FundsforWriters - June 3, 2022 - The Journey to Gonzo Journalism

Published: Fri, 06/03/22


VOLUME 22, ISSUE 27 | MAY 27, 2022

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Message from Hope

Sometime later this week, the family of Michanne Reese will have a celebration of life for her in Wisconsin. I cannot attend, so I took time to write a long note to the family. She died six months ago.

Michanne wrote for herself, but mostly she edited for others, and she was the proofreader for FundsforWriters for several years. She was bigger than life, and at my lowest she could make me smile. She faced her own adversity but never failed to seek the sunshine in the clouds. Never. Even if she didn't quite feel like it, she dressed like it, or even dyed her hair rainbow to make herself feel spry. Maybe put on her psychedelic glasses. Her smile held dimples.

Six months ago, her husband notified me of her passing the day it happened. Bless him. I froze. Then I went outside on the front stoop and cried. I still tear up writing this. I teared up writing her family.

But I never met the woman. 

Four times I've lost an online friend and felt the void as if I'd seen them in my day-to-day life. Three of those times the family didn't let me know until weeks later. I would've tried to make one or two of those funerals. 

But we don't think our online friends are real until they aren't there any longer. And our families usually don't fathom the depth of said friendships. There's something about being online that makes people think less of human relationships, when in some cases, those online buddies represent some serious bonds. 

Recently an author spoke online about having her will and affairs in order. I commented that I went so far as to add my social media presence and all the affiliated passwords to my personal directives so that my family would let the world know. I've been there and felt the pain when families forgot that aspect of taking care of affairs. She said she wasn't interested in doing that. When she was gone she didn't care.

But I've worked too hard to be friends with so many online to just drop them, and those include this newsletter's readership. My family knows me feelings in this regard. So I left instructions on how to say goodbye. It matters to those waiting on the other end of the Internet to hear from you. It matters to those who wonder what happened. Respect them and let them know. You gave each other considerable meaning in life.

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
Email Hope | Visit Website | Sign up for Newsletter
Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
FFW has proudly been on the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers list every year since 2001

Our subscriber list is NOT made available to others. Use information listed at your own risk. FundsforWriters gives no warranty to completeness, accuracy, or fitness of the markets, contests and grants although research is done to the best of our ability.



Available for pre-order now! 

Sweet Michanne Reese.
Miss you.



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As an aside, my Facebook page is where you'll see a lot me, find review requests (which means free books), hear opinions, and experience giveaways. I'm limited to 5,000 friends, and yes, I consider them friends. I hit the 5,000 mark often and have to spend crazy time getting rid of the odd closed accounts here and there to make room for new friends, but if you cannot be a friend, at least follow me. There are 2,500 of those at present. They still get the same material, opinions, and opportunity. 

Anyway . . . recently on Facebook I posted a call for submissions for FundsforWriters on a particular topic. In an hour I had four serious people interested. I asked two of them to entertain the opportunity seriously and send me something on spec. What I liked about both of them is that they came back with suggestions on how to cover the topic. Then one asked if he could submit a three-part series. The other asked if I would raise my rate from $60 to $75 since that was closer to what she regularly charged. 

Since both of these writers had websites and a history of freelancing and publishing, they came with a certain degree of street cred under their belt. As a result, I said yes to both. That one Facebook post gave me five articles (yay!), and I told both to consider writing more for me.

Did I reject others? Yes. I turned one person down in that call for submissions, because she had never practiced the topic. She only wanted to research it and interview people. I wanted someone with experience. I rarely take articles from those who have zero experience in the how-to topic, and I never take interviews. 

Most people I turn down in my day-to-day do the following, in the order of frequency:

1) Exceed the word count.
2) Pitch a topic we do not cover.
3) Write with serious flaws in grammar (and the English language).
4) Write academically instead of conversationally.
5) Write from online research and have no experience. (It shows in the writing, believe me.)
6) Have no online presence.

But the refreshing, professional presentations of those two writers who replied to my call for submissions excited me, because they did everything right. They read the guidelines. They understood the market they were writing for. Which means they respected me.

So I gave them what they asked for . . . multiple assignments and higher payment. It pays to ask, but only if you followed the other rules to start with. Respect begets respect.




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Accountability. Community. Motivation.

When you’re a writer, you need these three things to keep going.

The Writers Salon is a free online writing community where you can meet other writers, find motivation and access courses to develop your skill and habits.

Join the community today! Or, if you’re interested in working one-on-one with me to bring your writing to the next level, email me at

Kate Meadows Writing & Editing Services

Share your story. Bring your idea to life. Reach more people.




