FundsforWriters - April 11, 2014

Published: Fri, 04/11/14

FundsForWriters: Tips and Tools for serious writers to advance their careere!
Volume 14, Issue 15 | april 11, 2014

Message from the Editor

Wish I had more room to show you my daffodils. They've been blooming over a week now. And this is Winnie, barely still long enough for the camera, always with a floppy ear (or two). She's coming with us to Nebraska. That's a long trip to ride with a dog in your lap, but she says somebody's got to do it!

Hope Clark

Editor, FundsforWriters
Email Hope | Visit Website
Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
FFW has proudly been on the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers list every year since 2001

Our subscriber list is NOT made available to others. Use information listed at your own risk. FundsforWriters gives no warranty to completeness, accuracy, or fitness of the markets, contests and grants although research is done to the best of our ability.

Hope Winnie Daffodils
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Hope at the library!

Come see me on April 22, 2014.

410 Surfside Drive, Surfside Beach, SC 29579 Phone: (843) 238-0122, 3 PM


On May 1, 2014.

1040 Calabash Rd Nw, Calabash, NC 28467
Phone: (910) 575-0173, 3 PM




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We haven't talked about money for a while. You know, the free money, the kind you don't have to pay back. What used to be commonly known as THE GRANT. There are two main reasons for that, I believe.

First, self-publishing has become more affordable, with CreateSpace being free, and ebooks being so easy to publish for little to nothing if you know how to grab a cover and format a manuscript. Self-pubbing is now affordable. Heck, it's less bother to just publish and not fool with all the paperwork that involves a grant.

Second, crowdfunding gives writers a sense of empowerment. Through crowdfunding, you can orchestrate your own fundraiser without feeling at the mercy of an invisible panel of grant judges. You can ask for as much or as little as you wish, even raising the figure midstream. You get to flaunt yourself in the crowdfunding process, which often involves video, prizes and regular updates to your supporters.

Seems that we've found ways to control our own destinies. No longer are we powerless, waiting for months to see if our grant application passes muster and qualified for what is often a small amount of money. Never thought I'd see the day that a grant is a less desirable method for an artist to raise funds, but you know what? I'm glad about it.

Just like self-publishing has released us from the gatekeepers, crowdfunding has freed us from the bureaucracy of grants. While there are still grants out there, in the same time it takes to apply and wait for the decision, a writer can set up a crowdfunding campaign, see it through, and publish the book. Hmmm. Makes sense to me.





“What’s money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.”

—Bob Dylan



TOTAL is the paid subscription to FundsforWriters. 70+ grants, contests, markets, publishers and more for the serious writer. $15 annual subscription for 26 biweekly Friday issues to your email. - Or receive a free subscription with the full-price purchase of a Carolina Slade Mystery or The Shy Writer Reborn - ebook or print.


The Carolina Slade Mystery Series

Book Three is out!!!!!

Carolina Slade is the real deal – Southern charm, a steely determination, and a vulnerability she’ll never admit to. Slade is at her absolute best in C. Hope Clark’s Palmetto Poison so hold on for the ride! ~Lynn Chandler-Willis, best selling author and winner of the 2013 Minotaur Books/PWA Best First Private Eye Novel Competition

Clark’s intensely lush and conversational writing will keep you…turning the pages faster than you can read them. ~Dish Magazine

Comment on Dru's Musings after reading A Day in the Life of Carolina Slade celebrating the release of Palmetto Poison: This is the very best interview I’ve read on a blog. Ever! Can’t wait to head on over to Amazon and order up the book. Nice to meet you Ms Slade! Now to check out this dude in the cowboy boots and a five o’clock shadow.

Autographed copies available: see
Learn more and order



Success Story


Hope -

I had to do some digging to find our old email exchange on this subject and am shocked that it was almost 4 years ago! If you recall, at the time I was struggling between my online writing persona vs. my professional “day job” position and career search. The outpouring of support from you and your readers (as a result of your editorial about my dilemma) was truly amazing and heartwarming. That being said, I wanted to update you on my progress – both as a writer, and in my profession.

On the employment side of things, I was lucky enough to land a paralegal job working remotely for a wonderful global software company a little over two years ago. While the lack of a commute is a definite plus, the true bonus is they are very supportive of my writing – and even champion it. After many years of fits and starts, I finally released my first novel INDIGO just a month ago. Upon hearing of it during a recent business trip, my bosses were the first to jump online and purchase it. I never would have thought back in 2010 when I initially wrote to you in despair that I would find such a happy place to land, let alone finish a novel.

