FundsforWriters - March 11, 2022 - Take Some Eggs Out Of The Basket

Published: Fri, 03/11/22


VOLUME 22, ISSUE 10 | MARCH 11, 2022

  (NOT SEEING ANY IMAGES? Click here to read online)  

Message from Hope

This is the time of year in South Carolina when we get a taste of spring but are afraid to get used to the idea quite yet. 

I love my chickens and my garden. With mail delivery so upside down, I even ordered my seeds back in mid-January, just to make sure I had them for planting, and I'm itching to get dirty. My system requires a daily dose of sun, my friends, and this weather makes me want to soak it up.

So I plot on paper where the tomatoes will go, then the squash, the butterbeans, and the cukes. How many rows of field peas (two varieties) and on which end will I put the okra so it can be anchored to the fence in case of wind. And I dream of getting back out to nature.

For those of you with snow, I feel for you. For those of you enjoying the outdoors in 80 degrees, I envy you. We are vacillating between 60 and 75, with the occasional dip into the 50s. 

For now, my seeds sit in a bowl on the kitchen counter, and if I cannot plant, I'll have to go out and at least weed and prep for opening day!

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C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
Email Hope | Visit Website | Sign up for Newsletter
Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
FFW has proudly been on the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers list every year since 2001

Our subscriber list is NOT made available to others. Use information listed at your own risk. FundsforWriters gives no warranty to completeness, accuracy, or fitness of the markets, contests and grants although research is done to the best of our ability.















Submissions open March 1, 2022.
Deadline April 10, 2022.

Winners receive cash awards, a tailored edit, & an agent consultation. 

We are pleased to announce author Justin Torres as our 2022 Judge. 

Open to un-agented writers worldwide, the First Pages Prize invites you to enter your first five pages (1250 words) of a longer work of fiction or creative nonfiction. 

For details visit 





I just saw another crowdfunding campaign where the author is asking for money to be able to do what they love to do...write. These types of campaigns are usually not successful, and this is why:

1) Everyone has a dream. Why should the world pay for your dream?
2) A lot of people, millions as a matter of fact, wish they could write and publish a book. 
3) A lot of people, millions as a matter of fact, ARE writing and publishing books without asking for money.
4) There are ways to publish without paying to publish.

I'm known for suggesting to fledgling authors who intend to self-publish (paying to publish) or hybrid publishing (paying most of the publishing cost), that they consider a crowdfunding campaign. But:

1) Most don't want to pour their heart into the campaign.
2) Most post a campaign and do not work it.
3) Most write the campaign about themselves instead of the mission of the book/magazine/anthology they need money for. 

Crowdfunding is not about you. Most err in asking for money for themselves, and that's not very palatable to the people out there who wish they had money, too. 

Crowdfunding is about funding a project or idea. The entire energy of the campaign needs to be about this marvelous, never-been-done-before project that's highly entertaining or incredibly educational or remarkably memorable. The point is to make it intensely tempting or to see its unique value. The point is for people to want to be a part of this project because you made them believe in it. 

You are asking for money. Put the shoe on the other foot. What makes you cough up money for someone else? A rewarding value for your investment, that's what. 

A successful crowdfunding author proves to people that they are creating something worthy and worth  the reading. . . not that they need to make your life easier by paying for your book. A successful campaign shows that the book has value, whether educational or entertainment. The book has potential . . . it has energy.

The successful book crowdfunding campaign is rarely about the author. It's about making the world better through what the campaign stands for, what the book means, and how people will feel after reading it. Push that.



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Writer's Digest University is pleased to present an exclusive online event for mystery & thriller writers! On March 26 and March 27, our 8th Annual Mystery & Thriller Virtual Conference will provide expert insights from SIX award-winning and best-selling authors on the finer points of how to write within the mystery and thriller genres. Spend the weekend learning techniques for honing your craft from six different published authors*, then (if you choose) pitch your novel via query letter to a literary agent specifically looking for material in the mystery or thriller genre. The agent will provide you with a personalized critique of your query – and maybe ask to see more.
  • How to Write an Opening That Pulls the Reader In by Wanda M. Morris
    In this session, we will delve into the elements that make a great opening to your story or novel.
  • How to Keep Readers Engaged by Chris Mooney
    If you want to get an agent interested in your book, you've got to keep them interested, which is why the first few pages of your novel are critical.
  • The Challenges and Advantages of Amateur Sleuths by Mia P. Manansala
    This session will answer these questions and more as we dissect amateur sleuths in popular fiction and learn how to make the most out of this common character trope through discussion and exercises.
  • I Got This Idea...: How to Turn Ideas Into Stories by Rachel Howzell Hall
    In this session, you will learn ways to move your good idea from your head onto the page as a full-realized story.
  • Creating Engaging Character Arcs in the Novel and Novel Series by C. Hope Clark
    In this session, award-winning author C. Hope Clark will share effective strategies for creating compelling character arcs in the novel as well as in a series of novels.
  • Point of View: Special Issues for the Mystery and Thriller Writer by Hallie Ephron
    In this session we'll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different viewpoints 



