FundsforWriters - January 7, 2022 - Writing Memoirs and Legacy Books

Published: Fri, 01/07/22


VOLUME 22, ISSUE 1 | JANUARY 7, 2022


Message from Hope

This year . . . well, the only thing I can say is that 2022 already has a uniqueness all its own. It's like saying that your craziest child has an abundance of personality, or your weird uncle marches to a different drummer.

You love 'em, but sometimes they seem more trouble than they are worth. But they are yours, and you are theirs, and you must enjoy a life with them. 

The thing is, if you try, and if you put your heart into it, you turn that child or uncle into a Hallmark story. That's what I wish for you right now . . . the chances of 2022 turning into your own Hallmark story.

What does that mean? A HEA ending (Happily Ever After). Didn't you know that a Hallmark movie has to end on a very happy note? Only let's start that happiness a little earlier than next December. For every difficult moment, whether COVID, rejection, or plain bad luck, imagine something good growing from it with just as big an effect. 

Weathering bad means good has to be up ahead or right around the corner. 

My husband gave me three of these candles you see in the photos. They sputter like a real fire thanks to something special they do with the wick. Between the dancing flame, the sputter, and the aroma of apply, blackberry and pumpkin, I cannot help but feel cozier. I feel more . . . writer-ly.

Find yourself something like a candle, and tell 2022 that you're coming with plans . . . and smiles to enjoy them with. 

Happy New Year.

C. Hope Clark
Editor, FundsforWriters
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Newsletter: ISSN: 1533-1326
FFW has proudly been on the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers list every year since 2001

Our subscriber list is NOT made available to others. Use information listed at your own risk. FundsforWriters gives no warranty to completeness, accuracy, or fitness of the markets, contests and grants although research is done to the best of our ability.




















January 15, 9 a.m. MST

Set your writing road map for 2022! In this free webinar, you’ll:

  • Name 2-3 writing goals that are on your radar for 2022
  • Identify potential hurdles to accomplishing those goals
  • Receive tools and feedback for breaking through or pushing past those hurdles
  • Walk away with a step-by-step writing plan for 2022!

Your host: Kate Meadows, author, writing coach & speaker

With an MFA in Professional Writing, Kate aims in all of her work to connect people through story and expression. She is passionate about helping her clients and students communicate effectively through story. Her track record proves her expertise: she has published work in Poets & Writers, Writer’s Digest, Chicken Soup for the Soul and elsewhere, and has published two books. She leads writers groups and writing workshops, and has earned the trust of numerous writers and clients who seek direction and honest, respectful feedback on their works in progress.

Learn more about Kate’s services at

Register for the webinar at





The below Words of Success had a particularly poignant meaning to me recently. Having lost my brother-in-law, whom we were close with, makes one think of their own mortality, quality of living, and the remainder of the life we've been given.

Then I found this quote in The Marginalian (formerly Brain Pickings): " wisely is the art of learning how you will wish to have lived." 

We are in a continual learning process . . . if we allow ourselves to admit it, embrace it, and relish it. All too often we are too stubborn to learn, preferring the comfort of what we already know rather than disturb that routine with anything that may challenge us. 

We see a lot of that in writers trying to learn how to write. They only want to expend limited energy on particular things . . . usually the less scary things. 

“ has always been much easier (because it has always seemed much safer) to give a name to the evil without than to locate the terror within.” ~James Baldwin

It's all too easy to blame multiples reasons why we don't write than to face ourselves and accept our proneness to making excuses. We can always write, people. Always. 

The famous, the successful, and the writers who stumble and struggle yet reach some sort of achievement, chose to write in lieu of something else. They all did. They decided to believe in themselves, their writing, and their time left on this earth to create words to leave behind once their days are done. They didn't let other issues, incidents, obligations, and temptations stop them. You have the same option.

Sometimes it is hard to believe in ourselves, but we are less to others when we aren't sold on ourselves. 

As the first quote states, how do you wish to have lived?

As Baldwin's quote states, how can you face what is holding you back?

And finally as the Words of Success state below, believing in yourself is not just for you. It's for all the others in your path as well.

