FundsforWriters - March 10, 2023 - Ageism

Published: Fri, 03/10/23


VOLUME 23, ISSUE 10 | MARCH 10, 2023


Message from Hope

I enjoy visiting libraries. They have purpose, and they can give your book a lift in the community they are responsible for tending, literally. They definitely fill a need. 

When I appear at libraries, my preference is to make a presentation. I've visited libraries to teach how to write, how to publish, how to put a story together, and how I came to be a writer and continue to thrive as a writer, in hope that people learn from my experience. 

My preference is NOT to appear to sign books. Remember, people come to libraries to learn . . . and expect whatever they find at a library, whether listening to a presenter or checking out a book . . . to be free. Therefore, libraries are not the place to sell books. 

Yes, you want your books on the library shelves. 
Yes, you want librarians to love you. 
Yes, you want to get the word out to book lovers in the community. 
Yes, you support literacy. 

But you sell more books at a place where people expect to pay for things. At a bookstore, a craft fair, a festival, a conference, a coffee shop, an organized group where you are keynote. 

We all love libraries. But next time you think you want to appear at one, make it an event. Nothing wrong with selling books afterwards, but instead, see if the library can compensate you for a presentation. 

Become a member of your state's humanities speaker roster so that your fee is paid for in order to appear. Ask that the Friends of the Library for that particular library pay your way. See if the library can apply for a grant with the state for a means to pay you to present a multi-day presentation. There are ways. 

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A reminder about where I'll be these next few weeks. I'd love to see you!

March 21, 2023 - Moveable Feast, Hot Fish Club, Murrells Inlet, SC - later also signing at My Sisters Books at 13057 Ocean Hwy, Pawleys Island, SC

April 20, 2023 - Edisto Library, 1589 SC-174, Edisto Island, SC - 4PM

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The writer's tool Grammarly has decided to incorporate AI into its programs, enticing writers, including students, to learn to use AI in their writing efforts. As a result, FundsforWriters no longer endorses Grammarly as an honorable tool.  ~C. Hope Clark

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
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Last week I posted a brief editorial about mature writers still being relevant. If you are breathing, you are still able to write. Amazingly, writers came out of the woodwork thanking me for addressing that fact and respecting the senior writer. 

Some of them were close to giving up. Some were still going strong and even helping others. Some were in the middle and my editorial was the shot in the arm they needed. 

"Thanks for your reference to us 'mature' writers. I'm 83 and finishing the edits on my fourth novel. The first three, a thriller and two suspense novels, and a collection of short stories have been traditionally published. Novel #5 is beginning to take shape. Cheers, James Osborne"

"Wow! I know you did not know that message was intended for me! I've always wanted to be a freelance writer. I was beginning to get discouraged because I don't understand the technology, or the social media ways people connect. I'm also bewildered about the best way to get published. I've done a lot of private writing (journaling, essays, notes), and I would really like to write for compensation. I'm 74 and I often have doubts about being an author. Thank you for your timely reminder that I'm not too late to the party. With deep gratitude, Jim Brown"

"I won't admit defeat, even with some health issues that keep trying to tell me "it's over." I think those obstacles are one reason I am so excited about my recent book." ~Carolyn Howard-Johnson,

"My mother wrote regularly, both as her town's newspaper correspondent and for her local writing group,​​​​​​​ until her last year of life, eight months after the world was put on hold with the pandemic when she died at 96. And my friend Abbetina, age 98, is at work on her second memoir, her first one about her Italian immigrant father being published when she was 89. So many seniors don't realize that the experience of their long lives crystalizes in written work, or perhaps more accurately, serves as a focusing lens on the moments of their lives. My friends here in a group called The Room to Write have had wonderful response from local seniors in writing workshops. Those who protest that they don't have anything to write about or that whatever they write will be 'wrong' are the ones who produce the most profound vignettes." ~Sally Chetwynd,

Sally's reference to mature writers being ripe for good stories is unequivocally, honestly stated. My advice to the older writer out there when pitching story, magazine feature, or manuscript is this:

1) Never mention your age. It only enables someone to judge.
2) Never date your publication experience. You published in a certain publication, period.
3) Never talk in terms that can enable someone to subtract back into your decade.
4) Simply present your best work, your best pitch, and a bio that holds pertinent experience with as little reference to dates as possible. Don't say you've been writing for a magazine since 1982. Say you've published X number of times with a particular publication. 

