FundsforWriters - April 21, 2023 - Retreat to Teach What You Love

Published: Fri, 04/21/23


VOLUME 23, ISSUE 16 | APRIL 21, 2023


Message from Hope

I had the most wonderful little jaunt to Edisto Island this week to talk with their book club about Edisto Tidings. Christmas in April! We had a lot of fun. 

The librarian was a sweetheart and so exciting. She keeps a pet beta fish atop a bookcase, plays music for him from her app on her phone. And she used to be a physical trainer, so we hit it off talking gym stuff, too. 

The quaint little library 
was the first branch library within the Charleston County Public Library system to open. Sponsored by the local school PTA and originally located in the school auditorium, the library opened June 18, 1931. The newer location is in the hall of the Trinity Church. You should've seen how beautiful the grounds were with those hundreds of years old live oak trees dripping with Spanish moss. 

We had a nice little crowd, some having slipped in who weren't members of the book club, and we talked all things Edisto. They even tried to ask me how many real Edistonians were characters in the books. (I'm not telling.)

But to have locals telling me how realistic the books were just did my heart so much good. That's solid validation. Of course we spoke of what development is trying to do to the area, but mostly we stayed positive and spoke of this lovely island we love to the moon and back. 

Such a lovely afternoon. 

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
Email Hope | Visit Website | Sign up for Newsletter
Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
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Calling all writers: Ploughshares Emerging Writer's Contest is NOW OPEN! Featuring judges Gish Jen for fiction, Sandra Cisneros for poetry, and Meghan O'Rourke for nonfiction.

Submit your fiction, nonfiction, or poetry for the chance to win $2,000, publication in Ploughshares, and a conversation with Aevitas Creative Management.

Subscribers can submit for free! Ploughshares is a quarterly literary journal that publishes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry by award-winning writers. Our issues have been guest edited by talents such as Tracy K. Smith, Celeste Ng, Tess Gallagher, and more.





I received an email from someone with CAPS and exclamation points about a FundsforWriters sponsor charging for her services. The promotion promised the customer would attend and walk away with a pitchable submission. The reader was upset the promoter neglected to say in that sentence you had to pay $20 per month for the experience. (For clarity, the promotion did state the monthly fee several sentences down.) Bottom line, she was against the fee. 

Few services and products are free. 
Few services and products should even be free. 
Most things are worth what you pay for them. 

So many writers want to learn from those who have gone before them, but are not too eager to pay for the services. If you don't want to work for free, why should anyone else?

"How do I find a quality editor that won't charge much?"

Do you really want an editor that doesn't charge much? A good editor earns a decent living because they are good and in demand. Wouldn't that be who you'd like to guide your work?

"How do I find free books on how to be a writer?"

Just take a moment and reread that line. Basically, they are saying, "How can I take advantage of a writer and get their hard-earned work for free, so I can learn how to publish my books and make money." One of the many pearls of wisdom in most how-to books is don't give away your books. Might be time to look up the word hypocritical.

"Contests that charge entry fees are scams."

These folks are asking how can they submit for free, in an attempt to get a cash prize. Who is coughing up the cash prize? How is the contest advertised so they see it in the first place to even know how to enter? A contest cannot exist without an infusion of money. Where do you think those funds come from?

Editors, writers, contests and so on are living off the same money you are. They are paying for a roof over their head just like you are. You not being able to pay for their work, does not behoove them to give it to you for free. 

Be willing to pay for a book, a class, a product, a contest entry fee, or a service. Writers have to earn a living, and they cannot do it with charity. You aren't learning this craft only to give it away, are you? Then don't expect other writers to do so either.








- May 1, 2023 - Night Harbor Book Club, Night Harbor S/D Rec Center, Chapin, SC - 7-9 PM

- June 3-10, 2023 - Writing Retreat on the Maine Coast - Special Guest - Sponsored by Joan Dempsey, author and teacher 

- July 10, 2023 - Night Harbor Book Club, Night Harbor S/D Rec Center, Chapin, SC - 7-9 PM

- August 7, 2023 - Night Harbor Book Club, Night Harbor S/D Rec Center, Chapin, SC - 7-9 PM

- September 4, 2023 - Night Harbor Book Club, Night Harbor S/D Rec Center, Chapin, SC - 7-9 PM

- September 14, 2023 - Chapin Library, 129 Columbia, Ave, Chapin, SC - 1-3 PM - open to the public

Email: to schedule  events, online or otherwise. There's starting to be life out there!     



"Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen." – Michael Jordan


SUccess Story


If you have a success story you believe was prompted by FundsforWriters, please share with us! Send to 


Featured article

Retreat to Teach What You Love & Draft a Book You Love

By Tania Pryputniewicz

When my youngest of three children started kindergarten, I returned to teaching English at the community college after a ten-year hiatus. I became so disillusioned with problems in the classroom (students texting under desktops and aggressively asking me to alter their grades), I decided instead to teach adults who were in love with writing.

I applied to teach at a writing retreat in the desert that I would end up returning to for three amazing retreats. (A Room of Her Own Foundation has since moved to online offerings.) Because I was still raising children, everything I pitched had to be joyful, stress-free, and cost my family minimal outlay. Though poetry remains my first love, by the third retreat, I landed on a "tangential love" for an opportunity that might provide an income stream on the side.

Back in college when my love-life imploded, I discovered the tarot, a tool for looking at aspects of our lives we don't understand. A tarot deck is like a deck of playing cards, only there are 78 cards comprised of 22 soul cards (The Fool or The Lovers), 16 people cards (Kings and Queens modern deck-makers give contemporary names), and 40 "daily life" cards (challenges and triumphs). As a writer, I fell in love with the vibrant imagery and arc of psychological stages depicted on the cards. I journaled to each card, examining my past and present. Over the ensuing twenty years, I stayed with my tarot writing practice and learned to read for others.

By the third AROHO retreat, I decided to bring that process forward for others and pitched one-on-one tarot consults designed to help writers explore the next step in their creative process. I helped fund my retreats with my earnings and met lifelong friends, one of whom became the publisher for my first poetry collection.

Between retreats, I created and taught tarot writing courses through an online school (Story Circle Network), using the tarot cards as a map for digging into situations and motivations, inviting students to point the arrow of inquiry to the most pressing part of their lives or writing project. Over the years, students have used their tarot journaling entries to seed writing across forms from playwriting to poetry to novel chapters. 

I revised my worksheets over the years and moved to teaching from my website. Uploading worksheets felt redundant so I considered using them to form a book. I went back to my poetry editor, and asked, "How about those poetry sales...?!" We laughed. She said, "How about you write a book about tarot?" 

I collected my teaching materials and reached out to my students for sample work including poems they'd written based on the tarot. Drafting the book gave me the confidence to apply to teach online through a university continuing education program. 

Tarot has marvelous applications for writers. You might enjoy Corinne Kenner's Tarot for Writers. Jessa Crispin, creator of The Creative Tarot, references artists, movies, music, literary figures and thinkers and more to bring tarot to life. Photo-journalist Bill Haigwood created his Journeying the Sixties: Counterculture Tarot and accompanying book for which he matched photos and tarot energies to the time period. We live in a tarot renaissance during which dozens of new decks flood the market every year. The possibilities for inspiration are endless.

 Your Turn:

•    Make a list of your "tangential loves" that give you great joy; journal about what you love about each one; brainstorm classes you could teach and craft sample writing prompts.

•    Research organizations and retreat centers for which you can teach over zoom and pitch a writing class about your favorite "tangential love." 

•    After testing out your material, teach from your own website.

•    Collect your worksheets, reach out to your students, and write a book based on your course.

•    Use your book to attract students and apply to teach in larger venues.

BIO: Tania Pryputniewicz is the author of the full-length poetry collection November Butterfly (Saddle Road Press, 2014), Heart's Compass Tarot: Discover Tarot Journaling and Create Your Own Cards (Two Fine Crows Books, 2021), and a memoir-in-poems, The Fool in the Corn (Saddle Road Press, 2022). A graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop, Tania lives in Coronado and teaches poetry and tarot-inspired writing classes for San Diego Writers, Ink and Antioch University's Continuing Education program. She lives in Coronado with her husband, three children, Siberian Husky and formerly feral feline named Luna.
IG: @heartscompasstarot




$24 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 28, 2023. Prize is $1,000 and 25 authors copies and publication. Finalist chapbooks also considered for publication. Seeks interesting, lovely unpublished work (unpublished as a whole; individual pieces may be published already of course), prose or poetry or some combination or something between genres, 18-44 manuscript pages (no more than one poem per page if you're sending poems unless they are very, very short).

$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 30, 2023. Stories may be previously published or unpublished, and simultaneous submissions are accepted. True stories are welcome as long as they’re written in a narrative style. Winner receives $1,000 and a bronze medallion. Finalists receive $100. Winner and finalists are published in The Lascaux Review.