  • March 12, 2022 - Grand Rapids Regional Writers Group, Zoom, "The myths and facts of grants for writers"

  • March 26, 2022 - Writer's University Mystery/Thriller Online Conference, Creating the Character Arc - 3 PM

  • May 28, 2022 - Saturday Writer's Group - "On Writing Contests" - Zoom - Noon-2 PM ET

  • June 21, 2022 - South Congaree Pine Ridge Library, In-Person, Columbia, SC - 5:30-6:30 PM

  • July 13, 2022 - Muskoka Authors Association, Zoom - 6:00 PM

  • July 23, 2022 - Indiana Sisters in Crime, Zoom - Noon ET - Gary and Hope Clark Tag Team on Getting the Facts Right in Mysteries

  • Email: to schedule  events, online or otherwise. There's starting to be life out there!     



"Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age and dreams are forever."
—Walt Disney


SUccess Story

Dear Hope –

I'm writing to thank you for posting info about the Storytwigs Short Contest in your newsletter earlier this year.  I found out today that I won 3rd place for one of my 100-word stories and received honorable mention for a second 100-word story! 

I was feeling so disillusioned with the submission process and this news raised my spirits.

Finding a home for my 100-word stories is so gratifying because over the years I've learned how much that genre resonates with me.

In appreciation for you and the efforts that go into your newsletter.


Maria Ramos-Chertok 

- - - 

If you have a success story you believe was prompted by FundsforWriters, please share with us! Send to 


Featured article


Take Some Eggs Out Of The Basket

By Rachel Carrington

As writers, we tend to carve out a niche for ourselves and stick to writing what we know best. We get comfortable writing in our genre. It fits us much like a pair of old pajamas. Even if the money isn’t coming in like we’d hoped, we don’t want to take those flannel pants off, because then we’d have to find something else to wear that might not be as soft or warm. But if the royalties are sputtering, full-time writers can’t just throw their hands up in the air helplessly. The better angle is deciding it’s time to get proactive and take some of those old eggs out of the basket. 

As writers, we have skills and talents that can be put to use beyond the pages of a book. Most of those ways are lucrative. Maybe not Jay Z-lucrative, but they’ll keep the wolf away from the door. Let’s study some of the ways to boost your income before you return to the grind of a 9-5 job. 

Articles. Articles. Articles

I can’t emphasize this one enough. Writing nonfiction is different, but your talent can be shaped into bites of 600-1,000 words that will pay considerably well. The markets are endless. Just check out and to see for yourself. 


Not everyone can teach, but if you have a knack for imparting knowledge, you’ve got a different egg for your basket. Places like Women on Writing and Savvy Authors are always on the lookout for writing-related courses and instructors to teach them. There are even courses you can take to learn how to teach a course. 

Freebie Contests

There are a plethora of writing contests that don’t require an entry fee, and they offer a decent payout amount if you win. The Write Life will get you started with a decent-sized list of these contests, and again, there’s always FundsforWriters again. Definitely shoot for the smaller contests as your chances of winning increase slightly. Also, follow other authors on Twitter, as some will offer short writing contests that are easy to enter and just as easy to win. 

Personal Essays

Oftentimes, these can be crafted much like journal entries, and the monetary compensation is worth the investment of time. Write to Heal has a decent-sized list of places just looking for your unique take on a subject close to home for you.


If you’ve written any number of books, you have knowledge that beginning writers will want. You can help those writers and your wallet by offering critiques either through your own website or through a gig-related platform like Or both. You’ll want to learn how to write a critique before you start offering this, but the knowledge is one Google search away.


