FundsforWriters - February 18 - Direct Access Pitching for Screenwriters

Published: Fri, 02/18/22


VOLUME 22, ISSUE 7 | FEBRUARY 18, 2022


Message from Hope

I've been a big Writer's Digest/Writer's University fan for a long time.

Not only has Writer's Digest selected FundsforWriters in its 101 Best Websites for Writers list for 21 years in a row (who's counting), but I've written chapters in Writer's Market and the WM Guide to Literary Agents. I've published a couple times in the magazine and taught online classes for Writer's University. I have a few blog posts scheduled for upcoming months, and I'll be doing Creating Character Arcs as a faculty member in a Mystery/Thriller Online Conference with them on March 26. 

And now Writer's Digest has started a podcast via Robert Brewer. Robert and I go way back to various conferences, and he's a sweetheart. He's also a big The Shy Writer Reborn fan as well, my nonfiction books that resonates with introverted writers. 

But he thought of me for his first podcast episode, and I'd love for you to listen and support him and this fresh endeavor. Writer's Digest strives to meet the needs of writers everywhere. 

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
Email Hope | Visit Website | Sign up for Newsletter
Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
FFW has proudly been on the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers list every year since 2001

Our subscriber list is NOT made available to others. Use information listed at your own risk. FundsforWriters gives no warranty to completeness, accuracy, or fitness of the markets, contests and grants although research is done to the best of our ability.


















Submissions open March 1, 2022.
Deadline April 10, 2022.

Winners receive cash awards, a tailored edit, & an agent consultation. 

We are pleased to announce author Justin Torres as our 2022 Judge. 

Open to un-agented writers worldwide, the First Pages Prize invites you to enter your first five pages (1250 words) of a longer work of fiction or creative nonfiction. 

For details visit 






The publishing industry is never going to settle into a norm. Frankly, it never has, it's just we, as members of different generations, enter the business at different times, with different books, in different genres, with different styles of publishing, and with different concepts of marketing, and as a result we establish our own sense of norm. However, serious change occurs almost monthly, at least seasonally, so if you enter this profession, get used to change. The adaptable types wind up the most successful. 

In other words, no hand-wringing and crying about how things are not fair. In still more words, you chose this gig.

On to the changes of late:

1) Library lending through OverDrive is up 16 percent. Partly due to the infusion of federal COVID funds and partly due to the increase in library patronage. Publishers appeared more sympathetic to libraries in terms of costs.

2) Reading was up around the world last year, but it's sluggish this year. 

3) Print sales were up in 2021, with adult fiction the primary catalyst. 

4 )The majority of sales in 2021 were due to backlists, justifying why an author always ought to be writing on the next book. 

5) The cost of publishing is jumping. A major producer of self-published books is raising its costs again after a six percent raise in November and a four percent increase a year ago. Paper is costly now. Expect the cost of all books to go up.

6) Bookstores are back with even more popping up.

Probably like you, I often delete emails and social media posts that pine about the plight of publishing or future of authors. I also don't want to read ad nauseum all the What You Can Expect in 2022 projections. I cannot control what's happening, and I'm so far down the food chain that I cannot make a difference. All that those lengthy epistles do is depress me, and that's the last thing I need when writing a book.

However, I can handle short and sweet talk about what has happened along with the current trends (based on facts, not gut feeling). Give me pure journalism (if there is still such a thing anymore). I will continue to pass along some of these things in the newsletter and on social media, but to me, a writer's gotta write, first and foremost. If you are going to let publishing dictate what and how you write, you'll forever be slung around based on other people's whims. Besides, whatever trend you see today might not be the situation by the time your book gets written, must less published.

Write because you want to write. Some years you'll make money and others you will not, but the whole process hinges on whether your heart is in it or not.

(NOTE: Much of this information came from research by Jane Friedman in The Hot Sheet. This is a paid subscription that is the most accurate publication I have found on current trends in publishing. It's accurate, timely, and written in layman's terms by a woman who cares about writers. She is genius, and if you ever get to meet her at a conference, tell her to think of Hope when she has her next bourbon.)

To sign up for this fantastic publication, read here.