Happy New Year, my friend and fans.










  • Jan. 10, 2022 - My husband Gary Clark, Sr, speaks with the Southeastern Mystery Writers Association via Zoom, 7PM Eastern, TOPIC: Federal Law Enforcement
  • Jan. 22, 2022 - Writer's Digest Novel Writing Virtual Conference, TOPIC: How to Lay the Groundwork for Writing a Novel Series from the First Book 
  • March 12, 2022 - Grand Rapids Regional Writers Group, Zoom, "The myths and facts of grants for writers"
  • June 21, 2022 - South Congaree Pine Ridge Library, Columbia, SC - 5:30-6:30 PM
  • Email: to schedule  events, online or otherwise. There's starting to be life out there!     



"Believing in yourself is not for you; it's for every person who has touched your life in a significant way and for every person your life will touch the same way five minutes from now, or five centuries from now."

—Jaye Miller


SUccess Story

Hope - 

Despite teaching high school students how to write successful scholarship and college application essays, I doubted my writing ability – to write my spiritual memoir and to attain funding along the way. It wasn't until I read Lindsey Danis' post, "How I Won a Scholarship to a Writer's Retreat" (FundsforWriters - June 2, 2018), that I finally moved past the self-doubt and took the leap. 

I applied to a fellowship at Dairy Hollow Writer's Colony in beautiful Eureka Springs, AR, which seemed like a good fit. Fellowships include a chef prepared, gourmet meal each weeknight and access to a craft library, in addition to a beautiful, one-person writer's suite. As I completed the lengthy application, I incorporated tips from the article with what I teach my students. I began having faith in my own writer's journey. 

I wasn't awarded the fellowship, but did win a residency and scholarship that covered 99% of my two-week stay with all the same amenities, which was better. I networked with other writers, fixed my novel, and enjoyed great food while observing Covid-19 precautions. I leave you with the advice I give my students: take the leap. Everyone has a story to tell. Have faith in your own. You never know where it may lead.

Spring Thompson

Bio: Spring is an educator, writer and artist who was awarded a residency and scholarship to Dairy Hollow Writer's Colony. She has helped high school students write winning college and scholarship essays. She is currently working on a memoir about her spiritual journey due to release in 2022.

 - - - 

If you have a success story you believe was prompted by FundsforWriters, please share with us! Send to 

Featured article


Expand Your Income Stream Writing Memoirs and Legacy Books

By Peggy Joque Williams

Memoirs and legacy books have never been more popular. It is natural to want to memorialize oneself, to create a written portrait of one's life to pass down to children and grandchildren, or to publish one’s story as a lesson from which others can learn.

However, not everyone who wishes to tell their personal story has the ability to write, and many who do need help shaping their stories or sharpening their words. Writing and editing memoirs and legacy projects can add to a professional freelancer's income stream.

Ghost Writing Memoirs

For writers with a strong resume, ghost-writing the memoir of a celebrity can be quite lucrative. A celebrity's name can sell books, but that doesn't mean they can write them. Some ghostwriters work independently, others work for companies like Kevin Anderson & Associates.

But most clients will be like mine. Deborah Nelson wished to write about losing her daughter in a tragic incident and how her own life spiraled into a "black hole" afterward. She had several false starts, a journal she’d kept, newspaper articles, some notes; but she didn't know how to pull it all together. She sent me her materials and, after several phone conversations and numerous email interviews, I ghost-wrote the memoir for her, retaining as much of her own words and voice as I could. She self-published her book, The Last Portrait: A Psalm for Monique, and made it available on Amazon. She had many speaking engagements and book signings. She even joined an advocacy group which gave her book greater exposure.

Legacy Writing

Others of my clients have interesting but less tragic stories to tell. A CEO of a successful company was given a gift subscription to a yearlong legacy project by his children. The company, StoryWorth, emails him a question each week: What was your childhood like? Describe the first vacation you remember going on. What was your first job and how did it work out? How did you meet your wife? This client, it turns out, is quite a good storyteller. What he needs is editing and some rearrangement of story elements to make his stories flow.

