Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest (no fee)
17th annual free contest sponsored by Winning Writers. $2,250 in cash prizes, including a top prize of $1,000. Submit one humor poem online by April 1. Your poem may have up to 250 lines. No fee to enter. Both published and unpublished work accepted. All entries that win cash prizes will be published on WinningWriters.com. Final judge: Jendi Reiter. Winning Writers is one of "101 Best Websites for Writers" (Writer's Digest). See guidelines, past winners, and enter online via Submittable at winningwriters.com/wergle
Here lately, the discussion from readers seemed to be centered about where to find an editor (for cheap), or in some cases, just finding someone who will read a manuscript and offer feedback. My answers are pretty clear:
1) Hire an editor (and be willing to pay what it costs), and/or
2) Trade services with another writer on your level or higher (and be willing to invest time into their manuscript), and/or
3) Carefully select/start a critique group and be patient enough to workshop the story over time.
Any wallet can work with one of more of those options. If you want someone to read your work, either pay for it or critique in return. We can't just be takers.
But back to hiring an editor. It's tricky to find one you appreciate and can afford. A cheap editor doesn't always offer iffy quality. And an expensive editor doesn't always get it right. That's why word of mouth is valuable when finding an editor. You want that conduit between someone you trust and the party you're hiring. Sometimes it takes more than one, or two.
Which is why so many people ask me who I recommend. How do I get my edits done? (Even with dachshunds in my lap?)
1) First, I'm not a bad editor in my own right, so my manuscripts are fairly clean. Yours need to be, too.
2) Second, I used to use two critique groups, then outgrew them. With my first several novels, these two groups were invaluable. If you are in this stage, hunt high and low to find one or two that fit. Search online, too. And stick with them for a couple years or more.
3) Third, I gravitated to beta readers. Just a couple of serious critiquers, and I seriously critiqued their manuscripts in kind.
4) Fourth, I ultimately hired the strongest beta reader I knew. That is the stage I'm in now. Being under contract, I cannot afford the time delay of a group.
5) Fifth, I am traditionally published, so I know my publisher's editor will beat it up again another three or more times.
For those who will ask (and those who already have), the beta reader I use is now hiring herself out for edits. She is one of two editors at Two-Step Approach, where you'll receive two editors' feedback on your manuscript. I love this combination because you receive two opinions for the price of one. Both of these women have reviewed my novels. One of them has critiqued every novel I've ever written, and she knew me before I
was published. I still use these two ladies for developmental edits, even with a traditional press.
So, you invest time or money into edits, or both. Time is invaluable to everyone. Remember that fact when you ask people to read your manuscript . . . and how often you would do the same for someone else. And if you don't have the time, or feel you don't have the talent to critique someone else, then pay for it.
TOTAL FundsforWriters - biweekly containing 65+ grants, contests, markets, publishers, agents, and jobs for the serious and the wannabe writer. See a free sample here.
$18.75 for 26 biweekly issues - chocked full of opportunity. Read more here and consider the investment in your writing career.
HOPE'S 2018 APPEARANCES (Times in Eastern)
- March 25 - 7PM, WritersChatroom.com
- April 18 - 3PM, Pelion, SC Library, 206 Pine Street
- May 1 - Noon, Newberry, SC, Friends of the Library Luncheon, celebrating release of Newberry Sin ($20 admission)
- May TBD - Chapin, SC, The Coffee Shelf celebrating release of Newberry Sin (coffee and goodies)
- June TBD - Edisto Bookstore, Edisto, SC
- June 11 - 6PM, Chapin, SC Library booksigning
- June 24 - 7PM, WritersChatroom.com
- July 27-29 - Mississippi Writers Guild Conference
- October (1st week) - Edisto Bookstore, Edisto, SC
"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." ~Albert Schweitzer~
SUccess Story
Hi Hope, let me share a success story about having perseverance. In early 2017 I pitched an article to All About Beer magazine (found in FundsforWriters) about local historical beer brewing demonstrations. They accepted my proposal, I wrote and submitted the article in June and it was planned for their September issue. Then it was delayed until the November issue, so I waited longer. In the meantime, they acquired another craft brewing magazine which caused editorial and production delays
and it looked like my article would never get into print. Then recently a magazine subscriber told me my article was indeed in the November 2017 issue, which he had just received late. I reached out to my editor and after several emails finally received payment for the article and am waiting for my complimentary copy. We writers must remember that the world doesn't revolve around our needs and sometimes patience is key to getting published.