I know that I am truly blessed to have found such an employer, and am grateful every day to have found them. Please don’t think I’m writing to plug my book – because I’m not. I merely wanted to let you know personally that a professional balance has been found, and can be found by others - if they’re patient enough, look hard enough, and are willing to put themselves out there.

I also wanted to thank you again for your words of encouragement all those years ago. I was truly at a crossroads with my writing; and your responses, and those of your readers really made a difference in my life.

Kind regards, Amy L. Boukair Author of the romantic suspense novel, Indigo


featured article

Digital Book Formatting Step-By-Step

By Jenna Harte

Formatting can be one of the most challenging and tedious parts of self-publishing. It can go very wrong, very easily, and result in bad reviews. It becomes trickier when you realize there is no standard. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing wants it one way while NOOK Press wants it another. Even so, there are some aspects of formatting you can do across all platforms.

E-readers come in all sizes from smart phones to tablets to computers. Readers can adjust the size of the font. These variances result in some formatting options not publishing well, so you shouldn’t use them. These options include:

1) The bullets or numbered list feature of your word processing program. Instead, type the number or bullet (i.e. -) and write your text.

2) Columns or tables. If you need a column or table, use a screen capture program like Jing to create a graphic and use that instead.

3) Tab key. Set your paragraph intent tab using the margin ruler or in the page layout of your word processing program. Don’t touch the tab key for any reason.

Once your manuscript is complete, you’ll want to remove the background code that can mess up the formatting on an e-reader. Your manuscript may appear perfect on the screen, but when it’s uploaded, you’ll find extra indents, additional lines and wonky formatting. Here are the steps I take to prepare my manuscript for digital publishing.

1.Highlight the manuscript (make sure it’s saved) and copy all of it.

2. Open Notepad or another text editor and paste the manuscript in it. All formatting, bold, indents, italics, etc. will be gone, but so will be any wonky code.

3. Create a new blank document in your word processing program. Turn off any auto correct and auto format features, usually found under “Tools” or “Options”.

4. Set your style and margins. In Word, the style feature sets font, spacing and size.

5. Copy the manuscript from Notepad or your text editor, and paste into the new blank document.

6. Reformat the document with the little extras:

- Insert photos or graphics you had in your original manuscript;

- Change chapter titles to a header (for table of contents generation);

- Add chapter breaks per the publishing platform's instructions. Kindle asks for “Page Break”, but NOOK Press asks for “Section Break” in manuscripts saved as a .doc.

- Add bold or italics. Avoid changing font type or size though (except when turning chapter titles into headers).

- If you justify the first line of the chapters left and/or use a drop cap, you can add that, as well.

7. In MS Word, go to the paragraph icon in the paragraph group in the top menu. Turn on “Show/Hide” and check the codes in the manuscript. Acceptable codes you may keep are for paragraph (paragraph symbol), space (dot) and page (narrow dotted line) or section break (double dotted line). You shouldn’t have the codes for hard return (left turning arrow), tab (arrow) or column break (big dotted line). To get rid of an unwanted code, put your cursor behind it and hit delete. The text will shift (i.e. deleting hard return code will move the text to the line before it) and then add the correct command (i.e. hit return should show the paragraph code). Open Office's word processing has the paragraph icon as well. In Pages (Mac) it's "View" -> "Show Invisibles"

8. Save your new manuscript.

9. Make the final platform-oriented changes and save in the publishing platform's recommended format. Kindle asks for the document to be saved as “Web Page Filtered” (.htm). Smashwords accepts .epub and .doc (but not .docx). NOOK accepts .doc, .docx, .txt, .rtf, .htm, .html, or .epub, but .doc manuscripts need to use “Section Breaks” for chapter breaks.

10. Upload your book, preview it on your e-reader to make sure the formatting is right, and then start selling!

Bio: Jenna Harte is a die-hard romantic. She is the author of the Valentine Mysteries. "Deadly Valentine," reached the quarter-finals in Amazon's Breakthrough Novel Award in 2013. She works by day as a freelance writer, author and blogger under her "real" name. She lives in central Virginia with her husband, two teenage children and two cats.

Website: Twitter: Facebook: Pinterest: Goodreads:




POETIC REPUBLIC SHORT STORY PRIZE 2014 --- ENTRY FEE £12. Deadline April 15, 2014. First Prize £2,000. Best Commentator prizes 2x £250. Anonymous peer review online short story competition judged by the entrants themselves. The event culminates with a collaborative eBook publication featuring the best short stories as chosen by the participants. For Short Stories from 500 to 3,000 words.


