
Live Write Work
Was this the year you finally finished your book? Have you gone through the final edit, and now you're wondering what to do with the manuscript? If self-publishing is on your radar, my company helps authors with editorial production, including interior layout, cover design and file production for print and digital distribution. I can help you cross that finish line.
Visit my site to learn more about the full layout and design package, or select only the options you need. Mention Funds for Writers when you get started and receive $50 off your invoice!
“Just because I made it here doesn’t mean it was easy. And just because I don’t seem overwhelmed doesn’t mean I’m not.” —Jen Wilde, Queens of Geek
Writing is damn hard work. Nobody is a natural. When you see an author who makes it look easy, understand that that author worked their butt off learning grammar, plot, characterization, and flow then how to weave it all together to work. They might not have looked up the word SYNTAX and studied it, but they read enough good books until they could identify and emulate it.
Most of writing block is bunk, and most of writing is a struggle. The writing that flows is the oddity, not the norm. That's why you edit at least once or twice more after you think the story is perfect.
The more difficult the writing task, the stronger you build your writing muscle. Your first book should take way longer than your sixth. Yes, you'll edit less the more books you write, but you cannot edit by yourself. There will be mistakes the writer cannot catch on himself. Yes, that's an absolute.
No two writers are alike in how they write, how they structure their writing time, or how they come up with ideas. No two writers write with the same pace. Neither is right or wrong.
When I'm asked how I come up with ideas, how long does it take me to write a book, or when does writing become easier, I am at a loss for words. My answer is: I sit in a chair and write until the writing is done. When you leave the chair before you've accomplished a good day's work, you've shortchanged yourself. You've shirked your responsibility.
You write until the writing is done. Until someone asks you how you made it look so easy.


Kaz Conference: Advanced Manuscript Boot Camp
Jump start the beginning of the end. You are so close to finishing the draft of your first book. Maybe it is complete, but no where near the initial vision you had of your project. You wrote your book word by word, in between your job, your kids, and countless other commitments. The Kaz Conference Advanced Manuscript Boot Camp is 72 hours of supportive critique that
will lead you to the final draft of your manuscript with max potential to publish. DATES: March 21 – 24, 2019 at the Southampton Inn, Southampton, NY. Faculty: Donna Kaz and Madge McKeithen.
Donna Kaz is the real deal - an accomplished writer who wants to help other writers succeed. – Patricia Nugent, author and editor of Before They Were our Mothers
Submissions open through December 31, 2018. For more info and to Submit. . .

"How can fiction writers give authentic voices to animals and the issues that affect them? Playwright and novelist [John] Yunker has gathered an all-star team for this valuable how-to book." –The Revelator
FundsforWriters readers save 20% using coupon code FFW20 at our online store at www.EcoLitBooks.com.

- December 18 - 1 PM Eastern, Dialogue! Blogtalkradio.com
- January 7 - 7 PM, Night Harbor Book Club, Chapin, SC
- March 28 - 6 PM, Friends of the Library, Florence, SC
- April 1 - 6 PM, Batesburg, SC Library Book Club
- April 2 - 6 PM, Saluda, SC Library Book Club
- April 11-13 - Nebraska Writers Conf (attendee)
- Week around Easter - Edisto Bookstore, Edisto Island, SC
- August 24, 2019 - 9-4:30 PM - Sylva, NC - North Carolina Writers Conference
- Fall - Greater Nebraska Writer's Conference
"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."
~Charles Darwin
SUccess Story
Hey Hope!
I love how receiving "Funds for Writers" in my inbox is such a cheerful reminder that I am a writer and gosh-darn-it, I'd better make sure I am WRITING. There's something about how consistently you show up in my box —to cheer me on — that makes me feel supported in a unique way. It is like each of your newsletters is a smile and a nod — "You writin'? How's it goin'? Don't give up!"
Thank you! I feel like you never give up on me. :-)
Just last week I was published in the Modern Love column of the New York TImes. It was quite exciting to open up the Sunday NYT and see my byline.
I'm grateful for your encouragement + teachings!
