FundsforWriters - December 16, 2022 - Still Searching for an Agent?

Published: Fri, 12/16/22


VOLUME 22, ISSUE 50 | DECEMBER 16, 2022


Message from Hope

School Christmas plays, fudge making, gingerbread men decorating, present wrapping, the gym, Christmas card writing . . . the list goes on while I squeeze word count into the chaos. I have to admit, some days it's only 200-500 words, and I'm behind, but, hey, life happens. 

I'm always one to say we write at any age, even start writing at any age, but one has to ponder how many years we have left to write . . . right? Especially after my seven-year-old grandson takes an awkward photo of me with bad lighting, looks at it and says, "You look old, Grandma." 

Sure, there are moments I ask myself how many books are left in me, but that is a rather depressing thought. I have enough books in me for two to three authors if you want to look at an actuarial life insurance table, but in my mind, I'm living forever. 

I don't even want a Sue Grafton mentality, where she had 26 books in her, one per letter of the alphabet. I used to say I'd write Slade mysteries, putting one in each county of South Carolina. That's 46. I pretty much decided that too limiting as well. 

I just don't want a limit. I just want to write until I can't. That's a good enough goal for me.

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
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Our subscriber list is NOT made available to others. Use information listed at your own risk. FundsforWriters gives no warranty to completeness, accuracy, or fitness of the markets, contests, and grants although research is done to the best of our ability.






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My name is Micaila and I did a bit of research to figure out how authors like Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, Brandon Sanderson, & Sarah J. Mass are able to tell great stories and get published over and over again…

It always mystified me. 

But I dug up four common threads (“secrets”) between those authors. 

Stuff to help storylovers (like myself) who want to become storytellers

Here’s what I learned






A gentleman wrote to me asking if he could write a feature piece for FundsforWriters about a site that took his money and didn't follow through with the promised service. I try not to do that. I don't mind warning about the characteristics of such sites, but I back away from calling a business out as crooked. Frankly, I'd rather not be sued. 

However, curiosity got the better of me, and I visited the site he referenced. In seconds, red warning flags waved in my head. That's when I decided I might not be able to criticize a specific entity, but I can darn sure tell you about the red flags to watch for on any and all sites offering services for writers. 

Red flags frequently mean scam. Note these issues when wondering if a site offering writer/publishing services is legitimate. 

1) The About page is either missing or too generic. The copy speaks in theory. History of the company is missing. Headquarters locale is missing. In other words, nothing specific is mentioned ABOUT them. They don't want you to know who they are. You know, in case you want your money back.

2) No human beings. You have no idea who started the company, who runs the company, or who is the face of the company. The email contacts have words like or, or there's only a contact page with no email address at all. 

3) Names listed of their writers or testimonials consist of first name and only initials of the last name. Such comments cannot be trusted since these people likely don't exist.  

4) The images of people who give testimonials or work for the company are stock photo images. I learned pretty quickly in a reverse lookup that the photos used came from Shutterstock. The first one I searched for had been used on 115 different websites. (I used

5) Blog not up-to-date. A lot of these websites have blogs to prove they are experts and to gather interested parties for future sales. They should be posting a minimum of monthly, and of course, they should be posting consistently. The identity of the blog post writer should be clear, not some general piece ghostwritten by the company. 

Contests have additional red flags as do grant sites and freelance market providers, but the above guidelines apply to all sites. Truth is, if you aren't sure about a site, Google it. You'll soon learn whether they are reputable or scammy, and if you find nothing at all, still move on. There are too many legitimate opportunities out there for you to waste much time on the questionable ones. 







Want to set your writing goals for 2023 in stone? Join me, Kate Meadows, for a FREE webinar on Jan. 7, 2023 to get specific about the writing goals you have for the new year, and walk away with a personalized road map for your 2023 writing goals!

  • Name 2 or 3 writing goals you want to accomplish in 2023
  • Identify potential hurdles that stand between you and those goals
  • Brainstorm with Kate and other attendees ways to overcome those hurdles
  • Walk away with a step-by-step plan for how to accomplish your writing goals for 2023

Register at

Questions? Email



 - June 3-10, 2023 - Writing Retreat on the Maine Coast - Special Guest - Sponsored by Joan Dempsey, author and teacher 
Email: to schedule  events, online or otherwise. There's starting to be life out there!     



