FundsforWriters - January 20, 2023 - Finding “That” Source

Published: Fri, 01/20/23


VOLUME 23, ISSUE 3 | JANUARY 20, 2023


Message from Hope

I get to this place in every book and get frustrated. The last 10,000 words bog me down. Or at least the beginning of the 10,000 words. When I see the last 3-4,000, I start running for the finish line because I know how this book is going to end. 

Yep, I am as pantser of a pantser as one can get. 

A lot of early writers write like pantsers, mainly because they aren't sure how to do this writing skill successfully, so they piddle with it until something feels right. 

I, however, hate to know how a book will end when I start it. To know the whole story from beginning to end (i.e., outline), ruins the fun of the storytelling. To be in the eyes and mind of the protagonist, I have to enjoy the mystery-solving along with her. 

Does this mean I occasionally paint myself into a corner? Yep. It certainly does. Do I get frustrated? Absolutely. Do I edit a lot? I sure do. The frustrating part about the last 10,000 words is the growing fear that I've sent the character on a goose chase and there is no real ending....and I have to go back five to ten chapters and undo it all. 

But you know what? That rarely happens. I mean, rarely. Because I make myself sit down and strategize a way out of the mess, just like a sleuth would do in real life. 

Coincidentally, I am teaching a one-hour Writer's University online class about Pantser vs. Outliner next Saturday, January 28, 2023, at 1 PM Eastern. If this pantser vs. plotter is a conundrum for you, consider coming by. 

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
Email Hope | Visit Website | Sign up for Newsletter
Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
FFW has proudly been on the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers list every year since 2000

Our subscriber list is NOT made available to others. Use information listed at your own risk. FundsforWriters gives no warranty to completeness, accuracy, or fitness of the markets, contests, and grants although research is done to the best of our ability.






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My name is Micaila. 

Quick question for you. 

What makes writers like Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, Brandon Sanderson, & Sarah J. Mass so successful? 

Not just once… but over and over again? 

How do they keep telling great stories and getting published every single year

That’s what I wanted to know. 

And I discovered four things — secrets that will help readers become writers

Here’s what I learned





Last week, we posted this market: ENTREPRENEUR LEADERSHIP NETWORK

For years they've been a pretty decent market for freelance writers. However, a reader emailed me about how they've changed their requirements. To write for, you must become a member of their Entrepreneur Leadership Network . . . a paying member. In other words, you have to pay to play. 

Between nonpaying markets, pay to play markets, and AI apps, writers are taking a beating these days! So I delved into what is required to write for this market, and it boils down to this:

How It Works

1 - Complete Application Form
Complete our online application here. A member of our selection committee will evaluate your submission. You may be asked to schedule a short 1:1 interview to find out more about your background and goals for joining the program.

2 - Submit Payment
If you are approved to join the Entrepreneur Leadership Network, you will be asked to finalize your annual payment. (NOTE: The annual fee is $3,000 with no partial payments or payment schedule available.)

Exclusive Benefits
As a member of our network, you receive exclusive benefits, including a dedicated author page, writing published on, stories promoted via social media and newsletters to our 14 million followers, the opportunity to participate in webinars, a dedicated one-on-one editor and more.

They are building a stable of writers employed by corporations. I can see that becoming a bit incestuous over time, but if that's their method of creating material, so be it. 

This week we've seen a couple markets shift to nonpayment, learned makes you pay THEM to have the privilege to write for their publications, and that ChatGPT, an AI tool, is tempting freelancers, students, high school teachers and upper education academia to not think for themselves. 

Just keep in mind that each one of these situations has the potential to damage the quality of the writing involved.

Stick to your guns, people. Be too creative for your work to be misinterpreted as AI written, write remarkable material, and stick to markets that pay for good writing.

There are gobs of markets out there. Walk away from the ones that don't treat you properly. Focus on those that do. Be unique, be consistent, be the type of writer that entities love to hire, and you'll be just fine.




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Writer's Digest University is pleased to present an exclusive virtual conference for novel writers!

On January 28-29, our Novel Writing Virtual Conference will provide expert insights from SEVEN award-winning and best-selling authors on the finer points of how to write a novel. Spend the weekend learning techniques for honing your craft skills, refining your characters, exploring the future of publishing, and getting the tools you need to advance your career as a writer from seven different published authors*, then (if you choose) pitch your novel via query letter to a literary agent. The agent will provide you with a personalized critique of your query – and maybe ask to see more.

