FundsforWriters - April 15, 2022 - Giving Yourself Away

Published: Fri, 04/15/22


VOLUME 22, ISSUE 21 | APRIL 15, 2022

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Message from Hope

Happy Easter to those who celebrate. 

This is a busy weekend. Celebrating a family birthday this afternoon, attending a crayfish cookout tomorrow, hunting Easter eggs Sunday then a family sit-down for Easter dinner. It sounds hectic, and I guess it is, but when you are enjoying yourself, the busy-ness of it drafts away. It's about living in the moment. 

That is how I want writing to be for you . . . living in the moment. Never working because the work is something you love. 

That's not to say that family doesn't have its dust-ups and negative days, but we deal with those knowing that they are nothing compared to the positives of the relationship.

Again, that's how I want writing to be for you. 

Rejection sucks, but way before that, learning to write can test your sanity. The ambiguousness of the profession can drive you to drink! (Maybe that's not a bad thing some days! LOL) 

When the good outweighs the bad, when you enjoy writing more than you hate it, then you've in the right place. It's when you remain depressed about the process that you might consider something else that is more prone to help you smile. 

Life is too short not to want to smile.

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
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Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
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Freelance SEO Writers, Blog Writers, & Copywriters...

Do you know where your next client is coming from?

My name is Mike Blankenship and for the last five years, I've been the low-profile freelance writer behind brands like...

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- Neil Patel
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... and lots more.

In fact, over the last five years, I've grown my freelance writing income from $2,000 per month... to $20,000 per month. 

But it hasn't been without its challenges. 

Losing clients unexpectedly... struggling to find new clients... getting pitches ignored... getting paid less than you want to get paid...

It's tough. 

Which is why I've compiled pretty much everything I know about freelance writing into a single resource I call The Freelance Writer's Survival Kit. 

Go get it so you can stop worrying and start enjoying the freedom that freelance writing has to offer. :-)

- Mike





Our guest article today addresses how she was taken advantage of by a charity. I am familiar with the charitable organization she speaks of, and they reside in most states, always affiliated with small colleges. 

Like her, I was asked to present for the token amount of $50. However, I knew the organizer, and she knew my stance on getting paid as a writer. Yes, they ask you to donate the money back to the organization, and no, they do not allow you to sell your books on site. The very existence of both concepts rubbed me wrong. This individual, however, did offer to try and set up a book signing across town from the class. Of course, that meant nobody from the class (which might number 20 tops) would likely follow me across town, but maybe I could get the bookstore to promote me instead? (I might add the affair involved a 300-mile round trip.)

In an attempt to remain true to myself, I offered a better solution. They could keep the $50 and could instead apply for a speaker's grant of $250 through the humanities commission since I was on the speaker's roster. It's a one-page application, and they'd pay me on behalf of this organization. 

They were not comfortable with doing the paperwork, despite the fact I would have to do considerably more administrative paperwork for them (and prepare for a class). We parted ways. 

Part of the reason they declined to apply for the $250 speaker's fee was that their other charitable teachers did not have my opportunity and would not be paid like I would. They interpreted the payment as unfair. I experienced this same logic from a literary festival that wanted me to volunteer to speak. I asked them to apply to the speakers bureau to cover my fee. Again, their logic was that their other volunteer writers didn't have the same opportunity for payment. I declined them as well.

Yes, there is a time for charity, but other people do not dictate when you are charitable and to whom you are charitable. You do that. And when it becomes a one-way street, when they take and take, subsequently taking advantage of you, then, like Christine Mager Wevik says below, you write them a check instead . . . if at all. But writing is your profession. It's up to you to make others see it that way, too.