That's why he approached me. Each week he sends me his draft and I do a combination of developmental and copy editing of the manuscript, sending him the marked up draft and a clean copy for him to submit. At the end of the year, StoryWorth will bind his collection of stories into a keepsake book and provide copies for his children and grandchildren.

Novelist and screenwriter Rebecca Spindler recently gave up her day job as an events manager and took a position with Story Terrace, one of the many online autobiography and memoir writing companies, allowing her to work from home and add to her writing resume. Rebecca has her own page as a Premium Writer and takes freelance work as well. 

Teaching Memoir Writing

Teaching how to create a memoir is another way for a writer to make use of their skillset. Personal writing mentor Julie Tallard Johnson has taught both for the University of Wisconsin-Madison and online. Local colleges, community centers, and senior centers are good places to approach for this kind of assignment. There are also opportunities to teach online with websites such as Udemy or Gotham Writers. 

Memoir Freelance Marketing

So, how does one tap into the memoir market as a writer, editor, or teacher? The same as for any other freelance work: through word-of-mouth, social media, connecting with a local college or university's community outreach department, adding "Legacy" or "Memoir" writing to your freelance webpage, business cards, and advertising copy, and speaking at local libraries or civic group gatherings. In other words, networking...networking...networking.

Whether ghosting for a celeb or helping the Average Jane or Joe to create a legacy to hand down to children and grandchildren, the memoir genre can be both gratifying and profitable.

Bio: Peggy Joque Williams is a writer, editor, and novelist based in Madison, Wisconsin. Her work has appeared in The Christian Science Monitor, Writer's Digest, FundsforWriters, and numerous online sites and blogs. She has co-written and published two mystery novels, On the Road to Death's Door and On the Road to Where the Bells Toll. You can find out more about her through her website:


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$5.95 ENTRY FEE. Deadline May 14, 2022. Have a book or a novel idea you've been noodling? Enter your first chapter into the Booksie First Chapter Contest and see how it does. You don't need to have finished the book. You don't even need more than the first chapter. We're looking for a start that will grab our attention, that is original, that is well written, and that makes us want to beg you to see what comes next. Grand prize winner receives $500, gold winner badge, a free week of Promote for any published content of the winner's choice (Promote features the content in front of Booksie’s millions of monthly readers), a review of the winning chapter by Sol Nasisi, the publisher of WorldMaker Media. Two runner-ups receives $100, a silver winner badge, one free week of Promotes for any published content of the winner's choosing (Promote features the content in front of Booksie’s millions of monthly readers).

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 22, 2022. Recognizes the U.S. writer of a poem that best evokes a connection to place. The prize interprets “place” in many ways: A place may possess historical, cultural, political, or personal importance, and may be literal, imaginary, or metaphorical. The winner will receive $1,000 and will have the opportunity to deliver their poem at our spring book prize event. Zócalo will also publish the poem on our site alongside an interview with the poet. For consideration, please send up to three poems to

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 31, 2022. Submit one poem of no more than 30 lines inspired by Dante’s Divine Comedy. First Place High School: $300. First Place Collegiate: $300. First Place Post-College: $300. Best Overall Poem: $500. 

NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 31, 2022. Poetry Northwest’s James Welch Prize is awarded for two outstanding poems, each written by an Indigenous U.S. poet. The prize is open to new, emerging, and established poets who are community-recognized members of tribal nations within the United States and its trust territories (including American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Chamorros, and American Samoans). Only poets who have not published more than one book-length collection are eligible; however, previous publication is not a requirement. Submit up to three poems. All entrants will receive a complimentary copy of the issue that includes the winning poems.

$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 24, 2022. This contest is for writing in fiction, nonfiction, or poetry, by a writer who has not published more than one book with a major press. The first prize winners in each genre will be published: the fiction winner in, the nonfiction winner in, the poetry winner in The Common. One grand prize winner will receive a full scholarship including tuition, lodging, and a $1,000 travel stipend to Lisbon in 2022 (June 26-July 8). Genre winners will receive a $500 cash prize in addition to publication. Only previously unpublished work in English can be submitted. We accept entries from all ages 18 and over and all countries, by authors who have not yet published more than one book with a major publisher.