Experience the education, camaraderie, and opportunities provided by a live writing conference without ever having to leave your home!

All participants will benefit from:

  • SEVEN all-new, one-hour webinar presentations provided by award-winning and bestselling authors*, all examining different aspects of writing novels. Each session will include an opportunity for live Q&A with the authors!
  • A critique (with written feedback) of your query letter from an agent with experience.
  • A bonus 90-minute On Demand webinar covering how to write a query letter so you’re prepared when pitching your novel to agents. (A $79.99 value!)
  • The ability to network with fellow writers via discussion boards that will be open throughout the weekend. Share ideas, and even your work if you choose.
  • Unlimited OnDemand viewing! All conference sessions will be made available for download in the week following the live presentations. Even if you can’t attend every session live, you will be able to view each lecture on your own whenever you choose.
  • Learn valuable techniques to hone your craft!
Listen to the advice from these SEVEN successful authors:
  • The Pros and Cons of Writing as a Pantser vs Outliner and How to Best Use Each by C. Hope Clark
    In this session, C. Hope Clark speaks on the differences between being a Pantser and an Outliner in designing a book, explaining the pros and cons of each, so that you can tell whether your writing personality fits one or the other.
  • Keeping the Promise: 10 Unwritten Promises Readers Expect You to Keep by Michael La Ronn
    This session will help you understand the unwritten promises that readers expect so that you can satisfy them, sell more books, and get to the next level of your author career.
  • How and Why to Incorporate Food in Fiction by Mia P. Manansala
    Join culinary cozy mystery author Mia P. Manansala as she goes over the hows and whys to incorporate food in your fiction.
  • How and Why to Add Romance to Any Story You Tell by Denise Williams
    From mystery to adventure to romance, join us to discuss how to work a romance arc or meaningful romantic scenes into your writing to further engage readers.
  • Weaving a Character Web: Building in Conflict by Hallie Ephron
    This workshop looks at creating characters with conflicting goals, creating the tension that is essential to any compelling story. We'll analyze the web of characters in examples, then examine the participants' works in progress through the lens of the character web.
  • Emotion vs Feeling in Fiction by David Corbett
    In this session, award-winning author and teacher David Corbett will guide participants on how to distinguish emotion from feeling, how to root each in character, how to reveal each on the page, and how to deepen the reader’s experience accordingly.
  • Novel Pacing: The Importance of Length, Depth, and Style by Richard Thomas
    In this session, we’ll talk about the differences between short stories and novels, when it comes to pacing, and what that might look like. We’ll discuss how to make your novel sing by telling when you need to, but more importantly, unpacking and expanding in so many places (and different ways) to create an epic, entertaining, and original novel.



 - January 28, 2023 - Online presentation - Writer's Digest University Novel Writing Virtual Conference - TOPIC: Pantser or Outliner: The Pros and Cons - 1 PM Eastern

 - February 6, 2023 - Night Harbor Book Club, Night Harbor S/D Rec Center, Chapin, SC - 7-9 PM

 - March 6, 2023 - Night Harbor Book Club, Night Harbor S/D Rec Center, Chapin, SC - 7-9 PM 
 - March 21, 2023 - Moveable Feast presenter - 11 AM - 2 PM - Lunch site Hot Fish Club, Murrells Inlet, SC - second signing afterwards at My Sister's Books

 - April 3, 2023 - Night Harbor Book Club, Night Harbor S/D Rec Center, Chapin, SC - 7-9 PM

 - April 29, 2023 - Edisto Library - 4 PM - 
1589 SC Highway 174, Trinity Episcopal Church, Edisto Island, SC - book club discussion with Hope

 - May 1, 2023 - Night Harbor Book Club, Night Harbor S/D Rec Center, Chapin, SC - 7-9 PM

 - June 3-10, 2023 - Writing Retreat on the Maine Coast - Special Guest - Sponsored by Joan Dempsey, author and teacher 

- July 10, 2023 - Night Harbor Book Club, Night Harbor S/D Rec Center, Chapin, SC - 7-9 PM

 - August 7, 2023 - Night Harbor Book Club, Night Harbor S/D Rec Center, Chapin, SC - 7-9 PM

 - September 4, 2023 - Night Harbor Book Club, Night Harbor S/D Rec Center, Chapin, SC - 7-9 PM

Email: to schedule  events, online or otherwise. There's starting to be life out there!     



“Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself.” – Charlie Chaplin


SUccess Story

I've been following Hope Clark for awhile. Thanks to her FundsforWriters page, I applied for a grant that​​​​​​​ was new to me. I was the grant recipient, and I used the funds to take two writing workshops which I successfully completed. I am now regularly meeting with a writing group born from one of the workshops. I would not have these positive writing experiences if it weren't for Hope's comprehensive list that benefits writers.

Thank you!
Amanda Leigh Gagnon
Recipient of the 2022 Arizona Commission on the Arts, Artist Opportunity Grant

 - - - 
If you have a success story you believe was prompted by FundsforWriters, please share with us! Send to 


Featured article

Finding “That” Source

By Alex J. Coyne

Being a writer isn't easy. One of the most common challenges is “that” elusive source or interview: the one that you (or an editor) relies on to make a piece solid. It's usually the most difficult one to find.

“That” source can be famous or high-level, though can also be someone with outdated contact information. Sometimes, a source has faded into the background – or deliberately obscured their contact info.

How do you get in touch with sources who can't (or won't) be found?

Here's what you do.

Sometimes, You Just Ask

Celebrities and public figures aren't always completely hidden. The first places to visit are personal websites (and their Contact page). There's no guaranteed response, but it should be your first avenue.

When I interviewed Hollywood character actor Jim Hoffmaster, it took the search to his official social media page. Apartheid struggle stalwart and first South African state capture witness Vytjie Mentor was nice enough to allow an interview when I asked.

If this doesn't work, time for a different approach.

Agents, Companies & Foundations

Public figures (like politicians, celebrities, and investors) can have a barrier between them and incoming messages. You may need to send a request to the agent, company, or registered foundation.

I had to go through the FW de Klerk Foundation for commentary about him and the card-playing of his youth. 

Investor John Nicolakakis from Roman's Pizza answered via his company's correspondent so we could set up an interview about investors.

Advanced Search Engines

Search engines are great at digging. They're the fastest librarian you could meet. 

Include names or addresses in quotation marks for an exact search, going deeper than general results. Settings can refine it more, such as by timeframe. Use the prefix “site:URL” with your tags to search specific forums or websites for results deeper into the same domain only, like “ journalism.”

If you can't find an email address, use [at] as replacement for the @ symbol in searches, where this tag is used as spam protection for search bots.

Niche engines like Pipl, Instant Checkmate, and Spokeo are made for people-specific searches.


Contact information can hide in someone's history, somewhere they have posted before. Forums are popular, and aren't mainstream social media. Sources who aren't very active on social networks, might have an active presence somewhere else.

If a forum appears where they have made recent posts, contact them there and save yourself some time. Sometimes, you'll have to create an account to use the message feature.

Since the game of bridge is a niche of mine, I keep accounts on sites like BridgeWinners and IntoBridge where I can reach bridge players away from traditional social media. I’ve accomplished many interviews on Great Bridge Links like this!

LLCs, Trusts, or Companies

A Limited Liabiliy Corporation (LLC), a trust, and most other companies have to be registered and have to submit an address for correspondence. Registration data for an LLC is public, and can be looked up by country.

Databases like the US Department of Business Services, CIPRO (ZAR) and (UK) allow company lookups.

These resources give you information that isn't always on company sites. If the address only goes to a webmaster, search the company, and see what else is there.

Site Digging

If someone has posted information and then removed it (usually from a website), the original is still absorbed in the internet. The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine takes regular screenshots of the internet via a network of bots. These screenshots are available for millions of pages.

Search blogs and sites this way, especially when you think that something has been obscured or altered.

Sometimes website domains can be searched through a traditional WHOIS domain lookup.

Impossible? No Way

There is nobody out there “impossible” to speak to. We all communicate, though some circles are smaller, difficult to reach, or just naturally private. Always ask yourself if you've really checked everywhere. A little research can lead you to anyone. 

BIO: Alex J. Coyne is a journalist, author, and proofreader. His features have been published in a wide array of international publications: Caribbean Compass, Bridge Canada, People Magazine, Writers


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$25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 31, 2023. Manuscripts must be at least 48 typed pages; we prefer a length of 60-100 pages. All entries receive a free one-year subscription (two issues, or one double-issue) to Tampa Review. First prize $2,000. 