“People think my life has been tough, but I think has been a wonderful journey. The older you get, the more you realize it's not what happens, but how you deal with it.” – Tina Turner

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Featured article

Still Searching for an Agent? Here Are More Options

By Irene Zabytko
If you are a self-publishing author who is breaking even and beyond, and you enjoy marketing and selling your work directly to your readers, then a literary agent may not be the proper route for you.

But if you seek to publish your books via the traditional tract—meaning a publisher that will equip you with editors, public relations, book designers, marketing, distribution, and hopefully a generous advance against royalties, then most likely you will have to be represented by an agent to open that seemingly insurmountable gateway of a publishing house.

It's well known that most editors refuse to look at your queries or sample chapters without an agent soliciting on your behalf. I was very lucky—naively so—when my first novel passed through the slush pile without an agent and was picked up by one of the most prestigious publishers, but the odds were akin to winning the lottery.

Because of the success of my first novel, an agent solicited me for my second book. I was flattered and yes, again naïve, when I signed on to her agency. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a terrible mismatch. I fell into a legal wrangle that imprisoned my book with them as eternal overseers, hindered future book sales, and poisoned our agent-author relationship.

Afterwards, I tried self-publishing. Alas, that proved to be far more work beyond the writing since I had to do it all including soliciting reviews. It was a disappointing venture because I was publishing literary fiction—a genre not very viable or lucrative for most indie authors.

I gave that publishing angle up and decided to return to traditional publishing. But first I had to find a new agent.

My initial searches began with the annual bible, Writers Market, and the occasional listings in magazines like Poets and Writers and The Writer, and certainly online publications like FundsforWriters. I sent queries to many agents, and despite my publications, I was met with rejections or worse—silence.

Next, I decided to be more proactive and turned to paid listing services because they provided frequently updated information about agents, and I recommend them if you are willing to pay the fees.

Here are the ones I tried:

Literary Agent Alert sends you weekly email agent listings and at $10 per month is a good bargain for the information. They also spotlight agents, especially newer agents eager to build their client lists. 

Jericho Writers is more costly and based in the U.K. but has many additional services for writers beyond agent listings including workshops and editorial services. They also sponsor consultations with several live agents (both in the U.K. and the U.S.) who will directly discuss your book projects with you. The membership fees can be hefty, but it could be an opportunity to connect with an agent who may take on your book although there are no guarantees. 

My favorite agent listing is Querytracker. This service narrows down your searches via geographical locations and genres. There is a free version but I highly recommend the annual $25 subscription fee which unlocks other benefits such as the agents' response time, demographics on sales, and other information giving you far more data for targeting the best agents for your book. I also preferred their website spreadsheet format that easily allows you to track your queries and responses.

And I can happily report that Querytracker became where I found my wonderful new agent who signed me on and is currently submitting my books to publishers.

Finding a good, reliable agent like anything in publishing, takes persistence and patience. Keep searching and researching until you find the one who will honestly represent and champion your book, and most importantly, become your best ally. 

BIO:   Ukrainian-American writer, Irene Zabytko focuses on writing fiction based on Ukrainian themes. Her first novel, The Sky Unwashed, is about the Chornobyl nuclear accident. Other books include When Luba Leaves Home,Stories (based on her Chicago Ukrainian community), and The Days of Miracle and Wonder (post-Soviet stories). In 2016, she was awarded a Fulbright to Ukraine for researching her next book, a novel about the 19th century Ukrainian writer, Nikolai Gogol. She teaches online fiction and creative writing courses at Gotham Writers' Workshop. You can reach her at



€10-18 ENTRY FEE. Deadlines February 23, 2023, June 30, 2023, and October 31, 2023. Poetry Competition is open to original and previously unpublished poems in the English language. Entries are invited from poets of all nationalities, living anywhere in the world. There is no restriction on theme or style. Poems submitted should not exceed 40 lines. There is no limit to entries per person. The winner will receive a €1,000 cash prize and the chance to see their work published in a future issue of Anthology. The winner will also receive a one-year subscription subscription to Anthology. Second prize is €250. Third prize €150.