Thanks for your continuing efforts at helping us stick to the mission and get published.
Brian Wettlaufer
Franklin, WI
Featured article
I Did It!
How I Funded My Mission, Wrote My Book and Made Bulk Book Sales with Grants
By Laura Lyles Reagan
I started with a heart centered mission and a newly published book, How to Raise Respectful Parents: Better Communication with Teens and Parents. Like all new authors, I was proud of it, but I soon learned writing and publishing a book are only half the journey. I had to market, and I wanted to market it to those who needed my message the most.
Grant writing is my day job. I knew funds were available for the kind of materials and workshops I wanted to offer. Often authors think that they can only apply for grants directly to fund themselves as writers to write their book. While that is possible; it’s rare and highly competitive.
I sought a large entity/business with which my mission aligned with theirs: the school district. I offered to write grants for school programs for FREE. Yes, for FREE! In exchange for this service, I requested that I be allowed to write my workshops and books into the grant budget. School programs hurt for time and dollars. Since there was no expenditure of time and effort on the part of their personnel, they agreed.
First Grant to Write the Book
I interviewed the parent engagement coordinator and learned about the unique aspects of her program. I suggested that I use my expertise to better train her parent educators. I was delighted when she said, “yes.” I wrote a small grant to a local private family foundation and they funded us. I was hired under the grant to conduct training for the school district’s parent educators. The development of those training materials became the basis of my first book. In effect, I
wrote the first draft of my book with grant funds while providing a needed service to the school partner.
Second Grant with Surprise Bulk Book Sales
The second grant funding for my mission came through an existing afterschool program grant. Because of the positive relationships built during the first grant funded opportunity, I negotiated the opportunity to provide a series of teen and parent communication workshops funded through their afterschool grant. I shared that I was willing to donate 10 copies of my book for the workshop. The project coordinator liked the book and decided to purchase more copies. She ordered enough for each
family in the workshop - a total of 50 books! Just like that, I made my first bulk book sale.
Ripple Effects
Since my initial success, I’ve helped two author friends find grant funding for their heart- centered missions. I interviewed them and wrote grant proposals for each. One friend funded bulk book sales with her grant template and the other friend funded her one woman show with writing workshop materials with a grant proposal.
As a result, I have been asked to write a book about grant writing for authors. The Quick Start Guide to Grant Writing will be released in 2018.
BIO: Laura Lyles Reagan is a family sociologist, parenting coach, speaker and author of How to Raise Respectful Parents. She can be reached through her website, www.LauraLReagan.com.
NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 28, 2018. Limit 1,500 words. Up to 25 stories will be published on Amazon.com and Kindle through Lune Spark Books' independent publishing. Winners in both categories will have option to enroll in free (remote) novel-writing workshops. Category A is 10 years old to 13 years old. Category B is 13 years old to 16 years old. Three prizes in each category: $500, $250, and $100.
$10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 20, 2018. There’s $1,500 on the line–both to celebrate SmokeLong Quarterly‘s 15th anniversary (yay!) and our first-ever flash fiction competition. Starting February 5, 2018, our general submission queue will be transformed into a contest submission portal. For 15 weeks, we will be accepting only submissions for the inaugural SmokeLong Quarterly Award for Flash Fiction (the Smokey, if you will). The winner will receive $1,500, automatic
nomination for The Best Small Fictions series, the Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, and other awards, plus publication in our 15th-anniversary Issue in June. Llimit 1,00 words. At least 14 finalists will receive a cash prize as well and publication in SmokeLong's 15th-anniversary issue.
$30 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 15, 2018. The competition is open to all authors writing in English regardless of nationality or residence and is available to published and unpublished authors alike. Genres we are looking for include literary and upmarket fiction, mainstream or general fiction, mystery/thriller or speculative fiction with a literary edge, serious women's fiction, and unique experimental work. The winner receives a $1,500 honorarium and book publication by Del Sol Press.
Submit 200-450 typed manuscript pages.
$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 25, 2018. One winner in fiction and one in poetry each receive $500 and publication in Jabberwock Review. All finalists are considered for publication. All entrants receive a one-year (two-issue) subscription beginning with the prize-winning issue. Each fiction entry should consist of a single short story of any length—though please keep in mind that our entire journal runs 90-100 pages. (Novel excerpts may be submitted if they are self-contained.) Each
poetry entry should consist of onen to three poems. The winning entry may be for a single poem or group of poems.