 - June 9, 2022 - Edisto Bookstore, Edisto Island, SC - 3:00 PM

 - June 11, 2022 - The Coffee Shelf, Chapin, SC - 8-11 AM

 - June 21, 2022 - South Congaree Pine Ridge Library, In-Person, Columbia, SC - 5:30-6:30 PM 

 - June 28, 2022 - Still Hopes Episcopal Residential Community - One Still Hopes Drive, West Columbia, SC - 2:00 PM

 - June 29, 2022 - Newberry Library, Newberry, SC - Time TBD

 - July 13, 2022 - Muskoka Authors Association, Zoom - 6:00 PM

 - July 23, 2022 - Indiana Sisters in Crime, Zoom - Noon ET - Gary and Hope Clark Tag Team on Getting the Facts Right in Mysteries

 - June 3-10, 2023 - Writing Retreat on the Maine Coast - Special Guest - Sponsored by Joan Dempsey, author and teacher 
Email: to schedule  events, online or otherwise. There's starting to be life out there!     



"We want you to take from us. We want you, at first, to steal from us, because you can't steal. You will take what we give you and you will put it in your own voice and that's how you will find your voice. And that's how you begin. And then one day someone will steal from you."   ~Francis Ford Coppola


SUccess Story

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Featured article


The Journey to Gonzo Journalism

By Alex J. Coyne

Gonzo journalism is a nonfiction style made famous by authors like Tom Wolfe and Hunter S. Thompson. Chaotic and crazed, Gonzo puts the journalist in the middle of their feature. Gonzo journalism uses facts, but also embraces emotion and first-hand experience.

Here’s how I found my way to Gonzo journalism, and what can happen when you take the ride.

Gonzo (By Definition)

In 2020, I published a feature to the online site Bridge Base Online about the closure of an illegal care facility. Mainstream news had already covered the basics (Sunday Times; ‘Last Round for KZN Care Center’). 

My journalistic partner and I checked in as patients, two disabled writers. 

Within weeks, we saw owners provide a free flow of alcohol to Alzheimer's patients. Official-looking paperwork didn't check out. Their food made us ill, and our medical files showed that strong tranquilizers were being administered. 

At breaking point, we were threatened and the exits locked.

As disabled writers, caregivers seemed invaluable – until we arrived. Caregivers weren't qualified, documents were false, and the place had an illegal pub. Day-by-day, we saw more. I wrote nights, while my partner collected evidence with much risk.

We submitted reports everywhere, including the Department of Social Development and Police Service, which culminated in its closure.

The Sunday Times published the facts, but there was more to tell than just a segment. Our experiences enabled feeling and first-hand knowledge, what was seen and felt.

Hard news was not enough. It was Gonzo: journalism, with feeling.

What’s the Story?

Gonzo needs first-hand involvement, but don’t seek danger, risk or chaos. Anything can be covered with Gonzo perspective. ‘Frank Sinatra Has a Cold’ is a fantastic feature, with no shots fired (or journalist harmed). It's not just an interview with Sinatra, but Talese described every moment, including the atmosphere and his own thoughts.

I wrote an article series about payday lenders. Summaries weren’t enough, so I tested the companies at my own risk. It worked, and blog MyCreditStatus bought the features.

I would interview Leigh-Ann Mathys, then-treasurer of the political party the Economic Freedom Fighters, for another market. I wrote in part about our conversation and not just the facts. We talked, and we connected. It worked.

Start with hard news or core ideas, then dig and involve yourself as its writer. 

The Elements of Gonzo

Gonzo journalism cracks open hard news, and writes about what comes falling out. The elements of a Gonzo feature will include fact and truth, but allows a storyteller’s style, voice, and active participation to convey them.

Gonzo journalism is the 5 W's with more depth, and from the journalist's POV. What did you, the journalist, see or do for the facts? Anything can be Gonzo, but perspective, accuracy, and courage is expected of you.

Gonzo can involve, but must never deliberately endanger. Gonzo is brave, but not stupid. 

It's carefully collecting the story around the writer, not writers causing chaos theory or mayhem for their story. Interpret danger, don't cause it.

Obscenity, an unnecessary Gonzo myth, also rarely has a place.

Recording the Edge

Gonzo features rely on what happens in the moment, and a careful mixture of the writer's relevant thoughts and what's really happening to the story. The best tool is constant observation in the moment: keep recording no matter what.