$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 15, 2022. First Prize: $1,000, publication in Asheville Poetry Review, and a featured reading in Asheville. Second Prize: $250, publication, and a featured reading in Asheville. Third Prize: Publication and a featured reading in Asheville. Send one to three poems, any style, any theme, any length. 

$10-$12 ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 15, 2022. The prize encourages the creation of lasting nonfiction that is outside the realm of conventional journalism and has relevance to North Carolinians. Subjects may include traditional categories such as reviews, travel articles, profiles or interviews, place/history pieces, or culture criticism. The first-, second-, and third-place winners will receive $1,000, $300, and $200 respectively. The winning entry will be considered for publication by Ecotone. The competition is open to any writer who is a legal resident of North Carolina or a member of the North Carolina Writers’ Network.

$15-$25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 30, 2022. The winner receives $1,000 and possible publication in The Thomas Wolfe Review. The competition is open to all writers regardless of geographical location or prior publication. Submit two copies (if submitting by mail) of an unpublished fiction manuscript - short story or self-contained novel excerpt - not to exceed 3,000 words. 

$10-$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 1, 2022. The contest awards the winner $200 and publication in storySouth. Submissions should be one poem only (40-line limit), original, and previously unpublished. 




Deadline January 15, 2022. Thanks to support from the National Endowment for the Arts, selected deaf artist to participate in this particular residency and each cohort will receive a $1,100 stipend for the month, reimbursement of up to $500 in travel costs, and more. 

Deadline January 15, 2022. This program is an opportunity for early career / emerging artists living within the state of Minnesota or one of the five boroughs of New York City to participate in a supportive and inspiring residency environment that empowers them to take risks, embrace challenges, and utilize unconventional approaches to problem-solving. Thanks to support from the Jerome Foundation, a month-long cohort of five artists will each receive a $625/week stipend, a travel honorarium, documentation support, and more. 

Deadline January 15, 2022. The Anderson Center's Artist Residency Program an opportunity for emerging, mid-career, and established artists working across all disciplines and based anywhere in the world. The Anderson Center provides residencies of two to four weeks’ duration from May through October each year to enable artists, writers, musicians, and performers of exceptional promise and demonstrated accomplishment to create, advance, or complete work. There are typically five residents at the Anderson Center at a time, and the organization hosts approximately 35-40 residents each year. The program is one of the largest of its kind in the Upper Midwest. Selected artists receive live/work space, fellowship & exchange within a five-artist cohort, chef-prepared meals, and more. 

Deadline February 1, 2022. Philip Roth Residence in Creative Writing offers up to four months of unfettered writing time for a writer working on a first or second book of fiction or creative nonfiction. The residency provides lodging in Bucknell's "Poets' Cottage" and a stipend of $5,000.

Deadline February 4, 2022. Artist Entrepreneurial Grants recognize the importance of the creative workforce to New Hampshire’s economy. Artist Entrepreneurial Grants support opportunities that will benefit artists’ careers, including the development of business skills, participation in programs to raise the level and quality of their art, and participation in programs that will bring their art to the widest possible markets. Funding requests may be made for $250 - $1,000. 

All grants due by March 1, 2022. MAC Grants and Program Staff will be traveling the state in January and February to help educate the public about MAC grants! They will ALSO be hosting daily virtual office hours every weekday for two weeks leading up to the deadline of March 1st to assist you with FY23 grants. Join us on Zoom at Noon: Monday, 2/14- Friday, 2/18, Tuesday, 2/22-Friday, 2/25 and Monday, 2/28!  Individual grants consist of Mississippi Artist Roster, Teaching Artist Roster, Artist Fellowships, Folk & Traditional Apprenticeships, and Individual Project Grants. 

