Start Writing Now & Get Your First Byline (a trusted FFW friend)
Published: Tue, 09/20/22
Want to write more? Come to the free workshop: Start Writing Now & Get Your First Byline. Find out how freelance writing works, what you need to do to get started (even with zero samples), and then - you'll write!
By the end of the hour, you'll have:
A list of article ideas (that editors will want to read)
A list of publications that are open to freelancers (and pay real money)
The confidence to put your ideas into the world and get recognition!
Tizzie Frankish came to the last session and said "After the workshop, I felt inspired, confident, and have sent off three pitches in the last two days. I already have interest from an editor and don't think I would've had the confidence to try without Amber's class.", 140A Amicks Ferry Road #4, Chapin, SC 29036, USA
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