Last Call! Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest
26th year.
$5,000 in cash prizes, including $2,000 for the best story and $2,000 for the best essay. Submit short stories, essays, and other works of prose on any subject, up to 6,000 words each. All entries that win cash prizes will be published on WinningWriters.com. Both published and unpublished work accepted. Fee per entry is $20. Submit by April 30. Final judge: Dennis Norris II. Winning Writers is one of "101 Best Websites for Writers" (Writer's Digest). See guidelines, past winners, and enter online via Submittable at winningwriters.com/tomstory
The big deal these days, especially if you are in the romance arena, is to write very short books and "write to market." You pen whatever is hot, pen it quickly, and sell it fast.
For example, a bunch of writers are attempting to flood the market with short, clean, billionaire romance stories, offering them at a premium, publishing one a month or more. Then they'll use Fussy Librarian, FreeBooksy, and other sites (mini-Bookbub types of promo sites) in an attempt to accelerate interest and sales. Some authors are making serious bucks doing this. (So are all these sites!)
I can see the logic and have spoken to authors who are living proof of its success, but I'm not sure how long this method will work. Once upon a time, free ebooks were uncommon, but then suddenly everyone jumped on that train. The cost of ebooks dropped like a rock. Now it takes more than just offering a free book to snare readers.
I mean, how many of these billionaire books can one person read? Don't get me wrong. Kudos to the folks making five- and six-figure incomes from this method, but these folks will change their marketing strategies as conditions change. They are smart entrepreneurs regardless of the methods used, and they morph with tools and concepts as they materialize.
But right now, with so many people shooting out books like bullets, how long before the market is glutted? Even more so, how long can an author produce like that? (I won't get into quality of the writing, because that is so subjective; plus, some authors write faster than others.)
"For last year's words belong to last year's language. And next year's words await another voice." ~T.S. Eliot
Writers were meant to produce words, with each book supposedly becoming easier. But you might want to be careful not to burn out using this method. Writing to market is SOOO tempting, believe me. It rambles around in my head, too, only with mysteries. Mark Dawson writes his John Milton suspense novellas fast and furious.
"The writer who wants to make good dough at this thing (even a living) realizes that the only “formula” is to keep producing quality work at a steady pace." ~James Scott Bell
Writing for a living is a two-part formula: Quality + Pace.
Your quality must match the quality your readers expect, and you must find a pace that won't burn you out. Don't be sucked into what other authors are doing. Choose the quality and pace that suit you best. After all, you need to be in this business for the long haul, not just through the fads.
TOTAL FundsforWriters - biweekly containing 65+ grants, contests, markets, publishers, agents, and jobs for the serious and the wannabe writer. See a free sample here. $18.75 for 26 biweekly issues - chocked full of opportunity. Read more here and consider the investment in your writing career.
(Times in Eastern)
- April 23 - Writer Chick (blog tour)
- April 24 - Tracy Ruckman (blog tour)
- April 24 - 11:35 AM - Joy on Paper Podcast
- April 25 - The Opinionated Woman (blog tour)
- April 25 - Bench2Business (blog tour)
- April 26 - BookBaby Blog (blog tour)
- April 26 - Mesothelioma Help (blog tour)
- April 27 - Bab's Book Bistro (blog tour)
- April 28 - Roses of Prose (blog tour)
- April 29 - Writer's Zen Blog (blog tour)
- April 30 - Gina M. Barlean (blog tour)
- April 30 - The Write Conversation (blog tour)
- April 30 - Writing for Peace (blog tour)
- April 30 - Lee Gale Gruen (blog tour)
- May 1 - Bell Bridge Books blog (blog tour)
- May 1 - Noon, Newberry, SC, Friends of the Library Luncheon, release of Newberry Sin ($20 admission)
- May 2 - Mary Potter Kenyon (blog tour)
- May 3 - Krysten Lindsay Hagar (blog tour)
- May 3 - HL Carpenter (blog tour)
- May 4 - Emerald Musings (blog tour)
- May 4 - Southern Writers Magazine (blog tour)
- May 4 - Trisha Faye (blog tour)
- May 5 - Kevin Tipple's Corner (blog tour)
- May 7 - Kathryn Schleich (blog tour)
- May 8 - Cindy's Notes - Cindy Harris (blog tour)
- May 8 - 5 PM, Chapin, SC, The Coffee Shelf celebrating release of Newberry Sin (coffee and goodies)
- May 19 - 1 PM, Chapin, SC, The Coffee Shelf
- May 25 - 3-5 PM- Edisto Bookstore, Edisto, SC
- June 11 - 6 PM, Chapin, SC Library booksigning
- June 24 - 7 PM, WritersChatroom.com
- July 6 - 3-5 PM- Edisto Bookstore, Edisto, SC
- July 27-29 - Mississippi Writers Guild Conference
- October 1 - 3-5 PM- Edisto Bookstore, Edisto, SC (also celebrating my birthday!)