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  • March 12, 2022 - Grand Rapids Regional Writers Group, Zoom, "The myths and facts of grants for writers" - 1:30-3 PM
  • March 26, 2022 - Creating Character Arcs - Writer's University Mystery/Thriller Online Conference - 3 PM
  • May 28, 2022 - Saturday Writer's Group ( of the MIssouri Writer's Guild) - Zoom - "On Writing Contests" - Noon-2 PM
  • June 21, 2022 - South Congaree Pine Ridge Library, In-Person, Columbia, SC - 5:30-6:30 PM
  • July 13, 2022 - Muskoka Authors Association, Zoom - 6:00 PM
  • July 23, 2022 - Indiana Sisters in Crime, Zoom - Noon ET - Gary and Hope Clark Tag Team on Getting the Facts Right in Mysteries
  • Email: to schedule  events, online or otherwise. There's starting to be life out there!     



“Seek the lofty by reading, hearing and seeing great work at some moment every day.” 

– Thornton Wilder


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Direct Access Pitching for Screenwriters

by Hunter Liguore

Access to TV/film producers and directors has never been easier through direct access pitching. It is made possible through a variety of online venues (below) that have sprouted up over the years in an effort to bridge the gap between screenwriter and TV/film decision-makers, with the prospect of getting it produced. While traditionally securing a film agent can offer you advantages—like better access to opportunities—direct access pitching offers shorter wait times and the chance to create one-on-one relationships with producers, that can ultimately lead to selling your work. 

Whether you’re a professional screenwriter, newbie, or looking to build your credits, direct pitching can offer you opportunities to expand your portfolio to include short scripts, TV, web-series, or even podcasts. More often, when submitting to producers through a direct pitch, you’re connecting with someone who not only has a budget in place to pay you, but is reading for their current production slate, or one in the very near future, increasing your chances of success and securing a paid contract.

Since you are directly pitching a decision-maker, if you receive an outright ‘no,’ you might be able to ask what they are more apt to say ‘yes’ to—they may also return with feedback to help you pitch another project, or to revise the current one. I generally include a note in my pitch indicating that I can make revisions for reducing scenes or characters to work with their budget. 

Once you begin direct pitching, it doesn’t take long to see what’s working. For instance, if your logline or synopsis isn’t hooking anyone to read the full script, you can revise it, and try again with the next company, until it does. Equally, you’ll quickly learn what companies are making and anticipate their needs. For example, a new company seeking short screenplays may eventually put out a call for their first feature. Getting in with the short allows you to showcase your work for the future, while building a repertoire of companies to send new work to.  

To get you started, the following list offers several online venues to begin direct pitching your work. Each has its advantages/disadvantages; the key is finding which ones work for you! 

The International Screenwriters’ Association (ISA)
The ISA offers screenwriters a membership platform to showcase your writing that allows you to direct pitch to ‘writing gigs’ as they come available. They also sponsor several contests and screenplay showcases for members. 

IMDb Pro
The Internet Movie Database, pro-version, has gone through a revamp since it merged with It’s a subscription-based service that allows you to view contact information for production companies, directors, actors, and crew for every movie made. You can even view casting call information, which includes calls for screenwriters. 

Virtual Pitch Fest
Virtual Pitch Fest offers a regularly updated list of production companies seeking new material directly from screenplays. The list of professionals includes brand new companies, all the way to professionals, and in recent years, has helped increase access to diverse voices. Always do your research before submitting since people change roles quickly and may no longer be the acquiring rep. 

Inktip has been around for two decades and offers the most transparency in who you are pitching. The vetting system is also top-notch, alerting screenwriters if a call for scripts is being vetting from a new company. They often list budget information, which makes it extremely helpful in deciding what project to pitch. They have both a listing service and a regular newsletter that makes direct access pitching a weekly affair. 

The Blacklist
The Blacklist is another script listing service that in recent years has made partnerships with the Writers Guild, universities, and networks, to get your screenplays in front of decision-makers. Equally, it’s made headway in offering opportunities for greater diversity. For all its connections, however, getting your script searched on Blacklist is contingent on how many evaluations you've purchased through the website. The more you have, the more likely your script will be seen. They are costly, so do your research.


Stage 32 and Mandy;
Offers a job board and networking opportunities for screenwriters.
With a free registration, you can connect with industry news, including jobs and paid opportunities for screenwriters. 