Some people, including editors, publishers, and agents, do not realize how ageist they are, and seeing dates instinctively makes them judge. Just do not give them the opportunity. Instead, give them the opportunity to see your wonderful writing voice first. 





Free Workshop - Write Your Pitch in 30 Minutes. 

Want to see your name in an impressive publication? You're just a pitch away. Find out what magazine, newspaper, and online publication editors are looking for, how to come up with sellable story ideas, and start a pitch during the class. Plus, guaranteed time to write and expert advice - all for free! Sign up now.



​​​​​​ - March 21, 2023 - Moveable Feast presenter - 11 AM - 2 PM - Lunch site Hot Fish Club, Murrells Inlet, SC - second signing afterwards at My Sister's Books

 - April 3, 2023 - Night Harbor Book Club, Night Harbor S/D Rec Center, Chapin, SC - 7-9 PM

 - April 29, 2023 - Edisto Library - 4 PM - 
1589 SC Highway 174, Trinity Episcopal Church, Edisto Island, SC - book club discussion with Hope

 - May 1, 2023 - Night Harbor Book Club, Night Harbor S/D Rec Center, Chapin, SC - 7-9 PM

 - June 3-10, 2023 - Writing Retreat on the Maine Coast - Special Guest - Sponsored by Joan Dempsey, author and teacher 

- July 10, 2023 - Night Harbor Book Club, Night Harbor S/D Rec Center, Chapin, SC - 7-9 PM

 - August 7, 2023 - Night Harbor Book Club, Night Harbor S/D Rec Center, Chapin, SC - 7-9 PM

 - September 4, 2023 - Night Harbor Book Club, Night Harbor S/D Rec Center, Chapin, SC - 7-9 PM

 - September, 2023 (date TBD) - Chapin Library, Chapin, SC - 4-5 PM and 6-7 PM - open to the public

Email: to schedule  events, online or otherwise. There's starting to be life out there!     



"There's a reason poets often say, 'Poetry saved my life,' for often the blank page is the only one listening to the soul's suffering, the only one registering the story completely, the only one receiving all softly and without condemnation." – Clarissa Pinkola Estes


SUccess Story

Hi, Hope!!

Thank you for your newsletter. I applied to the FSG Inaugural Writers Fellowship after seeing it on your newsletter. Well, I won, which has led to a publication at the Paris Review, which has now turned into the American Society of Magazine Editors Award for fiction. Thank you so much for what you do!! You are a writer and a friend of writers!!

Addie Citchens

= = = 

If you have a success story you believe was prompted by FundsforWriters, please share with us! Send to 


Featured article

Chicken Soup for the Soul Success

By Linda O'Connell

We were two grandmas, and two authors in a coffee shop discussing writing. One of us multi-published, self-confident, the other convinced her first publication in a Chicken Soup for the Soul book was a fluke.

"Why would anybody be interested in my ordinary life?” said the latter, “Nothing extraordinary has ever happened to me. I can't even think of an idea for the topics listed on the website's possible titles for future books."

My new friend's story had just been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul Miracles and the Unexplainable, detailing how she believed she received signs from her late father. Like when she pulled behind a car whose license plate seemed to bear a relevant "message" from him, and she believed it more than coincidence.

"How many people have considered a subtle sign a significant miracle?” I said in response. “Many who do not think of themselves as writers have had your exact experience, but you chose to write about yours."