- November 2-4 - BookBaby Indie Conference, Philadelphia, PA
"I am irritated by my own writing. I am like a violinist whose ear is true, but whose fingers refuse to reproduce precisely the sound he hears within."
-Gustave Flaubert
SUccess Story
If FundsforWriters has prodded, aided, suggested, or provided an idea that helped you advance in your writing, please let us know. We want to share your success with the others! Email it to hope@chopeclark.com
Featured article
What Producers Look for in a
Screenplay Query
By Mark Heidelberger
In my decade or so at Treasure Entertainment, I literally received thousands of query letters from fledgling writers desperate to claw their way to the top of the read pile. Want to guess how many I responded to? If you said less than two dozen, you’d be a winner. This is not to discourage you from querying producers, but rather to drive home the reality that competition is fierce and many letters get tossed. However, there are a lot of things you can do (and avoid doing) in your
query to increase your chances that a producer will actually request the script. Here are some of the most prominent:
Know Who You’re Querying
Research the company you’re sending the letter to. Know what kind of pictures they produce. The information is out there if you do a little digging. Look at the company’s credits on IMDb or Wikipedia. Google their films’ budgets. Treasure produces niche genre films under $10 million, but I can’t tell you how many times I received queries about a $75 million period drama. If you pitch something that’s in their wheelhouse, you have a much better shot at a
Start with a Solid Logline
Don’t meander through some circuitous introduction that forces the producer to find your story. Start with “Dear _____, I would like to submit the following screenplay for your consideration.” Then go right into the logline – a concise, one-sentence description of the plot. A good logline will reveal the protagonist, the antagonist, the conflict, the protagonist’s goal, and what’s at stake if the protagonist fails. It should also infer the genre, tone
and scope of the piece. You want the producer to be able to glean from the logline whether it’s a big-budget action film or a dark indie drama. (Read Ashley Scott Meyers’ article “Writing a Screenplay Log Line” here: http://www.sellingyourscreenplay.com/how-to-sell-your-screenplay/writing-a-screenplay-logline/)
Other Key Elements
After the logline, follow up with a paragraph describing any enticing background about the project such as attached cast or a director, noteworthy awards or competition wins, whether the script is based on preexisting material like a book or magazine article, and whether any amount of funding is in place. This is your chance to really sell it. Follow that up with a short one-paragraph bio on yourself that details your entertainment or writing background and/or any relevant connection to
the material (i.e., the main character is a boat captain and you used to charter sailboats). End by asking the producer what you want from them (to read the script), offer to sign a release if necessary, and thank them for their consideration.
Keep It Short
Seriously. Like no more than a page. Any producer who is even remotely capable of getting your picture made doesn’t have time to weed through a six-page treatise. Overly long queries appear daunting, don’t look professional, and may give the impression that you tend to overwrite.
Read, Edit, Re-Read
Thoroughly proof your letter for spelling, grammar, and formatting mistakes, either through your word processing program, an app like Grammarly, or a capable colleague. If your query is riddled with sloppy mistakes and awful grammar, the producer will presume your screenwriting is just as bad or worse. (If you can’t write a one-page letter, why would a 120-page screenplay be any better?) Also, don’t send your query right away. Sit on it a day, then go back and re-read it.
