FundsforWriters - February 25, 2022 - Book-themed Videos that Promote Sales

Published: Fri, 02/25/22


VOLUME 22, ISSUE 8 | FEBRUARY 25, 2022

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Message from Hope

Well, I got the call a lot sooner than expected, and my delayed surgery became a reality. By the time you read this, I'm propped up unable to get around for three weeks.....stuck doing nothing but reading and writing. 

Bummer, huh? 

I have no excuses not to write, and when not writing, I have a stack of to-be-read books awaiting my attention. 

So bear with me if my emails are not quite as quick, but I will get to you. In the meantime, Chapter 13, here I come, and my 1,000 words a day ought to be easily accomplished, right?

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C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
Email Hope | Visit Website | Sign up for Newsletter
Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
FFW has proudly been on the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers list every year since 2001

Our subscriber list is NOT made available to others. Use information listed at your own risk. FundsforWriters gives no warranty to completeness, accuracy, or fitness of the markets, contests and grants although research is done to the best of our ability.

















Finding and Working with the Right Literary Agent with Howard Yoon

The first step to being published by the biggest New York-based publishers is to find the right literary agent. But what exactly do agents do, and what should you expect from them?

In this 90-minute class, literary agent Howard Yoon walks you through the world of agents and traditional publishing. He'll tell you what agents and book executives really think and what motivates them to make publishing decisions. He'll talk about how the pandemic shifted market tastes and how publishing has adapted, for better and for worse, and give you valuable insider information that's candid and refreshingly honest.

Once you understand the business side of publishing, you'll give yourself that edge you need to find the right agent and publisher—and to set yourself up for success as an author.

Hosted by Jane Friedman
Thursday, March 3, 2022
1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. EST
Includes 30-day access to recordings

Learn More and Register »






Most of you will say both, but that is not true. You may not even realize it's not true. Truth is, we all start writing with a purpose in mind. . . to either make money writing, or to have our work loved. And whether you admit it or not, you favor one mindset over the other.

This is going to be a very opinionated piece, so buckle in for the ride.

The biggest frustration to most writers, any type of writer, is not being read. Whether that means being read to earn royalties or commissions, or being read to be loved for the art of the story, the bottom line is you write for words to be appreciated. You love the thought of words being powerful. 

But when you think you'll make a million dollars with cozy mysteries, or your beautiful talent will be appreciated in a blog post about buying the best earbuds, you have your priorities become mixed up. You become your own worst enemy. 

First, if your main desire is to earn a living as a writer (whether you have to or want to, doesn't matter), then accept that and look for writing niches that earn a dollar quicker, easier, more efficiently. A book takes a year or more, and if the book is your first or second, you won't earn minimum wage without some incredible luck. There are a lot of copywriters and commercial freelancers out there earning a darn good living. 

While the pros and cons of Upwork are debatable, take a look at the professional writers listed there and see their cost per hour. Or Scripted. Any job site like Indeed or FlexJobs will list openings, and LinkedIn is crammed with opportunity. In any of these cases, join at the highest level for the best opportunity. And networking is key. Many freelancers stand on their own two feet after creating their own platform, but even these will sub out work when they get too much on their plate. Is any of this work creative writing? Most isn't, but there is the upside that there is always creativity in filling a client's needs. They are not professional novelists. If they write novels, it's on the side.

But what if you prefer fiction, or even creative nonfiction. You thrive on the creativity of make-believe, and storytelling is your dream. You need months or years to write the first, maybe longer to find your voice. This is a journey of perfecting your style and mastering the craft. Making money is not in the plan. You aren't creating products. You are creating art. If you make money one day at it, fine. But thoughts put into the money aspect is energy stolen from the art-making.

Now . . . there are struggling, starving freelancers . . . and there are financially successful novelists. However, allow reality to filter in when deciding your own journey. You can make money at anything you do, but acceptance of the odds can assist you in making much wiser choices. 







