FundsforWriters - April 22, 2022 - Finding New Content for Your Website

Published: Fri, 04/22/22


VOLUME 22, ISSUE 22 | APRIL 22, 2022

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Message from Hope

Foot is slowly getting better. I'm behind on my writing, but it's coming along. The garden is behind due to the cool spring, but it's coming along as well. It's like everything is behind, but I'm okay with it. Nothing's stagnant, and everything is coming along.

But everything is still proactive, which is good. Now that I can walk without help, though with a little bit of a limp that takes ice twice a day, I've made strides (LOL - like the pun?). I've also decided to make strides in my health.

COVID made me think more seriously about my health. During the pandemic I tweaked my diet more, exercised four times or more a week, dropped 20+ pounds, and dropped my cholesterol 34 points. But foot surgery made me realize how easily we can backslide. 

So when a family member opened a gym, a boutique strength training affair, I joined. Strength training is good for all ages, and is probably the healthiest form of exercise a body can do. It will proactively fight aging, give you balance, increase strength, and make the difference between disaster and recovery in an accidental fall. After tending to two debilitated parents for almost four years, whom I saw deteriorate slowly over the last 20 years without exercising, I decided I wasn't following their example. I have years to go before I finally intend to rest.

The gym is called Kingfisher Strength, and for those in my area (Chapin /Irmo /Lexington /Columbia, SC), feel free to come to the ribbon cutting this week on Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 11:30 AM. Those who take a selfie at the event and post it on social media get put into a drawing for three free personal training sessions, and if you come up to me and say you are a fan of mine, I might have a free autographed book for you. I believe in this place . . . I believe in taking care of yourself. 

Thurs, April 28, 2022 - 11:30 AM 
1011 Rauch Metz Road, Irmo, SC 29063 

(803) 260-8514 

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
Email Hope | Visit Website | Sign up for Newsletter
Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
FFW has proudly been on the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers list every year since 2001

Our subscriber list is NOT made available to others. Use information listed at your own risk. FundsforWriters gives no warranty to completeness, accuracy, or fitness of the markets, contests and grants although research is done to the best of our ability.








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The number of classes, appearances, books, and podcasts for writers boggles the mind. It almost feels like teaching writers makes more money than actually doing it. 

Out of curiosity, I briefly study most of those opportunities that come across my desktop, and, believe me, I'm on a lot of mailing lists. If they appear interesting, the first thing I do is look up the presenter. You would be amazed at how many teachers haven't done much more than teach writing. A lot of them wrote one book, maybe two, and then deemed themselves experts. Some published six articles then considered themselves established. 

But it's because so many writers, especially fresh writers, are so eager to find success that they gorge on how-to, seeking the magic carpet that will get them there. Most do not have the hundreds or thousands of dollars it takes for the higher level professional services, so they opt for the less expensive.

Recently someone asked me how to land a grant. Their goal was to publish their book they'd been working on for years, then teach writing. They defined their years of working on a project, even though it hadn't proven successful yet, as the experience they needed to teach others. If she makes the class professional-looking online, she'll get students, but what proven skills does she have to teach? Worse, what misinformation will she teach?

Then there are online schools and organizations who come with reputations, but then they hire subcontractors who seek to make their name on the coattails of the institute's name. If you choose to take a classes, check out the reputation of the teacher as well.

Define what you wish to learn before you blindly lay down money for a class, a book, or a workshop. Venture into such a setting knowing that the teacher may teach in a direction that may not work for you. Everyone teaches what they know, but nobody has experienced everything. They might be quite limited. For instance, someone who has only self-published in a hybrid environment, who cannot talk traditional or pure-indie self-publishing, may not teach you all you need to learn. And someone who teaches traditional isn't who you need if you've decided to self-publish.

It's easy to get attached to a merry-go-round of class-taking and how-to-book-reading and delay the actual writing.  You can't just read a library of cookbooks before attempting to cook. Same goes for your writing. The classes are fine-tuning your efforts, not the end-all and be-all education you collect before writing. 

Write. Learn what you don't know. Then be better educated when you seek the right help to aid your effort.