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 31, 2023. A writing contest in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Submit up to 25 pages of prose (double-spaced) or 10 pages of poetry (one poem or several, but no more than one poem per page). Winners receive $1,500; first runners-up receive $750. Winners and runners-up are published in each December issue.

Deadline January 31, 2023. ScreenCraft's Short Screenplay Competition is one of Hollywood's top contests celebrating short-form screenwriting. With the rise in demand for high-quality short content across new platforms and devices, and the increased industry importance placed on short filmmaking worldwide, we’re honoring the craft of short-form narrative screenwriting with this competition, which features a prestigious jury of industry-leading professionals. The overall grand prize winner will be welcomed to the ScreenCraft Writer Development Program and receive individualized consulting regarding your portfolio and career goals, develop a personalized plan of action for your writing career, receive introductions with one or more top Hollywood literary managers, execs, or producers who are looking for talented emerging Film & TV screenwriters, and receive $1,000. First runner up receives $500 and acceptance into the program. 

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline February 28, 2023. A competition for short stories between 1000 and 3000 words. No genre or theme restrictions: all stories welcome. Open to writers who live anywhere in the world. First Place receives $600 USD and publication, Second Place receives $250 USD and publication, and Third Place receives $150 USD and publication. Twenty writers will be longlisted. All entries are considered for publication, submission to the Pushcart Prize, and for further anthologies.

$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline February 28, 2023. A competition for poems of not more than 70 lines. No subject or style restrictions: all poems welcome. Open to writers who live anywhere in the world. First Prize is $400 USD, Second Prize is $250 USD, and Third Prize is $150 USD. All winning entries are published at Letter Review. Twenty poets will be Longlisted. All entries are considered for publication, submission to the Pushcart Prize, and for further anthologies. 

$10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline February 28, 2023. A competition for short stories up to 1000 words in length. No genre or theme restrictions: all stories welcome. The Prize is open to writers who live anywhere in the world. First Prize is $300 USD and publication, Second Prize is $200 USD and publication, and Third Prize is $100 USD and publication. Twenty writers will be Longlisted. All entries are considered for publication, submission to the Pushcart Prize, and for further anthologies. 

NO ENTRY FEE NOTED. Deadline March 1, 2023. Awarded for the best piece of writing on the theme of the Alpine Fellowship 2023 - Flourishing. The winner of the Writing Prize will receive a cash prize, and the runners up will receive travel expense support that must be used to attend our 2023 symposium which will be held from 10th-13th August 2023 in Fjällnäs, Sweden. First place: £3,000 cash grant. Second place: £1,000 travel expense. Third place: £1,000 travel expense. Open internationally. A maximum of 2,500 words per entry. 

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline February 20, 2023. Offers a yearly prize of $1000 and publication in Hidden River Press, an imprint of Hidden River Publishing, for an unpublished booklength collection of poetry of 75 to 100 pages. The award is open to all poets writing in English around the world. Manuscripts should include an artist’s statement that discusses the ways in which the poetry collection works as a whole – its themes, motifs, explorations. It should also include a title page, table of contents, and when appropriate, an acknowledgments page. 

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 15, 2023. The Eludia Award is offered annually for a first book-length unpublished novel or collection of stories. The prize is open to women writers age 40 and older, who do not yet have a book-length publication of fiction. (Book length publications in other genres are fine. Self-publishing IS publishing, and will disqualify the fiction manuscript.) The winning manuscript will be published on our imprint, Sowilo Press, and will receive a $1000 award, plus a standard publication contract with Hidden River Publishing.

$12 ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 31, 2023. Seeking creative nonfiction essays on any topic (200 - 1000 words) and in any style, from personal essay and memoir to lyric essay and hybrid, and more! The mission of this contest is to reward bravery in real-life storytelling and create an understanding of our world through thoughtful, engaging narratives. Open internationally. Limit 300 entries. First Place: $500, publication, interview, and gift code good for one item from CreateWriteNow's Store. Second Place: $300, publication, interview, and gift code good for one item from CreateWriteNow's Store. Third Place: $200, publication, interview, and gift code good for one item from CreateWriteNow's Store. Seven Runners Up receive $25 Amazon Gift Cards, publication, interview, and gift code good for one item from CreateWriteNow's Store. Ten Honorable mentions receive a gift code good for one item from CreateWriteNow's Store. 