You’ll often find issues you didn’t notice before, allowing you to take that extra opportunity to clean it up and make it shine.
A Few Extra Thoughts
Never send a treatment, script, or even select pages of the script with the query. Most companies won’t look at unsolicited material, which means it has to come from an agent, or they have to request it. Don’t include photos, videos, or gifts, either. If supporting material such as documentary footage or a pitch deck exists, mention it in the paragraph after the logline and offer to send it with the script.
BIO: Mark Heidelberger co-founded Beverly Hills-based Treasure Entertainment in 2000, serving as a film executive, producer and literary manager until 2011 before going freelance. He has produced music videos for artists Janelle Monae, Snoop Dogg, Nicki Minaj, and John Michael Montgomery as well as commercials for Lamborghini, Con Air and Cox Media, to name a few. Film and TV credits include Harsh Times, Comfort, Ninja Apocalypse, It's
Not You It's Me, Pray for Rain, and Hallmark Channel's You've Got a Friend. Often times, he also performs ghostwriting services on screenplays in addition to his producing duties. He is a member of the Producers Guild of America. He holds a BA in Film Studies from UCSB and a MFA in Producing from UCLA's School of Theater, Film, and Television.
$12 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 30, 2018. Seeking creative nonfiction essays between 200 and 1,000 words on any topic and in any style, from personal essay to lyric essay to hybrid and more! First Place: $500, publication, interview, and gift card good for one item from CreateWriteNow; second Place: $300, publication, interview, and gift card good for one item from CreateWriteNow; third Place: $200, publication, interview, and gift card good for one item from CreateWriteNow; seven runners up
receive $25 Amazon Gift Cards, publication, interview, and gift card good for one item from CreateWriteNow; and 10 Honorable mentions receive a gift card good for one item from CreateWriteNow. The mission of this contest is to reward bravery in real-life storytelling and create an understanding of our world through thoughtful, engaging narratives. Electronic submissions via email only; reprints are okay; multiple submissions are okay as long as they are submitted in their own individual e-mail.
Open internationally. Limit: 300 entries.
EARLY-BIRD ENTRY FEES: Poems $20. All other entries $30. Deadline May 4, 2018. Almost 500 winners will be chosen. The top winning entries of this writing contest will also be on display in the 87th Annual Writer’s Digest Competition Collection. One Grand Prize winner will receive $5,000, an interview with the author in Writer’s Digest, one-on-one attention from four editors or agents, a paid trip to the Writer’s Digest Annual Conference, including a coveted Pitch Slam
slot, a one-year subscription to Writer’s Digest Tutorials. The First place winner in each category will receive $1,000 in cash and $100 off a purchase from the Writer’s Digest Shop. The Second place winner in each category will receive $500 cash and $100 off a purchase from the Writer’s Digest Shop. The Third place winner in each category will receive $250 in cash and $100 off a purchase from the Writer’s Digest Shop. The Fourth place winner in each category will receive
$100 in cash and $50 off a purchase from the Writer’s Digest Shop. The Fifth place winner in each category will receive $50 in cash and $50 off a purchase from the Writer’s Digest Shop. The Sixth through Tenth place winners in each category will receive $25 in cash. Cateogires are Inspirational Writing (Spiritual/Religious), Memoirs/Personal Essay, Magazine Feature Article, Genre Short Story (Mystery, Romance, etc.), Mainstream/Literary Short Story, Rhyming Poetry, Non-rhyming
Poetry, Script (Stage Play or Television/Movie Script), Children’s/Young Adult Fiction.
$10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 30, 2018. Limit 2,000 words. Theme: Tales of the Paranormal. The First Place winner will receive a $200 award and publication of the winning story either in the Bethlehem Writers Group's upcoming anthology of paranormal stories, Untethered: Sweet, Funny, and Strange Tales of the Paranormal, or as a featured story in Bethlehem Writers Roundtable. (Publication anticipated in late 2018.) Second prize: $100 and publication in the Bethlehem Writers Roundtable.
Third prize: $50 and publication in the Bethlehem Writers Roundtable.