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​​​​​​ - April 26, 2022 - Writers Chat - Zoom cast by Brandy Brow (Serious Writers YouTube Channel) - "On Grants" - 11 AM ET

 - April 27, 2022 - Kingfisher Strength Gym - Ribbon Cutting, 1011 Raush-Metz Road, Irmo, SC - 11:30 AM

 - May 28, 2022 - Saturday Writer's Group - "On Writing Contests" - Zoom - Noon-2 PM ET

 - June 21, 2022 - South Congaree Pine Ridge Library, In-Person, Columbia, SC - 5:30-6:30 PM

 - July 13, 2022 - Muskoka Authors Association, Zoom - 6:00 PM

 - July 23, 2022 - Indiana Sisters in Crime, Zoom - Noon ET - Gary and Hope Clark Tag Team on Getting the Facts Right in Mysteries

 - June 3-10, 2023 - Writing Retreat on the Maine Coast - Faculty Member - Sponsored by Joan Dempsey, author and teacher 
Email: to schedule  events, online or otherwise. There's starting to be life out there!     



“People waste their time pondering whether a glass is half empty or half full. Me, I just drink whatever’s in the glass.”

–Sophia Petrillo, Golden Girls


SUccess Story

Hi Hope,

Your writers newsletter is one of the few opportunities for writers that I have subscribed to for years and continue to read! My own work has benefitted as a consequence and I was pleased to see the folks at HerStry had become one of your Super Sponsors. They are doing wonderful work and I was happy to have my essay, Carnal Conversations, published in February as part of their monthly themed essay series. 

Thanks for sharing your life and work with the rest of us so we can become better writers.

Cynthia Close

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If you have a success story you believe was prompted by FundsforWriters, please share with us! Send to 

Featured article


Finding New Content for Your Website 

By Rachel Carrington

How many times have you visited a website only to discover it had not been updated in six months or even a year? How is a reader supposed to know you’re still writing if you don’t refresh your pages now and again? The mere existence of a website doesn’t cut the mustard with an eager or inquisitive reader.

Any reader who visits your website wants recent information. They also want to return a week later and see more news has been added. Why? Because you wouldn’t go to a grocery store week after week if you thought for one instant their stock had not been upgraded or they ran the same sales week in and week out.

It’s all about creativity. Constantly changing your content will bring visitors back to your site. The article, 10 Website Essentials to Increase Your Sales, which you can read here, provides a list of excellent pointers, one of which is providing your visitors with fresh content on a continual basis. 

Here are some other helpful ideas to keep your website fresh:

Add polls. 

Ask your readers what they think about something that’s important to you, or just ask them to vote for their favorite cover of yours. Post the winning cover on the front page of your website as a Reader Favorite. It’s a great way to keep visitors involved. Check out Leigh Bardugo’s website to see how she uses polls and quizzes. 

Add Twitter.

If it works for you, integrate your Twitter on your website so your updates are visible. If all you have time to do is update your Twitter, at least you’ve made a minimal change to your website.

Keep a blog. 

Even if you only post weekly, you can always update the front page of your website to let visitors know you’ve just recently updated your blog. Austin Kleon built his website around his blog so the second he updates it, his site looks fresh and new. 

Add a second Twitter. 

Another idea is to set up a separate Twitter account wherein you can include tips for something you’re interested in such as researching history or watching crime documentaries. Integrate that account separate from your other account. If you constantly keep the tips or comments flowing, there will always be something new for visitors to read.

Add reviews. 

Even if you haven’t had a new release within the last six months, you can still find ways to keep your backlist current by posting reviews as they come in. (Every website should have a News section.) Add testimonials. If you don’t have any, what’s stopping you from sending that book out for some? 

Add your freelance work. 

If you’ve had articles published, consider adding them to your website as a separate page and link back to where they are published. If you’re continually publishing articles, this gives you something to add continually. I do this with my own website. 

Add miscellaneous options. 

Have you considered Word of the Day or This Day in History? The Free also provides other free items you can include such Word of the Day, Article of the Day, and a Daily Grammar Lesson.

