FundsforWriters - June 17, 2022 - When a Page a Day Is Too Much

Published: Fri, 06/17/22


VOLUME 22, ISSUE 30 | JUNE 17, 2022

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Message from Hope

Book Riot, a daily newsletter of sorts, recently put out a piece about DIY reading retreats. Not writing retreats, mind you, but getaways where you read to your heart's content.

I swear, I drooled over that article. Then I started taking notes. Then I decided somewhere I'm writing an article on this . . . but of course I might have to practice doing my own DIY reading retreat and write from personal experience first.

I want to do that so badly, and while I've spoken of writing retreats, for the life of me I do not understand why I've never contemplated one to purely read. I started listing what to do:

1) designate the time/days
2) pick a place, whether your back porch, spare bedroom, or a trip elsewhere
3) pick the clothes, socks, cozy-factor
4) pick the books, with a variety
5) pick the snacks, drinks, meals
6) restrict the social media and phone usage (i.e., set times you use them)
7) pack a special notebook and a very special pen or two
8) pick the seat, blanket, pillow, chair, etc. 
9) totally isolate and bring it all, or have things brought to you, like in a B&B

Give yourself time frames or an agenda . . . or go rogue with no time constraints. 

To a lot of us writer-types, seclusion is pure heaven, being sequestered in the place of your dreams just reading stories. We're always squeezing in our reading and writing time. Imagine being untethered by obligations or writing deadlines. Just you and the words in your hand. 

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
Email Hope | Visit Website | Sign up for Newsletter
Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
FFW has proudly been on the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers list every year since 2001

Our subscriber list is NOT made available to others. Use information listed at your own risk. FundsforWriters gives no warranty to completeness, accuracy, or fitness of the markets, contests, and grants although research is done to the best of our ability.







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Job search firms report that the most experienced workers have become less optimistic about their career futures. 

What?! That's news to FLXers. 

We're thriving!

The Freelance Success writing community is the water cooler, the green room, the celebration party at the bar after the awards show. Thanks to FLX, freelancers have go-to colleagues to turn to for support and encouragement any time of the day or night.

Networking is about schmoozing and glad-handing.

Connection, on the other hand, is all about belonging.

Want to get out of the content mill rut? Want to stop feeling isolated as you break through to the next level? Tired of fretting over red flags you should have seen coming? Need new markets, fresh eyes, fewer pitch rejections? 

You belong at Freelance Success!







Now of all times, the manner in which you write a query matters. There are so many ethics, political leanings, and definitions for people and their work that you can totally fall on your face and get it wrong. 

No . . . your skewed interpretation of the guidelines does not matter. 
No . . . your opinion of how the guidelines should be does not matter.
No . . . your unique divergence of how you ought to present does not matter.

I say all of this to warn you that people are highly opinionated these days. People are sensitive on both sides. Editors are dealing with opinionated writers. Unfortunately, discrimination has become a frequently used word when a writer is rejected. 

I bring this up after reading guidelines for a literary magazine lately. 

These days some publications only want BIPOC, LGBTQ+, or marginalized writers. Others state they favor them. Others state they especially entertain them. What's happening is that people who do not fall into those categories don't submit, feeling they have little chance of consideration. 

Some call this a needed pendulum shift. Some think it's about time that marginalized people get addressed. All of this puts a lot of pressure on editors, and sometimes the identity of the writer, in any direction, can make or break acceptance.

Book of Matches Literary Magazine has felt this shift. Their guidelines look like most literary journal mags except for the words in red. "Please do NOT include any identifying information in your email. Do not include a bio."

That makes one sort of stop in place, doesn't it? There's no telling someone who you are, who you know, where you've published, what affiliated groups you belong to, what awards you've won, or what group you identify with. They are purely trying to publish good writing and felt that the over-attentiveness to bio was too influential. 

Some might say the fact identity altered their opinion showed they had issues with marginalized people, and the editors have received negative replies on Facebook. But the journal explained, "There is nothing we want more than for everyone, just everyone, to feel that their poetry and prose will be read and cared for and seen and that there is zero pressure to tell us anything personal (of any variety) other than the genre of their work."

