FundsforWriters - May 4, 2018 - Publishing Before You Write

Published: Fri, 05/04/18

FundsForWriters: Tips and Tools for serious writers to advance their careers!
  Volume 18, Issue 18 | MAY 4, 2018  

Message from the Editor

Newberry's Friends of the Library celebration of the release of Newberry Sin was absolutely perfect! I could not have asked for anything more. 

We had about 200 people, a marvelous lunch, and sold 70+ books. So many had already purchased the book in advance, and for that I was so thrilled! I signed and signed and signed. An author's dream. 

One artist showed, and asked if I minded that she used Palmetto Poison's cover in her art contest submission. Well, of course I was honored.

Then a reader retrieved her young daughter from dance class so she could meet a real author. Lawson is a writer, too, and she was so enamored with meeting me that it almost brought tears to my eyes. I signed her bookmark, and she not only went to show-and-tell at school and talked about meeting an author, but she only took a photograph of the bookmark so that it didn't disappear at school. Oh, be still my heart. 

The guest blogging continues (see all of the ones out at - be sure to click MORE). And we have more appearances in Chapin and Edisto this month.

So, if you are anywhere near the South Carolina Midlands, make it to The Coffee Shelf in Chapin on May 8 and May 19. 

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
Email Hope | Visit Website | Sign up for Newsletter
Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
FFW has proudly been on the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers list every year since 2000

Our subscriber list is NOT made available to others. Use information listed at your own risk. FundsforWriters gives no warranty to completeness, accuracy, or fitness of the markets, contests and grants although research is done to the best of our ability.





C. Hope Clark sets her mystery series in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. In her two mystery series, you can't help but to get drawn into the long, hot days, the stifling humidity, and sunsets that make you ready to pack a bag and head South. While days in the Lowcountry can move as slow as molasses, the plots do not. Clark's books move along at a fast clip, with plain and real conversational dialogue, biting sarcasm, and humor plus more twists and turns than a Carolina backroad. Both the leads in her two series, Callie Morgan and Carolina Slade, are a couple of women you will want to get to know. Just don't cross them!

~Cliff Yeargin, Author of The Jake Eliam ChickenBone Mysteries












WOMEN READING ALOUD is an international organization dedicated to the power of the writer's voice.

WRA believes in providing space for artistic growth where women writers 
explore their authentic voices in a supportive environment. Going strong since 2003, WRA offers writing workshops modeled after the Amherst Writers and Artists Method. Founded on the 3-in-1 principle, WOMEN READING ALOUD focuses on the equal value of the writer, the reader, and the listener. 

Special literary events include domestic and International retreats in Greece and France. In 2019, WRA will host a writing retreat in Prague. All genres are welcome. WRA encourages writers to cherish their own voices, as well as the voices of others, as they travel the writer's journey.

Please visit us here:



Are you thinking about how to publish even as you write your first chapter? 

Today we're inundated with how to self-publish, how to promote, how to build a platform, and how to get seen. Ten years ago, writers at this stage (i.e., before the book is done) worked only at, well, writing. 

Part of what prompts us to prematurely publish is the incessant deluge of emails, blogs, newsletters, and podcasts telling us how noble it is TO publish. . . hinting that we're almost slack not writing fast. We're dumped on with advertising that tempts even the complete nonwriter, heck, nonREADER, to consider publishing a book because, hey, it sounds so easy. Who couldn't use that extra money in the bank?

It's becoming so commonplace to talk about self-publishing, indie publishing, or whatever you want to call the in-betweens, that a traditional author is an anomaly. A lot of writers are now, for the sake of further alienating the differences, saying that anyone who isn't Big Five published is an indie author. "We're all in this together against them." 

Anyone who knows me, knows I'm both self-published and traditional published. I like traditionally publishing my novels. But I've also formatted books and coordinated with a designer for covers, edited and hired editors, uploaded books multiple times after searching for widows and orphans on pages. And I've negotiated rights, royalties, and advances for my novels. I didn't use to think about how to publish before I had the book done, but from what I'm seeing, you decide which way to publish before you write the book. A book a month is becoming more common than you think. 