$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 30, 2018. The Red Hen Nonfiction Award seeks to recognize the art of true story-telling through literary craft. The awarded fiction manuscript is selected through an annual submission process which is open to all authors. Award is $1,000 and publication of the awarded manuscript by Red Hen Press. Submit a 150-page minimum.
http://www. sistersincrime.org/ARG http://www.sistersincrime.org/ARG
Deadline May 1, 2018. Sisters in Crime will award researchers grants of up to $500 for the purchase of books to support research projects that contribute to our understanding of the role of women or underrepresented groups in the crime fiction genre. This may include but is not limited to research on women mystery writers, on the position of women writers in the crime fiction marketplace, or on gender, race, or ethnicity as an aspect of crime fiction.
Deadline November 15, 2018. The mission of the Women’s Studio Workshop in Rosendale, New York, is to operate and maintain an artists’ workspace that encourages the voice and vision of individual women artists, provide professional opportunities for artists at various stages of their careers, and promote programs designed to stimulate public involvement, awareness, and support for the visual arts. In support of that mission, WSW is accepting applications for its Art-in-Education
Artist’s Book Grant. The eight- to ten-week residency is awarded to two emerging women artists to create a new artist’s book and teach young people. Generally, the resident dedicates her first month to producing a limited edition artist’s book, which is handprinted and bound in the studio. WSW can provide technical advice; training on new equipment, techniques, and materials; and production assistance. During the second half of the residency, the artist works with young people
in WSW’s studios, teaching one to two days/week for three to four weeks and visiting the students twice in school. Studio space and equipment is reserved for students during program hours, but artists may work at any time outside of AIE. The program provides a stipend of $350 per week for up to ten weeks, up to $750 for materials, up to $250 for travel within the continental U.S., free onsite housing, and 24/7 studio access during non-AIE sessions.
These projects focus on local and/or national activities designed to promote and develop practitioners of, and audiences for, literature. Projects may include but are not limited to: Residencies, readings, author tours, writing workshops, conferences, and literary festivals. Podcasts, radio, video, and/or media endeavors that promote literature. Innovative uses of technology, media, or new models to provide readers with access to writers and literature. Efforts to maintain or augment
America's literary infrastructure and provide services, advice, and technical support to writers, translators, and literary organizations. Collaboration within and/or across fields to reach new audiences and encourage dialogue.
Deadline May 5, 2018. The Sundress Academy for the Arts is hosting its second annual generative writing retreat celebrating survival and healing on July 21st and 22nd, 2018. This two-day retreat for sexual assault survivors will be held in Oak Ridge, TN and will be a safe space for creativity, generative writing exercises, discussions on ways to write trauma, advice on publishing, and more. Come join us in mutual support for a weekend of writing time for healing, safety, and comfort. A
weekend pass includes one-on-one and group instruction, writing supplies, food, drinks, and all on-site amenities for $75. We have two full scholarships available for the retreat as well as limited 20 percent scholarships for those with financial need. To apply for a scholarship, send a packet of no more than eight pages of creative writing along with a brief statement on why you would like to attend this workshop to Erin Elizabeth Smith at erin@sundresspublications.com. Scholarship recipients will be announced in May.
Cast of Wonders is a young adult short fiction market, open to stories up to 6,000 words in length. We’re dedicated to publishing fiction that reflects the entire spectrum of the human experience. We aim for a 12-17 age range: that means sophisticated, non-condescending stories with wide appeal, and without gratuitous or explicit sex, violence or pervasive obscene language. Stories are presented in audio format, which means our audience rarely skim past boring bits. We’re
looking for fiction with strong pacing, well-defined characters, engaging dialogue, and clear action. Our Submittable portal has options for Flash Fiction (under 1,500 words) and Short Fiction (1,500 to 6,000 words). Pays six cents/word.