  • March 12, 2022 - Grand Rapids Regional Writers Group, Zoom, "The myths and facts of grants for writers" - 1:30-3 PM
  • March 26, 2022 - Creating Character Arcs - Writer's University Mystery/Thriller Online Conference - 3 PM
  • May 28, 2022 - Saturday Writer's Group ( of the MIssouri Writer's Guild) - Zoom - "On Writing Contests" - Noon-2 PM
  • June 21, 2022 - South Congaree Pine Ridge Library, In-Person, Columbia, SC - 5:30-6:30 PM
  • July 13, 2022 - Muskoka Authors Association, Zoom - 6:00 PM
  • July 23, 2022 - Indiana Sisters in Crime, Zoom - Noon ET - Gary and Hope Clark Tag Team on Getting the Facts Right in Mysteries
  • Email: to schedule  events, online or otherwise. There's starting to be life out there!     



“If you devote yourself entirely to a noble pursuit, there is no way you cannot find beauty and fulfillment.”

—Daniel Gillies


SUccess Story

Hi Hope,

I've been a Funds for Writers subscriber for a good dozen years (at least!) and what a long, strange trip it's been! I've watched you blossom from hopeful writer, to newbie author, to writing conference speaker, to successful author with an entire series under your belt. I am so impressed with your gumption!

You may not know how you've impacted the lives of your readers, but let me tell you, this newsletter has always given me hope and nudged me in directions I may not have ever discovered on my own. I've entered numerous contests over the years, which led to small victories, like being published in poetry anthologies, or honorable mentions at writers' conferences. 

The pivotal moment in my writing journey was being named a Zola Award Finalist for a memoir I wrote about serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in Zambia. Though I ultimately did not win the category, the accolades I received from the Pacific Northwest Writers' Association encouraged me to pursue publication. I never gave up. It took time to finally be recognized and signed by a small press, but I can now proudly announce I am a published author! The Color of the Elephant is now out in the world and I couldn't be happier.

Thank you for always being an encouraging voice for those of us pursuing our dreams. You are doing important work in the world!

With deep gratitude,
Christine Herbert

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If you have a success story you believe was prompted by FundsforWriters, please share with us! Send to 

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Book-themed Videos that Promote Sales

By Susan Grant                 

As a teacher, I know firsthand the value of using visuals to catch my students' attention and move them from the printed word to a higher level of engagement. Therefore, as I pondered ways to attract potential buyers of my debut novel, The Bottle House, it occurred to me that brief videos could interest and engage potential readers. Short videos on Facebook ads work well, but I wanted to get the most "bang for my buck" when it came to buying advertisements. The lessons I learned were these:

Choose a video-making website  

As a classroom teacher, I have used PowerPoint for video work, but I found some places that made video making simpler. Needing a company that could help me produce videos in a download form; one that would not have to be hosted on YouTube, I found InVideo. I chose this company for a few reasons. 

They have great tutorial videos both on their site and on YouTube.  

They have many templates that allow you to change pictures, movements of words, graphics, and music tracks that you can upload into your video.  

You can sign up for one of two different plans to make videos and the monthly price is reasonable.  

In addition to InVideo, there are other sites where similar videos can be made. There is Animoto, whose monthly prices are competitive, and they offer templates, stock photos, and music clips, too. WeVideo and offer similar packages for a monthly fee.  

Identify a theme or takeaway value for your book   

Once you have determined which video-making site meets your specific needs, you'll want to brainstorm the video content. You'll want to include the theme(s) of your book.  I listed what "takeaways" I included in my novel. For my specific book, The Bottle House, a Christian inspirational book, I wanted to leave my readers with several thoughts.  

If you feel your pain is too much to bear; there is hope. Read The Bottle House. 

If you feel God has forgotten you; He hasn't. Read The Bottle House. 

If you feel alone in your despair. You're not. Read The Bottle House. 

Each one of these 20- to 40-second videos has music and a link to where you can purchase my novel. I used videos of such a short length because, like commercials in various media outlets, I wish to engage a potential reader quickly and succinctly. Video book trailers are generally longer, but this time my goal was weighted brevity.

Check out my videos here.  

Check out my book trailer here.

Consider making a video that produces a little tension  

Besides choosing a specific takeaway for my videos, I accidentally made one video a tad controversial. What I wrote caused a bit of a stir on my social media. The video read:  

Have you ever been angry with God; afraid others will see your lack of faith? Read The Bottle House.  

There are questions whether a dedicated Christian could have this type of crisis of faith. It proved an opportunity for healthy dialogue, therefore, attracting attention.  

You can do it!  

If you're interested in attracting attention to your book, try making a video. It has the potential to attract future readers and sales.  