Sherry Richert Belul

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We love success stories from our readers! Send us a note how FundsforWriters has helped your writing so we can all share! Email to hope@chopeclark.com
Featured article
Five Tips to Promote Yourself as a Newbie Freelance Writer
By Abhishek Talreja
It can get hard to get off the ground while starting your freelance writing business. This is especially true if you have quit your day job and you're yet to get your first assignment. The pressure can be extremely agonizing. All you need to do is leave your worries aside and get down to business. Here are five ways you can promote yourself as a freelance writer and get a regular stream of work:
Create a Portfolio
A portfolio would help you to showcase your work to your clients with a quick link. The first step to create one is to get published on some of the existing blogs or magazines as a guest author. Once you have a bunch of published articles and client work, (including websites, and newsletter content, etc.) you can make use of portfolio sites like Contently and Clippings.me to put up your published clippings. I created my portfolio on Contently before I quit my full-time job to get into
freelance writing.
Throw up a Website
A website is a great way to promote yourself as a freelance writer. You can create a site on a free platform like Tumblr or WordPress. You can create one to help fellow writers or choose a specific niche. As a writer specializing in the content marketing niche, I created this website: http://prolificcontentmarketing.club. I try publishing at least once every month to help get more readers and visibility.
Sign Up on Medium
Medium is a haven for writers. It's a place to create a blog and start writing just about anything you like. You'll find a host of publications where you can submit your work and present your writing to bigger groups. You can interact with fellow writers in popular publications like The Creative Cafe, The Writing Cooperative, Curiosity Never Killed the Writer and many more. You'll also find publications like Better Humans that pay writers up to $500 for accepted submissions.
The Medium partner program is another great avenue to get paid while you publish on this vibrant platform.
Promote Yourself on LinkedIn
LinkedIn is an excellent place for professional networking and publishing. The platform helps you to connect with potential clients display your work and grab new assignments. You can publish articles and post updates to get visibility among connections. I often use the search feature to look for people and content related to terms like 'hiring writers' or 'hiring B2B writers'. I have often used the professional network to pitch and win new clients through direct
Write a Book
Another way to showcase your work as a writer is to self-publish a book. There are a host of options to publish your book for less ($200-$300) and if you decide to publish online then it's almost free. Your book would earn you a passive income and a favorable reputation. Most successful freelance writers have published books that either help fellow writers or a niche audience. 'Starting Your Career as a Freelance Writer', by Moira Allen is a good example in the writing niche
while Seth Godin's 'Permission Marketing' is extremely popular in the marketing niche.
Get Started and Get Going
It can feel like a daunting task to market yourself as a freelance writer. But the initial effort will surely reap long-term benefits in terms of regular and well-paying clients.
Author Bio: Abhishek Talreja is a passionate writer, a curious content marketer, and the founder of Prolific Content Marketing. He has been published on sites like MarketingProfs, Techinasia, and SitePoint. He is based out of New Delhi.
$24 ENTRY FEE. Deadline December 31, 2018. The contest is open to all writers who have not yet published a book of nonfiction. Submissions must be 1,200 words or fewer. The Kenyon Review will publish the winning short essay in the Mar/Apr 2020 issue, and the author will be awarded a scholarship to attend the 2019 Writers Workshop in Gambier, Ohio. One submission per entrant. Writers must not have published a book of creative nonfiction at the time of submission.
ENTRY FEE £5/€6.50 for one story, £8/€10 for two stories. Next deadline December 31, 2018. Open theme. Word limit 500. First: £300. Second: £200. Third: £100. Highly commended: Paperback copies of Notes from the Margin and Vlad the Inhaler - Hero in the Making.
ENTRY FEE £7/€9 for one story, £12/€15.50 for two, £16/€21 for three and £20/€26 for four. Deadline February 28, 2019. This is an open-themed competition and we accept all genres, including those written by or for children. Adult material is also acceptable providing the content fits the story and is not gratuitous. We are looking for stories ranging between 1,000 and 3,000 words, with strong characters, a well-crafted plot and realistic dialogue
(where used). Make us laugh, make us cry, but most of all, make us feel! Prizes: £500, £200, £100.
$30 ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 15, 2019. Short fiction collections: approximately 125-300 pages, double spaced. English only. Prize is $1,000 and book publication.
$30 ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 15, 2019. Poetry manuscripts: approximately 50-110 pages, single spaced. English only. Prize is $1,000 and book publication.