Document and record everything. Keep the tape running. Hunt, and gather. It’s always worth it.

When you think, ‘Is this really happening?’ and you have evidence that it just did, you might have a great Gonzo story.

The writing phase is where you sit down with everything you have collected, and let a story unfold from it.

Markets for Gonzo

Publications are more welcome to Gonzo journalism today. Even if the market doesn’t mention the word Gonzo, they might run a strong piece if they publish blogs, features, essays, creative nonfiction or interviews.

The best way to sell a Gonzo piece is through an editorial relationship or a completed piece on-spec versus a simple query. 

Markets known to publish Gonzo features include:

• Vanity Fair
• Esquire
• Rolling Stone Magazine
• The NY Times
• The Washington Post

Writing About It

When the story itself isn’t in this style, I have also come to write about it on occasion. ‘A Writer’s Guide to Gonzo Journalism’ sold to Writers Write, with a secondary piece that explores writing advice from the Beat Generation.

If you’d like to buy a ticket, Gonzo journalism can be a crazy, fulfilling ride.

About the Author: Alex J Coyne is a writer and freelance journalist. His features have been published in markets like Caribbean Compass, People Magazine, Writers Write, and others.


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Take Your Writing to the Next Level with Writer's Digest University 
Kelly Boyer Sagert, the sole scriptwriter of the Emmy-Award-nominated film, "Trail Magic: The Grandma Gatewood Story" and author of dozens of books, is teaching the following online courses at Writer's Digest University
  • Copywriting Certificate Program: A 10-week course beginning on 6/23/2022
  • Writing the Memoir 101: A 12-week course beginning on 6/30/2022

Classes are self-paced with ready access to the highly experienced instructor who has taught year-round with WDU since its inception in February 2000.

- - - 

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 30, 2022. All entries must be related to this year’s theme of Speculation. The winning author will receive $1,000 and have their work published in Boston Review's special literary issue Speculation (March 2023). Some finalists and semi-finalists will also be published in the issue or online. Stories must not exceed 5,000 words and must be unpublished.

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 30, 2022. All entries must be related to this year’s theme of Speculation. The winning author will receive $1,000 and have their work published in Boston Review's special literary issue Speculation (February 2023). Some finalists and semi-finalists will also be published in the issue or online. Send up to five poems or ten pages, whichever comes first. The poems must be unpublished.

$19 ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 30, 2022. Tell us a true and funny story about your family in the form of a personal essay that will make us chuckle and somehow inspire us. Your entry should be aimed at an adult audience and should be suitable to print in a magazine or anthology such as Chicken Soup for the Soul. For this contest, we want to see a personal essay of 1,000 words (or less) about a funny family story written in first person point of view. First prize $650, second prize $350, third prize $100, fourth prize $100, and fifth prize $100. 

£10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 30, 2022. Exceptionally international in scope, the prize supports writers who have not yet published a book-length work, with no limits on age, gender, nationality, or background. The winners of each category will receive a £1,000 cash prize and publication, and will be published in Wasafiri’s print magazine. Shortlisted writers will have their work published on Wasafiri’s website. The competition is open to anyone who has not published or signed a contract to publish a book-length work of fiction, life writing, or poetry, except for self-published works or poetry chapbooks. No entry may exceed 3,000 words. All prizes are for short works, not for novel/memoir extracts. While extracts from longer works are eligible, they must stand alone as complete works in their own right. 9: A single poetry entry can include up to three poems, which together total no more than 3,000 words. Each poem must each be submitted as a separate document.

$6 ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 30, 2022. Rigel offers $250 plus publication to the winner, and offers publication to select finalists. No restrictions on theme or category. The length for prose is restricted to a maximum of 5,000 words for short stories, or ten pages for poetry and graphic novels. 

€15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 31, 2022. This short story award is open to original and previously unpublished short stories in the English language by a writer of any nationality, living anywhere in the world. Stories submitted must be on the theme of ‘Courage’ and not exceed the maximum of 1,500 words. The winner will receive a €500 cash prize and the chance to see their work published in a future issue of Anthology. The winner will also receive a one-year subscription subscription to Anthology.

Deadline June 29, 2022. The competition is designed to motivate non-American novice writers under the age of 30, and offer them the recognition and encouragement that might lead to a successful career in television scriptwriting. Entrants are asked to create a completed half-hour to one-hour English-language television drama script. The award winner receives $2,500.