The truth is, you cannot emphasize, marginalize, or homogenize and make everyone happy. If you see a publication with guidelines, voice, flavor, or style you do not like, then move on. There are places out there that will embrace you. 

(And yes, I understand someone will take issue with this editorial, but that's okay, too. There's room for everyone in FundsforWriters.)





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Accountability. Community. Motivation.

When you’re a writer, you need these three things to keep going.

The Writers Salon is a free online writing community where you can meet other writers, find motivation and access courses to develop your skill and habits.

Join the community today! Or, if you’re interested in working one-on-one with me to bring your writing to the next level, email me at

Kate Meadows Writing & Editing Services

Share your story. Bring your idea to life. Reach more people.




 - June 21, 2022 - South Congaree Pine Ridge Library, In-Person, Columbia, SC - 5:30-6:30 PM 

 - June 28, 2022 - Still Hopes Episcopal Residential Community - One Still Hopes Drive, West Columbia, SC - 2:00 PM

 - July 14, 2022 - Muskoka Authors Association, Zoom - 6:00 PM

- July 21, 2022 - Carnes Crossroads, 4015 Second Ave, Summerville, SC - 3-5 PM

 - July 23, 2022 - Indiana Sisters in Crime, Zoom - Noon ET - Gary and Hope Clark Tag Team on Getting the Facts Right in Mysteries

 - June 3-10, 2023 - Writing Retreat on the Maine Coast - Special Guest - Sponsored by Joan Dempsey, author and teacher 
Email: to schedule  events, online or otherwise. There's starting to be life out there!     



“It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do little.” – Sydney Smith

SUccess Story

Dear Hope,

Thank you so much for your weekly FundsforWriters newsletter. It marks my Fridays with the routine of reading about the writing life and looking at opportunities that could help me expand my professional world and publish my work. In fact, a few years ago, I saw a listing in your section on agents and presses, and I submitted one of my manuscripts to Running Wild Press. They accepted it, and this led to the publication of my third novel, titled Heather Finch, which is now available. 

Thank you very much for your work!

All my best,
Jenny Benjamin
JB Communications, L.L.C.

= = = 

If you have a success story you believe was prompted by FundsforWriters, please share with us! Send to 


Featured article


When a Page a Day Is Too Much 

by Pascale Duguay 
"Write a page a day and in one year you'll have written a book," they say.  
I've heard this piece of wisdom many times by many people to the point it can’t be attributed to anyone. I've even been known to share it myself, because it makes such simple sense. If you write alongside a day job as I do, getting that one page down is often all you can manage. But what if writing even one page a day turns out to be too much?  
Lots of things can happen to derail you over the course of twelve months. Last fall, I was on a roll. I spent the summer writing the first in what I hoped to be a series of six graphic novels. Just as I started work on the second book, life took an unexpected turn. My partner suddenly developed an infection in his leg, which required tons of medical appointments, two surgeries, a long hospital stay, and many months of recuperation.  
Plans for the graphic novel series went out the window. Overnight, I became my partner's main caregiver and took over the entire task of running our home while keeping up with my day job. There simply wasn't time, energy, or brainpower to write more than a few words a day, let alone a whole page. 
When life finally calmed down and I began to adapt to my new reality, I was desperate to find a way to write again, if only for the sake of my sanity. As I tried various methods like switching between computer, tablet, and paper, or writing at different times of the day (oftentimes in the middle of the night when stressful thoughts kept me awake), I made an amazing discovery. While I couldn't focus on writing one page every day, I could certainly manage one single paragraph.  
As it so happens, short pieces are made up of a small number of paragraphs. If you tackle one paragraph a day, by the end of a week or two, you'll have completed a short piece of writing ready for submission. Even if you miss a day here and there, you'll still stay on track fairly easily. 
Luckily, I enjoy writing anything short, whether articles, stories, personal essays, recipes, or activities. And unlike book-length manuscripts, these shorts don't require that you store a massive amount of information in your head in order to keep track of characters, scenes, and sub-plots. Surprisingly, working on these daily paragraphs helped me in unexpected ways. When I wrote in waiting rooms, I could escape my surroundings for a while and keep my stress levels manageable. During long boring drives to and from the hospital, I found myself staying alert by tweaking sentences in my mind or coming up with ideas for the next paragraph. This exercise also gave me something to look forward to when my morale needed a hefty boost. Last but not least, I was able to sell work and meet deadlines.   
As for my graphic novel series, after an eight-month pause, I'm back to work on the second book while continuing to write and submit short pieces using my daily paragraph habit. In fact, as I was writing this, I also faced two article assignments. Now that I've grown accustomed to publication in magazines and newsletters on a regular basis with minimal effort, waiting a whole year to finish a book-length manuscript doesn't hold the same appeal. These easier projects are helping make the process a lot more fun, not to mention more lucrative.   
Want to join the paragraph-a-day club? Jump right in, however crazy your life might be!  
Bio: Pascale Duguay is a freelance writer, school librarian, and translator (French/English). She resides in the lively bilingual community of Quebec's Eastern Townships. Pop in for a visit at