Ordinary events and shared emotions connect us as humans. We all laugh, cry, yearn, and rejoice over similar events. Convinced she was a one-and-done Chicken Soup for the Soul author, my acquaintance was in awe that I had published in thirty-four Chicken Soup for the Soul books.

I submitted my first Chicken Soup for the Soul story in 1999 with no idea what I was doing. I'd read a newspaper article seeking stories for the upcoming anthology: Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul. The article stated they received thousands of submissions per call out.

I wasn't a gardener or a writer. Out-of-the-box-thinking led me to write about a flower that bloomed outdoors in the dead of winter, per a pact my late friend and I made when she was terminally ill. "If there is an afterlife, will you send me a flower outdoors in winter?" I asked her. She did. 

I adhere to advice from Amy Newmark, Chicken Soup's owner, Editor-in-Chief, and publisher. "Write in a conversational tone about a life experience where something happened that left an impression or had an outcome that improved yours or someone else's life. True inspirational or humorous stories and not just musings, touch readers. Submit a story with a beginning, middle, end, via the online submission manager."

The company likes discovering new writers. Name recognition does not matter; the story does. Stories must have wide appeal and need not be religious in nature. Rejection notices are not sent. Don't take rejection personally. They receive many of the same kinds of stories. Submit early to snare their attention.

True stories should be between 500 and 1,200 words. Get to the point sooner than later; detailed back story is unimportant. The title should be enticing.

My Chicken Soup for the Catholic Soul story was titled, “Saint Elmer.” I was prepared for rejection as am not Catholic. Elmer was a grasshopper character in childhood stories my dad told. My true story about a moment in my adulthood, highlighted how a grasshopper who refused to budge from my back doorknob brought a "message" and timely job offer from a parochial school.

My story in Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Resolution, detailed how replacing the word "but" with "and" made a difference in my students' lives.

Chicken Soup books about cats and dogs are best sellers. “Taming Mighty Mouth” about a noisy, stray cat left the reader deciding if Mighty Mouth was my husband or the cat. (Chicken Soup for the Soul: Life Lessons from the Cat.)

I presumed most writers would write about romantic love for the book Chicken Soup for the Soul Food and Love. I wrote about the love of friendship and included the recipe for the apple nut cakes my best friend and I baked.

A dash of humor helped in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Discovering My Faith. I completely misconstrued the Trinity. "Father" conjured images of my dad drinking coffee. "Son" was my little brother. And "ghosts,” holy or not, were the topic of Dad's spellbinding nighttime storytelling.

The pay rate has increased to $250 per accepted story, and authors receive ten free books. Multiple story submissions per book topic are allowed. Story ideas are listed at

Here's to your success!

BIO - Linda O'Connell is a successful freelance writer whose inspirational and humorous articles and essays have been published in regional, national, and international publications, specifically in 34 Chicken Soup for the Soul LLC books, with more forthcoming. Linda blogs at



Do you write with purpose? With love? With fervor? If so, then you're my kind of author. Like any editor, I have my favorite genres and story types. Adventure stories with dragons will always have a special place in my heart. But after editing everything from fiction to educational material, I've found that a manuscript's place in the author's heart is much more important. So if you've got a story that you absolutely have to tell or knowledge that must be shared, I would be delighted to help you on that journey.

In thanks to the wonderful resources that Hope continues to provide for us week after week, I'm extending a special offer to each of her readers: 10% off any editing project. Just let me know how you found me.

TK Editing - Editing with passion what has been written with passion.

= = = 

€6 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 31, 2023. Open to writers across the globe. Poems do not need to follow any particular theme or genre, but must be written in English. Poetry should not exceed 42 lines. First prize: €1000, plus a free creative writing course of the winner’s choice and publication on our site. 