Deadline March 15, 2018. Apply for funding and professional development opportunities to advance your artistic career. The Artist Fellowship Program provides support to artists who demonstrate exceptional creativity and the capacity to contribute to the innovation and elevation of the arts in Iowa. Pays $10,000 and professional development.
Deadline March 12, 2018. This quarterly grant opportunity supports artist-initiated projects and activities. Examples include attendance at an artist residency, release time to create and exhibit a body of work, staging of performances, readings, or the creation of public art. Pays $1,500.
Deadline February 28, 2018. The Alexa Rose Foundation furthers the creative work of individual artists through grants and fellowships, strengthening the cultural environment of the Boise valley and benefiting the community at large. All visual, performing, and literary arts are supported. Applicants may request up to $5,000, and must reside in Ada or Canyon County in Idaho. Informational workshops on the application process are being held at various locations through January.
Deadlines June 1 and November 1. MAC’s Artist Minigrant program supports established and emerging professional artists based in Mississippi by providing funds to assist with professional training, promotional efforts, or purchase of supplies. Applicants may apply for up to $500. Artist Minigrants are reimbursement grants, meaning grantees must complete their project and submit a final report and required documentation to MAC (such as receipts or paid invoices) before the payment are
Homeschooling Today® magazine, published four times per year, is one of the most comprehensive home education magazines available, with a special focus on literature, fine arts and usable resources. Our goal is to encourage the hearts of homeschoolers and give them tools to instill a love of learning in their children. Features are 900 to 1,200 words. Departments are 600 to 900 words.
We are a great home for writers who can tell deeply reported, gripping tales about issues in the public interest while plumbing the intellectual, theoretical, and empirical context that surrounds them. Every story we tell has a strong connection to one of our four core subject areas: economic, educational, environmental, and social justice. Our writers should want to make readers think about how society works—and about how it could be working better.
Services the Greater South Sound, including the cities of Tacoma, Gig Harbor, Olympia, Puyallup and more in the state of Washington. Content is general in nature, and includes homes, entertaining, travel, food and drink, fashion, personality profiles, business and more. All stories stories must be of interest and value to residents in the South Sound. Feature articles: 800-2,500 words. We also accept pitches for blog posts or features on southsoundmag.com. Topics include Food + Drink, Arts
+ Entertainment, Home + Garden, Health + Beauty and Fashion + Shopping.
Latterly is always seeking pitches and submissions for features and photo essays from all over the world. If you have a story idea you think we might be interested in, please read the following tips and guidelines before sending it to us. We only want works of reported journalism that employ elements of narrative storytelling (plot, character development, etc.). We are not interested in fiction, poetry, personal essays or hard news. We pay $100 for photo essays and larger, negotiable rates
for features.
Work with students one-on-one and in group settings in an innovative learning company. Flexible hours and availability in multiple locations. Competitive Hourly Pay Rates commensurate with education and experience. Provide complete support and follow-up to students, teachers, and parents via phone, text, and e-mail. Complete detailed lesson plans, evaluations, and other forms as required. NYS Certifications/Degrees strongly preferred, but all interested candidates should apply (teachers,
retirees, recent graduates, college students, professionals). Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral Degree in your special discipline.
TasteofReality.com is run by a fun, highly passionate team of reality TV fans and we’re on the hunt for fellow writers with wit to join our remote team! Compensation is per post plus costs covered for any reviews of products, restaurants, classes, or activities featured on the website. In your cover letter, please describe why you’re the best person for the job! Please include your writing interests from the list below, the reality TV shows you watch and include any available
writing samples. We’re looking for both freelance writers and daily/weekly/monthly contributors for a variety of article types including: Reality TV Gossip, Funny Listicles, Episode Recaps, Travel, Inspirations, Fashion Pieces, Experiential Reviews, Product Reviews. Excellent written communication. Good image editing skills (Photoshop or equivalent). Bonus points for experience in WordPress, SEO, social media, and video/GIF making.
As a Writer/Editor for the Office of Inspector General, Office of Inspections and Evaluations, you will develop creative solutions for written products to articulate complex problems and issues where governing laws and regulations are highly interpretive. You will review written products on controversial issues and may be involved in shaping major programs or facilitating the resolution of long-standing problem areas of vital importance. Typical work assignments include: Acting solely or
with others in formulating a message for written inspections and evaluation products; coordinating with inspections teams to organize scope, objective, methodology, message, and synthesizing findings and recommendations into a written report; and identifying and reviewing objectives and legal and policy requirements. Pays $96,970 - $126,062 a year.