NOWHERE TRAVEL STORIES --- $15 ENTRY FEE. Award-winning literary travel magazine, Nowhere, is teaming up with Outside Magazine Executive Editor Sam Moulton for the first Nowhere Spring Travel Writing Contest. We are looking for young, old, novice and veteran voices with a powerful sense of place in their writing. Stories can be fiction or nonfiction, but please indicate which at the top of each manuscript. Entries should be be between 800-5,000 words and must not have been previously chosen as a winner in another contest. Previously published work is accepted. Deadline June 15, 2014. The winner will be awarded $1,000 and published in an upcoming issue of Nowhere. The top 10 stories will be announced on the website and published on


NANO FICTION PRIZE --- $15 ENTRY FEE. The sixth-annual NANO Prize, awarding publication and $500 to a previously unpublished work of fiction 300 words or fewer, is now open! All entrants will receive a one year subscription to NANO Fiction and winners will be announced in September. Deadline September 1, 2014.


BELLEVUE LITERARY REVIEW PRIZE --- $20 ENTRY FEE. Recognizes exceptional writing about health, healing, illness, the mind, and the body. First prize is $1,000 and publication in the Spring 2015 issue of the Bellevue Literary Review in each category of fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Deadline: July 1, 2014. Prose should be limited to 5,000 words. Poetry submissions should have no more than three poems (max five pages). Work previously published (including on the internet) cannot be considered.


THE 2014 BLUR LYNX PRIZE FOR POETRY --- $28 ENTRY FEE. Deadline: May 15, 2014. $2,000 plus publication is awarded for an unpublished, full-length volume of poems by a U.S. resident or citizen. Send manuscript of at least 48 pages.




LEEWAY TRANSFORMATION FUND --- $15,000 unrestricted award for women and trans artists living in the Delaware Valley who create art and social change and have done so for the past five years or more. Open to artists working in any art form who respectfully engage communities and audiences in creating a vision of a more just world, raising consciousness, and challenging oppression and mainstream culture. Applicants must have lived for the past two or more years in Bucks, Camden, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, or Philadelphia Counties, with the intention of remaining in the Delaware Valley throughout the award year (ending December 31, 2015); applicants must demonstrate financial need and a commitment to making art for social change. Receipt Deadline: May 15, 2014.


SITKA CENTER ARTIST AND ECOLOGIST RESIDENCY --- Location Otis, OR. Residencies of up to 3½ months for visual artists, writers, naturalists, ecologists, environmental scientists, and musicians. Residency periods are either October-January or January-May. Residency provides living and studio space. Artist responsible for travel, food and materials. Application fee $15. Deadline: April 18, 2014.


ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION BELLAGIO CENTER RESIDENCIES --- Location Bellagio, Italy. Four-week residencies between March 10 and July 31, 2015. Open to composers, novelists, playwrights, poets, video/filmmakers and visual artists from around the globe, with the goal of bringing together people of diverse expertise and cultures in a thought-provoking creative environment. Spouses/life partners may accompany the resident, or may apply for a concurrent residency. The Center also offers collaborative residencies for two to four persons working on the same project. Must demonstrate a history of significant achievement in their discipline. Individuals from developing countries and young artists with significant accomplishments — exhibitions, publications, performances — are particularly encouraged to apply. Residency provides housing and studio/work space. Residents are responsible for travel, food, and materials. Application must be completed online in English. Applicants from developing countries who have trouble accessing online forms may contact the office by phone or e-mail to discuss alternative ways to submit application. Deadline: May 1, 2014.


ANTARCTIC ARTISTS AND WRITERS PROGRAM --- The Antarctic Artists and Writers Program furnishes U.S. Antarctic Program operational support, and round-trip economy air tickets between the United States and the Southern Hemisphere, to artists and writers whose work requires them to be in the Antarctic to complete their proposed project. The Program does not provide any funding to participants, including for such items as salaries, materials, completion of the envisioned works, or any other purpose. Deadline May 1, 2014.


FLORIDA INDIVIDUAL ARTIST FELLOWSHIP --- The Individual Artist Fellowship Program recognizes the creation of new artworks by individuals of exceptional talent and demonstrated ability. Fellowship awards support the general artistic and career advancement of the individual artist. Deadline June 2, 2014.



HYPHEN MAGAZINE --- Hyphen has limited resources, but we can pay for in-depth, feature stories. We're looking for writers who can depart from the predictable daily-news structure and tell a story well, with keen observations and strict accuracy. We welcome investigative reporting as well as literary journalism, thoughtful pieces as well as tongue-in-cheek ones. These can be investigative pieces, or cultural explorations on Asian American issues, or issues that may not be specific to Asian Americans, but affect Asian Americans significantly. Theme is HEALTH. "Health" can be interpreted however you like (physical, medical, spiritual, mental, emotional). While adhering to the theme is strongly preferred, it is not necessary. One-two poems (from the same writer) and one story will be selected for publication. The issue will be published in December. Deadline May 15, 2014.

CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL: ANGELS IN OUR MIDST 101 Miraculous Stories of Faith, Divine Intervention, and Answered Prayers PLEASE NOTE TITLE CHANGE from My Guardian Angel --- We are looking for stories of true wonder and awe from people who have directly encountered or received help from angels. The deadline for story and poem submissions was extended and is now May 15, 2014. The book will be published in October 2014. If your story is chosen you will receive a check for $200 and 10 free copies of your book.


PUDDLER MAGAZINE --- Puddler Magazine is a children's magazine with a critical mission-to educate our youth about the importance of wetlands and the many species of wildlife that depend upon these natural habitats for their survival. Published quarterly for children under the age of 12 (both in print & online formats), Puddler offers a great way for kids to learn about wildlife, general ecology, ecosystems and animal behavior. It includes illustrated stories and wildlife adventures, animal folklore and tales, quizzes, puzzles, and other interactive features designed to entertain, stimulate curiosity, and reinforce learning.


FLOWER --- Originally filled with floral, garden, and event design, the niche publication has gradually broadened to include content that trumpets a floral lifestyle—interiors, art, travel, fashion, jewelry, and entertaining. It has something for everyone who likes flowers. Pays up to $400 for features up to 1,200 words. Columns pay up to $300 for up to 900 words.


CLARKESWORLD --- Clarkesworld Magazine is a Hugo Award-winning science fiction and fantasy magazine that publishes short stories, interviews, articles and audio fiction. Considers 1,000-8,000 words (preferred length is 4,000). Pay Rate: 10¢ per word for the first 4,000 words, 6¢ for each word over 4,000 Genres: Science fiction and fantasy. English only. We claim first world electronic rights (text and audio), first print rights (author must be willing to sign 100+ chapbooks), and non-exclusive anthology rights for our annual Clarkesworld anthology.





Location Centennial, CO
Marzano Research Laboratory (MRL), an educational research, professional development, and publishing company in Centennial, CO, seeks a full-time Editorial Assistant/Staff Writer. This position is responsible for a wide range of administrative duties and editorial support.




HARBOURLIGHT BOOKS --- All stories must be Christian fiction between 25,000 and 80,000 words. Action-adventure, Mystery, (cozy or other), Suspense/crime drama/police procedural, Family saga, Westerns, Women's Fiction. Harbourlight books should convey life as it is lived, or can be lived, by people of faith. Because life can be humorous, mysterious, hazardous, and even a bit otherworldly, with angels popping in at times, Harbourlight books can encompass a variety of elements. The setting for Harbourlight books can be contemporary, historical or futuristic. They may even feature supernatural elements.


WHITE ROSE PUBLISHING --- White Rose is strictly ROMANCE. Although we take all romance sub-genre, every story must have romance as a strong element and in ALL lengths. As in every romance, the focus of a White Rose story should be the conflict between the main characters. These stories encompass protagonists who may, or may not, be spiritual at the onset, but come to realize that faith is a cornerstone of love. Protagonists should possess layered, three-dimensional, personalities. They should be people who struggle with decisions on a regular basis, using their existent or burgeoning faith to augment their growth both, together, and as Christians.


PURE AMORE PUBLISHING --- Pelican Pure Amore romances are sweet in tone and in conflict. These stories are the emotionally-driven tales of youthful Christians who are striving to live their faith in a world where Christ-centered choices may not fully be understood. Plots should not contain overly hard-hitting or controversial subjects but should be hope-filled, enjoyable reads that don’t come with a lot of excess baggage. Stories should be written in an active, engaging style that leaves the reader satisfied and smiling. Plots should focus on the love between a man and a woman who both hold God at the center of their lives and who have never been married. The hero and heroine will exhibit traditional Christian values but also should be three-dimensional and therefore exhibit flaws as well as virtues.


BOOKS & SUCH LITERARY AGENCY --- We are opening a new nonfiction division in order to represent a broader range of authors and appeal to a wider segment of publishers. We value openness and tolerance and this new division – General Spirituality – will address that. We are looking for books that fall into several of the so-called New Age categories. We’re open to books that may use objects such as crystals or stones as a way to center on spirituality. While we want to avoid labels, we are willing to explore ancient practices outside of traditional Christianity. The sky’s the limit here, so give us a try.