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PAGE ONE PRIZE for novelists
$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 15, 2022 at 5 PM ET. Submit the opening page of your unpublished novel-in-progress. 1st prize $1,000; 2nd prize $500; 3rd prize $250. Submissions are open internationally to any writer writing in English. Winners and honorable mentions will be announced August 2, 2022.

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$12 ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 15, 2022. South 85 Journal is seeking submissions of previously unpublished poems of 50 lines or fewer. Winner receives $500 and publication in the December issue of South 85 Journal. Contest finalists will also be named and their work published alongside the winning selection. All winners must be over 18 years old and reside in the U.S. in order to claim cash prize.

$7.50 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 1, 2022. You may send up to TWO flash pieces (fiction or nonfiction) per entry. Word limit: 1,000 words (per piece). Prize is $500 and publication online AND in Ruminate's annual print prize anthology. The runner-up will also receive publication. In addition, all finalists will be considered for general publication. Winners and finalists will also receive a free print copy of the prize issue.

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline September 30, 2022. Diode considers translations, welcomes collaborations, and accepts simultaneous submissions. Poetry book contest winners receive a prize of $1,500, publication by Diode Editions, and 20 author copies. Poetry chapbook contest winners will receive $750, publication by Diode Editions, and 20 author copies. The winners will also have select poems from their book published in Diode Poetry Journal.

£4 ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 30, 2022. First prize 5,000. Second prize 2,000. Third prize 1,000. All prizes include publication in Poetry London. The competition is open to poets anywhere in the world. Entries must be in English, your own unaided work, and not a translation of another poet. Entries must not have been previously published or self-published, in print or online, or have won a prize in another competition. The maximum length is 80 lines, not including titles or blank lines. 

£6 ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 30, 2022. First prize £200, second prize £100, third prize £50. Entries must be a fictional short story of up to 2,000 words on any theme.

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 30, 2022. The winning entry will be awarded a prize of £2,500 to support the completion of their work and funding towards a year’s membership of both the Society of Authors (SoA) and the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi), and smaller financial awards to shortlisted candidates. The Lindisfarne Prize for Crime Fiction offers financial support but, more importantly, helps to build and maintain creative confidence for new, emerging and established writers in the genre. Writers may only enter one submission to the prize. Writers of crime or thriller fiction written in World English, whose work may have been published before, are eligible so long as the entry they plan to submit has not been published in any form; and who, at the time of entering, are from, resident in or whose work celebrates the North East of England; and who are aged eighteen or over at the time of entry.




The Loft Literary Center invites writers of all skill levels to sign up for Crowd Control, a virtual course that meets once a week from June 21-August 9.

sing works by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Malcolm Gladwell, David Sedaris, and a few lesser-known authors, we’ll dissect narrative voice, making promises to your readers, physical page structure, and a number of other literary decisions you may be overlooking that can help transform your work into writing readers can’t put down.