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​​​​​​April 26, 2022 - Writers Chat - Zoom cast by Brandy Brow (Serious Writers YouTube Channel) - "On Grants" - 11 AM ET

May 28, 2022 - Saturday Writer's Group - "On Writing Contests" - Zoom - Noon-2 PM ET

June 21, 2022 - South Congaree Pine Ridge Library, In-Person, Columbia, SC - 5:30-6:30 PM

July 13, 2022 - Muskoka Authors Association, Zoom - 6:00 PM

July 23, 2022 - Indiana Sisters in Crime, Zoom - Noon ET - Gary and Hope Clark Tag Team on Getting the Facts Right in Mysteries

June 3-10, 2023 - Writing Retreat on the Main Coast - Faculty Member - Sponsored by Joan Dempsey, author and teacher 
Email: to schedule  events, online or otherwise. There's starting to be life out there!     



“No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow.”

– Alice Walker


SUccess Story

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Featured article


A Case of Charity 

By Christine Mager Wevik

We all know the benefits to donating our time and money: warm fuzzies, tax write-offs,  the gratifying sense of purpose and general knowledge that we're helping others and making the world a better place. But in donating, when do we as writers sell ourselves short and where do we draw the line? When is charity a detriment to our endeavors as self-employed artisans?

Stop to consider what your time is worth when offering or accepting an opportunity to "promote" yourself.

I recently received an email (again) asking me to present a talk regarding a book about cold cases, my current work-in-progress. This presentation is through a local college branch of a nationwide organization that offers non-credit courses for adults over 50. When they first approached me a couple years ago, I felt honored (tip #1—tell your ego to sit down and be quiet) and accepted this offer. The presentation could be 60 to 90 minutes long, my preference. I offered to "teach" the 90-minute course, and in reply, received an application.

Wait, what? I have to apply to do a presentation I was asked to do? Oh, well. Fine. I slogged through the lengthy paperwork only to discover at the end of the application that it paid less than $40—if I chose payment rather than donate all or part back to them. (Wow—guilt much?) Then I discovered that I would not be allowed to sell books after the course. Ugh. Fine. I'd already said yes.

Then I was asked to provide information for a W-4 tax form, which required my driving to the local college half an hour away to complete and submit. And of course, I had yet to write the presentation, which, as you might guess, took much longer than the 90 minutes it would take to present.

I wanted to dropkick my ego into next week.

At this point, I had invested hours into this "promotional opportunity" and couldn't back out. I arrived at the first of two courses I'd agreed to give. No one was there from the program, so I turned on the lights, set up all the tables and chairs and waited. And waited. Finally, half an hour late, three attendees arrived. The second course was slightly better attended, but I was in the hole in my investment. And mad about it.  

"It's charity," my friend, who had taught courses with them, said when I complained. Understanding her meaning that it was for the greater good, but working through the numbers in my head... "Let's see...two hours application paperwork, two hours for the W-4, three hours minimum on each presentation, six hours for each class in travel and class time, including showering, hair, makeup, etc, not to mention the hours away from actual writing..." I had to agree.

Granted, butt-in-the-chair time doesn't always, if ever, equal profitable dividends at the end of a project, but knowing what I know now, I won't let my ego (who doesn't pay the bills around here nor do the dishes) speak for me. And yes, I may have found a few new followers, but if each bought every one of my books, I still was way in the hole.

As for the recent request to present, I nicely, straightforwardly and honestly begged off. My time is valuable and I should respect it and myself. I can donate my time in ways that don't take away from my income as a writer. I can write a check. And through social media, speaking events, and book signings, I can promote my work in ways that don't make me hate my ego or charities in general. 

Bio: Christine Mager Wevik is the author of It's Only Hair, a humorous, self-help book about living with hair loss, as well as award-winning novels, Vacant Eyes and Borrowed Memories. You can find her on Facebook, Twitter, and through her website,



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NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 24, 2022. For the fifth time, we are launching the yearly the contest of scientific stories for kids. The competition is open to any adult (aged 18 years and older), irrespective of their nationality or country of residence as long as the stories, presented in Spanish or English, are original and unpublished by any media (including Internet). The story, real or fictional, must be conceived from the objective of scientific dissemination to primary school children (aged 6 to 12 years) through the use of the narrative technique, as prose or poem. The topic should be related to science, the scientific method, the research process and scientific discovery, everyday life of a scientist, etc. Prose: 400 to 1,700 words, and poems: 170 to 1,000 words. No images. Awards for each category (English and Spanish) include £200 for the winners and £150 and £100 for runners-up, plus publication. (Thanks