This one will only work if you’re really good at grammar and attention to detail. If you still struggle with your versus you’re, you’ll want to skip this one. Otherwise, this is another potential avenue of income, and Money Tamer gives you a list places looking for online proofreaders.  

This, of course, isn’t an exhaustive list as that would be too exhausting to write and probably impossible to complete. But it does give you a place to start when you’re thinking about how you’re going to pay your subscription to Microsoft Office when your latest royalty check is in the single digits.   

If your royalties are dismal at present, consider using your talents in other creative ways. It might take some time away from that manuscript, but your creative self will adjust. You’ll squeeze in the time you need to continue your story, and you’ll be happier with more money in the bank. Unless you decide that one or more of these new angles suit you more!

BIO: As well as being a published author of fiction, Rachel is also a nonfiction writer and has written for the New York Times,, The Writer, and many others. She is also the site expert for Red Shirts Always Die and a contributor to Culturess. You can visit her on the web at and on Instagram @rcarrington2004



$5 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 31, 2022. 
Authors & Artists Eligible. Sunspot Lit's Geminga contest honors the power of the small. No restrictions on theme or category. Word limit is 100 for fiction and nonfiction; micropoetry limit is 140 characters. Visual art should be no larger than 25 inches square. Sculptural forms should be no larger than 25 inches in any dimension. Prize: $250 cash, publication for the winner, and publication offered to runners-up and finalists. Enter as many times as you like, but only one piece per submission. 

$10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline June 1, 2022. First Prize: $500 + publication in Midway Journal. Second Prize:$250 + publication in Midway Journal. Third Prize: $50 + publication in Midway Journal. Poetry: up to two poems per entry, up to 40 words per poem. No more than one poem per page. Prose (Fiction and Nonfiction): one piece per entry, up to 1,000 words per piece. All submissions will be considered for publication.

NO ENTRY FEE. Enter your absolute best six word stories, memoirs, poems, and jokes, with the chance of winning $100, getting published, and being named the Six Word Wonder! A shortlist of the best entries will be drawn up. All the shortlist entries will be included in the a future Six Word Wonder book. The contest is open to all nationalities and all backgrounds. NOTE: Entry gives them the right to use your six-word entry in their works.

£5 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 31, 2022. First prize £250. Second prize £100. Third prize £50. All receive magazine publication. Limit 40 lines maximum, excluding title, including breaks. 

£7 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 1, 2022. First prize £1000. Second Prize £500. Third Prize £250. Five Runners-up prizes of £50. Prizewinning stories will be published in the MTP 2022 Anthology (print book and ebook). The Anthology title will be based on the title of the winning entry. Open worldwide. Open theme. Short story: 3,000 words maximum, no minimum. The title is not included in the word count. NOTE: By entering you agree that MTP will have the unrestricted right to publish entries in its Anthology and on its website.

£8 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 22, 2022. A distinguished national writing competition for writers born or living in Wales. First prize £1,000 sterling and publication in a short story anthology to be published by Parthian Books in 2022. Eleven Runners-up/Finalist Prizes - £100 each and publication in a short story anthology to be published by Parthian Books in 2022. Maximum 5,000 words. 

$10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 30, 2022. All writers. All genres. Write from anywhere in the world. Limit 100 words, which includes the title and introduction. First place $1,000. Second place $450 and a writing coaching package. Third place $250 and a developmental or diversity editing package. 

£9 ENTRY FEE. Deadline April 2, 2022. LImit 900 words of flash fiction. First prize £4000. Four honorable mentions receive £50. The famous theme from Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony is said to be Fate knocking at the door, and this will be the contest prompt. Subsidised fee for students: £5 per entry. We will also grant fee waivers to the first 50 applicants who find the entry fees prohibitive due to low-income or difficult circumstances. NOTE: They make you scroll past last year's winners to reach the guidelines. Might not hurt you to read them! They are good.

$28 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 16, 2022. The annual Blue Lynx Prize for Poetry awards $2,000 plus publication for a full-length poetry collection. The Prize is awarded for an unpublished, full-length volume of poems by a U.S. author, which includes foreign nationals living and writing in the U.S. and U.S. citizens living abroad. 




Deadline March 21, 2022. Socially Distant Art (SDA) is seeking a new cohort of artists, creators, and organizers for a no-fee, accessibility-focused, virtual residency. Applications are open to national and international creatives of all experience levels and disciplines, including (but not limited to) visual artists, sound/audio artists, performers, composers, choreographers, writers, filmmakers, arts administrators, cultural leaders, and creative producers. We want applicants who have a sincere commitment to creating a more accessible and inclusive arts world and are interested in developing and participating in a new, digitally-based arts community.