BIO - Susan Grant is a middle school language arts teacher. She has just released her debut novel, The Bottle House, published by Elk Lake Publishers and is available on Amazon and several other online retailers. Her first non-fiction book, 100 Minutes with God, a daily devotional for busy people, was a number 1 new release on Amazon. She has also written for other devotional publications and the Bangor Daily News. Get in touch with her and read some of her work at  



$20 ENTRY FEE. Submissions open Feb 1 – Mar 1, 2022. The Gutsy Great Novelist Chapter One Prize is awarded for an outstanding first chapter of an unpublished novel. First prize is $1,000; 2nd is $500; and 3rd is $250. The prize is open internationally to anyone over 18 writing a novel in English in any genre for adult or YA readers.

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$35 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 14, 2022. The National Poetry Series seeks book-length manuscripts of poetry written by American residents or American citizens living abroad. All manuscripts must be previously unpublished in their complete form, although some or all of the individual poems may have appeared in periodicals. Manuscript length is not limited. However, a length of 48-64 pages is suggested. Five winning poets will each receive a $10,000 cash prize in addition to having a full-length manuscript published by a participating publisher. 

$25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 15, 2022. Airlie Press is a nonprofit publisher run by writers, dedicated to cultivating and sustaining fine contemporary poetry and to promoting poets from the Pacific Northwest. Manuscripts should be 48 to 90 pages of original poetry in English (excluding front matter and end matter). No more than one poem should appear on a page. The winner receives book publication in the fall of the following year, and a $1000 prize upon publication of the winning book. 

$25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 15, 2022. Winners will receive $3,000 and publication through the University of Nebraska Press. The Prairie Schooner Raz-Shumaker Book Prize Series welcomes manuscripts from all living writers, including non-US citizens, writing in English. Both unpublished and published writers are welcome to submit manuscripts. We will not consider manuscripts that have previously been published, which includes self-publication. We prefer that fiction manuscripts be at least 150 pages long and poetry manuscripts at least 50 pages long. Novels are not considered; we will consider manuscripts comprised either entirely of short stories or one novella along with short stories (please do not send a single novella or a collection of novellas). 

$10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 15, 2022. Prize is $1,000 for an original, unpublished poem not to exceed three pages. $200 for honorable mention awards. Open to all styles of poetry. Limit three pages per poem. Entry fee includes three poems. 

$30 ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 30, 2022. The winner receives $1,000, book publication, and 50 copies of the published book, as well as distribution with our other spring titles through our distributor (Casemate IPM). We are looking for collections that are roughly 50 to 80 pages in length. Translations and self-published books are not eligible. The manuscript must be the product of only one author.

$28 ENTRY FEE. Deadline October 15, 2022. Two winners receives $1,000, publication with Fordham University Press and publicity/marketing consultation. Submit a manuscript of 50 to 120 pages. 

£9 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 4, 2022. Entries must be previously unpublished with a maximum word count of 4,000 words, there is no minimum word count. Stories can be on any theme or subject and are welcome in any style or genre. Twenty stories will be shortlisted and published in Bristol Short Story Prize Anthology Volume 15 by Tangent Books. First prize is £1,000. Second prize is £500. Third prize is £250. Seventeen further prizes of £100 will be presented to the remaining shortlisted writers. All shortlisted writers will receive two free copies of the anthology. The Sansom Award will be presented to the highest placed story by a Bristol writer. The Sansom Award winner will receive £100. The competition is open to all published and unpublished writers. There is no geographical restriction on entry. 250 free online entries are available to those for whom the entry fee is a barrier. 

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 1, 2022. First Prize: $2,000 plus a two-year gift certificate from our co-sponsor, Duotrope (a $100 value). Second Prize: $500. Honorable Mentions: 10 awards of $100 each. Top 12 entries published online. Length limit: 250 lines maximum. No restriction on age of author. Both unpublished and previously published work accepted. Authors from all countries eligible except Syria, Iran, North Korea, and Crimea (due to US government restrictions). The poem you submit should be in English. 

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 15, 2022. All submissions will be considered for publication. Limit 6,000 words. The first place winner will receive $1000 and publication in the next year’s spring issue. Finalists and the first-place winner will be announced on Fourth Genre’s Facebook, Twitter, and website. 