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 30, 2022. The Lindisfarne Prize for Crime Fiction is a literary prize which recognises outstanding writing in the genre of crime or thriller fiction, sponsored by the author L J Ross through her publishing imprint, Dark Skies Publishing, in association with the Newcastle Noir Crime Writing Festival and Newcastle Libraries. It is open to all writers who are from, or whose work celebrates the North East of England, and who have not previously had their submission published in any form (though they might have had other stories published before). To be considered, entrants must submit a short story of no more than 10,000 words or the first two chapters and a synopsis of their work in progress. The winning entry will be awarded a prize of £2500 to support the completion of their work and funding towards a year’s membership of both the Society of Authors (SoA) and the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi), and smaller financial awards to shortlisted candidates. 

$27 ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 15, 2022. This contest is open to all writers worldwide with no limitations on the amount of poetry a writer has published. We recommend submissions should be 40–120 pages of poetry. Prize is $3,000 and publication. 

The book award is set at $5,000 and the magazine award is set at $2,000. Applicant must be a continuing resident of Canada and at the date of application lived in Canada for the last twelve months. Applicant must be working a minimum of seventy per cent of their work time as a self-employed freelance writer. Writers have two options when submitting magazine articles - 1. Published Articles or 2. Unpublished Articles. For the book award, applicant must be working on completion for publication of an English language book (nonfiction). Applicant must agree to submit a completed chapter of the book that you are in the process of writing, proof of a publishing contract and a copy of the book proposal sent to the publishers.




Do you love nature as much as you love writing?

You don't have to be an ecologist or outdoor adventurer to write about nature. The only requirement is a desire to genuinely connect with the natural world.

In this class, students do so by immersing each week in one of the four elements--earth, air, fire and water-- through music, literature, art and meditation and write from this place of deep knowing. Ancient cultures all over the world have used some version of the four elements to simplify the complexity of our organic existence.

Discover your own personal relationship to the elements as a channel for inspired writing. Johanna has been a professional writer and writing instructor for over two decades. She has two published books and has taught writing classes at conferences, universities, high schools, camps and more. She lives off-grid in the deserts of northern New Mexico. All levels and all genres are welcome.

 $222 for 5 weeks
15 student maximum
More information on the website
Email with questions

 = = = 

Deadline July 31. The North Carolina Arts Council is excited to reintroduce cARTwheels, an Arts in Education Grant Program which provides high quality arts performances and residency experiences for students and schools. For this new iteration of the program, cARTwheels teaching artists will develop programmatic content that directly responds to timely and important issues that are being faced by students and educators in communities across the state. For the immediate program cycle, cARTwheels will focus on building students’ resiliency through the arts. In-school performances and arts experiences will focus on creative practices and programmatic content that support students’ problem-solving skills and promote healing, reflection, and self-empowerment through the arts.

South Arts believes that rural communities deserve great art, and can require specialized support to make that vision viable. Distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis, Express Grants support rural organizations and communities with expedited grants of up to $2,000. To be eligible for funding, applicants must program arts experiences featuring a Southern artist. Express Grants can be used to support fees for presenting Southern guest film directors, visual and performing artists, or writers from inside or outside of the presenter’s state. Touring support is awarded for film (documentary, fiction, experimental and animation), performing arts (theater, music, opera, musical theater and dance), literary arts (fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry), traditional arts, and visual arts (crafts, drawing, experimental, painting, photography, sculpture and mixed media). Projects must include both a public presentation (film screening, performance, reading or exhibition) and an educational component.

Deadline June 16, 2022. Maine Artist Fellowships recognize artistic excellence and advance the careers of Maine artists. Fellowships are not grants, they are merit-based awards that are informed by an applicant’s work as documented through the application and support materials. Maine Artist Fellowships are available in the categories: Belvedere Handcraft, Fine Craft, Literary Arts, Multimedia/Film, Performing Arts, Traditional Arts, and Visual Arts. Grant awards are $5,000.

Deadline June 13, 2022. The Letras Boricuas Fellowship is an opportunity sponsored by The Mellon Foundation and The Flamboyan Foundation’s Arts Fund, which will provide forty writers —twenty selected in 2021 and twenty selected in 2022 — $25,000 each. Recipients will also participate in a gathering of all forty Fellows to be hosted in Puerto Rico, tentatively scheduled for April 2023. While fellowship award funds are unrestricted, the hope is to help writers in Puerto Rico and across the diaspora, pursue their writing, amplify their work to a broader audience, and create work that celebrates Puerto Rican life and culture. It is also the aim that each Fellowship cohort will include writers of different genres and writers who live in Puerto Rico, as well Puerto Ricans who may live in the United States. Applications will be accepted in Spanish and/or English.