I've been snubbed three times this week for not being self-published in my mysteries. I mean looked-down-their-noses snubbed. I believe the pendulum has swung too far the other way. The anti-traditionalists have become that which they used to hate.

Let's get back to basics. Let's write the book, then edit it, then let it simmer, and edit it again. Let's think about literature and storytelling. Let's love a good turn of phrase. Let's remember why we first laid pen to paper and try to regain some of that sincerity. And let's quit measuring ourselves on how we published . . . instead of how we wrote.


TOTAL FundsforWriters - biweekly containing 65+ grants, contests, markets, publishers, agents, and jobs for the serious and the wannabe writer. See a free sample here. $18.75 for 26 biweekly issues - chocked full of opportunity. Read more here and consider the investment in your writing career. 



        (Times in Eastern)




"Writing books is the closest men ever come to childbearing."

- Norman Mailer

SUccess Story

Hi Hope!

A long-time newsletter follower and fan here, thanks very much for all the quality information and enthusiasm you share so consistently. And congratulations on all of your success with Newberry Sin!

Your energy blows me away. Sometimes I feel I need to take a nap after reading your newsletter detailing everything you've done and are doing, just so I can rest FOR you. I can only hope to gain as much momentum with my writing one day as you have done with yours!

I get a lot of leads from your newsletter, one example being It's been a great help to my confidence to get feedback from fellow writers and I enjoy learning about different forms of poetry through their contests.

I am also so excited and pleased to share that my short story, A Marvelous Coincidence, has just won 3rd prize in FanStory's most recent Romance Story Contest! Hooray! I must say it is quite fun to see one's name go by on that little box on the front page. And even though I did not win the cash prize, it was also fun to see my "member dollar" amount go up for the win and to receive the little bronze medal icon. 

Thank you again for all that you do.

With warmest regards and gratitude from Boston,

Annie Liza Bergen, Writer Lady


Featured article


Starting a Street Team

By Olivia Pariset

Every writer's dream is to find as many readers as possible, but finding readers takes valuable time away from writing. The idea having an army of readers working to promote your book sounds too good to be true. But, is it? You can develop your own street team to grow your readership. But how? 

This is what I learned from my first street-team: 

Start a closed Facebook group for your street team. Use this group to promote your book before its release and during the first week. They in turn share on their own social pages.

Send an invite to as many of your most active followers/fans as possible to join the private group. We like thinking we are on the "inside" of something. It is fun to connect with other readers who really like the author's work.

Update the street team on the progress of the release, give date and goals, i.e., 100 verified reviews on Amazon in the first week, etc.  They are going to buy/read anyways, you are just asking them to do it quickly. I read the last book in one day (release date) and had my review posted on the second day. By the end of the promotion week, we had over 122 reviews on Amazon. Our goal next time is 200 verified reviews.  The author's book was in the top 100 books on Amazon's best seller list by the end of the week! Three short weeks post-release date, the book we promoted has over 250 reviews!

Encourage them to ask friends and associates to read/review as a favor, etc., share the goal of 100 reviews needed for a favored author. The idea is that people flock to a blockbuster movie, and this is no different, plus they get the enjoyment of reading! Books are always better than movies.

Provide your input/commentary on posts by group members as applicable but allow the group to bond with each other which encourages/drives the team forward towards the goal. Our group uses the page to encourage the author about his work, too.

Encourage one person to take the lead. They will keep the group on target without you having to do everything.  A short "Good morning" post to the group each morning acts as a reminder to the others to reach out in some way.

Consider giving your galley copies to the group to read and post reviews on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, and more. They can pass them on to other reader/reviewers to help your pre-and post-release numbers.

Let your publisher know if your street team members belong to NetGalley so they can download a copy of your book to read and review.

Post frequently to the street team group leading up to the book release (one month before the release through the end of the first week) to give encouragement/praise. Encourage them to post photos, advertisements, and promotional ideas on their private social pages, too.

Add any of the other things you have already been doing to promote...but make the group the first audience for your ideas, etc. It is a fluid group that will adapt to any ideas you share.