Michael Grumley had the great idea to put a progress tracker on his website so everyone can see how long they have to wait until he finishes his next book, and Veronica Roth has a unique news section on the front page of her website. 

The best point in keeping your website current is to make sure it’s interesting and will make someone want to return for another look!

BIO: As well as being a published author of fiction, Rachel Carrington is also a nonfiction writer and has written for the New York Times,, The Writer, and many others. She is also the site expert for Red Shirts Always Die and a contributor to Culturess. You can visit her on the web at and on Instagram @rcarrington2004




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$17 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 16, 2022. Prizes: $2000, $500, $250, and two $125 (Editor's Choice). Winning stories will be published in our fall issue in print, digital, and online, and read by three literary agents. Limit 10,000 words. No genre fiction (romance, horror, sci-fi); literary fiction only.

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 30, 2022. Utah Original Writing Competition has awarded Utah writers for works of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry in a variety of forms. The competition’s mission is to aid Utah writers on their path to publication and broader recognition. Submissions must be original works and cannot be published or accepted for publication at the time of entry. Open to all Utah residents age 18 and over. First- and second-place winners are awarded prize money ranging from $150 to $1,000, depending on the category. 

$24 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 15, 2022. The Emerging Writer's Contest is open to writers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry who have yet to publish or self-publish a book. Awards publication, $2,000, review from Aevitas Creative Management, and a one-year subscription for one winner in each of the three genres. Fiction and Nonfiction: Under 6,000 words. Poetry: three to five pages. 

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 31, 2022 (free global/hardship entries); June 30, 2022 (paid entries). First prize $1,000 and publication. All entries must be related to this year’s theme of Speculation. Stories must not exceed 5,000 words and must be unpublished.

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 31, 2022 (free global/hardship entries); June 30, 2022 (paid entries). All entries must be related to this year’s theme of Speculation. The winning author will receive $1,000 and have their work published in Boston Review’s special literary issue Speculation (February 2023). Some finalists and semi-finalists will also be published in the issue or online. Send up to five poems or ten pages, whichever comes first. The poems must be unpublished.




Deadline May 13, 2022. The Individual Artist Career Opportunity Grant supports a milestone opportunity in an individual artist’s career that is likely to lead to substantial and significant career advancement. Grants of up to $2,000 are available to support opportunities taking place between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. Must be a resident of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, or Tennessee.

Deadline April 30, 2022. In honor of our organizations past presidents, SCWA will offer three scholarships to the 2022 conference, which will include conference registration and $200 toward travel & board.

$30 application fee. Deadline July 17, 2022. We’re sponsoring two writers each for one-week stays and a travel stipend to the Good Contrivance Farms in Maryland. Also includes $200 stipend. The farm is a lovely place and we support their ethos and the folks who run it. Ephemera understands how difficult it is to find time and a place to write, and we hope the retreat will help two enterprising writers. Ephemera will base our selections on writing samples submitted to the contest and the optional personal statement.



Cutleaf is an online literary journal published by EastOver Press. We welcome unsolicited and unpublished original poetry, short stories, essays, and other nonfiction from established and emerging writers. We are very unlikely to publish genre fiction, young adult fiction, teen paranormal romance, erotica, science fiction, comics, or graphics-based short stories. Cutleaf will pay from $100 to $400 for prose and from $50 to $100 for poetry per poem. The reading period for the 2023 Cutleaf publication year will begin Sept 1, 2022. Please limit submissions to two per reading period.

Rates start at 33 cents/word for essays and 50 cents/word for reported pieces. Seeking cutting criticism, thoughtful reviews, weird essays, strong opinions, interesting reporting on a variety of topics. Pitch Jenny G. Zhang at Tends to gravitate toward culture, film, tv, the internet, media, race, gender, and books, among other things, but open to almost anything as long as it's a unique, smart, interesting story from a strong writer.