For more information, access the Crowd Control course page.

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Deadline August 31, 2022. Willapa Bay AiR offers month-long, self-directed residencies to emerging and established writers, poets, and other artists. The Residency provides lodging, all meals, and workspace, at no cost, to six residents each month from April 1 through October 28 of the year. Applications are evaluated by selection committees comprised of working artists and professionals in the applicants' respective fields of discipline.  Willapa Bay AiR will be accepting applications for 2023 residencies from June 15 through midnight of August 31, 2022.  

Deadline July 7, 2022. Research & Development (R&D) Grants provide funding support to Arizona artists as they work to advance their artistic practice, expand their creative horizons, and deepen the impact of their work. Artists working in any discipline who live and work in Arizona can apply. Whether you’re just getting started or you have already experienced many career successes, the R&D Grant is available to help you take your artistic practice to the next level. Applicants may request a minimum of $3,000 and a maximum of $5,000. Up to 30 grants will be awarded this year.

Deadline September 19, 2022. Scholars writing fiction will receive a grant of £18,000, paid monthly over the course of twelve months. At the discretion of the Foundation, Scholars writing non-fiction, who require additional research time, could receive an additional grant, paid over a period of up to eighteen months. At the end of each month scholars must send the Foundation 10,000 new words that they will have written over the course of the month. To qualify for the Scholarship a candidate must submit an excerpt from a piece of work of between 2,000 – 5,000 words, written in English that has been published and offered for sale, you must send clear evidence that the piece you upload as part of your application has been both published AND offered for sale. The Foundation welcomes both fiction and nonfiction proposals. Need a scan of an official document showing that you, or both of your parents, were born in Africa.

Deadline November 1, 2022. Mass Cultural Council’s Cultural Sector Recovery Grants for Individuals offers unrestricted grants of $5,000 to creatives and gig workers to support recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and set a path for growth. Register for an information session on August 23 or October 6, 2022. 



Arm Yourself. It’s Time to Kill Your Characters.

Kill Your Characters by former detective and forensic investigator Steve Rush gives you the tools you need to pass the inspection of all the armchair detectives (and more than a few real ones) out there. Discover your ultimate empowerment source for writing the page-turning inciting-incident you have always wanted to write. Become a master and save hours of research effort searching elsewhere for accurate information.

This book will help you answer: How did your character die? What were the circumstances of the murder? What weapon did the killer use? What evidence was left behind? How can you build a rock-solid case against the suspect?

When plotting the next murder scene for your story, you may run into obstacles such as how the detectives determine time of death, or the forensic evidence left by a gunshot wound. Steve Rush’s extensive experience is accumulated in a series of writing tips that will significantly improve your story. Kill Your Characters is for any author looking to elevate their murder scenes with credible and authentic details.

Order your copy here:

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Deadline June 27, 2022. Theme: True stories by or about nurses. We’re looking especially for pandemic-era stories, which examine the complex and essential role nurses of all kinds have played in providing care and guidance for patients and families, as well as the ways in which the pandemic has affected both individuals and the healthcare system. We are looking for writers who can write dramatically and vividly about their work. Essays can be from 1,000 to 4,000 words but should be written in a narrative form, with scenes, description, vivid characters and a distinctive voice.

SCOUT LIFE is a general-interest, four-color magazine published by the Boy Scouts of America. We buy all rights for original, unpublished material. Major articles run 500 to 1,200 words; payment is $500 to $1,200. Subject matter is broad. We cover everything from professional sports to American history to how to pack a canoe. Departments run up to 600 words; payment is $100 to $600. Department headings are science, nature, health, sports, space and aviation, cars, computers, entertainment, pets, history, music — and others. Do not send fiction. All articles for SCOUT LIFE must interest and entertain boys and girls ages 5 to 17. 

The magazine has a readership of 40,000 children between 8 and 13 years. The majority being in the 9-12 range. The content is designed to appeal to bright children who are confident and independent readers. We would prefer stories and features that have not previously been published or made available in Great Britain. The story should be between 1,000 and 1,300 words max (to fill one double spread). We offer a fee of £105 per short story. A feature should be around 800 words and pays a fee of £105.