Deadline February 16, 2023. Through generous support from the National Endowment for the Arts, M-AAA supports individual artists and arts-based nonprofit 501c3 organizations in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas for projects. Grants go up to $15,000. A great Artistic Innovations project is one that has in-person experiences of art, art making, or artists at the heart of the initiative and introduces a new or original idea or product to the applicant’s audience. Engagement through feature presentation and outreach includes but is not limited to performance, publication, lecture/demonstration, exhibition, master class and/or workshop. ALSO: Are you an artist or arts administrator? M-AAA is seeking panelists to help with the selection process for Artistic Innovations grants.

$50 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 2, 2023 (early bird). The Academy Nicholl screenwriting competition awards up to five $35,000 fellowships to amateur screenwriters. The fellowship is open for screenwriters who have not earned more than $25,000 writing fictional work for film or television. Entry scripts must be the original work of one writer, or of two writers who collaborated equally, and must be written originally in English. You will submit an application that includes an original feature film screenplay (no shorter than 70 pages and no longer than 160 pages) in PDF format only.  The online application typically becomes available in late January. The application period
for the 2022 competition will close May 2. 

NO DEADLINE. The Accelerate Fellowship is a year-long program that gives mid-level disabled screenwriters $40,000 in funding, bespoke mentorship, industry connections and community they need to become industry-leading creators. The money is unrestricted— Fellows can use it to cover living expenses and other project-related fees—which is intended to give them the time and space to further develop their projects. The Fellowship is for individuals that self-identify as disabled. This includes physical, intellectual, developmental, psychiatric, visible, or invisible disabilities.

Opens April 1 and closes May 1, 2023. The focus of this eight month program is on opening doors: providing opportunities to build relationships with network and studio executives and show runners; to support new and emerging writers in their efforts to improve their craft; and to develop the interpersonal skills necessary to break in and succeed. The Writers Mentoring Program is not employment and there is no monetary compensation. It is, instead, a structured program of career development, support, and personal access to executives and the decision-making processes, with the goal of preparing aspiring writers for later employment opportunities in television. Each participant will be teamed with an executive mentor. 

Deadline January 31, 2023. Seven days of intensive professional meetings. Three months of career consultation. A once in a lifetime opportunity. With the support of ScreenCraft, former fellows have been hired to write film and television for Netflix, Apple TV+, ABC, The CW, Amazon, FX, NBC, Hulu, and more. The ScreenCraft Fellowship is a program designed to provide career guidance with personalized plans of action and thoughtfully curated industry meetings. Past fellows have met with companies like Warner Bros., Blumhouse, Bad Robot, and have landed representation with Good Fear, Gersh, Brillstein, CAA, 3 Arts, UTA, and others.

The Writers Lab US was co-founded in 2015 by Elizabeth Kaiden, Nitza Wilon, and Kyle Ann Stokes, with New York Women in Film & Television. The Lab intensive is a four-day writers workshop that gives women and nonbinary screenwriters over the age of 40 the opportunity to work uninterrupted on their features and pilots with the support of established film professionals. Mentors and Writers engage in a rigorous process of immersive script development through one-on-one meetings, panel discussions, peer workshops, and mock writers rooms. The United States Lab is usually open for submissions in November, the UK Lab September to February, and the Europe Lab April through September. 

Artist Support Grants is a program funded by the N.C. Arts Council to provide the opportunity for regional consortia of local arts councils to award project grants to artists in their regions. These grants support professional artists in any discipline and at any stage in their careers to pursue projects that further their artistic and professional development. Contact the granting local arts council for details. To apply, reach out to the designated local arts council and contact person supporting your region (see list on website). Grants range from $500 to $2,000. 

cARTwheels, an Arts in Education Grant Program, is recruiting new teaching artists to develop programmatic content that will directly respond to timely and important issues being faced by students and educators in communities across the state. 

Deadline February 6, 2023. The Emerging Creators Fellowship provides resources to emerging Mecklenburg County artists to make their creative practice a sustainable vocation. The fellowship funds can be used for research, workspace/studio rental, conferences, apprenticeships, travel, creation of new work, materials or other experiences that help the recipients develop their creative capacity. In addition to the grant, the fellowship recipients are encouraged to participate in professional development and growth opportunities through ASC. The fellowship is an investment in Mecklenburg County's emerging creatives with 2-10 years' experience pursuing their creative practice as their primary occupation outside of a degree-seeking program. In 2023, ASC will award up to ten $10,000 Emerging Creators Fellowships. Fellowship activities must occur between April 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024, as determined by the applicant. 