Contributed news articles and Op-Ed’s should be between 400-750 words. Authors should include a headshot and bio. All contributed work should be written in the AP Style format. Please include any images, graphics or relative links with your story. If possible, try and touch on several themes covered at Tarbell. ALL stories will require a Healthcare, Environment, Culture, Aerospace and Defense theme. All Op-Ed’s, stories and story pitches should be sent to our editor – Pays $250-$700, more if the piece requires it. 

Gastro Obscura publishes stories about food and drink that are curious, overlooked, and awesome in the “awe” sense of the word. We are the food vertical of Atlas Obscura, whose mission is to inspire wonder and catalog the world’s hidden wonders. We do not publish restaurant reviews or interviews with famous chefs. Our goal is not to keep readers in the know about industry or food trends; our goal is to delight them with stories that tell them something new and surprising about a part of the world. Gastro Obscura also publishes stories with recipes. These stories must meet the same criteria as the rest of our articles. While our rates vary depending on a story’s length, the amount of reporting required, and the format, they start at $300 and usually pay around $0.50 per word. The majority of our commissioned articles are 800 to 1,500 words, but you can pitch longer stories.

Frame is an award-winning news publication dedicated to exploring the unseen sides of the biggest issues of our time. We tell stories in unconventional and immersive formats, aiming to foster a deeper understanding of the news. We're best known for our interactive documentaries, and also publish an ever-expanding array of multimedia explainers and interactive projects. Pays $300 for pieces of 500-700 words. We are especially interested in pitches on the dark sides of digital cultural, trans rights, climate change, mass incarceration, conflict and peacebuilding. 

Cycling Weekly is the world’s leading cycling website for news, racing, reviews, buying advice, and fitness and training tips. The magazine continues to be the best-selling cycling publication in the UK. Pitch Anna-Marije Rook, North American Editor at Takes pitches on a rolling basis, but if you're say, keen to cover the race season in the US, you'd best get in touch soon. Pays $150-$300. 

We welcome proposals for San Francisco Bay Area-based stories about Environmental science, Species and habitat, Conservation issues, People working with nature, and Environmental justice. Our freelance rates reflect this, ranging from $0.20 to $1 a word based on your level of experience as a reporter and the complexity of reporting required. We do not pay writers for op-eds.

A newsletter to help you really understand college sports. "I'd love to publish some newsletters from current college athletes (at any division, sport, etc.) about how major college reform questions impact THEIR lives right NOW. Will pay $400 base + bonuses." "I'm now talking to a gazillion suits about NIL, transformation committee, transfers, etc. might theoretically change college sports, but these questions aren't theoretical for the actual athletes. I'd love to publish more of their thoughts and pay for them." "I am also always happy to accept freelance pitches from non-athletes, and even happy to accept freelance pitches from non-athletes that aren't about athletes, so long as they fit the newsletter. My email is"I am happy to negotiate for higher rates + bonuses depending on reporting level or topic, but I am happy to guarantee a minimum of $350 + commissions from new subscriptions from the article."

Nieman Storyboard is an online resource that explores the art and craft of nonfiction storytelling and is one of three publications published by the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University. We welcome pitches from professionals and students. The focus of our work is about the craft of nonfiction — stories that go behind the reporting, writing, editing, production and ethics of story work produced across platforms — or about the people producing that work. We have a particular interest in narrative nonfiction. We also welcome suggestions of published works of nonfiction you’d like to learn more about. Our rates range from $150 to $400, depending on the nature of the piece.

At Decisionary, we are committed to providing relevant, actionable content and recommendations with integrity. We obsess about how to describe complex topics in an easy to understand way and pore over the data to recommend the best products and services for your needs. Seeking several editorial and staff writer positions. All appear to be remote. As for freelance, currently they are working on a series of summer living e-commerce product roundups. Rates are between $250-$500 depending on the complexity of the topic as well as the amount of testing and outreach involved. Query

New upcoming publication. Send a pitch directly to Follow these directions:

1. Answer this question. Do you identify as neurodivergent or mentally ill? 

Yes, Mentally Ill
Yes, Neurodivergent
Yes, both
I'm not sure, but I feel strongly that I may fit into either category.