Deadline July 31, 2022. Tell us your own stories about what you did to step outside your comfort zone and how that changed your life. All stories and poems need to be true — we do not publish fiction. Stories should be no longer than 1,200 words. Pays $200 and ten copies. 

The Assembly is a digital magazine about the people, institutions, and ideas that shape North Carolina. We primarily run longform stories that have narrative and nuance. We also run shorter articles that break news, uncover new information, or provide unique insights. We like stories about power: who has it, what they’re doing with it, how they got it, and why it matters. We want to write about the people, ideas, and institutions that shape our state. Politics, business, culture, science are all fair game. Pitches can be sent to They should include as many specifics about the story as you can, including characters, length, and timing. Please also include a little about you and some links to your published work. We start from a base rate of $1,000. Can also pitch Kate Sheppard, Managing Editor at

UNBIAS THE NEWS is accepting pitches on underreported stories with global relevance. We are seeking two types of pitches: 1) Personal narratives or opinion pieces - compensated 250 euros; and 2) Reported articles or stories with an investigative angle - compensated 500 euros per person. We prefer stories from local journalists- i.e., journalists who reside in the country they are reporting about. We are happy to work with journalists for whom English is a second or third language.

Nat Geo Kids stories cover a broad range of topics, including natural history, science, geography, history, and entertainment. For our departments, we are looking for animal anecdotes and cool vacation ideas. Nat Geo Kids does not accept unsolicited manuscripts, so a potential idea should be submitted only through a query letter. A carefully considered query letter should be based on a well-researched premise or hook. Do your homework and study recent issues of Nat Geo Kids to be sure that your idea has not already been covered within the last five years. A good query is short and to the point (about 250 words). It should include a headline that suggests what the story is, a deck that amplifies the headline, a strong lead, and a paragraph that clearly sets out the premise and approach of the piece. Pays up to $1/word.

We are looking for freelance writers to contribute new guides, essays, interviews, and really any other type of content you can think of within the world of travel. Is this broad? Yes, but we’re in the process of expanding and redefining what sort of content you’ll find on The Discoverer, so we’re very open to new ideas. Please only pitch ideas for places you have personally visited, know well, and can enthusiastically vouch for in terms of recommendations. What we’re looking for: Guides to attractions/experiences, restaurants/food, hotels/Airbnbs, and specific regions/neighborhoods; essays covering interesting first-person travel experiences; and interviews with captivating individuals that help tell the story of a particular place. Seeks 500-2,500 words in length. Pays $250-500 contributor fee depending on the scope. 

THE IDEAS SECTION publishes argument-driven essays on WIRED-related topics, written by journalists, academics, and other subject-matter experts. Ideas pieces are complex and analytical, run anywhere from 1,200 to 1,800 words, and often include reporting. These are not op-eds or takes on a specific news event. Most pieces are grounded in current technological debates (broadly defined), though we’re also up for lyrical meditations and weird, far-off proposals.

WIRED is a publication about change—about the ways science and technology are reshaping the world and what it means to be human. While the subjects of WIRED stories run the gamut from deep dives into the biggest tech companies to Hindu extremism to digital blackface to space food to true crime, every story has technology, science, or innovation as one of its key variables. Finished pieces tend to be in the range of 1,200 to 1,800 words. Full features run at 2,000 words, and (a very few) at 10,000. But about 5,000 words is the sweet spot.

Send pitches to Arie Knutson, Editorial Director at Seeking pitches for Allrecipes about condiments! Send your strong opinions, personal essays, grocery stories, taste test ideas, weird tips, surprising histories, and interviews. If condiments aren't your thing, also looking for pitches around smart ways to use your freezer for dinner, microwave cooking, and stories and ideas around summer potlucks. No recipes. There's a range in rates, but things start at $250.