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline quarterly. Your story must OPEN with a 12-word sentence. Your story must be 500 words or fewer (hyphenated words and contractions each count as just one word) and the winning story will earn its talented author $500AU. Maximum 500 words – hyphenated compounds count as just one word. This contest is open to anyone in the world. But you must be 17 or older to enter and you can only enter ONCE per competition round. On each competition weekend, we’ll reveal a set of story prompts and you’ll have 55 hours to submit your best story of 500-words (or fewer).

£15 ENTRY FEE with deadline of January 15, 2023. £18 ENTRY FEE after. FInal deadline March 31, 2023. Limit 5,000 words. The winning entry will be read by literary agent Joanna Swainson of the Hardman & Swainson Agency. Joanna is looking for originality and distinctive voices. First Prize: £500 and an appraisal. All short-listed entrants will receive a free appraisal. Appraisals – for an extra fee, we will write a comprehensive appraisal of your chapter. Winning entries will be published on our website, subject to the author’s permission.

£3.50 ENTRY FEE. Deadline December 23, 2023. Submit a flash fiction piece of between 100 and 300 words, on any theme. One Winner receives £150 and will have their story published on the FFF web site. Two Highly Commended stories authors will receive a copy of 'The Clothes Make the Man by Finnian Burnett. 

Deadline January 2, 2023. Let the season of love inspire you and delight your readers with a holiday romance to remember. First Place $200 and a social media spotlight across all of the Inkitt platforms. Second Place $100 and a social media spotlight across all of the Inkitt platforms. Third Place $50 and a social media spotlight across all of the Inkitt platforms. Entering the contest is free; all that is required is to upload your book onto Inkitt and submit it on the contest page. Stories must be written within the Romance genre. The minimum word count per submission is 10,000 words. There is no maximum word limit.

$9.50 ENTRY FEE. Deadline December 19, 2022. The Goldilocks Zone appears wherever conditions make a planet habitable. Sunspot Lit is looking for the single short story, novel or novella excerpt, artwork, graphic novel, or poem that combines excellence in craft with reader or audience appeal, and thus falls into the Goldilocks Zone. Literary and genre works accepted. First prize is $200 plus publication. Runners-up and finalists are offered publication. No restrictions on theme or category. Maximum of 2,500 words for short stories or nonfiction, 24 lines for poetry, and eight pages for graphic novels. 




Deadline January 10, 2023. In March 2023, the nonprofit Pat Conroy Literary Center will offer our sixth Conroy Center Writer's Residency, available to writers of all genres. Located on a salt marsh, the residency at MarshSong Cottage provides an inspirational, creative space in the heart of Pat Conroy’s beloved Lowcountry. The residency location is a guest cottage on St. Helena Island, South Carolina, approximately 15 minutes from downtown Beaufort and 15 minutes from the beach at Hunting Island State Park. The residency dates will be February 28 to March 7, overlapping with the Conroy Center's annual March Forth program at historic Penn Center, which the selected writer will have opportunity to attend. The residency is open to both published and unpublished writers.

Deadlines January 1, 2023, April 1, 2023, July 1, 2023, October 1, 2023. The U.S. Writers Aid Initiative is intended to assist fiction and nonfiction authors, poets, playwrights, screenwriters, translators, and journalists in addressing short-term financial emergencies. To be eligible, applicants must be professional writers based in the United States, and be able to demonstrate that this one-time grant will be meaningful in helping address a short-term emergency situation.

Deadline January 6, 2023. Summer 2023 Artist-in-Residence Program is offered to parents and educators who otherwise would not have the opportunity to participate in McColl Center residency because of their responsibilities during school/university periods. This residency will support their practices, give you the chance to bring your family with you, use the facilities, and equipment offered by the Center on our Labs. Artists-in-Residence receive private housing adjacent to McColl Center, a large-scale private studio in our historic building in Uptown Charlotte, curatorial guidance, marketing and PR support, and a generous stipend. 