$100 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 3, 2023. This is the only Writer’s Digest competition exclusively for self-published books. One Grand Prize winner will receive: $10,000, interview in Writer’s Digest (March/April 2024 issue) and on, a paid trip to the Writer’s Digest Annual Conference, including a special trophy presentation at the keynote, a coveted Pitch Slam slot at the Writer's Digest Conference where the winner will receive one on one attention from editors or agents, and publication of an excerpt from their winning book on One First Prize winner in each category will receive $1,000 and their name and the winning book's title published in Writer’s Digest (March/April 2024 issue) and on Eight categories. 

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 5, 2023. One Grand Prize winner will receive $5,000, interview in Writer’s Digest (Nov/Dec 2023 issue) and on, paid trip to the Writer’s Digest Annual Conference, including a special trophy presentation at the keynote, a coveted Pitch Slam slot at the Writer's Digest Conference where the winner will receive one on one attention from editors or agents, and publication of their winning piece on The First place winner in each category will receive $1,000 and publication of their winning piece on The Second place winner in each category will receive $500 cash. The Third place winner in each category will receive $250 in cash. The Fourth place winner in each category will receive $100 in cash. The Fifth place winner in each category will receive $50 in cash. The Sixth through Tenth place winners in each category will receive a $25 gift certificate for Nine categories to enter. 

$10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 1, 2023. First Prize: $500 + publication in Midway Journal. Second Prize:$250 + publication in Midway Journal. Third Prize: $50 + publication in Midway Journal. Poetry: up to two poems per entry, up to 50 words per poem. No more than one poem per page. Prose (Fiction and Nonfiction): 1 piece per entry, up to 1,000 words per piece. All submissions will be considered for publication.

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 16, 2023. Using these genre themes, we’re looking for stories that scare as much as they resonate, stories that help us discover the roots of desire and conflict, that shimmer on the page, that keep us reading and wondering long after the last period on the page. Transport us from the here and now to a new land of discovery, a fresh way of being entertained, a new way of embracing all of the ways we show our humanness. Entry fee allows up to two stories of 1,000 words or less per entry. First prize of $3,500 and publication. 

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline the first week of each month. The ultimate flash fiction challenge. On the first Friday of the month, they unveil a new story challenge. You have 55 hours and 500 words to tell a story and enter. Open worldwide. Prize if $500 AU. 

$33 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 15, 2023. A prize of $10,000 is given annually for a novel-in-progress by a U.S. writer who has not published a novel. First runner-up will receive $3,000, second runner-up will receive $2,000. May have published any other type of work including non-fiction articles and short stories. A two-page (maximum) outline or synopsis of the entire novel and the first 50 pages of the novel-in-progress are to be submitted.

$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 1, 2023. Stories must be original unpublished fiction, typed and double-spaced, and may not exceed 3,500 words in length. There are no theme or genre restrictions. The literary competition is open to all U.S. and international writers whose fiction has not appeared in a nationally distributed publication with a circulation of 5,000 or more. The first-place winner will receive $1,500 and publication of his or her winning story on our competition website. The second – and third-place winners will receive $500 each. 

$10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 15, 2023. First prize $1,000 for an original, unpublished poem not to exceed three pages. Honorable mentions paid $200. Open to poetry in all styles. 

NO ENTRY FEE NOTED. Deadline March 31, 2023. Divisions: adult division (age 19 and older) and pre-college division (age 18 and younger). Write one sijo in English on a topic of your choice. A title for the sijo is not required. Adult division: First ($1,000), Second ($750), Third ($500). Pre-college division: First ($500), Second ($400), Third ($300). Honorable mention (for both divisions listed above): Friends of Pacific Rim Awards ($50 each). (Thanks to




Deadline April 1, 2023. The Shoals AIR Program offers artists the opportunity to pursue their work immersed in Appledore's beautiful landscapes, free of everyday distractions. The 5-6 selected artists reside on the island, one at a time, for 2-3 concurrent weeks between May and August. Artists blend personal creative time with art programming designed for students enrolled in SML courses. Artist in Residence work with course faculty to develop the details of art programming before their arrival to the island, and during their visit, artists will interact with up to four courses per week. Location Portsmouth, NH. (Thanks to

Deadline March 17, 2023. The Individual Artist Career Opportunity Grant supports a milestone opportunity in an individual artist’s career that is likely to lead to substantial and significant career advancement with up to $2,000 in funds. Artists must reside in one of the nine states in South Arts’ region: AL, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, or TN.