Literary Event Grants of Georgia
Deadline June 30 (ongoing).  Literary Event Grants of Georgia (LEGG) is supported by Georgia Council for the Arts and provides writers' fees for literary events in underserved communities across the state. Literary events include readings, workshops, presentations, and performances. We provide grants of $50-$250 for a literary event during the course of our fiscal year (July 1-June 30). The writer for whom LEGG is requested must be listed in the Georgia Writers Registry (if not registered, writers may apply to register through the Georgia Writers Association). Eligible writers include: poets and performance poets, fiction and creative nonfiction writers, and playwrights.

These give under represented writers a free entry to the Bridport Prize competition in any category. The bursary scheme runs on a rolling basis so you can apply anytime until 30th April 2022. Applications are reviewed in batches on a first-come-first-served basis and may take up to six weeks to process. Our short story, poetry and flash fiction competitions are open to international applicants, whilst the novel award is open to writers living in Britain and Ireland, British writers living overseas and writers living in British Overseas Territories. These bursaries have been generously donated by writers entering our competition who want to support other writers with their work. All applications are considered in the strictest confidence. We don’t require proof of income, your word is good enough.

Deadline March 30, 2022. Replenish Residencies (formerly Relief Residencies) provide one- to two-week restorative visioning retreats to local, Nwe Orleans BIPOC artists and culture bearers; the heart of New Orleans culture. Recipients will be provided with a $1000 stipend, a one to two week residency, staff support and an opportunity to have a documentation session with a photographer. Selected residents receive full room and board including food, utilities for living, and studio space. Residents are expected to cover personal living expenses, additional materials and supplies, and any other expenses relating to the cost of producing work incurred while in residence.



We want to form ongoing partnerships with excellent editors who have a sharp eye for detail, a sound knowledge of online content writing, and the ability to give high-quality, constructive feedback to writers. Remote editors are responsible for editing the work of Eleven writers and ensuring that articles conform to client expectations and guidelines. This includes making direct edits and providing constructive feedback to writers via written or verbal communication, as appropriate. A successful remote editor has excellent attention to detail, highly developed writing & communication skills, and the ability to work independently or as part of a team. We primarily produce content in tech, business, finance, and marketing. Most of our articles are software/product reviews, comparisons, buying guides (e.g., Best Web Hosting Providers 2022). We also do quite a few how-to and explainer features, among other types.  Must be a native English speaker and have a Bachelor's degree or equivalent or editing qualifications and three+ year' editing experience with one year being in online publishing. Minimum rate of £25/hr (approx. $33/hr). Payments are made on a monthly basis. We prefer only to work with editors who can commit a minimum of 10 hours per week.


Seeking personal finance writers for regular beginner/intermediate level SEO content articles on the following subjects (among others): Credit cards, Financing, Debt payoff, Debt reduction, Savings, Definitions of financial terms/concepts, and Budgeting. Experience writing topics relating to the US financial system required. Pays ten to fifteen cents/word. Apply directly to using the subject line "Financial Ghostwriter." When applying, please include a couple of relevant writing samples on the topics (live links preferred).

This is a freelance position and we are only accepting US-based hires at this time. We’re building best-in-class digital content to help our users learn how to improve and take care of their homes. Freelance writers will receive content briefs that contain details about each assignment, including priority keywords, suggested headlines and meta data, subheadings, as well as general voice and tone guidelines and other best practices. Writers will be responsible for implementing changes based on feedback from Content Editors. You will write 10 to 20 articles per month. Payment is 10-20 cents/word. 

The Appeal is a nonprofit news organization dedicated to exposing how the U.S. criminal legal system fails to keep people safe and, instead, perpetuates harm. Our work shows the human and economic costs of our expansive carceral system, equips people with the tools to make change, and elevates solutions that seek to create a safer society without clinging to punitive responses. We produce fact-based reporting and analysis that center the voices of the people affected most by our country’s over-reliance on policing, jails, and prisons. We have a special focus on communities and policy debates often ignored by traditional national media, or lost in the consolidation and closure of local news outlets. To apply, send an email with your resume, one to three writing samples, and a few sentences introducing yourself to Please use the subject line "Appeal Newsletter Writer" in your email. Pays up to $1/word.

