There are no residency fees. The Colony accepts applications from artists working in the following disciplines: architecture, film/video arts, interdisciplinary arts, literature, music composition, theatre, and visual arts. The sole criterion for acceptance is artistic excellence. Location Peterborough, NH.
Deadline April 12, 2019. Announcing the Small Arts Project and Individual Artists fund. Fulton County-based arts organizations and artists can request funding of $1,500 to $2,500.
Deadline June 3, 2019. Creation Grants support the creation of new work by Vermont artists. Creation Grants can fund time, materials, and space rental for artists and artist groups. Thirteen FY2020 grants will be awarded. An independent panel of practicing artists and curators will review the applications for this highly competitive program. These are examples of fundable projects: a writer completing the first draft of a novel, a dance ensemble developing choreography for a new piece, a
visual artist creating art for exhibition that explores new subjects and techniques.
Deadline March 31, 2019. For the first time, Brooklyn Poets is offering fellowships to cover the full cost of its Hamptons retreat for students in need. To be eligible, applicants must not hold a graduate degree in creative writing (MA/MFA/PhD) or be enrolled in a degree program with access to creative writing instruction and must not have previously published (or had accepted for publication) a book of poems. All applicants are limited to one fellowship per lifetime. Winners of Brooklyn
Poets workshop fellowships are eligible to apply. Submit four to five poems, published or unpublished, eight pages max. Include a cover letter detailing your writing background, why you're interested in attending the retreat, and why you need financial aid (250–350 words).
Deadline March 31, 2019. Ulyanovsk City of Literature Office announces the open call for applications of International Residency Program for writers and translators from the Literary Cities of UNESCO. This is a unique opportunity to work in the homeland of the great Russian writer Ivan Goncharov, the poet Nikolay Yazykov, the historian and writer Nikolay Karamzin. Offers a one-month stay at the cozy apartment in the quite courtyard in the heart of the city (private apartment, private
bathroom, shared kitchen; residents are required to take care of medical insurance and are responsible for their meals and household; additional guests cannot be hosted); we cover expenses on accommodation, participation in public actions and the organization of the final event with the resident (at the end of the month); and a scholarship and compensation of travel costs to and from Ulyanovsk (as agreed, in the partnership with the embassies of the foreign states and/or their cultural centers,
the amount of travel costs compensation and scholarship will be determined individually with each resident before his/her arriving to Ulyanovsk after the competition is completed).
We are now open for submissions for two exciting new anthologies: Detective Mysteries and Epic Fantasy. Due to be published in September 2019, these add to our Gothic Fantasy series. We don’t mind if your story has been previously published online or in print (though we do need to know publication and date). Word length is most likely to be successful at 2,000–4,000, but we will still read stories slightly outside this range. We pay Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of
America (SFWA) rates of six cents per word.
FoxNews.com is looking for an experienced Reporter with a proven track record of producing clean, quick, and smart content in a 24/7 breaking news environment. Must be willing to work weekends, nights, and various shifts. A bachelor’s degree and or relevant work experience. Minimum five years’ journalism experience, with at least three years working in political news. Exceptional writing and reporting skills. Strong source base in Washington, both in executive branch and
Capitol Hill.
Narratively is devoted to original and untold human stories, delivered in the most appropriate format for each piece, from writing to short documentary films, photo essays, audio stories and comics journalism. We are always interested in adding new, diverse voices to the mix and we pay for stories. Currently seeking creative nonfiction and memoir with strong beginnings, middles, and ends. Pays $300-$400 for 1,500 words.
Call it spirituality, mystery, or intuition, we desire to know the unknowable. Slant publishes literary fiction expressing this infusion of mystery in our daily experience. Compelled by characters of dimensionality, textured prose, and innovative plot, we are compelled by writing that most mirrors what it means to be human: the everyday confluence of human passion and the sacred.
Front Porch Republic Books publishes works about place, localism, community, decentralism, and conservation. Titles include significant works on politics, economics, and culture, as well as new editions of previously published works that deserve a new audience. Other titles provide practical advice on how to enact and embody a localist ethic.
