Novel Writing Virtual Conference - Jan 21-23 - including C. Hope Clark

Published: Wed, 01/19/22

Novel Writing Virtual Conference

Writer's Digest is pleased to present an exclusive virtual conference for novel writers!

On January 22-23, our Novel Writing Virtual Conference will provide expert insights from SIX award-winning and best-selling authors on the finer points of how to write a novel. Spend the weekend learning techniques for honing your craft skills, refining your characters, exploring the future of publishing, and getting the tools you need to advance your career as a writer from six different published authors*, then (if you choose) pitch your novel via query letter to a literary agent. The agent will provide you with a personalized critique of your query – and maybe ask to see more.

Experience the education, camaraderie, and opportunities provided by a live writing conference without ever having to leave your home!

All participants will benefit from:

*Our craft-focused conference schedule is designed to provide the kind of education that all novelists can use to take their work to the next level. The following sessions are confirmed for the event. Click on the "Conference Schedule" tab at the website for the complete details on our lineup.

Pitch Your Novel to a Literary Agent via a Query Letter

Join us for the live event and have a chance to get written feedback on your query letter from a literary agent who works with authors. Click on the “Participating Literary Agents” tab on the website for more information!

Register now to join us for this unique online event!