Take Your Writing to the Next Level with Writer's Digest University 
Kelly Boyer Sagert, the sole scriptwriter of the Emmy-Award-nominated film, "Trail Magic: The Grandma Gatewood Story" and author of dozens of books, is teaching the following online courses at Writer's Digest University
  • Copywriting Certificate Program: A 10-week course beginning on 6/23/2022
  • Writing the Memoir 101: A 12-week course beginning on 6/30/2022

Classes are self-paced with ready access to the highly experienced instructor who has taught year-round with WDU since its inception in February 2000.

= = = 

Submissions are now open. Currently, we are only taking submissions from agents, authors who have previously published with Young Dragons & author/illustrators. Submissions will be open until August 31, 2022. We encourage our authors to maintain a current author webpage and Twitter account as a tool to promote positive materials (their books, blogs, visuals) which are suitable for children and families. Little Dragons publishes creative, socially conscious, educational, and humorous fiction and non-fiction titles for children of all ages. We are actively seeking picture books and chapter books, fiction and non-fiction, as well as middle grade (MG) books, fiction, and non-fiction. Series are desired for chapter books and middle grade books. Series allow the readers to follow and develop a relationship with the characters.

Because of the overwhelming number of manuscripts we anticipate receiving each week, we do not accept unsolicited novel-length manuscripts outright. However, we do look at the following materials. Picture Books: Query letter + the full text. Novels: Query letter + the first two chapters + synopsis. Illustration: Three sample illustrations and/or links to online portfolios. Publishes literary fiction and nonfiction for children and teenagers, as well as picture books and graphic novels. 

What we are looking for: Action/Adventure, Chick Lit, Commercial, Contemporary, Crime/Detective/Cozies, Fantasy: Magical Realism, Historical, Horror, Humor/Satire, Inspirational, LGBTQ+, Literary, Multicultural, Mystery, Nonfiction - select subjects (please inquire), Picture Books, Romance, Science Fiction, Suspense, Thriller, Upmarket, Western, Women's Fiction, Young Adult. We are not looking for novellas or erotica. 

Princeton Architectural Press welcomes book proposals for general and professional audiences in the following categories: architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, graphic design, visual culture, photography, craft, and gardening. We do not accept technical manuals or books of purely academic interest, such as unaltered master’s or doctoral theses.

Strive Publishing was founded to help solve two problems: the need for culturally relevant children’s books; and the underrepresentation of Black authors in book publishing. We all have a stake in the critical work of uplifting Black voices in children’s literature, and we can make the greatest impact through working together.

We publish high-quality literary fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and short-story anthologies. We consider submissions in all genres, including action-adventure, urban contemporary, biography, memoir, high-quality romance and women’s literature, children’s stories, young adult, satire, mystery, historical fiction, thrillers, humor, philosophy, and educational works.

As an Irish publisher, we have found it increasingly important to have authors who are available to attend local events in bookshops, schools and libraries. As such, while we are open to submissions from authors all over the world, we are much more likely to publish authors based in Ireland. We publish mainly children's fiction and nonfiction, adult non-fiction and a select number of adult novels. We generally do not publish poetry or academic works. 

Since 2010, AM Ink has been publishing quality Biographies, Children’s Books, Novels and Short Story Collections.  We've published more than sixty titles, including bestsellers, as well as sold television rights, seen movies made from our books and our titles on hundreds of media outlets worldwide.  All this has been done independently as a Mom and Pop small business in Western Massachusetts. 








Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2022, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

**Note that places paid advertising in this newsletter, ALL ads being related to writers and the business of writing, screened by FundsforWriters to make sure the information is suitable for writers and their endeavors to improve their careers. But the mailing list is not sold to third parties. You will not receive this newsletter without your permission. It's physically impossible since recipients must opt-in, giving us permission to send the newsletter. If at any time you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, click the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of each newsletter. We want you to enjoy this newsletter at your pleasure, not be forced to read anything you do not wish to receive. The website is not advertised using unsolicited messages by Aweber, affiliates or other third parties. Direct any complaints, suggestions, and accolades to Hope Clark at We are an anti-spam site.