Today’s older adults are redefining what it means to be a senior. They are more demanding in where, when and how they spend their retirement years. Yet aging also means they can face health, housing and financial challenges and concerns. 3rd Act Magazine™ is a free, quarterly, magazine that reaches this growing demographic with articles and stories that speak directly to this stage of their lives. For our print publication we are primarily interested in short features of
350-500 words and feature stories of 500–900 words. These relate to health, home, family, community, moving, aging, memory health, downsizing, traveling, caregiving, legal, financial, living well at any age and others. Our standard payment for published articles in print or web is between $25 and $50 depending on length, complexity, how much editing it needs, and whether or not it’s an original or previously published article. If you are a published writer with proven expertise and
submit articles that are well researched and require little editing, you will be considered for our paid list of writers at a per word rate of $.25.
Bored Teachers is a platform to celebrate teachers. Our blog is an outlet for all educators to find humor in the chaos of the job, the latest education news, and awesome teaching resources. We welcome submissions on a wide range of topics relating to education and the teacher lifestyle. We pay $50 for all approved submissions around 500 words.
CityLab is dedicated to the people who are creating the cities of the future — and those who want to live there. Through sharp analysis, original reporting, and visual storytelling, our coverage focuses on the biggest ideas and most pressing issues facing the world’s metro areas and neighborhoods. Pays around 25 cents/word.
Idaho’s largest non-daily newspaper, the Idaho Mountain Express, published twice weekly in the beautiful Sun Valley, Idaho, resort community, has an opening for an arts and events editor who's a strong, experienced journalist and can hit the ground running. This is a great community-journalism job in one of the most beautiful places in the nation. If you're serious about good journalism and like the idea of living in a great mountain resort area where people can hike, bike or
ski on a morning off and experience a world-class performance in the evening, then you may be a good match for this job.
The Santa Rosa Press Gazette is a twice weekly newspaper located in Northwest Florida, is seeking an energetic reporter. This is an entry level position and the ideal candidate will be a self-starter, have strong writing skills, be creative and flexible. This job involves being out in the community as well as developing story ideas and sources across our three-county coverage area. Experience with taking photos and video, as well as all forms of social media including Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram, is preferred.
Lifehack is a site that shares life-changing knowledge in exceptional and creative ways. We are smart, innovative and most importantly, authentic. It's in our DNA to improve lives by combining content with data technology. We are seeking an experienced freelance writer to produce daily emails for over 500,000+ subscribers. The ideal writer will be able to create compelling, original and personalized content that generates engagement from our readers while maintaining a very specific
voice. The writer will be responsible for researching and writing creative copy to be used in our daily email campaigns.
The Creative Content Writer is a contractor who will work with our Marketing Operations team at Boys & Girls Clubs of South Central Texas to create engaging and original content that can be used in all aspects of the organization. Only applications and resumes that are submitted online at our website www.bgcsct.org will be considered. Resumes will be accepted until May 17, 2018.
For adult fiction, represents only mainstream fiction (including historical fiction and women’s fiction), romance (all subgenres except inspirational), and mystery novels. For nonfiction, represents work targeting all age groups (children and adults). Though she will consider nonfiction on any topic, work that deals primarily with issues of religion or spirituality is unlikely to be a good fit. Not currently accepting new middle-grade, early reader, or picture book submissions.
Seeking women's fiction, romance, YA, MG, select nonfiction.
Please read children’s picture books. We are looking for something unique that has not been done before - an interesting story that captures a moment with a timeless feel. We are looking for picture driven stories for children ages two to eight.
Deadline June 30, 2018. Raised Voice Press seeks creative nonfiction manuscripts between 100-250 pages from authors located in the United States writing in English. We are interested in work that may be described using any of the following terms: creative nonfiction, literary nonfiction, narrative nonfiction, imaginative nonfiction, literary journalism, lyric essay, personal essay, personal narrative, and literary memoir. We are interested in hybrid forms and essay collections. Please
note, however, that we are not accepting anthology submissions or proposals at this time.