2. Describe the article you would like to pitch. Accepting all forms of fiction and nonfiction prose at this time. Pieces accepted for publication will be compensated at 20 cents per word. 

3. Provide a portfolio link or attach a sample.

FiveThirtyEight’s mission is to produce empirical journalism, by everyone and for everyone, that advances our understanding of the world. What’s “empirical journalism”? It just means journalism that cites evidence. Importantly, that doesn’t mean only data. Evidence can include data, sure, but also reporting, first-hand experience, academic studies, history and more. We pay our contributors on a sliding scale based on the piece’s scope — you and your editor will agree on a fee before we greenlight the pitch. Generally, though, we pay $600 for a 1,000-word feature that requires some reporting or analysis, but is mostly a conceptual argument. Rates can go up from there if pieces are more complex — more reporting, more analysis, more research, etc. 

Send pitches to If you are interested in writing for the print magazine’s quarterly theme, look for the most recent “Call for Submissions” posted on our website for instructions and a deadline. Print base rate for reported articles is 50 cents a word. Commentaries may receive a small essay stipend.

We publish roughly five to seven original longform articles per year and would love to hear from writers hoping to work with us. We accept pitches by email, at Our floor for reported longform (>2,000 words) stories is $2,000 with the possibility of covering expenses. We want you to do reporting and talk to people. Research is good too. We want you to show us things, not just tell us things, and we like stories that are character- or narrative-driven. 

Game Developer publishes multiple stories on a daily basis to inform, empower, and inspire its game developer readership. This includes news posts on current events and developments in the game industry alongside regular, in-depth features and interviews exploring many different aspects of game development and the diverse individuals that make up the industry. Send pitches to Bryant Francis, Senior Editor at Pays roughly 30 cents/word and up. 

Have a passion for photography, technology, and breaking news? We are currently looking for a News Editor and multiple News Writers to join our growing team. Right now, we’re looking to bring on more writers who have knowledge of the photography space to help write educational content, but we’re also looking to enhance our industry-leading news team to continue to stay at the forefront of what matters most to photographers, artists, and gearheads. News stories typically pay $50 for 350 words.



We want to see non-fiction projects from authors who are experts in their field, and that could be any field—business, investigative journalism, sports, history, health and medicine, human behavior, law, politics, or science. We also invite personal stories, however, you need an interesting story that lots of people will find value in reading and you need the ability to drive sales of your book. We will consider illustrated children’s books (fiction and nonfiction), and YA novels. Regarding fiction, we like compelling storytelling. We represent a wide range of genres. For the list of genres represented by individual agents, please visit the Agents page. 

Janklow & Nesbit Associates is a premier literary agency dedicated to the interests of our writer clients in all aspects of their careers. We offer the care and personal attention of a boutique agency and the strength and expertise of a large firm.

AKA Literary Management is a full-service agency that represents works of nonfiction and fiction. Our goal is to develop successful careers for our clients, and we embrace the realization that each author, each illustrator, and each work offers the unique opportunity to examine and redefine that goal, sometimes daily. Located where the majestic Rocky Mountains meet the grassland plains of Colorado, we firmly believe physical boundaries do not limit quality representation. 

Talcott Notch Literary is a five-member, full-service literary agency representing the freshest voices in both adult and juvenile fiction and nonfiction. With an impressive list of New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today and #1 Amazon bestsellers as well as a vast array of award-winning fiction and nonfiction, our agents proudly represent the newest rising stars and acclaimed established authors.








Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2022, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

**Note that places paid advertising in this newsletter, ALL ads being related to writers and the business of writing, screened by FundsforWriters to make sure the information is suitable for writers and their endeavors to improve their careers. But the mailing list is not sold to third parties. You will not receive this newsletter without your permission. It's physically impossible since recipients must opt-in, giving us permission to send the newsletter. If at any time you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, click the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of each newsletter. We want you to enjoy this newsletter at your pleasure, not be forced to read anything you do not wish to receive. The website is not advertised using unsolicited messages by Aweber, affiliates or other third parties. Direct any complaints, suggestions, and accolades to Hope Clark at We are an anti-spam site.