$10-15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 28, 2022. Short stories: 1,001 – 7,500 words. Flash fiction: up to 1,000 words per piece. Poetry: up the three pages per poem. Creative Nonfiction: up to 6,500 words. We accept work, written in English, from anywhere in the world—regardless of genre, style, or origin—and welcome speculative writing and experimental literature. Writers over the age of thirteen are welcome to submit. First prize short story and creative nonfiction each $1,000. First prize flash fiction $300. First prize poetry $300. 

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 29, 2022. The Sacks Book Prize will be awarded annually to an author of a recently published or about to be published work of Jewish ideas deeply sourced in Jewish texts, with broad appeal within and beyond the Jewish community. The author of the winning work will be awarded a $50,000 prize. Additional funds will be used to help the author promote the book through events, marketing and book distribution. The winner and two finalists will be determined by an independent committee(Thanks

$25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 30, 2022. Trio House Press gives two awards annually: the Trio Award for First or Second Book for emerging poets, and the Louise Bogan Award for Artistic Merit and Excellence for a book of poems contributing in an innovative and distinct way to American poetry. The Trio Award for First or Second Book includes $1,000, publication, and twenty books.  The Trio Award for First or Second Book is only open to poets with less than two books published. The Louise Bogan Award for Artistic Merit and Excellence includes $1,000, publication, and twenty books.  The Louise Bogan Award for Artistic Merit and Excellence is open to ALL poets, regardless of publication history.

NO NOTED ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 30, 2022 or upon receipt of 200 entries. The winning writer will receive a $500 cash prize as well as regular payment for their work. We will also choose two top finalists to receive $50 (regular payment + cash prize). Additional entries will be chosen for regular publication at The Sunlight Press. Limit 1,000 words. (Thanks

$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 30, 2022. A cash prize of $1000 and publication for a single poem. Submit up to three poems. All entries are considered for publication. 

$27 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 30, 2022. The Ashland Poetry Press seeks to publish and promote the best poetry submitted from emerging and established authors writing in English, as well as translations of Spanish poetry into English. The winner of the Snyder Prize $1,000, publication of winning manuscript in a paperback edition, and 50 copies of the published book (in lieu of royalties). Submit an original collection of poems 48 to 96 pages, with no more than one poem per page, single-sided.

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 30, 2022. One National and one Regional Winner will each be awarded $1,000 and book publication, and additional books may be chosen for publication by the editors. The Hillary Gravendyk Prize is an open poetry book competition for all writers regardless of the number of previously published poetry collections. The manuscript page limit is 48 – 100 pages, and the press invites all styles and forms of poetry. 

$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 30, 2022. Gives the winner $1,500 for a single poem. Submit one to three unpublished poems on any subject in any style up to a maximum of ten pages per entry. (We enjoy long poems!) A limited number of complimentary entries are available to poets for whom the fee presents a hardship. Contact us at for more information.

$18 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 30, 2022. Submit 15-30 pages of poetry. Pays $1,000 and 25 copies to the winner. No citizenship requirements or limitations. 




Deadline April 30, 2022. Supports developing writers who demonstrate exceptional talent and promise by providing them with time, space, and an intellectually and culturally rich artistic community. The program’s goal is to actively support these writers – who are working to complete a book-length project within a year – and help them launch their literary careers. Emerging Writer fellows are granted professional experience in arts administration, teaching creative writing, and other opportunities; a $41,000 stipend; and strong literary community support to allow for 12 glorious months of uninterrupted time to craft their works.