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 15, 2022. Winner receives $500 and publication on the website. While there is no set word or time limit for the Fourth Genre Multimedia Essay Prize, please keep in mind that your essay must be short enough to be web-friendly. Typically, web content does not exceed more than a few thousand words. Similarly, video and audio submissions should be relatively brief.




Deadline March 15, 2022. The Tallgrass Artist Residency is a unique program that offers individual artists/artist teams time and space to retreat and research in a rural, tallgrass prairie setting. Though the experience is rural, it is not meant to be isolating. Artists are provided lodging at Matfield Station in the small community of Matfield Green, Kansas — 20 miles from Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve and home to a growing number of artists and community builders. Residencies are offered in two-week (10 night) periods between May and September. Residency periods must occur in consecutive ten night blocks. Each artist will receive a $500 stipend from KCAIC for travel and material reimbursement to be awarded after residencies are completed.  

Deadline March 11, 2022. Each year, the Wisconsin’s Own Library Poet in Residence program provides one poet with a semester-long opportunity at Ripon College to devote time and attention to a poetry manuscript in progress. The Poet in Residence will teach one poetry class, hold three public readings of current work, and allow one new poem to be reproduced in a limited edition commemorative broadside. The Poet in Residence will be physically present on the Ripon College campus, will reside in Ripon full-time while classes are in session, and will hold no other professional obligations for the duration of the semester. The fellowship offers a $15,000 salary for the semester. (thanks

If submission fees are a barrier for you, let us know. Just say where you're submitting and how much it costs. Support is for poetry chapbooks and full-length poetry manuscripts. To share the funds with as many folks as possible, we’ll cover a max of three submissions per poet, up to $100 per poet for those three submissions.

Deadline March 16, 2022. One-year awards of $10,000. Artist awardees will participate in trainings facilitated by NACF and its partner organizations that are designed to provide education around project management, small business development, career advancement, and artistic development. Currently reside in the United States. Must be an enrolled member or citizen of a federally-recognized or state-recognized American Indian tribe or Alaska Native corporation, or of Native Hawaiian ancestry. Applicants will be asked to provide documentation of their Native citizenship or ancestry. Must be an individual practicing artist working in the disciplines of dance/choreography, fiction/poetry writing, film/video, multi-disciplinary arts, music, performance art, theater and screenplay writing, traditional arts or 2D + 3D visual arts.

Deadline March 1, 2022. The J.M. Kaplan Fund’s Furthermore program supports nonfiction book publishing about art, architecture, and design; cultural history, the city, and related public issues; and conservation and preservation. Individual grants ranging from $1,500 to $15,000 may be used to support writing, research, editing, design, indexing, photography, illustration, and/or printing and binding. Furthermore prefers to provide support for book projects to which a university press, nonprofit, or trade publisher is already committed and for which there is a feasible distribution plan.



Eleven Remote Writers are responsible for producing high-quality written content in line with client expectations and guidelines. A successful Remote Writer has highly developed writing and communication skills, specialist knowledge in one or more topics, excellent command of common SEO article formats, and is available for at least 12 hours per week. We require strong expertise in either tech, finance, business or marketing. This might be a relevant degree or 2+ years of significant experience writing on the topic, for instance. We primarily cover online content in the format of reviews, software/product comparisons, listicles, and tutorials, so experience writing at least some of these article types is required. Availability: 12+ hours or 4,000+ words per week. The more the better but anything that meets the aforementioned is suitable. We usually find our articles take around 3 hours per 1,000 words. The rate listed typically works out to around $30-60/hr as the rate per word differs depending on skills and experience.

Pitch Ramsen Shamon, Deputy Opinion Editor at The standard rate Newsweek pays is $200/piece. 1200 is the word limit, while 600-800 is ideal. Newsweek is a news magazine that provides the latest news, in-depth analysis and ideas about international issues, technology, business, culture and politics.

The Unwritten is a new publication for disabled people by disabled people and we’re looking for stories on health, love, loss, success, struggles, diagnosis, misdiagnosis, no diagnosis, and everything in between. All stories are welcome, we won’t define or gate-keep what qualifies as a disability and we recognise self-diagnosis. Word count: 700- 900 words. Pay: £75/ $100. Pitches accepted on an ongoing rolling basis, but this may mean your article isn’t published for a few months after pitching. We accept pitches from all over the world but be aware we only pay in GBP and USD.