Deadline January 31, 2022. The organization welcomes applications for its Emerging Voices Fellowship, which provides a virtual five-month immersive mentorship program for early-career writers from communities that are traditionally underrepresented in the publishing world. The program is committed to cultivating the careers of Black writers, and serves writers who identify as Indigenous, persons of color, LGBTQ+, immigrants, writers with disabilities, and those living outside of urban centers. Through curated one-on-one mentorship and introductions to editors, agents, and publishers, in addition to workshops on editing, marketing, and creating a platform, the five-month fellowship nurtures creative community, provides a professional skill set, and demystifies the path to publication — with the ultimate goal of diversifying the publishing and media industries. Through the program, twelve fellows will receive an honorarium of $1,500 and fellows will be paired with a mentor to serve as a source of guidance for the project. Applicants need not be a U.S. permanent resident and/or citizen but must reside in the United States at the time of application and during the duration of the fellowship. 



First and foremost, we are looking for people with deep commercial real estate investing experience. For writers whose work requires little/no editing by me personally, we pay up to 20 cents per word. For those whose work does require my input, we pay between 10-15 cents per word. We always prefer the former. There are two key qualification criteria for this work; one, you enjoy and know how to write for a professional, highly educated audience, and two, that you have deep experience in commercial real estate and the language of this industry. Email:

Senior Executive Media is always looking for timely, actionable, well-sourced content that helps our audience of business leaders to improve their organizations and further their careers. Pitch us on ideas for short articles, helpful databases, book excerpts, quizzes, in-depth guides, and interview subjects at Opportunities pay around $1 a word with flexibility based on how much reporting the piece requires. Most pieces range from 1,000 to 1,500 words.

Down East is an identity magazine for Mainers and for anyone whose heart and soul are fed by our state and state of mind. Everything we publish is directly related to the state of Maine — its culture, history, personalities, destinations, current events, and more. We are unlikely to respond to submissions that do not have a clear and strong connection to Maine. Submissions can be sent to or to our individual editors. We prefer to receive pitches and submissions by email. Payment varies, between $.60/word and $.75/word, depending on the complexity of the assignment and intended use in the magazine. We pay a flat $400 for My Maine essays. 

"I'm looking ahead to 2022 and need stories! I edit the front of the book for print, so generally 700-2,000 word pieces. Pitch me at I am generally looking for reported pieces on politics, but open to all sorts of ideas." AND "I can't offer set pay rate since it'll vary wildly by story based on depth of reporting/research a piece requires. We're not a Conde, but still pay nicely for print stories—about $300-400 min, but then can go up a lot from there into $1-ish per word for longer, deeply reported pieces." The magazine’s legacy is dedicated to the urgent challenges of reclaiming the democratic faith amid dangerous, deranging new upheavals in our common world.

SMITCH + Co. is a space for the investigation of Black femme experience. It is an independent femme-led zine covering the convergence of cultural studies and narrative experience. Accepting pitches to for our upcoming paperback zine. If you are working on anything (visual or written) about Black Girlhood's relationship with media depictions, we'd love to review. Accepted pitches will be paid $120 per article.

Please note that we are now open to new pitches. If you would like to contribute to our Life, Culture, Arts, Politics, Environment, or Self categories please get in touch at Committed to amplify the voices of people who have been pushed aside for too long, we want to bring interesting content that matters to us and our readers: stories about life experiences, culture, arts, politics, the environment, and explorations of the self. Real stories written by, and relevant to, Black people, people of colour, indigenous people, people with disabilities, people who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ umbrella and beyond, people who are non-binary, Muslim people, and others attacked for their religious beliefs, and everyone at the intersection, people who have been subject to stigma and been boxed up for too long. Our ultimate goal is to create a safe space for writers, readers, interviewees, and guests, as well as their allies and loved ones, through impactful, genuine, and unapologetic content curated on a platform that understands them. Pays £0.15 per word. 

Contact us if you have a timeless story, where sport meets lifestyle through the lens of art and culture. The stigma is shifting and women can finally access the sports they enjoy without fear of judgement or other social barriers. We accept sports stories from around the world. Depending on the type of commission/word count, pay rates range between £200 to £350 (or equivalent in $).