BLUE RIDGE LITERARY AGENCY --- Wish List: Romance Novellas and Romance Serials, Amish Romances, Book-length Romances, esp. historical, contemporary and romantic suspense, Cozy Mysteries (one point of view with an amateur sleuth and strong series hook), YA Suspense/Thriller, YA Contemporary. Will also consider the following genres of fiction: inspirational romance and edge of your seat thrillers. If your fiction genre is not listed, please e-mail to see whether we are interested before querying. No horror, literary fiction, historicals (other than historical romance or mysteries), poetry, middle grade readers, scripts, short stories, children's picture books, children's young readers, memoirs, nonfiction, vampire novels, or screenplays at this time. No Scifi or Fantasy. Only genre fiction novels and romance novellas. NOT accepting ANY story with a vampire.




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"Tim Grahl is fast becoming a legend, almost single-handedly changing the way authors around the world spread ideas and connect with readers. If you've got a book to promote, stop what you're doing right now and start reading YOUR FIRST 1000 COPIES." - Daniel H. Pink, #1 New York Times bestselling author of TO SELL IS HUMAN

Click here to learn more.



Winning Writers

Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest - Final Month!

22nd year. $3,000 in cash prizes, including $1,000 for the best story and $1,000 for the best essay. Send prose submissions up to 6,000 words each. All entries that win cash prizes will be published on and announced in the Winning Writers Newsletter, with over 50,000 subscribers. Both published and unpublished work accepted. Fee per entry is $16. Deadline: April 30. Judge: Arthur Powers. Winning Writers is one of the "101 Best Websites for Writers" (Writer's Digest, 2005-2013). See guidelines, past winners, and enter at




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Enroll FREE in a 14-part 'mini course' in short story writing success. This highly acclaimed Writers' Village 'Master Class' shows you how to get published - profitably - plus win cash prizes in fiction awards.

Discover how to open a chapter with 'wow' impact, add new energy to a scene, build a character in moments, sustain page-turning suspense even through long passages of exposition... plus 97 further powerful ideas you can use at once.

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Shaila Abdullah has over a decade of experience designing websites for authors. Being an award-winning author herself, she understands the industry, and will provide you with a content management website that reflects your unique style, genre, and personality. Other design services such as book covers & interiors, marketing materials, and email campaigns (newsletters, announcements, etc.) also available.



E-mail Shaila: View portfolio: Services for authors:

A few testimonials from happy clients:

"Superb work, excellent customer service. Just marvelous overall.” —C. Hope Clark, author, founder of FundsforWriters, |

"Since working with Shaila I now have a beautiful book that hit #1 one on Amazon, a monthly newsletter that captures the attention of my valued readers, and a beautiful website that has generated a tremendous amount of interest in my subject matter with over 245,000 hits." —Carolyn Brent, author of Why Wait?

"When I first saw Shaila’s work, I was struck by the fact that each site she designs is not only beautiful but also perfectly reflects the personality of the business it represents. Her suggestions, insight, and artistic talent made the final product much better than what I’d envisioned on my own.” —Jacqueline Adams, writer,




The Henderson Writers’ Group Presents 2014 Las Vegas Writers Conference April 24-26, 2014


Join writing professionals, agents, publishers and marketing experts for a weekend of workshops and enlightening discussions about the publishing industry. Limited to 150 attendees, the Las Vegas Writer’s Conference provides a unique and intimate setting for each participant to meet and mingle with publishers and agents, as well as participate in free pitch sessions. Take the next step to selling your manuscript. The conference offers:

  • Formal pitch sessions with agents and publishers
  • Workshops, seminars and expert panels
  • Q&A panels
  • Meet & Greet Cocktail party with faculty and fellow writers
  • Opportunities to mingle and network with publishing industry professionals
  • "First Read" panels

Visit our website at to see who is on this year’s faculty. Join us and your fellow writers for the best conference yet. And register before January 15 to take advantage of our discounted pricing.


Fine print

Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2014, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

**Note that places paid advertising in this newsletter, ALL ads being related to writers and the business of writing, screened by FundsforWriters to make sure the information is suitable for writers and their endeavors to improve their careers. But the mailing list is not sold to third parties. You will not receive this newsletter without your permission. It's physically impossible since recipients must opt-in, giving us permission to send the newsletter. If at any time you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, click the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of each newsletter. We want you to enjoy this newsletter at your pleasure, not be forced to read anything you do not wish to receive. The website is not advertised using unsolicited messages by Aweber, affiliates or other third parties. Direct any complaints, suggestions, and accolades to Hope Clark at We are an anti-spam site.

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