Screenwriting Staffing
Offers both free and paid calls for screenplays and screenwriters. 

About me: Hunter Liguore is an award-winning writer, professor, and historian. Her script, Equanimity was produced by London director Hana Walker-Brown, in partnership with Sony Entertainment. Most notably, her social screenplay, EVERYLIFE, is now a 30-time global festival/contest winner. Her children’s book, The Whole World in Nan’s Soup (Yeehoo Press), is now available. For more visit, or @skytale_writer.


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$20 ENTRY FEE. Submissions open Feb 1 – Mar 1, 2022. The Gutsy Great Novelist Chapter One Prize is awarded for an outstanding first chapter of an unpublished novel. First prize is $1,000; 2nd is $500; and 3rd is $250. The prize is open internationally to anyone over 18 writing a novel in English in any genre for adult or YA readers.

 - - - 

$100 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 1, 2022. One Grand Prize winner will receive $10,000, an interview with them in Writer’s Digest (March/April 2023 issue) and on, a paid trip to the Writer’s Digest Annual Conference, including special recognition at the keynote, a coveted Pitch Slam slot at the Writer's Digest Conference where the winner will receive one on one attention from editors or agents, and publication of an excerpt from their winning book on One First Prize winner in each category will receive $1,000, their name and the winning book's title published in Writer’s Digest (March/April 2023 issue) and on Categories are: Mainstream/Literary Fiction, Genre Fiction, Nonfiction/Reference (General Nonfiction, Cookbooks, Guidebooks, Textbooks, How-To, etc.), Inspirational/Self-Help, Memoirs/Life Stories (Biographies, Autobiographies, Family Histories), Early Readers/Children’s Picture books, Middle-Grade/Young Adult, and Poetry Chapbooks. 

€20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 15, 2022 (GMT +1). The aim of the Desperate Literature Short Fiction Prize is both to celebrate the best of new short fiction and to give winners the most visibility possible for their writing. That’s why we’ve teamed up with fifteen different literary and artistic institutions to offer not only a cash prize and writing retreats but to ensure that all our shortlisters have the opportunity to be published in multiple print and online journals, have their work put in front of literary agents and perform in multiple countries. First Prize €1500, a week’s residency at the Civitella Ranieri Foundation, a consultation with a Literary Agent Charlotte Seymour from Johnson & Alcock, and a manuscript assessment and follow-up meeting with a literary editor from The Literary Consultancy. Runner-up Prizes: €750 (two prizes available). One Shortlisted Winner will be offered a spot at the Tbilisi International Festival of Literature, along with a 10 day residency at the Writers’ House of Georgia for a 10-day residency. A travel stipend of €400 will be provided. 

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline February 28, 2022. Uncharted Magazine publishes Fantasy Short Stories from fiction writers of any background or experience.  We want stories of fantasy that make us hunger for new worlds, new biomes, new places we can explore through thrilling sensual details and human empathy. We're excited to offer the winner of this prize $3,000 and publication, while the second and third place winners will receive publication and $300 and $200, respectively along with publication. Writers may submit a first chapter of 1,001-5,000 words per entry. The first chapter and the novel must be unpublished. (Full novel does not need to be completed.) 

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 15, 2022. Limit 500 words. First prize $200. Second prize $100. Third prize $50. Shortlisted stories receive publication and $20. One entry per author. Open to writers worldwide, no age requirement. Fiction only, please. No poetry or essays.

$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline February 28, 2022. Reading fee covers up to five poems/flash fiction pieces. Flash fiction should be no more than 500 words. A prize of $200 is awarded for one poem or flash fiction. All writers who enter the contest receive a two-issue subscription to Cloudbank magazine.

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 28, 2022. The BBC National Short Story Award 2022 with Cambridge University invites entries of short stories up to 8,000 words. Writers entering the competition must have a record of prior publication in creative writing in the UK. The first prize is £15,000 and four further shortlisted writers will each win £600. The five winning stories will be published in an anthology. 

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 6, 2022. We welcome unpublished chapbooks of poems between 20-36 pages in length. The contest is open to new, emerging, and established writers. Winner will receive book publication, $250 prize, and 20 copies of the chapbook. In addition, the winner will receive a small honorarium for a reading or chapbook launch event. 