Marketing our work is the hardest part of being an author, but it is not impossible. Using a street team will make that much easier. You will make a few new friends and connect with more readers who love your work. Isn't that our goal, after all, expanding our readership?

BIO: Olivia Pariset is a paralegal by day and crime-writer by night in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her trusty side-kick, Sassafras, the Investi-Cat. Olivia, a voracious reader, knows that telling a good story is essential, but her passion has been to encourage and build others up through those stories. She released her first full-length novel, Cara's Place, in 2016. Olivia then began work on The Gardner's Art, the first in a series introducing Grace Cavanaugh, FBI Special Agent, due out in Spring 2018. In the mid-1950s, Olivia's mother worked for the FBI in both Washington DC and later in Chicago. She did her job in the steno-pool rather than on the streets as a Special Agent as women did not be a Special Agent until 1970. Grace Cavanaugh is Olivia's tribute to all the great women who work as Special Agents today.



ENTRY FEE - SLIDING SCALE. FEE WAIVED UPON REQUEST. Deadline July 4, 2018. Headmistress Press, a lesbian-identified publisher of books by LBTQ poets, is proud to announce our fourth annual Charlotte Mew Chapbook Contest. Our judge for this year is Ching-in Chen. Our first-prize winner will receive $300 plus 20 copies of the winning book. All entries will be considered for publication. We will be accepting submissions from May 4 to July 4, 2018 through Submittable and will announce a winner in the fall. 

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 15, 2018. December Magazine awards $1,500 and publication in our Fall/Winter 2018 issue for First Place (fiction and nonfiction); $500 and publication in our Fall/Winter 2018 issue for honorable mention (fiction and nonfiction) all finalists will be listed in the awards issue. Maximum of 8,000 words for fiction and nonfiction.

$25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 15, 2018. Granted to a book of fiction or nonfiction for middle grade children or young adults. The Award carries a $1,000 honorarium in exchange for appearing at the August residency of the MFA in Creative and Professional Writing at Western Connecticut State University (the first week of August) to give a public reading and a one-day, three-hour workshop with MFA students. The Award also includes a $500 travel stipend and hotel stay during the residency. 

$10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 15, 2018. We consider manuscripts of all types, styles, and genres and aren't looking for a particular aesthetic. We're willing to give anything a fair chance. All pieces within entries are also considered for publication in the magazine. Please send your best fiction, poetry, nonfiction, graphic narrative, or hybrid genres. Manuscripts should be roughly 30-50 pages, but we're flexible. Prize includes publication by Palooka Press, $300, 20 copies of the book, chapbook sent out to reviewers. Submit 30 to 50 pages. 



The Peripatetic Writing Workshop, now in its 27th year, heads back to the charming beach town of Deal, England for its summer fiction/nonfiction workshop July 13-20th. The Peripatetic will take place in two houses. Abbotsley, a five-bedroom house on The Marina overlooking the sea, and a four-bedroom Victorian house on Middle Street, about a 15-minute walk away. Each house is charming in completely different ways. Offers a work/study scholarship in exchange for help with serving breakfasts during the week-long workshop. 

Deadline June 1, 2018. The Antarctic Artists and Writers Program furnishes U.S. Antarctic Program operational support, and round-trip economy air tickets between the United States and the Southern Hemisphere, to artists and writers whose work requires them to be in the Antarctic to complete their proposed project. The Program does not provide any funding to participants, including for such items as salaries, materials, completion of the envisioned works, or any other purpose. Priority will be given to projects that focus on interpreting and representing the scientific activities being conducted in and/or about the unique Antarctic region. Resulting projects must target audiences in the U.S. and be distributed/exhibited in the U.S.

Deadline May 31, 2018. Warner Bros. Television Writers’ Workshop describes itself as the premier writing program for new writers looking to start and further their career in the world of television. To apply writers must supply a current resume, a short personal statement about their interest in television writing, a spec script (for approved Warner Bros. shows) and a signed submission agreement. The program is open to writers from around the world. The 2018-2019 Warner Bros. Television Writers’ Workshop will run from October 2018 to April 2019, with meetings on the Warner Bros. lot in Burbank, California, one evening every week from 7pm to 10pm. Full participation is mandatory. 