Deadline May 15, 2022. The FIYAH Literary Magazine Grant Series is intended to assist Black writers of speculative fiction in defraying costs associated with honing their craft. The series includes three $1,000 grants to be distributed annually based on a set of submission requirements. All grants with the exception of the Emergency Grant will be issued and awarded as part of Juneteenth every year. The emergency grant will be awarded twice a year in $500 amounts. The grants are limited to prose only for now. If you are interested in sponsoring grants for poetry, editorial, or visual/graphic media, email

Deadline May 31, 2022. LitUp will provide five emerging writers. Selected fellows will participate in an all-expenses-paid writer's retreat to develop their manuscript and learn about the business side of publishing. Post retreat, fellows are matched with a published author for a three-month mentorship to get their book ready for market. Through it all, Reese's Book Club stands by you every step of the way, including a first-look window with top agents and a book launch marketing commitment from us and our partners.



Sam Firman, the Editor at Adventure Uncovered, is looking for stories for their next Edition: Abundance. The Edition will go live on 21st June, and explore the intersection of adventure and social/environmental change through the lens of abundance. This might mean celebrating something good and important in outdoor culture. Abundance can be fleeting, after all - especially if not nurtured. Or it might mean exploring the problems abundance can create, like blind spots, complacency and denial. All interpretations are welcome. A strong pitch will connect abundance, adventure and social/environmental change in surprising and original ways. A clear hook is preferable and good photography is a bonus. AU plays a flat rate of £100 per piece. There is no word count. Email pitches to There is no deadline, but good ideas will be commissioned as they come in, so sooner is better!

Deadline April 30 and OCtober 31. Love has led Brick to publish essays of every description: on reading, the writing life, literature, art, ideas, travel, science, photography, the perfect ending, dance, sport, music, city-building, food, bathrooms, history . . . and we are always looking for new terrain. We are interested in the singular obsessions that compel you to write. We welcome humour, we welcome depth, we welcome the unclassifiable, and we welcome playfulness with the non-fiction form. An average issue of Brick will contain essays, reviews, interviews, belle lettres, memoir, translations, and all manner of incidental ephemera. Brick pays its contributors upon publication and offers $55–660, depending on the length of accepted work, plus two copies of the issue the work appears in and a one-year subscription to the magazine. We consider only finished, polished nonfiction submissions. While Brick does not set a word limit, we tend towards a range of 1,000–5,000 words. 

Deadlines April 30, July 30, and October 31, 2022. khōréō is a quarterly publication of stories, essays, and art: fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and any genre in between or around it, as long as there’s a speculative element. We do not accept poetry at this time. khōréō is dedicated to diversity and amplifying the voices of immigrant and diaspora authors and artists. We welcome, but do not require, a brief description of the author’s/artist’s identity in their cover letter. Pays eight cents per word for fiction and $100 for nonfiction. 

Jewish Currents is a print and digital magazine of politics, culture, and ideas. We’re a magazine rooted in the questions that animate the Jewish left, and the left more generally. Pitches should sketch out a clear argument or intervention, and answer the questions: Why? Why now? And why you? In other words: What are the stakes of this story, why is now the time to publish it, and why are you the person to write it? Pays competitive rates for reviews and essays depending on length and scope, and up to $1/word for deeply reported print features.

For 40 years, Hudson Valley Magazine has been the authority on the people, places, activities and issues that define the beautiful and ever-evolving Hudson Valley region. Each month, this sophisticated lifestyle publication entertains, informs and explores so that our loyal readers can enjoy the very best the region has to offer. Fee depends on length/section, around 30-50 cents/word. Email Francesca Furey, Associate Editor, at

Articles submitted should address current issues in the roller skating industry, business, financial, social media, family entertainment, gaming or product industry throughout the globe. We prefer a warm, conversational style of writing; however, we also prefer a well-balanced range of in-depth articles on challenging and hot topics. Our magazine is read by a range of individuals include: roller skating rink owners and operators, roller skating manufacturers (organizations that provide a range of services to roller skating rinks such as flooring, concessions, roller skates, insurance, financial needs, entertainment products such as video games and interactive entertainment), roller skating coaches and professional athletes. In a typical issue we will 6-8 feature articles at 1500-2500 words per article and up to 10-12 shorter 500-800-word articles. Roller Skating Association International pays ten cents per word. 