For fiction and narrative nonfiction, please include a query letter, which should include a brief overview of your project, previous publications, if any, and any relevant information about you, along with sample material. For prescriptive nonfiction, please send a query letter, and sample material which should include an overview, table of contents, information regarding your platform, and sample chapter. Each of the agents brings a varied set of skills, tastes, and backgrounds with them,
but all share a passion for good books, hard work, and finding creative ways to help their authors advance. Look at each agent to determine who to pitch and what they are seeking.
In the body of your email, please include a query letter and a short writing sample (one to two chapters). Emails with large attachments will be discarded. We currently accept submissions in all genres except screenplays. Due to the volume of queries we receive, we may not be able to respond to your query. If we are interested in reading more, we will respond within two months. InkWell is one of the world’s leading literary agencies, proudly representing major literary prize winners
as well as many of the world’s bestselling and best-loved authors. We enjoy a considerable international reputation as a significant and innovative player in the industry. In addition to its full-time agents and their assistants, the InkWell team includes a tireless foreign rights department and a meticulous contracts manager. We also join forces with leading literary agencies in every foreign market and have agents based in Australia, Boston, and Dallas.
Currently, our staff of senior agents and developing younger agents handles a wide-ranging roster of writers in numerous genres, from literary fiction and memoir to mystery and thriller to history/biography and narrative non-fiction, as well as children’s books. We represent classic titles which have been in print for decades as well as a list featuring 40 to 50 new titles each year.
We specialize in writing for children: picture book author/illustrators with texts of less than 1000 words; high-concept/character-led chapter-book series; middle grade novels; young-adult novels. Very occasionally, a non-fiction proposal will be considered. Please note: We are NOT looking for – and will delete without response – picture book texts (i.e., by writers who aren’t also illustrators), short stories, educational or religious/inspirational work, poetry,
pre-school/novelty material, screenplays or writing aimed at adults.
Linda Joy Myers is the founder and president of the National Association for Memoir Writers. An accomplished author, she's also a dedicated writing coach. If you've lost the motivation to finish your manuscript, or are stuck mid-stream, she can help you explore the writing process and get back on track.
Learn more at http://namw.org/coaching.
Isn’t it time to expect more from an editing and critique service?
Don’t gamble with one editor, not knowing what you'll get, when you can take the Two Step Approach. Receive feedback from two editors, know what information is
guaranteed to be
covered, and what you’re paying (without having to ask).
Take the Two Step Approach and take control
of your manuscript.
NOTE FROM HOPE: These ladies have done developmental edits on all my novels.
Shaila Abdullah has designed websites, book designs, marketing materials, and email campaigns for over 60 authors, writers and speakers. Being an award-winning author herself, she understands the industry, and will provide you with designs that reflect your unique style, genre, and personality.
E-mail Shaila: info@myhouseofdesign.com
View portfolio: http://myhouseofdesign.com/author-portfolio/
Services for authors: http://myhouseofdesign.com/services-for-authors/
A few testimonials from happy clients:
"Superb work, excellent customer service. Just marvelous overall.” —C. Hope Clark, author, founder of FundsforWriters, http://www.fundsforwriters.com
"The site captures my spirit and passion, and it honors my dream since childhood." —Lyn Fairchild Hawks, author, http://lynhawks.com/
"Shaila is a terrific designer, highly professional and extremely creative and delivers amazing results. Her sense of humor and positive spirit has made the whole process of developing and launching my web site a pleasure. –James Hutchison, playwright, http://jameshutchison.ca/
"When I first saw Shaila’s work, I was struck by the fact that her designs are not only beautiful but also perfectly reflect the personality of the business it represents. Her suggestions, insight, and artistic talent made the final product much better than what I’d envisioned on my own.” —Jacqueline Adams, writer, http://jacqueline-adams.com/
Other websites:
Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact hope@fundsforwriters.com for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.
C. Hope Clark
E-mail: hope@fundsforwriters.com
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036
Copyright 2000-2018, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326
**Note that FundsforWriters.com places paid advertising in this newsletter, ALL ads being related to writers and the business of writing, screened by FundsforWriters to make sure the information is suitable for writers and their endeavors to improve their careers. But the mailing list is not sold to third parties. You will not receive this newsletter without your
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accolades to Hope Clark at hope@fundsforwriters.com. We are an anti-spam site.