$10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 7, 2019. The Nâzim Hikmet Poetry Prize has been awarded to poets internationally in recognition of the humanism, social engagement and poetry of Nâzim Hikmet. Poets are invited to submit three original poems on any topic or genre. First prize $300, second $200, third $100, and honorable mentions. Winning poets will be invited to read their poetry at the 11th Nazim Hikmet Poetry Festival in Cary, North Carolina, on Sunday, March 24, 2019.
Winning poets will have their work nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Winning poets will be published in the festival anthology, hasret/longing. Each entry must include three poems.
$40-60 ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 21, 2019. The Eric Hoffer Award honors the memory of the great American philosopher Eric Hoffer by highlighting salient writing, as well as the independent spirit of small publishers. Nominated books are judged by independent panels within 18 all-inclusive categories. The annual grand prizewinner is awarded a $2,500 cash prize. Each category is assigned a winner, runner-up, and multiple honorable mentions. Recognition is given to the best academic, small,
micro, and self-published presses. The Montaigne Medal is awarded to the most thought-provoking books. The da Vinci Eye honors exceptional cover art. The First Horizon Award is given to the best first-time authors.
Deadline January 2, 2019. We offer one month and two-week residencies that include a studio, a private living space and vegetarian meals cooked by our in-house chef. The best part: there is no submission fee and no cost to attend if accepted. NEW in 2019: a short, free, six-night residency specifically for New York State artist/writer parents who have at least one dependent (under 18) child at home. We welcome submissions from New York State artists and writers working in the following
disciplines: Poetry, Fiction & Creative Nonfiction, Photography & Filmmaking, Painting | Sculpture | Visual Arts.
Deadline January 18, 2019. Provides residency grants to visual artists, literary artists and music composers. The Helene Wurlitzer Foundation offers three months of rent-free and utility-paid housing to grantees, providing artists with a peaceful setting in which to pursue their creative endeavors. With three residency sessions annually, the foundation provides residency grants to 33 artists per year in the eleven casitas on the HWF campus. Location Taos, New Mexico.
Deadline January 1, 2019. Wildacres offers one-week and two-week residencies in three cabins located about 1/4 miles from the retreat. The setting, solitude, and relaxed atmosphere at Wildacres promotes peace and allows the resident total freedom to accomplish what they wish. Situated in 1,600 acres atop Pompey Ridge, about one hour from Asheville, North Carolina, and adjacent to the Blue Ridge near Little Switzerland. There is no cost to the participants.
Accommodations are located minutes from the west entrance to Joshua Tree National Park in California. The residency is open to artists worldwide working in all media, including painters, photographers, writers, musicians, etc. Artists selected into the seven-week residency will receive a scholarship stipend of up to $1,000. There are no scholarships available for the six-week solo program.
Chulitna Lodge Artist-In-Residence Program seeks to provide the time, space, clarity, and facilities for all forms of creative professionals to make and meditate. We encourage the gamut, from seasoned professionals to enthusiastic hobbyists, to apply for our various programs. Location Lake Clark National Park, Alaska.
Deadline January 15, 2019. The National Historic Site provides lodging and a secure place for equipment and supplies at no cost to the artist. During the residency, the artist interacts informally with the public, presents public interpretive programs, and contributes a piece or pieces of work for the park to use or display. The residency is in West Branch, Iowa. No fees or stipends.
The Montello Foundation provides a solitary retreat where artists can experience the vastness of a desert landscape from a safe building, a “base camp,” a unique space for inspiration and creation, a place that provides a shield from distractions in the solitude of the desert. A building designed with a large shading roof under which there are two distinct spaces: one space for the bodily needs: eating; sleeping; washing, and a stove for the cold desert nights, and a second
space for work: for writing; painting; drawing; studying, a space for the first materializations of new ideas. There is no cost for this program. Artists must cover travel and living expenses. Location Montello, Nevada.
Deadline February 1, 2019. To be eligible, an applicant must be at least 21 years of age, reside in the United States, and not be enrolled as a student in a college or university. Some record of publication is desirable. The 2019-20 Roth Residences will be awarded to writers of prose (fiction and/or literary nonfiction). Please note that the Roth Residence is no longer awarded to poets in alternating years; only writers of fiction and/or literary nonfiction are eligible going forward. The
residency provides lodging in Bucknell's "Poets' Cottage" and a stipend of $5,000. Location Lewisburg, PA.