A digital literary magazine that focuses on fantasy, sci-fi, and horror flash fiction. We specialize in flash fiction so we want stories that are 1,000 words or fewer. We pay 10 cents/word USD for stories.

Freelancers would pitch and develop feature articles that are tied to the latest happenings in the news cycle and include tips, career advice, and/or other resources for fellow business writers to improve their reporting. Completed articles should be around 500 words and include at least one illustration/photo. The Reynolds Center is currently offering US$500 per completed piece.

Our writers are notable voices in their respective disciplines, from physicians to therapists to mindfulness experts. We are an award-winning resource for reliable, compassionate, and up-to-date information on the mental health topics that matter most to you. Send queries to Kate M. Nelson, News Editor at with the subject line "Verywell Mind news application." Pays arund $300 for 700-1,200 words. We are seeking news writers who can turn around articles in three to five days. 

Sold Short is about inequality. Sometimes that will be about class, wealth, and corporate misdoings. Sold Short stories focus on the social safety net, corporate shenanigans, the labor movement (both as a broader political entity as well as stories about workers), gender, racial justice, feminism, Indian Country and tribal sovereignty, sexuality, wealth inequality, white supremacy, immigration and borders, state violence and the criminal legal system, public goods and privatization schemes, billionaire antics, and general hoarding among the top one percent and their fellow travelers. Pitch Patrick Caldwell, Editor, at Payment starts at $400. 

Deadline April 30, 2022. We all have them! Those eccentric, goofy, wacky, lovable, and oh-so-fun family members — the ones we tell all the stories about. They could be a parent or grandparent, an in-law, a brother or sister, an aunt, uncle or cousin. Or grown children. Share your true stories and poems about those family members. With love and appreciation, please. No mean-spirited stories wanted. Pays $200 and ten copies for stories up to 1,200 words. 

Midwest Meetings is a quarterly magazine devoted to the Midwest events industry. Each issue of Midwest Meetings magazine includes events industry news and views and planner how-to's, as well as feature sections that highlight event venues such as resorts, casinos, waterparks, and much more. Midwest Meetings is distributed to 28,000+ meeting and event planners across the USA who choose the Midwest region. Email queries to Randy Hennen, Editor, at Pays up to 50 cents/word. 

The most requested trade magazine in the pet industry, Pet Age is a media brand that appeals to the pet supply, merchandising and service market by delivering timely and critical content that explores current trends and is rich in product information and practical advice that retailers, groomers, manufacturers and other pet care professionals use to succeed in a competitive environment. Pays about 15 cents/word. Pitch Glenn Polyn, Editor, at

Query Jacob Rosenberg, Assistant Editor at Mother Tongue is a back-of-the-book column in Mother Jones. In 600 to 800 words, writers take on a word, or phrase, and use it reveal something about our current order. See the other posts at the website. Flat rate is $1,000.



EastOver Press publishes books by emerging and established writers. We focus on collections of short stories, essays, or poetry, though we are open to hybrid forms and genre-expanding work. We seek to publish work in a format that honors both the writing and the writer. EastOver Press specializes in publishing collections of short stories, essays, and poetry in a format that honors both the writing and the writer. We are excited to feature established writers, but we are just as excited to discover emerging writers. 

We are HarperCollins UK’s award-winning digital-first publisher! We pride ourselves on publishing the very best commercial fiction globally across ebook, print and audio formats. We’re all about the books you can’t put down, the books you carry around with you, and the books you return to after a long day. If you’re an unagented author, you write unputdownable fiction, and you would like to work with us, please submit your novel. We accept the following fiction genres: Crime & thriller, Historical, Romance, Contemporary, YA, Fantasy.








Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2022, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

**Note that places paid advertising in this newsletter, ALL ads being related to writers and the business of writing, screened by FundsforWriters to make sure the information is suitable for writers and their endeavors to improve their careers. But the mailing list is not sold to third parties. You will not receive this newsletter without your permission. It's physically impossible since recipients must opt-in, giving us permission to send the newsletter. If at any time you no longer with to receive the newsletter, click the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of each newsletter. We want you to enjoy this newsletter at your pleasure, not be forced to read anything you do not wish to receive. The website is not advertised using unsolicited messages by Aweber, affiliates or other third parties. Direct any complaints, suggestions, and accolades to Hope Clark at We are an anti-spam site.