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 2, 2022. The first place winner will receive $100 and second place $50. The Final Four contenders will be published and receive prize boxes including books and other goodies from our co-sponsors. To participate, follow us on social media and like or share one of our posts before submitting your story. Then send one flash fiction story (about 100-500 words). 

$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 15, 2022. Pays $500 for the best poem, and $500 for the best short story (flash fiction), plus publication in Able Muse (the print journal). Finalists in each category will also be considered for publication. For poetry entries, all styles are welcome (metrical or free verse). For poetry entries, each entry may contain one to five poems maximum, but all the poems combined should not exceed 16 pages per entry. For fiction entries, each entry may contain one to two stories maximum (each story should be flash fiction/short-short-short under 1,500 words each, typed double-spaced).

$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 31, 2022. The winning poem and short story, and our runners-up, will appear in Issue 239 of Prime Number Magazine on October 1, 2022. First Prize is $1,000 in each category plus a Pushcart Prize nomination. The winner and two Runners-Up in each category will be published. Poetry: Submit one (and only one) unpublished poem, no more than three pages in length in standard 12-pt. type. Short Fiction: Submit one (and only one) unpublished short story of up to 5,300 words, with title and word count, double-spaced with numbered pages in standard 12-pt. type. Contest is open to writers anywhere in the world who write in English. 




Deadline February 28, 2022. Provides funds for creation and U.S. touring of artist-led, ensemble, devised projects. These grants are highly competitive and are awarded to ten projects annually. The National Theater Project will consider projects submitted by U.S.-based theater ensembles and individual theater artists with identified collaborators. Only one application per ensemble or artist will be accepted per year. Organizations must be able to prove nonprofit status; for individual artists, an organizational partner may serve as the fiscal agent. Awards range from $80,000 to $130,000. Part of the award is distributed directly to the artist to support creation and development. The remaining grant amount is set aside as artist-directed allocations distributed to presenters of their choice to cover part of their artist fee. 

This program, funded by the N.C. Arts Council, provides the opportunity for regional consortia of local arts councils to award project grants to artists in their regions. These grants support professional artists in any discipline and at any stage in their careers to pursue projects that further their artistic and professional development. Types of fundable projects include: Creation of new work, Purchase of equipment and materials, Professional development workshops, Travel support for expenses associated with a professional opportunity such as participating in an exhibition or a conference, Development or upgrading of promotional materials such as brochures, DVDs, CDs, and websites. Artist fees are also allowable expenses under the new program. Grant amounts vary from region to region. Statewide, most grants are between $500 and $2,000. Projects must be completed by December 31, 2022. A list of participating counties, deadlines for each region, and a primary contact for each consortium appears on the bottom of this web page. NOTE: The current dates are showing expired, but federal funds are infusing more money into programs. New guidelines for these funds are due out in February 2022. Applications open Tuesday, March 1, 2022. Deadline Monday, May 2, 2022. 

Deadline February 17, 2022. Artists may request between $500 and $1,500 in funding. The number of grants awarded is dependent upon the amount of funds available. 

Gain valuable professional experience and give back to the community by becoming a grant review panelist with the City of Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture! Each Spring, our Office receives hundreds of grants from arts and culture organizations all across Phoenix for over $1 million in special projects and operating support. As a panelist, you can expect to spend between 10 and 12 hours evaluating grants, taking notes, and attending meetings. Each panelist receives a $100 stipend for their work. While experience in arts and culture, non-profit management, or similar fields is often helpful, there are no formal requirements to be a panelist. Similarly, you do not need to live or reside in the city of Phoenix. Anyone can apply.



CircleAround is owned by One GS Media, a subsidiary of Girl Scouts of the USA. We're visionaries, trailblazers, and everyday women. Sharing our triumphs, revelations, family secrets, and recipes. We believe in Girl Scout values of honesty, courage, service, and respect. Send pitches to Stephanie Regalado, Editor in Chief, at Pays $100-$150 for collections of five to ten items: short intro (less than 90 words) and short item descriptions (less than 60 words). Writers can send two samples from their portfolio (either via link or in the body of the email) plus pitches for women's lifestyle collections.