A new program designed to support Indigenous artists with a deep connection to Louisiana. We will release an open call for applications in Spring 2023 for the 23-24 residency season. 

Deadline June 16, 2022. The Poetry Society of New York is seeking a generous, creative, thoughtful, open-minded, and hardworking young artist for our 2022 Jane Brinkley Fellowship. This fellowship will last from July 1st to September 15th. The awardee will receive $5000 for these three months, as well as support from the Poetry Society of New York re: finding housing and acclimating to the New York area. 

Deadline June 30, 2022. It is with this kind of friendship in mind that I (along with the generous donation of an anonymous donor) am offering a small sum of $50 to four pairs of friend-artists who submit portfolios of work (with a short introduction) intended to be used for the winners to get a meal together, see a movie, get a few drinks together at a conference, etc. The key is being together. In this way, the offering is low stakes—with no expectation of production—yet I also hope to encourage writers to look beyond ideas of individual work and success that most competitions encourage and toward a deliberate investment in their relationship with their creative partner.



An op-ed is an opinion essay written by a staff columnist or an outside contributor. It should have a clear point of view or argument supported by specific evidence. It does not represent the opinions of The Washington Post — in fact, it may often contradict the opinion of The Post’s Editorial Board. Submissions should be limited to 800 words. We consider only completed articles and cannot commit to, or provide guidance on, article proposals. Op-eds may not have been submitted to, posted to or published by any other media. Limit 750 words. 

Publishes personal essays, fiction, and poetry. Personal stories that touch on political and cultural issues are welcome. Limit 7,000 words. 

Belt Magazine is a digital publication by and for the Rust Belt and greater Midwest. Challenges simplistic national narratives by paying local journalists, writers, photographers, and poets to cover their communities with depth, context, and the kind of rich insight that can only come from a deep relationship with a place. We publish original reportage in the range of 1,200-3,000 words—though we’ll bend those numbers for the right piece. We’re partial to stories with a compelling narrative and a strong sense of voice (don’t be shy about using the first person). Successful pitches will include a sense of any major narrative(s) and characters in the story, why it matters to Belt’s readers, who you are, why you’re the right person to write the piece, and how you plan to go about it. Pay varies significantly based on length, scope, and amount of reporting involved. Send pitches, plus two or three clips of your best work, to, with the words “STORY PITCH” in the subject line. Features pay $300 to $1,000. We publish first-person essays on life in the Rust Belt and northern Midwest that resonate with a regional audience. We’re looking for work that expresses what reporting can’t, that narrates an experience, event, or aspect of life in a personal way. Pays $100 to $200. Considers poetry, paying $25-50. 

DeSoto Magazine is an upscale lifestyles publication focused on stories about life in Mississippi, Memphis and the Mid-South (primarily Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, and Arkansas). Please email a complete story pitch outlining your idea, including a prospective source list, to Please send two-to-three clips of your published work and tell us about yourself. Let us know if you like to write about food, music, books, health, and other topics of interest. Features — 1,000 to 1,200 words; Departments – 750 to 850 words; and Essays (Reflections) —500 words. Current rates are $240, Features; $175, Departments; $100, Essays and In Good Spirits; $50, On the Road. 

Down East is an identity magazine for Mainers, the Maine diaspora, and anyone whose heart and soul are fed by our state and state of mind. Our mission is to showcase Maine’s landscapes, traditions, compelling personalities, and singular way of life, as well as to confront its complexities insightfully and without sentimentality. Everything we publish is directly related to state of Maine — its culture, history, personalities, destinations, current events, and more. Payment varies, between $.60/word and $.75/word, depending on the complexity of the assignment and intended use in the magazine. We pay a flat $400 for My Maine essays. 

Most articles in Durango Magazine are assigned to freelance contributors, usually in August for the Winter/Spring issue and in February for the Summer/Fall issue. Length of articles range from 150-word shorts to 2,000-word features. Payment is at the rate of 50¢ a word for our established writers. Writers working with us for the first time are asked to submit their finished manuscript on speculation. Regular topics include area attractions, history, people, places and culture. Readers seek out each issue as their source of information and entertainment, and as a lasting souvenir of their experiences in southwestern Colorado.