$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline September 30, 2023. Creative nonfiction may include memoirs, chronicles, personal essays, humorous perspectives, literary journalism—anything the author has witnessed, experienced, learned, or discovered. Pieces may be previously published or unpublished, and simultaneous submissions are accepted. Winner receives $1,000 and a bronze medallion. Finalists receive $100. Winner and finalists are published in The Lascaux Review.

$25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 30, 2023. Trio House Press gives two awards annually: the Trio Award for First or Second Book for emerging poets, and the Louise Bogan Award for Artistic Merit and Excellence for a book of poems contributing in an innovative and distinct way to American poetry. Each award winner receives $1000 and twenty copies of their book. Poetry manuscripts must be between 48-70 pages of poetry, written in English. 

$27 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 30, 2023. Winner receives $1,000, publication, and 25 copies of the book. Submit 48-96 pages of poetry. 

$30 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 30, 2023. The Berkshire Prize for a First or Second Book of Poetry includes a cash award of $3,000 in addition to publication by Tupelo Press, 20 copies of the winning title, a book launch, and national distribution with energetic publicity and promotion. The Berkshire Prize is open to anyone writing in the English language, whether living in the United States or abroad. Suggests 48-88 pages. 

$25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 1, 2023. A prize of $2,000 and publication by Noemi Press is given annually for one book-length poetry collection. Poets at any stage in their career may submit a manuscript (no page limit). 

$22 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 1, 2023. This contest for a full-length poetry collection is open to any poet writing in English who has not yet published more than one full-length book in poetry (poets with multiple chapbooks ​are ​eligible), and offers a cash prize of $1,000 and publication, as well as ten copies of the published book. Manuscripts should consist of 48 – 75 pages of poetry (not including front and back matter). 

$30 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 1, 2023. This prize is offered annually to a poet who has not previously published a full-length collection of poems. The prize awards the winner with $2,500 and publication of their first full-length book of poetry by the Kent State University Press. The winner and the competition's judge will give a reading together on the Kent State campus. Submissions must consist of 50 to 70 pages of poetry, with no more than one poem included on a page. 

$10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 15, 2023. Awards $2500 and publication. Winner also receives 50 copies. Sponsored by MoonPath Press (an imprint of Concrete Wolf). Only poets residing in Alaska, Oregon, or Washington State are eligible. Submit a manuscript of 56 to 80 pages of poetry. 




Micro Grants provide financial support to assist artists and community organizations applying for a grant for the first time. Artists may submit up to one application per fiscal year (June 30 – July 1). Limit $500. The Letter of Interest (LOI) must be received no less than six weeks prior to the start of the project or purchase of equipment. If invited to apply, applications must be submitted no later than four weeks prior to the project start date or purchase of equipment.

This program provides grants to hire an artist to lead workshops at senior centers, assisted living facilities, libraries and nonprofit organizations serving older adults. Applicants select from a list of teaching artists trained in best practices of engaging older adults. During a residency, artists will share their expertise through sequential arts lessons, helping participants hone their skills in a variety of disciplines. Programs will also foster intentional social engagement among participants, culminating with a special event to showcase their work with peers and the community. Submit at least six weeks prior to the event date. 

Deadline May 15, 2023. The Guardian Foundation is this year offering six bursaries for aspiring journalists to study for an MA in journalism. The primary aim of these bursary awards is to assist students who face financial difficulty in attaining the qualifications needed to pursue a career in journalism, and who come from backgrounds that are underrepresented in the media. In particular those from a lower socio-economic background, black, Asian, minority ethnic, LGBTQ+ and those with a disability. As such we will only accept applications from candidates who meet one or more of these criteria. You are eligible to apply for a Scott Trust Bursary if you will be a graduate and have permanent right of residence in the United Kingdom, and you will be able to demonstrate that without financial support you would be unable to pursue a Master’s qualification.

Deadline June 8, 2023. Festivals & Projects provides one-year grants of $2,500 to support public activities incorporating the arts, humanities, or sciences, taking place between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

Deadline April 30, 2023. The Alaska Literary Awards recognize and support writers of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, playwriting, screenwriting, and mixed genres. Any Alaska writer over the age of 18 who is not a full-time student is eligible to apply. Quality of the work submitted is the primary consideration in determining who receives the awards. There are no restrictions on the writer’s use of the award and no formal report is required. A select number of $5,000 awards will be awarded annually.