Deadline January 6, 2023. The “Miss Sarah” Fellowship for Black Women Writers aims to provide Black women writers a restful environment conducive to reflection and writing. It also offers uninterrupted time to plant the seed of an idea for a new writing project or to develop or complete a project underway. For 2023 the Fellowship will focus on the genres of non-fiction, biographies and memoirs. The “Miss Sarah” Fellowship for Black Women Writers aims to provide Black women writers a restful environment conducive to reflection and writing. It also offers uninterrupted time to plant the seed of an idea for a new writing project or to develop or complete a project underway. For 2023 the Fellowship will focus on the genres of non-fiction, biographies and memoirs.

Artist Opportunity Grants are awarded on a competitive basis to support unique professional and artistic development and presentation opportunities for artists. Examples include: materials to complete work for a specific show or program; the cost to rent a facility for a performance; study with a master for a specified period of time. Evaluation criteria include: anticipated impact on the artist’s work or career; financial feasibility and need; marketing plans; and uniqueness of the opportunity. Applicants can request up to 80 percent of the opportunity cost not to exceed $1,000. Quarterly deadlines: January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1. 

Our Reimagine Residencies programme will run from Autumn 2022 – Winter 2023, and we’re on the lookout for emerging artists and creatives in all sorts of disciplines to take part – from art, design and drama to food, film and photography! We have six residencies available, to take place in 2023. Dates, times and projects are all flexible. We are open to in-person residencies here in Chawton, or virtual residencies that you complete from home, or a mixture of the two! Location Jane Austin House at Chawton Hampshire, UK.



We're looking for a few professional article, infographic, and blog writers for various projects. Need someone with an expressive writing tone, professional demeanor, sound research capability, and the ability to communicate clearly. Someone who can inject humor in their writing is a definite plus. You will be provided with topics, direction, samples, and scope. This is a freelance, remote position that pays 12 cents/word (length between 700 and 1,400 words). To apply please send a resume and two of your best business writing samples to Please note that your application will not be considered without the requested samples. 
The American Bee Journal, the oldest English language beekeeping publication in the world, is a magazine for professional, sideline and hobbyist beekeepers, as well as those with interest in bee-related subjects. The ABJ is not a peer-reviewed science journal. Its general interest articles do, however, cover results of relevant scientific studies, along with a broad range of topics concerning bees and beekeeping. Pitch editor, Eugene Makovec, at: Feature articles typically begin at $150 for up to 1500 words (about two magazine pages more or less, depending on photos/illustrations). Larger articles generally pay about $100/page, though rarely over $500. 

Healing Lifestyles & Spas’ content focuses on infusing integrative spa modalities and destination spa experiences ~ healing remedies ~ integrative medicine ~ wellness and sustainable practices into our daily lives; providing tools and inspiration to live a more healthy and healing spa lifestyle. We believe that spa living is a day-to-day experience. Pays up to $500 for up to 2,000 words. (Thanks on this one)

Khabar is one of the largest publications in the U.S. to serve Indian-Americans. We are based in metro-Atlanta, which serves as a nucleus for Indians living in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and South Carolina. The magazine caters to a wide spectrum of the community: blue collar workers, students, businessmen, professionals, academicians, and others. And from new immigrants and transient NRIs who may be currently living here, to second and third generation Indian-Americans. Our content relates to three broad categories: the Indian-American community of metro-Atlanta, the national Indian-American diaspora, and broad themes from India as well as Indian culture and society. Pitch editor Parthiv Parekh at Pays $75-$500/article, depending on length, quality, experience and level of match to current needs. Articles range 700-2400 words, and 3000-3500 words for cover stories. (Thanks on this one.)

Email pitches to Jerry Lannelli, Editor at We produce fact-based reporting and analysis that center the voices of the people affected most by our country’s over-reliance on policing, jails, and prisons. We have a special focus on communities and policy debates often ignored by traditional national media, or lost in the consolidation and closure of local news outlets. Pays $1 per word for reported and first-person pieces.