Send up to 1,200 words of nonfiction. Payment is $200 and 10 copies of the anthology. Themes and deadlines are:

Grandparents - August 31, 2018. 
Life Lessons from My Cat - October 31, 2018 
Life Lessons from My Dog - November 30, 2018
More Messages from Heaven - September 30, 2018
Running for Good - December 15, 2018 
Stories about Angels - September 30, 2018 
Stories about Miracles - September 30, 2018 
Stories about My Mom - September 30, 2018 
The Golden Years - Life After 60 - June 30, 2018 

Vela publishes nonfiction written by women. Please read our manifesto and several of our stories to get a feel for what we publish before sending us your work. Our feature stories typically run from 3,000 to 6,000 words, although we are open to longer work. Submit completed work only; we do not accept pitches. We also do not accept previously published work. 

YES! Media produces nonprofit, independent, reader-supported journalism for people building a better world. If you don’t hear from us again within four weeks, you can assume that we have decided to pass on your pitch. Website base rate for reported articles is 35 cents a word. Commentaries may receive a small stipend. If you are interested in writing for the print magazine’s quarterly theme, look for the most recent “Call for Submissions” posted on our website for instructions and a deadline. Print base rate for reported articles is 50 cents a word. Commentaries may receive a small essay stipend.

Brain Child is an award-winning literary magazine for mothers. We focus on long form essays that range from 1,500 – 3,500 words. We are excited by great writing – and by both new and established writers. It makes our day when we hear from an established writer or publish an author for the first time.



COMMUNICATIONS WRITER - Columbia University, New York
Reporting to the Director of Marking and Communications, the writer serves as an integral member of the Columbia School of Social Work's Marketing and Communications team. The writer will research, write, edit, and generate ideas for news and feature articles that showcase faculty scholarship, major school initiatives and milestones, and newsworthy events. 

American Paper & Provisions rapidly growing B2B business required us to lunch a brand new B2B (Magento) website. APP is seeking a creative, detail-oriented, and versatile web content writer to support our Marketing and web design team with content creation, copywriting, and copyediting. This is a contract position which allows for remote work and reports to the IT Manager. This role will focus on creating unique content that tells the APP story with the goals of driving brand awareness, consideration, and help us launch the new website. Work 8-12 hours per week.

SAY Magazine is looking for a dynamic young Indigenous people to submit stories for our publication. Articles are paid per word from $0.15 to $0.30 per word depending on the content. You will write profiles from indigenous business leaders, sports athletes, positive role models, etc. Prefer Native American. 

Professional/published writer wanted for a biography of a businessman and Holocaust survivor. Must be knowledgeable about the Holocaust, Jewish religion, Jewish history and lives in Philadelphia area. This is a full-time position and must work in the office located near Merion Station. Must have written biographies.

Content writers needed for law office blog at Pays $0.10 per word. Legal experience is helpful but can be substituted with strong research skills. At least 300 words per post required. There is no limit on the number of posts you can write, but only one will be posted/paid per week. This is a remote job, and no contract is required. All content will be edited, and payment will be made via Paypal upon finalization of edits. Please send letter of interest and sample of a previous blog post to 



Hohm Press is committed to publishing books that provide readers with alternatives to the materialistic values of the current culture and promote self-awareness, the recognition of interdependence and compassion. Our subject areas include religious studies, natural health, parenting, women’s issues, the arts and poetry. 

We are currently accepting nonfiction submissions from U.S. based authors only, in the following genres: memoir, essay, general, biography, cookbook, self-help, crafts, gardening, creative, eco-friendly ideas, and more. Native Ink Press is also currently accepting children’s book submissions from U.S. authors only, for picture books, picture storybooks, easy readers, early chapter books, and middle grade novels. 