We offer five-week or two-week sessions of our Interdisciplinary Residency. The two-week Interdisciplinary Residency program is designed for parents, caregivers, or others for whom a five-week Residency is not possible. We encourage those who are able to apply to the five-week Interdisciplinary Residency to do so. The goal of this program is to provide individuals with the time and space to pursue their own creative projects alongside other Residents who may be examining plants, landscapes, gardens, and the natural world from different perspectives. Artists, conservation practitioners, researchers, scholars, scientists, and/or writers are encouraged to apply to our Interdisciplinary Residency Program. Residents selected for a five-week session receive a $2,000 individual grant, and Residents selected for a two-week session receive an $800 individual grant. Location Upperville, VA. 

Deadline May 15, 2023. Fellows receive full funding for their residency, uninterrupted time, a live/work space, all meals, and the camaraderie of the other committed and passionate residents and fellows at Ragdale. Fellows are asked to help us reach out to the community by giving a public reading, lecture, open studio, or similar type of presentation. These events have been successful in sharing the Ragdale vision with students, educators, and the general public. Fellowships help pay for the cost of residency, public programs, travel, and materials. Location Lake Forest, IL. 

Deadline May 17, 2023. The Studios of Key West, the premiere arts organization at the Southernmost Point of the United States, offers a residency program for emerging and established artists and writers from around the world. We provide residencies to visual artists, writers, composers, musicians, media artists, performers, and interdisciplinary artists.

Arts New Orleans is looking for volunteers for its grants review panels for awards made possible with city and state funds. Our grant panels are comprised of community volunteers who are representative of the ethnic, demographic, and geographic diversity of the region. Panels also embody the artistic, community, and administrative expertise needed for application review. Meetings are usually held between May and August. Panelists who review grants made possible with city funds must reside in New Orleans. Panelists for grants made possible with state funds can reside in Orleans, Jefferson, and Plaquemines Parishes. Self-nominations are encouraged. Panelists will be compensated with a modest honorarium.  



Deadline May 15, 2023. We aim to lift up stories about organizers, cultural producers, activists, and other changemakers whose work is shifting harmful, dominant narratives in powerful, creative, and unexpected ways. Pays $1/word.

Deadline September 30, 2023. Studio welcomes article pitches from both emerging and established writers, academics, scholars, and journalists writing about contemporary Canadian craft and design and related stories. Please send pitches to Include in your pitch a brief bio and links to writing samples. Pays 20 cents/word or more.

Deadline April 25, 2023. Seeking pieces on family travel. Pays $250 per article. Pitch Amelia Edelman at

Looking for travel writers who know Puglia or Montana very well (live there or visit often). These articles are typically around 1100-1400 words and pay starts at $300.

The Rest of World Features section is our home for longform, narrative journalism about technology and its impact. We are looking for local stories with global implications, which focus on any country except the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Western Europe, and Australia. Our stories usually explore the human-level impact of tech internationally. We prioritize local voices (in terms of both writers and sources) and aim to connect the dots at a global scale. Features are generally 3,000 words+ in length, and are usually narrative in style. Payment varies depending on a story’s length, the amount of reporting required, and the format. Our rates start at $1/word. 




Do you write with purpose? With love? With fervor? If so, then you're my kind of author. Like any editor, I have my favorite genres and story types. Adventure stories with dragons will always have a special place in my heart. But after editing everything from fiction to educational material, I've found that a manuscript's place in the author's heart is much more important. So if you've got a story that you absolutely have to tell or knowledge that must be shared, I would be delighted to help you on that journey.

In thanks to the wonderful resources that Hope continues to provide for us week after week, I'm extending a special offer to each of her readers: 10% off any editing project. Just let me know how you found me.

TK Editing - Editing with passion what has been written with passion.

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Nymeria Publishing is an independent publisher of unique and creative YA Novels, Fantasy Novels, Children's Books, and Poetry Collections. While we will accept both fiction and nonfiction submissions, we specialize in fiction novels.

Veliz Books is an independent literary press dedicated to discovering, publishing, and promoting work from emerging and established authors. We seek quality and original literature written in English or Spanish. Veliz Books is also committed to publishing translations into English from Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, or Portuñol. Reading until May 5, 2023. Selected manuscripts receive a contract, $500, publication, and author copies. To do our small part in trying to address the publishing industry's historical underrepresentation of minoritized writers, Veliz Books is offering the option of free submission for authors who identify as such. Others pay $25. 





Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2023, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

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 , 140A Amicks Ferry Road #4, Chapin, SC 29036, USA

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