Deadline April 30, 2022. The Strange Horizons Southeast Asian special welcomes non-fiction, fiction and poetry from Southeast Asian writers living in Southeast Asia as well as the diaspora. We especially welcome writers who have never submitted to an international speculative fiction venue before. We are not seeking writing from non-Southeast Asians for this special issue. Please feel free to submit your work to Strange Horizons’ regular submissions at any time. Fiction (2,000 – 7,000 words; please query if longer). Poetry (of any length or complexity). Nonfiction (2,000 – 3,000 words). Pays ten cents/word. 

FIYAH is a quarterly speculative fiction magazine that features stories by and about Black people of the African Diaspora. This definition is globally inclusive (Black anywhere in the world) and also applies to mixed/biracial and Afro-appended people regardless of gender identity or orientation. Current theme is FOOD. We accept submissions of short fiction 2,000 – 7,000 words, novelettes up to 15,000 words, and poetry with speculative elements. Short stories (2,000 – 7,000 words): eight cents/word. Novelettes (<15,000 words): eight cents/word. Poetry: $50 USD. Nonfiction: ten cents/word.

Deadline July 31, 2022. FIYAH is a quarterly speculative fiction magazine that features stories by and about Black people of the African Diaspora. This definition is globally inclusive (Black anywhere in the world) and also applies to mixed/biracial and Afro-appended people regardless of gender identity or orientation. Current theme is HAUNTINGS AND HORROR. We accept submissions of short fiction 2,000 – 7,000 words, novelettes up to 15,000 words, and poetry with speculative elements. Short stories (2,000 – 7,000 words): eight cents/word. Novelettes (<15,000 words): eight cents/word. Poetry: $50 USD. Nonfiction: ten cents/word.

Mithila Review is inviting submissions for a special global Hopepunk issue of science fiction (and fantasy) devoted to positive and powerful character-driven stories that imagine an open and inclusive tech-empowered democratic future for all people, species and countries on Earth. Mithila Review is a readers-supported international journal of science fiction and fantasy established in 2015. We have published the best of speculative fiction, poetry, nonfiction and conversations with new, emerging, and Hugo-winning authors over the years. For this special issue of Mithila Review, we want excellent, hopeful and memorable stories. Your story and characters should make us think, turn us into believers, and make us want to fight for and be part of a truly democratic future. Science fiction. Open to interpretation: fantasy, literary, slipstream, cli-fi, etc. welcome. Prefer stories between 3,000 and 7,500 words. Minimum USD eight cents per word for the first 5,000 words. (Maximum pay per author: $500.) 

Deadline July 16, 2022. Original Fiction: eight cents/word for the first 1,000 words, and one cent/word after. Reprints: one cent/word. Flash (1,000 words) up to novella length (39,999 words). Must contain fire-based elemental magic in an urban fantasy setting. Your main character can control it. Maybe the villain has it. It’s flexible. Bonus points if your MC is a burn survivor. A romantic subplot is okay but not required.



Android Press accepts both unsolicited submissions and submissions made through agents. We are currently open for general submission queries for punk-themed science fiction/fantasy Adult, New Adult, and YA manuscripts. The general submission window is scheduled to be open through April 30, 2022. Please do not query unless you have a completed manuscript you are prepared to submit upon request.

We are accepting submissions in the thriller, mystery, and historical fiction genres. Our editorial team is looking for stories that have compelling characters, fast-paced plots, and unexpected turns. We are accepting submissions from agents, published authors, and debut authors. We encourage agents and authors to submit their backlist titles.

David C Cook has announced a new imprint, Esther Press, which will publish diverse voices that encourage and equip women to walk courageously in the light of God’s truth. A portion of Esther Press sales will be invested in women’s ministry partnerships around the globe. Esther Press publishes biblical resources by and for courageous women. With a focus on transformation, Esther Press encourages and equips women to walk courageously in the light of God’s truth for such a time as this. Esther Press partners with ministries around the world to equip, encourage, and disciple women.








Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2022, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

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