Agnes and True is a Canadian online literary journal. As such, we are dedicated to providing a place for the work of Canadian writers, both established and emerging. While we accept submissions from outside Canada, we do place an emphasis on works of fiction that exhibit a Canadian sensibility. We are particularly interested in discovering and publishing the work of emerging older writers (both female and male). Seeking works of short fiction that have a word count of 500-5,000. Pays $75
per story on publication.
Deadlines December 15, 2018 and March 1, 2019. Copper Nickel pays $30 per printed page plus two copies of the issue in which the author’s work appears plus a one-year subscription. Also awards two $500 prizes per issue — the Editors’ Prizes in Poetry and Prose — for what we consider to be the most exciting work in each issue, as determined by a vote of in-house editorial staff. Please submit four to six poems, one story, or one essay at a time.
Stories that evoke a sense of wonder, have deep emotional resonance, and have something unreal about them. We aim for a 12-17 age range: that means sophisticated, non-condescending stories with wide appeal, and without gratuitous or explicit sex, violence or pervasive obscene language. Think Harry Potter or The Hunger Games. Cast of Wonders is the broadest reaching Escape Artists podcast in terms of genre, but the tightest in terms of story requirement. As a result, we may occasionally
refer a story from our slush pile to the editors of PseudoPod, PodCastle or Escape Pod for consideration. All four shows operate on the same pay scale. We run both reprints and original stories, and have no strong preference between the two. Cast of Wonders is open to submissions for stories of up to 6,000 words. We pay six cents/word for original fiction of any length (yes, including flash!). For reprints, we offer a $100 flat rate for Short Fiction, and a $20 flat rate for Flash
Pays $200 for up to 1,200 words plus gives ten copies of the book. Stories or poems must be true, not fiction.
Stories about running - Deadline December 15, 2018.
Stories about angels - Deadline December 31, 2018.
Stories about miracles - Deadline June 30, 2019.
Stories about the golden years or a second wind - Deadline June 30, 2019.
We expect to publish one story and one or two articles every six months or so. We are interested in MG and YA fiction that incorporates Earth Science concepts as key, rather than incidental, elements. Stories with adult characters but written for MG or YA will also be considered. The science element should be more substantive than "cool facts" or jargon that is slipped into a story. Rather, the Earth Science concept should both be integral to the story and represent a key
idea that might be taught in an Earth Science classroom. Stories should be between 1,000 and 3,000 words, with preference for stories around 2,000 words. Payment will be six cents/word ($60 minimum). Nonfiction should be written for the feature "Topics for Debate," and address a topic of interest in earth science, science education, or science in fiction Care should be taken to make sure that your presentation is carefully reasoned and not unnecssarily inflammatory. We
will publish essays periodically, although not necessarily in every issue. Articles should be 500-1,000 words in length with a preference for lengths closer to 500 than 1,000 words. Payment for articles selected for publication will be $60.
JewishBoston.com, the digital hub of Jewish life in Boston, seeks a part-time young adult freelance writer to produce a range of high-quality stories on timely Jewish topics relevant to our growing young adult audience. Our goal is to explore Jewish culture in a way that's accessible to everyone, regardless of knowledge or experience with Judaism. This writer has experience in print and/or online journalism with proven storytelling instincts, expert reporting and research skills, and a
portfolio that’s varied in both subject matter and style. The ideal candidate is eager to explore Boston’s Jewish community through coverage of a wide range of cultural events and subjects, including, but not limited to, arts, film, food, holidays and Israel.
Zeta Media is looking for a creative, ambitious, energetic Staff Writer to create and curate content about relationships, dating and sex. Through a combination of original storytelling and content aggregation, you will create and edit content to grow and engage Zeta Media’s community utilizing all the tools of digital narrative including video, photo, social, etc. We are seeking a forward-thinking leader who is equal parts storyteller, editor and producer who will tackle
stories that not only entertain and inform but also improve lives.