Novellas must be 30,000 to 50,000 words and novels must be at least 50,000+ words. No fan fiction. Manuscripts must be polished. No first drafts or incomplete manuscripts. Manuscripts that you submit cannot be previously self-published. No children's books aimed at ages 12 and under. No submissions from outside the U.S./Canada at this time. Genres being accepted are:

Adventure: Epic, Imaginary Voyage, Lost World, Sea Story
Fantasy: Contemporary, Dark Fantasy, Fairy Tale, Heroic, Historic, Magic, Science Fantasy, Paranormal, Shape Shift, Sword and Sorcery, Urban Fantasy, Young Adult, Medieval
Horror: Apocalyptic, Vampire, Magic Realism, Gothic, Paranormal, Zombie.
General Fiction:  Comedy, Humor, Young Adult.
Sci-fi: Alternate History, Near Future, Apocalyptic, Super hero, Steampunk, Time Travel,
Suspense fiction: Crime fiction, Detective fiction, Mystery fiction
Thriller: Conspiracy fiction, Legal thriller, Psychological thriller, Techno-thriller

We are acquiring Middle-Grade, Young Adult and Fiction for adults. We are looking for strong writers who are excited about marketing their stories and building a following of readers. For novels, the body of the email should include your query and the first three chapters along with: a synopsis, the genre of the book, approximate word count, a short pitch, marketing plan, writing credentials, if any, your contact info, if the work is agented, agent info, author bio, and list of any and all previous titles with sales history.



Crack Open Your Fierce, Original Voice This Summer

To Write Something New, Think Something New

Four spots remain for Elephant Rock's Sixth Annual Summer Solstice Retreat, June 17-22! Held on a beautiful secluded island at historic Stout's Lodge at the height of summer, this unique workshop is led by the award-winning writer Jeannine Ouellette. Inventive approaches and techniques steer you away from repetitive thinking in order to break new ground in your work, or simply find a way to begin. You'll love the island soundtrack of lapping waves and birdsong. But this extraordinary week is about more than just the deep peace or the innovative writing workshops and daily yoga and meditation. It's the journey back to your own fierce, original voice and the ability to break through and create. And laugh, a lot!

As one writer said, "I 
am still searching for words ... because what happened at Stout's was so huge." 

All levels and genres welcome. 
Tuition includes 5 nights' lodging and all meals, daily writing, yoga, & meditation, kayaks and outdoor activities, evening readings, craft talks, bonfires, and music, Solstice Eve celebration, and more. Inquire soon. This retreat sells out.

For all retreat details, visit Elephant Rock Retreats at:
Contact: Jeannine Ouellette – or call 612-801-2566


Shaila Abdullah has designed websites, book designs, marketing materials, and email campaigns for over 60 authors, writers and speakers. Being an award-winning author herself, she understands the industry, and will provide you with designs that reflect your unique style, genre, and personality. 


E-mail Shaila: 
View portfolio:
Services for authors:

A few testimonials from happy clients:

"Superb work, excellent customer service. Just marvelous overall.” —C. Hope Clark, author, founder of FundsforWriters,

"The site captures my spirit and passion, and it honors my dream since childhood." —Lyn Fairchild Hawks, author,

"Shaila is a terrific designer, highly professional and extremely creative and delivers amazing results. Her sense of humor and positive spirit has made the whole process of developing and launching my web site a pleasure. –James Hutchison, playwright,

"When I first saw Shaila’s work, I was struck by the fact that her designs are not only beautiful but also perfectly reflect the personality of the business it represents. Her suggestions, insight, and artistic talent made the final product much better than what I’d envisioned on my own.” —Jacqueline Adams, writer,

Other websites:



Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2018, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

**Note that places paid advertising in this newsletter, ALL ads being related to writers and the business of writing, screened by FundsforWriters to make sure the information is suitable for writers and their endeavors to improve their careers. But the mailing list is not sold to third parties. You will not receive this newsletter without your permission. It's physically impossible since recipients must opt-in, giving us permission to send the newsletter. If at any time you no longer with to receive the newsletter, click the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of each newsletter. We want you to enjoy this newsletter at your pleasure, not be forced to read anything you do not wish to receive. The website is not advertised using unsolicited messages by Aweber, affiliates or other third parties. Direct any complaints, suggestions, and accolades to Hope Clark at We are an anti-spam site.