We are seeking freelance writers with relevant experience covering the US real estate investment industry. The ideal candidate should have native fluency in written English and be capable of reporting on daily real estate investing news and analysis. We expect our writers to deliver stories within a matter of days. In addition, the candidate should be comfortable pitching two story angles per week. Priority will be given to candidates who can demonstrate a track record in real estate investing research and analysis. The compensation for this position is US$350 per 1,000-word story.

Voices of Disability Economic Justice, a project of the The Century Foundation’s Disability Economic Justice Team, is a commentary series that shines a light on the economic disparities that disabled people experience. Payment for published pieces is $500. We’re looking for op-ed style pieces and personal narratives of approximately 750 words in length written by people who identify as disabled. 

The purpose of this column is to show our readers how real people across the United States spend their money on food and drinks throughout the week. Every diary entry will highlight seven days of food — groceries, restaurants, drinks, and freebies — from someone who lives within a weekly food budget. Do you keep a strict weekly budget and want to show the world how you make it happen? Awesome — we want your (anonymous) voice on Kitchn. Send an email to with “Grocery Diaries Submission” in the subject line. In the email, tell us: Your location, Age, Number of people in your family or household, Occupation and salary, Weekly food budget, Ingredients to use this week, Grocery store(s) of choice. If we ask you to write a full diary, we’ll pay you $150.

So, How Did It Go? is a weekly series that will make you cringe with second-hand embarrassment or ooze with jealousy as people share their worst and best date stories. Pitch to Jess at Pays £100 for 800 words. (Thanks to

Vulture is organized in large part by subject, with editors in charge of each coverage area who handle freelance assigning for that beat. Further down on this web page you’ll find details on what each specific subject editor wants from pitches. Payment starts at $200. Vulture covers TV, movies, music, comedy, books, podcasts, and streaming.



Will be accepting submissions of both full length and chapbook-length manuscripts, to be printed in 2023-24, from February 10 – March 20. We are reading chapbooks of poetry between 15 and 40 pages. We are reading books of poetry (and hybrid poetical works) between 60 and 150 pages. 

We’re looking for book-length adult fiction and creative non-fiction submissions from both agented and unagented authors who identify as LGBTQI+. We’re open to any genre and style, as long as the work fits somewhere within the literary bracket and reflects some aspect of the queer and/or trans experience. We’d really like to open this submissions opportunity to as many people as possible and so we’re happy to read unfinished manuscripts, with the caveat you’ve written a substantial amount and have a clear view of the direction your book will take. 

Erro Press specialises in fiction (including short fiction and micro books), poetry and non-fiction essays. We currently run two submission windows a year, plus occasional themed submission periods. We currently choose to work with non-agented authors only. We accept novel and novella-length (25,000 - 50,000) submissions in the broad category of Literary fiction, though we are open to high-quality submissions that are genre-busting within that, including magical realism, romance, speculative and fantasy. Please send a synopsis, the first three chapters of your work (up to 10,000 words), and a cover letter to 

LSE Press publishes high-quality social science research, and produces innovative, digital-first books and journals aimed at academic, student and policymaker audiences. We are planning a major expansion of our publishing list over the next three years. In this call, we are inviting proposals across the social sciences, including economics, sociology, political science, public policy, anthropology and international relations, plus law, international history, economic history, social history and social and moral philosophy, reflecting LSE’s range of departments. 

We do not accept submissions for original fiction, music, or poetry. In the case of non-fiction book proposals, we prefer an outline, table of contents, and one sample chapter. 








Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2023, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

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 , 140A Amicks Ferry Road #4, Chapin, SC 29036, USA

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