Hakai Magazine explores science and society in coastal ecosystems. Our editorially independent, web publication examines the ties between the ocean, land, and human societies through long- and short-form journalism, illustration, photography, and video. Pitches can come from a variety of perspectives—archaeology, ecology, biology, geology, oceanography, anthropology, environment, business, technology, policy, engineering, history, and more—but they must pertain to marine coastal environments in some way. Payment in Canadian dollars is made upon acceptance of the final draft. We have a modest travel budget and all expenses must be approved in advance. Pays $.85 to $1.25 per word (Canadian).

Yahoo Life is welcoming freelance pitches covering the disability beat, with a particular focus on health,
relationships, travel and parenting. Also, specifically, on sober curiosity, setting boundaries, and body image — if you have a unique angle on those topics, pitch away. Also, interested in covering specific pandemic challenges — from traveling to accessible testing. Pitch Erin Donnelly at

Hidden Compass is an award-winning online publication that showcases the frontiers of human exploration and knowledge through powerful storytelling. We publish stories that blend travel and discovery with science, culture, art, history — anything our contributors are passionate about. In other words, this is a place that celebrates the nerds of the world. And everyone is a nerd about something. Every Hidden Compass story is published alongside a crowdfunding campaign that benefits both of us. Once the 90-day campaign is over, 50 percent of proceeds will support Hidden Compass, and the other 50 percent of proceeds go to you on top of our rates. Every story runs roughly between 2,000-3,000 words, and fits into one of our five unconventional themes. Photo features: $800 + 50 percent of fundraising proceeds. All other stories: $500 + 50 percent of fundraising proceeds.

Senior Executive Media is always looking for timely, actionable, well-sourced content that helps our audience of business leaders to improve their organizations and further their careers. Our content takes many forms to serve busy executives. Pitch us on ideas for short articles, helpful databases, book excerpts, quizzes, in-depth guides, and interview subjects at Pays around $1/word.



The Agency specialises in nurturing and developing children’s authors at every step of their careers, from spotting new talent to guiding and supporting some of our brightest literary stars. We’re always looking for new authors to join our list and we welcome submissions. For novels aimed at Young Adult or Middle Grade readers, we want a strong voice, excellent characters and a plot that keeps you turning the pages late into the night. We’re also interested in warm, inventive picture books, chapter books that will inspire children to take the first steps into reading on their own, and non-fiction that shares a child’s curiosity with our incredible world.

MacKenzie Wolf is a full-service literary agency and legal consulting company, born of a shared passion for stories that are both urgent and timeless. To submit a project, please send a query letter along with a 50-page writing sample (for fiction) or a detailed proposal (for nonfiction) to Samples may be submitted as an attachment or embedded in the body of the email. Please only query one agent at a time; we frequently share interesting submissions within the agency. 

We represent fiction and non-fiction in a variety of categories including: literary, commercial, romance, women’s fiction, mystery, thriller, science fiction, fantasy, LGBTQ, YA, middle grade, picture books, memoir, business, politics, health, wellness, cookbooks, sports, humor, pop science, pop psychology, pop culture, design, and lifestyle. We do not represent poetry or original screenplays.

In adult fiction, our agents specialize in romance, mystery, suspense, thrillers, science fiction and fantasy, women’s fiction, historical fiction, literary fiction, and upmarket fiction. We are also seeking nonfiction for adults that focus on current events and social issues as well as memoirs, history, food, business and career, parenting, pop culture, and general nonfiction. BookEnds Jr, represents authors and illustrators in young adult, middle grade, graphic novels, and picture books. In fiction, we are looking for contemporaries, romance, science fiction and fantasy, historical fiction, graphic novels, horror, thrillers, and mystery. In nonfiction, we are seeking narrative nonfiction and memoirs. BookEnds does not represent short fiction, poetry, screenplays, or techno-thrillers.

Fuse Literary is a full-service literary agency based in the Silicon Valley, with offices in San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Dallas, and Vancouver. We are not an agency that sells a book and then washes our hands of the project. Innovations, such as our Short Fuse publishing program, help bridge the gaps between books, growing and maintaining the author’s fan base without lag. We represent an eclectic range of publishing genres. Click on the agent’s photo or name to read a brief biography, what they’re seeking, and how to submit.








Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2021, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

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