Especially seeks stories in its Culture section. For those stories pitch Sarah Buder, Culture Editor at This section explores the intersection of architecture and design as they relate to culture at large, through stories about art, books, movies, music, television, travel, tech, work life, identity, and more. We’re looking for voice-y reported stories, personal essays, reactive analyses, historical deep-dives, and in-depth explainers that plug into what’s happening, what people are talking about, or what they should be talking about. We’re interested in investigative features that take us inside places we’ve never been with fascinating characters and scenes, as well as zeitgeist pieces that unpack cultural trends related to our homes and how we live. Estimated pay is up to $1 per word.

Cosmic Horror Monthly is a horror and weird fiction magazine. Submission periods are twice yearly from January 1st – January 7th and July 1st – July 7th. Cosmic Horror Monthly is seeking Cosmic Horror, Lovecraftian, Weird stories, original only. We are now accepting Nonfiction submissions as well as Fiction. At this time, we are strongly favoring stories with a contemporary narrative style. We are open to stories of 1,000-6,000 words. Stories in the range of 3,000-5,000 words are preferred. Pays six cents per word for original fiction.

Deadline January 9, 2023. We’re seeking London-based writers, poets, artists, arts and community organisations to apply to be part of the 2023 Deptford Literature Festival programme. We have 5x open commissions of £600 available to writers, poets, artists, and arts/community organisations based in London; with a preference for artists and organisations based in Deptford or Lewisham or with clear connections to the area. Commissions could include: writing workshops, readings, performances, talks, walks, participatory sessions, cross-arts activity, local heritage activity or whatever literature activity you think will connect with our audiences.

Location Washington DC. Pays $75K-$116K per year. The incumbent performs a variety of editing, writing, correspondence processing, and research assignments to support the Executive Assistant Commissioner, AMO. The incumbent is comfortable working in a fast-paced environment, interacting with all levels of leadership, giving and receiving constructive criticism, and balancing many competing deadlines with process, protocol, and timetable requirements. The incumbent demonstrates diplomacy, attention to detail, strong analytical skills, robust adaptability, sound judgment, and discretion in the performance of duties. 



Interlude Press and Duet Books for YA are boutique publishers of award-winning LGBTQ+ fiction. We seek well-crafted original novels featuring diverse casts with lead characters from across the LGBTQ+ spectrum, and welcome and encourage manuscripts written by authors from all backgrounds. We embrace all genres, including but not limited to contemporary, historical, romantic comedy, literary, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, and suspense. Submissions may be written for either adult or young adult readers.

Plough Publishing House, founded in 1920, is an independent publisher of books on faith, society, and the spiritual life. We’re based in Walden, New York with branches in the United Kingdom and Australia. Topics include: Christian living, Social issues, Church history, Devotional anthologies, Spiritual classics, Parenting and education, Poetry and literary fiction, and Children’s books. 

Deadline December 23, 2023. In December, we accept submissions of poetry manuscripts by poets who have not previously published a full-length manuscript (prior chapbook publications are fine). Poetry manuscripts should be 48 to 125 pages. 

We are currently seeking: 
Science fiction: Prefer adventure/space opera and military genres. 
Fantasy - Paranormal: Prefer paranormal, open to others. 
Middle Grade: Most genres but must have a historical slant. No picture books - chapter books only.
Christian: Inspirational and contemporary fiction.

We DO NOT accept unsolicited full manuscripts, email attachments, or genres not listed above. We only publish the genres we can market effectively and do no accept/are currently closed to memoirs, YA/NA, westerns, lbgtq+, poetry, text books, business, spiritual outside of Christianity, adult romance, strong horror, nonfiction, etc. 








Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2022, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

**Note that places paid advertising in this newsletter, ALL ads being related to writers and the business of writing, screened by FundsforWriters to make sure the information is suitable for writers and their endeavors to improve their careers. But the mailing list is not sold to third parties. You will not receive this newsletter without your permission. It's physically impossible since recipients must opt-in, giving us permission to send the newsletter. If at any time you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, click the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of each newsletter. We want you to enjoy this newsletter at your pleasure, not be forced to read anything you do not wish to receive. The website is not advertised using unsolicited messages by Aweber, affiliates or other third parties. Direct any complaints, suggestions, and accolades to Hope Clark at We are an anti-spam site.





 , 140A Amicks Ferry Road #4, Chapin, SC 29036, USA

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