Library Partners Press, a digital imprint of Wake Forest University specializing in niche nonfiction (including creative nonfiction) titles, publishes quality books (of any length and size, in both electronic and print-on-demand formats) created by Wake Forest University and North Carolina library patrons and friends. LPP will routinely select and publish the best book proposals and render the content as widely distributable POD and/or e-texts. All such published materials will be offered
back to libraries, and each project’s author will be paid royalties. We especially seek content in the following nonfiction and creative nonfiction categories: biography (including autobiography, memoir), essays (including creative nonfiction, humor, narratives, lists, etc.), history, journalism / reporting / politics, open access (really probably anything here), reference / textbook, and maybe some YA.
Eleven literary agents. Investigate each one to determine which handles your type of submission. Foundry is a full-service literary agency and media development company dedicated to providing the most positive and profitable publishing experience for our clients, from the American book market to foreign publishing, film and TV, merchandise, online media and beyond. Rooted in the tradition of representing writers and other talent in the book trade, the Foundry team is relentless in finding
new and diverse ways for our clients to reach wider audiences.
We are currently accepting in the following genres: Women’s Fiction & Romance, Speculative Fiction & Paranormal, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Crime & Mystery Fiction, Historical & Western Fiction, LGBTQ Fiction, Nonfiction & Creative Nonfiction, Themed Short Story Collections/Anthologies. For more specific guidelines, check out each individual Editor’s Manuscript Wishlist on our About Page. Word counts should be between 65,000 and 100,000 words for novels.
Science Fiction and Fantasy may be considered if they are slightly longer. There is no specific word count requirement for short story collections or nonfiction, but we are not currently accepting Novellas, Picture Books, Chapter Books.
For both fiction and nonfiction, please send a covering letter, a synopsis, and the first three chapters (or approximately 50 pages) of your book. Johnson & Alcock boasts a vibrant list of fiction and nonfiction, for both children and adults, and are proud to represent prizewinning and bestselling authors across the genres and in all forms of media, both in the UK and internationally. See each agent to determine who to pitch for your particular work.
Founded in 1963, Greene & Heaton Ltd is a literary and media agency with a diverse range of clients. They work closely with their clients, where necessary or desired, to polish their proposals, edit their texts, and to give advice about positioning in the fast-changing publishing landscape. They also handle all manner of activities from straightforward book representation and contract negotiation to film and TV adaptations. See each agent to determine who to pitch for your particular
They are a home for writers across all genres including literary and commercial fiction, crime and thrillers, children’s and YA, and all forms of nonfiction. The agency works with a number of major film and TV agents both in the UK and US who help to bring authors’ books to screen. Our offices are in Notting Hill, in West London.
Writing Retreat in Greece
August 29th – September 3rd 2019
A six-day inspiring writing retreat in Greece’s hidden gem, Pelion. Psychologist and author Dimitra Didangelou will help you to expand your creative self in breathtaking natural landscapes.
Activities you can expect from your retreat:
Daily workshops on expressive writing & one-on-one sessions with Dimitra
Meaningful conversations on subjects inspired from ancient Greek philosophy
Excursions to the astonishing beaches, yoga, acupuncture, massages, horse riding, swimming, hiking available onsite
Dinners with delicious local dishes and wine
Secure your place early and catch the early bird price!
For questions and bookings contact Dimitra at dimitra@expressingmyself.org or check our website: https://expressingmyself.org/writing-retreat-in-greece-summer-2019/
Professional and Affordable
Ebook & Print Cover Design
Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact hope@fundsforwriters.com for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.
C. Hope Clark
E-mail: hope@fundsforwriters.com
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036
Copyright 2000-2019, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326
**Note that FundsforWriters.com places paid advertising in this newsletter, ALL ads being related to writers and the business of writing, screened by FundsforWriters to make sure the information is suitable for writers and their endeavors to improve their careers. But the mailing list is not sold to third parties. You will not receive this newsletter without your permission.
It's physically impossible since recipients must opt-in, giving us permission to send the newsletter. If at any time you no longer with to receive the newsletter, click the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of each newsletter. We want you to enjoy this newsletter at your pleasure, not be forced to read anything you do not wish to receive. The website is not advertised using unsolicited messages by Aweber, affiliates or other third parties. Direct any complaints, suggestions, and accolades to
Hope Clark at hope@fundsforwriters.com. We are an anti-spam site.