SLEEP FOUNDATION welcomes all proposals for stories related to sleep, as well as writers and experts who are interested in appearing on the site. This is a US audience so only accepts English. Limit 1,000 words. Estimated pay at a dollar per word. 

At Monarch, we’re committed to creating and publishing mental health articles that are clear, honest, and actionable. The typical length of articles we publish is 1,000-3,500 words, depending on the topic. Estimated pay $500 and up flat fee. 

Balls & Strikes covers courts, the judges who preside over them, and the legal system they uphold. Specifically, we are looking for critical perspectives on these extremely powerful institutions, and for writers who do not think an outcome is necessarily good just because it is the product of an archaic process run by argumentative people with six figures’ worth of law school debt. Our coverage focuses on the real-world consequences of what judges do, and not on parsing the precise jurisprudential philosophy they did or did not apply in order to arrive at a given result. Typically, these essays run between 800 and 1,200 words. Typically, we pay $500 for essays of about 1000 words, and adjust both figures up or down based on a project’s scope, the depth of necessary research, your availability, and the like. 

Deadline February 28, 2023. Please share your unbelievable and amazing stories about the unexplainable events that have occurred to you. Share the awe, the faith, and the wonder with our readers. Writers of all religions or no religion are welcome. Pays $250 and ten copies. 
Deadline January 31, 2023. Tell us your own stories about stepping outside your comfort zone and how that changed your life. Pays $250 and ten copies. 

Mother Jones is a nonprofit investigative news organization that delivers bold and original multiplatform reporting on the urgent issues of our time, from democracy protection and climate change to extremism and beyond. Mother Jones is commissioning online features and magazine stories: culture essays, back-of-the-book columns, front-of-the-book dispatches, and features/profiles. For print, rates start at $1.75 per word. For online, rates start at $0.75 a word. We pay 1/3 of the fee upon submission of a first draft, and the rest as soon as possible after publication.

Deadline March 31, 2023. Looking for people to write about the best sex they’ve ever experienced. For example, maybe it's the first time they used a sex toy in the bedroom with a partner, maybe it was a ONS in a NYC hotel, maybe it was hooking up with a BFF's sibling, maybe it was masturbating, etc. Compensation is $200 and word count is flexible, but maybe around 500 words give or take. This is an ongoing franchise, so I’ll be accepting pitches for the next two to three months. Email Taylor Andrews, Wellness Editor, at with the subject “Good Sex Pitch”. Stories will be anonymous.

Deadline January 22, 2023. We welcome all forms of non-fiction: personal essay, memoir, reportage, travel writing, auto-fiction, and the writing that falls in between. Our guideline word count for work is 2,000–4,000 words. We offer contributors a flat fee of ‎‎€500, which we pay prior to publication; contributors also receive a copy of the issue in which their work is featured. We publish work by Irish and international writers.



Oxford University Press (OUP) welcomes proposals from all authors: researchers and professionals at any stage in their career (including first-time authors), regardless of gender identity, geographical location, culture, background, sexual orientation, religion, or any other unique characteristic. If you have a book proposal or an idea you would like to discuss, the first step is to contact the editor responsible for your subject area (see the list of OUP’s academic, professional, or reference publishing editors) by emailing them directly, or through our website. To avoid confusion, please send your query to one editor only. 

We focus on nonfiction books in three genres: pop culture, sports, and true crime. Please familiarize yourself with our catalogue before submitting your proposal.








Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2023, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

**Note that places paid advertising in this newsletter, ALL ads being related to writers and the business of writing, screened by FundsforWriters to make sure the information is suitable for writers and their endeavors to improve their careers. But the mailing list is not sold to third parties. You will not receive this newsletter without your permission. It's physically impossible since recipients must opt-in, giving us permission to send the newsletter. If at any time you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, click the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of each newsletter. We want you to enjoy this newsletter at your pleasure, not be forced to read anything you do not wish to receive. The website is not advertised using unsolicited messages by Aweber, affiliates or other third parties. Direct any complaints, suggestions, and accolades to Hope Clark at We are an anti-spam site.





 , 140A Amicks Ferry Road #4, Chapin, SC 29036, USA

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