Uproxx is a news and culture platform for the digital generation. Our team delivers a mix of long-form and short-form news, entertainment, music, and sports content. Shorter pieces provide trending news that people want to know about delivered in an authentic, distinctive voice. Longer stories shade in missing details, answer bigger questions, and/or expand the reader’s knowledge base. No matter the platform (video, audio, photo, written), expect Uproxx to deliver cultural reference and connection points you likely won’t find anywhere else. We lean progressive. Pitch Pays about $200 per article. 

Noema is a magazine exploring the transformations sweeping our world. We publish essays, interviews, reportage, videos and art on the overlapping realms of philosophy, governance, geopolitics, economics, technology and culture. While committed to using journalism to help build a more sustainable and equitable world, we do not promote any particular set of national, economic or partisan interests. Are you interested in contributing an essay, reported feature, video, interview or fiction short story? Send your pitch to

We're here to help readers address their sexual health conditions, diseases and disorders; answer the questions about their bodies, stages of life and relationships; and adopt lifestyle changes and gain perspective on living with lifelong medical conditions which affect the most intimate parts of life. We want to help readers take control of their sexual health with illuminating content that will enhance their quality of life. Pitch S. Nicole Lane, Associate Editor at Would love to see some juicy personal essays. Rates are $200-$400.

Launches the end of January 2022. Capital B combines national investigative reporting, local civic journalism, and community engagement to deliver the news and information Black people need right now. Starting in Atlanta, Capital B will open newsrooms in Black communities across the country. Preliminarily, starting rate for the standard enterprise story is $450—higher for experienced reporters or longer features.



Feral House has consistently published innovative, unexpected and thought-provoking nonfiction — inspiring films and cultural trends; exposing crime, malfeasance and stupidity; and celebrating artists and thinkers overlooked by popular media.  Feral House and sister press Process Media are Headquartered in Port Townsend, WA.Feral House and Process Media, publishers of topics of esoteric interests and distinctive voices, is a formidable force in independent publishing and often the first and definitive source for documenting cultural movements.  We feel that stories about and written by members of marginalized communities are interesting and essential to ALL readers.

With over 200 titles in print, we publish cutting-edge fiction, poetry, memoirs, literary translations and books on vital social and political issues.

Coffee House Press publishes literary novels, full-length short story collections, poetry, creative nonfiction, book-length essays, and essay collections. CHP does not accept submissions of anthologies or books for children or young adults.

If you have a nonfiction book proposal or ideas that you think we may be interested in, please get in touch. At this stage submit a brief outline of the proposal plus other relevant info, and a short text sample within the body of the email. Do not include attachments. Allow four weeks for a reply (send a gentle reminder if you haven’t heard from us in that time). Note: Headpress isn’t publishing fiction, prose or poetry. 

House of Anansi is open to submissions twice a year, for a one-month period each, beginning August 1 and February 1. During these periods, you will be able to submit your work through our online portal here. We accept works of fiction, narrative nonfiction, and poetry, and ask that you do not send us a project unless you have a completed draft. Eligible writers must not currently have an agent and must not have previously published a book. Please note that Anansi is only able to consider submissions from Canadian citizens or residents.

Ig Publishing is a New York-based award-winning independent press dedicated to publishing original literary fiction and political and cultural nonfiction. 







Please forward the newsletter in its entirety. To reprint any editorials, contact for permission. Please do not assume that acknowledgements listed in your publication is considered a valid right to publish.

C. Hope Clark
140-A Amicks Ferry Road #4
Chapin, SC 29036

Copyright 2000-2021, C. Hope Clark
ISSN: 1533-1326

**Note that places paid advertising in this newsletter, ALL ads being related to writers and the business of writing, screened by FundsforWriters to make sure the information is suitable for writers and their endeavors to improve their careers. But the mailing list is not sold to third parties. You will not receive this newsletter without your permission. It's physically impossible since recipients must opt-in, giving us permission to send the newsletter. If at any time you no longer with to receive the newsletter, click the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of each newsletter. We want you to enjoy this newsletter at your pleasure, not be forced to read anything you do not wish to receive. The website is not advertised using unsolicited messages by Aweber, affiliates or other third parties. Direct any complaints, suggestions, and accolades to Hope Clark at We are an anti-spam site.