DeCential is looking for freelance crypto writers to hire for culture pieces in the New Yorker "Talk of the Town" style. This is paid work. Rate is by the word, mostly likely $1/word but that could change. Pitch Matthew Leising, Co-Founder, at

As part of April Gloaming’s nonprofit purpose, we intend to strengthen Southern communities by offering Work For Hire contracts for every step of the publishing process: editing, proofreading, reading submissions, graphic design, book cover design, interior illustrations, videography, advertising, marketing, and social media. It is our goal that this valuable experience will enhance community members’ future career paths as we extend the offer for paid help for each of our publications. Note: these gigs are contractual, short-term, and are paid upon satisfactory completion of the work. There are opportunities for advancement in a career with us, however. Please indicate on the application that you would like to be considered for a full-time position.

Pays $100 per mini-article. Submit to A mini article is a personal narrative style piece of about 300 words. In your email, you should include only your story premise, a possible headline, and detailed clarification on the angle (not completed drafts). Writers based anywhere in the world are welcomed.

We're looking for innovative, experienced writers who know how to create articles that are multifaceted (i.e. Rank on Google, drive purchase intent through high converting SEO-optimized copy & are inherently clickable). You are obsessed with data and work quickly and accurately. You bring expertise, knowledge, and fun to a variety of topics... whether you’re writing about 35 of the best outdoor furniture sets on Amazon or the Best Clothing to Shop for In the Winter Season. Pays $150 per article.

The Creative Studio, Apartment Therapy’s award-winning branded content outfit, is accepting submissions for Freelance Writers. These people will work with our editors to produce smart service-oriented stories that are sponsored by our advertising partners. Projects are assigned on a per-job basis and vary in scope from simple 200-word dedicated emails to sprawling programs with many copy components. All assignments will originate from a supplied creative brief. While our copy needs are specific to each project, our articles generally run around 500 words and strive to keep our readers’ interests front-of-mind. Average rate is $300 per article.

Deadline March 5, 2022. Adventure Uncovered is the go-to place for stories, voices and ideas that explore where outdoor culture meets social and environmental change. Sam Firman, the Editor at Adventure Uncovered, is looking for stories for their next Edition: Emergence. It's a tight turnaround - publication 20th March! He's looking for pieces that explore the idea of emergence as it relates to outdoor/adventure culture in surprising and original ways, with a clear hook. Good photography is a bonus. AU's payment model, described in full here, relies on Patreon revenue, but they will pay a minimum of £100 per piece. Email pitches to



Islandport Press typically publishes 15 to 20 new titles per year. We are a regional publisher. We publish books about the Northeast. Submissions should reflect a New England sensibility and primarily be set in and tell stories about this region, as well as characterize the culture and people. We specialize in nonfiction, but also consider fiction, gift, and other trade titles, including food, humor, and mystery. The adult genres we do not publish include poetry, fantasy, thriller, self-help, craft, erotica, and science fiction. We do consider picture books, story books, middle grade chapter books, and young adult titles. 

Groundwood regrets that we are not currently accepting unsolicited manuscripts for picture books. We are always looking for new authors of novel-length middle-grade and/or YA fiction. Groundwood publishes nonfiction for all ages, from informational picture books to issues- driven works for middle-grade and young adult readers. Groundwood Books is also looking for Canadian illustrators to interpret the words of some of Canada’s finest children’s writers. 

Freehand publishes innovative and literary novels, short story collections, graphic literature, and works of creative nonfiction.  We do not currently publish poetry, young adult fiction, or children’s books. We only publish Canadian authors.








Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2021, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

**Note that places paid advertising in this newsletter, ALL ads being related to writers and the business of writing, screened by FundsforWriters to make sure the information is suitable for writers and their endeavors to improve their careers. But the mailing list is not sold to third parties. You will not receive this newsletter without your permission. It's physically impossible since recipients must opt-in, giving us permission to send the newsletter. If at any time you no longer with to receive the newsletter, click the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of each newsletter. We want you to enjoy this newsletter at your pleasure, not be forced to read anything you do not wish to receive. The website is not advertised using unsolicited messages by Aweber, affiliates or other third parties. Direct any complaints, suggestions, and accolades to Hope Clark at We are an anti-spam site.