Crack Open Your Fierce, Original Voice This Summer
To Write Something New, Think Something New
Four spots remain for Elephant Rock's Sixth Annual Summer Solstice Retreat, June 17-22! Held on a beautiful secluded island at historic Stout's Lodge at the height of summer, this unique workshop
is led by the award-winning writer Jeannine Ouellette. Inventive approaches and techniques steer you away from repetitive thinking in order to break new ground in your work, or simply find a way to begin. You'll love the island soundtrack of lapping waves and birdsong. But this extraordinary week is about more than just the deep peace or the innovative writing workshops
and daily yoga and meditation. It's the journey back to your own fierce, original voice and the ability to break through and create. And laugh, a lot!
As one writer said, "I am still searching for words ... because what happened at Stout's was so huge."
All levels and genres welcome. Tuition includes 5 nights' lodging and all meals, daily writing, yoga, & meditation, kayaks and outdoor activities, evening readings, craft talks, bonfires, and music, Solstice Eve celebration, and more. Inquire soon. This retreat sells out.
For all retreat details, visit Elephant Rock Retreats at: http://elephantrockretreats.com/upcoming-retreats/
Contact: Jeannine Ouellette – elephantrockretreats@gmail.com or call 612-801-2566
The 8th Annual Nonfiction Writers’ Conference
May 2-4, 2018
Featuring Opening Speaker: Gretchen Rubin
We are thrilled that our opening session for NFWC 2018 features New York Times bestselling author Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project, Better Than Before, and The Four Tendencies.
Gretchen will share her perspectives on Happiness, Habits and Productivity for Authors. She will also explain what it was like to find out that her book was on the New York Times bestseller list, how that has impacted her career, and what is was like to get the call that Oprah wanted to interview her for Super Soul Sunday! As an attorney, writer, and podcast host, Gretchen has much to share with our nonfiction writer community. Learn more about Gretchen Rubin.
The Nonfiction Writers Conference is VIRTUAL
Attend from Anywhere!
Since 2010, the Nonfiction Writers’ Conference has taken the concept of the traditional in-person writers’ conference and turned it into a one-of-a-kind ONLINE experience. Featuring 15 speakers over three days, all sessions are conducted via teleseminar, which means attendees from around the globe participate via phone or Skype–NO TRAVEL REQUIRED!
Local phone numbers available across the US, Canada, UK, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
Sessions run May 2nd, 3rd and 4th from 9am PDT / 12pm EDT through 3pm PDT / 6pm EDT each day.
Read more...and sign up....here.
Use FUNDSFORWRITERS35 and get 35% off the cost of the event.
Shaila Abdullah has designed websites, book designs, marketing materials, and email campaigns for over 60 authors, writers and speakers. Being an award-winning author herself, she understands the industry, and will provide you with designs that reflect your unique style, genre, and personality.
E-mail Shaila: info@myhouseofdesign.com
View portfolio: http://myhouseofdesign.com/author-portfolio/
Services for authors: http://myhouseofdesign.com/services-for-authors/
A few testimonials from happy clients:
"Superb work, excellent customer service. Just marvelous overall.” —C. Hope Clark, author, founder of FundsforWriters, http://www.fundsforwriters.com
"The site captures my spirit and passion, and it honors my dream since childhood." —Lyn Fairchild Hawks, author, http://lynhawks.com/
"Shaila is a terrific designer, highly professional and extremely creative and delivers amazing results. Her sense of humor and positive spirit has made the whole process of developing and launching my web site a pleasure. –James Hutchison, playwright, http://jameshutchison.ca/
"When I first saw Shaila’s work, I was struck by the fact that her designs are not only beautiful but also perfectly reflect the personality of the business it represents. Her suggestions, insight, and artistic talent made the final product much better than what I’d envisioned on my own.” —Jacqueline Adams, writer, http://jacqueline-adams.com/
Other websites:
Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact hope@fundsforwriters.com for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.
C. Hope Clark
E-mail: hope@fundsforwriters.com
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036
Copyright 2000-2018, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326
**Note that FundsforWriters.com places paid advertising in this newsletter, ALL ads being related to writers and the business of writing, screened by FundsforWriters to make sure the information is suitable for writers and their endeavors to improve their careers. But the mailing list is not sold to third parties. You will not receive this newsletter without your permission.
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Hope Clark at hope@fundsforwriters.com. We are an anti-spam site.