High Country News is an award-winning nonprofit monthly magazine with a robust website that tells the complex story of the Western United States, through coverage of its people, communities and landscapes. We pay on publication, between $0.25 and $1.50 per word, depending on the writer’s experience and our experience with the writer. Our kill fee is 25%. Features at HCN are defined by more than their word length, which vary widely from 2,800 words up to 10,000 words (most are in the 4-6,000 word range). Essays and perspectives usually run 750-800 words, at $400 flat.  

Help AAA Washington’s members experience the best travel experiences the Pacific Northwest has to offer. Your writing will appear on AAA Washington’s website, in our member publication — Washington’s most-read magazine, Journey — or both. AAA Washington serves more than 1.2 million members in Washington state and northern Idaho. Email with a headline and subhead that will grab a reader’s attention, then describe what you’ll offer readers that they can’t get anywhere else, how you’ll do that and who you’ll talk with. Propose a word count, eye-catching art options, your pay rate (flat, hourly or per word), any estimated expenses and include a two-sentence author bio that demonstrates your expertise and explains why you’re the perfect person to tackle that particular project. Let us know if you’re working on the story or something similar for publication elsewhere or intend to. Writers who haven’t previously worked with Journey’s editors should submit three writing samples and may be asked to write on spec.

Milwaukee Magazine is a monthly magazine covering the people, issues and places of Milwaukee and southeastern Wisconsin. We are interested in timely stories about current issues, local personalities, area business, sports, health care, education, politics, arts and culture, architecture and urban life, history, food, shopping, music and nightlife, recreation and the environment. We are particularly looking for writers who can deliver brightly written, well-researched service stories but are also interested in in-depth narrative features (from profiles to investigative stories) from qualified reporters. Full-length feature stories run 2,500-5,000 words; if your query leads to an assignment, we’ll specify what length we’re looking for.

Nebraska Life Magazine is the magazine that explores Nebraska. We are Nebraska’s only statewide general-interest magazine. In each issue, we publish stories that span every region of the state with special attention to its wonderfully diverse environments, cultures and communities. We are not a travel magazine, a history magazine, a nature magazine or a food magazine, but we do all of that and more – sometimes within the same story. Our text length ranges are: departments, 100-400 words; features, 400-3,000 words. 
400-3,000 words: $.20 per word
201-400 words: $87.50
100-200 words: $50
Less than 100 words: $25




Grub Street is an award-winning small, niche independent publisher, publishing only books on cookery and military aviation history.

Carrie Howland is accepting submissions for adult literary, upmarket, and commercial fiction as well as memoir, narrative and prescriptive nonfiction. Victoria Dillman is most interested in adult literary/upmarket fiction and narrative and expert-driven nonfiction. In fiction, she looks for a well-paced plot with a strong, distinctive voice. She is fascinated by complex and nuanced characters with conflicting desires. She especially loves literary fiction with a speculative or magical element. Erin Clyburn represents middle grade fiction, YA fiction, and adult fiction and nonfiction. In MG and YA, she is looking for horror, mystery, thriller, big-hearted contemporary, and grounded stories with magical or speculative elements. In adult fiction, she is most interested in upmarket and literary fiction, and she gravitates toward the dark and strange: horror, thriller, mystery, and grounded stories with speculative or magical elements. Zoe Howard is drawn to writing that lingers—on language, on character development, on the subtleties of character relationships, on place, on a niche subjects—and makes the details discovered there pop. Zoe would love to read writing that explores boundaries: poets writing prose, region-specific writing about the coastal or “convenience store” south and the western United States, non-traditional narrators, unhinged women in fiction, and so on.  

For Michael Bourret, Jim McCarthy, Lauren Abramo, Amy Bishop, and Michaela Whatnall, please submit to them ONLY via Query Manager—links can be found in their Meet Our Agents page. For all other agents, please submit by e-mail, which can be found on their page under Meet Our Agents. Do be sure to query only one agent at this agency. We will not review queries sent to more than one of us and a pass from one here is a pass from us all, as we do share materials widely in house. They represent a wide range of genres.








Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2022, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

**Note that places paid advertising in this newsletter, ALL ads being related to writers and the business of writing, screened by FundsforWriters to make sure the information is suitable for writers and their endeavors to improve their careers. But the mailing list is not sold to third parties. You will not receive this newsletter without your permission. It's physically impossible since recipients must opt-in, giving us permission to send the newsletter. If at any time you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, click the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of each newsletter. We want you to enjoy this newsletter at your pleasure, not be forced to read anything you do not wish to receive. The website is not advertised using unsolicited messages by Aweber, affiliates or other third parties. Direct any complaints, suggestions, and accolades to Hope Clark at We are an anti-spam site.