Beasley Media Group, Inc. is looking for content creators to provide scalable, shareable, searchable and promotable content to 63 radio station websites of various formats. Applicants must excel at crafting and distributing music and celebrity/entertainment-oriented journalistic news and editorial lifestyle articles, including blog style posts and list blogs. Must possess an ability to repurpose content and create native advertising and branded content to foster traffic and audience
engagement and revenue. Specific duties may include (but are not limited to) providing daily pitches; gathering information on project specific areas; editing and proofreading drafts; checking for conceptual or grammatical errors in drafts; managing an editorial calendar; working on articles prepared by other freelance writers if required; auditing and advising local content creators; supporting custom content features and revenue generating opportunities; content marketing; adhering to
deadlines; working on special projects.
The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency is a New York City-based full-service literary agency founded in 2001 and named one of the top 25 literary agencies in the country by Writer’s Digest. The agency represents children’s literature for all ages – picture books and middle-grade and young adult novels – but also represents high-quality adult fiction and nonfiction in a wide range of genres. JDLA is proud to represent illustrators, as well as screenwriters for both
television and film, including Emmy and Peabody Award-winning writers and illustrators.
D4EO is a full-service, five-agent literary agency representing authors of a very broad range of commercial fiction and nonfiction for children, young adults, and adults. Books represented by the agency have topped the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists, and agency authors have received awards that include the Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense and the Nero Award, as well as nominations for the Hugo Award, among many other notable successes.
KNEERIM & WILLIAMS is a full-service literary and dramatic rights agency with offices in Boston and New York. We handle the placement of American and foreign publication rights as well as film, television, audio, digital media, and merchandising rights for a wide range of clients. Submit to the agent that seems to best fit your project.
Fuse Literary (formerly Foreword Literary) is a full-service, hybrid literary agency based in the Silicon Valley with offices in New York, Chicago, Dallas, North Dakota, and Vancouver. We are not an agency that sells a book and then washes our hands of the project. Innovations, such as our Short Fuse publishing program, help bridge the gaps between books, growing and maintaining the author’s fan base without lag. Fuse Literary represents both fiction and nonfiction in a variety of
categories and genres. Does not represent poetry or screenplays.
General fiction, middle grade fiction, young adult, women's fiction, chick lit, sci-fi, fantasy, romance. Also open to illustrators. Root Literary combines a big-agency business perspective with a boutique hands-on approach to literary representation.
Middle grade, young adult, nonfiction, graphic novels, picture books, book club adult fiction, romance, literary horror. While we ask that you query only one agent within GZLA at a time, we encourage you to submit your work to other agencies simultaneously.
Darhansoff and Verrill is a full-service literary agency representing writers of quality fiction and nonfiction since 1975. We are most interested in literary fiction, narrative nonfiction, memoir, sophisticated suspense, and both fiction and nonfiction for younger readers. Please note we do not represent theatrical plays or film scripts.

WRITING GREAT DIALOGUE is a detailed, comprehensive, online master class presented by award-winning novelist and writing teacher, Joan Dempsey.
Bite-sized lessons with robust content and engaging assignments are designed to help you master the skill of writing great dialogue.
Why is it so important to learn how to write great dialogue?
GREAT DIALOGUE CAPTIVATES READERS. If a reader gets pulled in by your dialogue, chances are far better that she'll love your characters and want to follow them to the end of your story.
GREAT DIALOGUE MEANS GREAT STORY. Powerful dialogue isn't just about characters talking to each other, it's also about story! (And character, and theme, and setting, and tone.)
GREAT DIALOGUE ATTRACTS AGENTS AND PUBLISHERS. Even if other areas of your manuscript are still rough, great dialogue indicates that you've got what it takes to write a terrific book, and they're more apt to take a chance on you.
To learn more. . . click here.
Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact hope@fundsforwriters.com for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.
C. Hope Clark
E-mail: hope@fundsforwriters.com
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036
Copyright 2000-2018, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326
**Note that FundsforWriters.com places paid advertising in this newsletter, ALL ads being related to writers and the business of writing, screened by FundsforWriters to make sure the information is suitable for writers and their endeavors to improve their careers. But the mailing list is not sold to third parties. You will not receive this newsletter without your permission.
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Hope Clark at hope@fundsforwriters.com. We are an anti-spam site.